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Everything posted by Livelyhound

  1. I believe you meant to say: This thread started with a huge ego. //well it's what I read, even if wasn't
  2. PVP MM Sniper. 1. Depends who you are playing. Generally you get left alone until you annoy someone enough by repeatedly killing them. Against good teams you're dead before you can get a single ambush off. I.e. you are percieved as no threat at all or a top threat to put in the respawn box. There is rarely a point inbetween where you get the occasional bit of agro your way but are left alone a bit also. 2. Pretty ordinary outside of defence. For the most part we arn't taking objectives, were defending them. The slower mobility than other classes coupled with the slow set up going into cover, means you just can't get between objectives fast enough, so you defend more often than not. You can hardly run the huttball, so you try to take mid. You stay on east or south in NC, you hit up mid or your side in CW. The biggest problem with that is you can't solo defend because one good stealther will kill you very fast. Heaven forbid there are two. Our lack of stealth or stealth scan means that our defence has a big hole and that's the area we are supposed to shine in as an area denial class. How can you deny the enemy an area if you can't see them? Any of the stealth classes make for a better turret/door defender realistically. The only time our defence shines is in huttball and even then a tanksin is better thanks to pull and stealth. Other than that: We are an excellent distraction. We are a pest that if played well enough will get the attention of enough people to force them to come kill us. Once that happens it's a case of try to survive as long as possible to maintain the distraction so that someone else can nab the objective. The biggest problem we have is once people decide to kill us there's no real solution except to kill them first and doing all white damage for the most part it takes too long. We have no escape mechanisms. You have to stay in cover and just tank the damage with cc, shield probe, evasion, ballistic shield and dampers. And by the time you set those defences up evasion is ended so is any cc and the other defences are then not enough to survive long. As a glass cannon you expect to die, but to have no real escape even on a long CD is a bit meh because we can't kite. With kiting, we have to move which would be great if it wasnt for the reliance on cover for our dps and defence. So you sit and try to take the hits. ( Cover is supposed to help here but doesn't really because force tech bypass the +20% defence and a lot of the other classes have a ton of accuracy otherwise tank classes would be invicible. The single best thing you could do for the class is boost the cover defensive bonus with +20% force/tech resistance. ) This is especially true on maps that have no good vantage points. Take Novare Coast you have to be in a position to see inside the bunker to defend it. That for the most part puts you out in the open, and you have no nice vantage point that cant be easily run to in under 5 seconds and there a nice bunch of handy obstacles so people can los you as they do so. Good dps, but... Not the best thanks to defensive stats affecting all our main hits. Given that is all we really do, it's a bit horrible. Finally, we have issues. Namely cover bugs and it being too easy to get us out of cover unless entrench is up. The reduced mobility, increased set up time, skill lockouts and come-hit-me marker giving mostly just interrupt immunity is not enough imho. It's a great idea and I like it but its only real saving grace is entrench. To sum up Personally I love my sniper, its a most interesting class to play and a good challenge. I love the idea of cover I just wish it worked all the time and the benefits were a marginally better. I feel I have little to offer on NC, CW that other classes can't do better. I feel most useful in Huttball and VS is a mixed bag. I get that stealth is probably supposed to be our big weakness, but then we are weak offensively against true tanks, and then we are weak defensively against force/tech heavy classes, and then you go give some specs a leap to cover, and then you give us no escape mechanism and then you give us Entrench to try to redress the balance. In other words if you are left alone all is well in the world, but if you are any good as a sniper you are never left alone and you spend a lot of time in the respawn box. Thus I percieve my AC to be a dps support class, that is 70% defensive support.
  3. Guys guys this guy got it right it should be exaclty like that, an orbital strike by ion cannon should definately kill the caster if they hit themselves. Realisticly its a huge, enormous orbital platform based ion cannon! Anything in the aoe radius should die in 1 shot! /end sarcasm Realism in SWTOR
  4. I was thinking about it and the simplest answer to me seems to be: Add elemental / internal resistance augments. Thus people could choose to swap out dps augs for defence/resistance augs and it would help tanks actually take tanks stats in pvp for example, and would allow everyone the option of reduced Pyro damage if they so chose. Seemed to me to be the least intrusive fix all round as it gives players choice without wielding the nerf bat or massively affecting balance... more of a nudge if you will towards equality.
  5. Which is a self root... so prevent roots on you by rooting yourself in place... genius why didnt i think of that P.s. Against roots affecting resolve.
  6. Aye bolster is your answer. And the possibilty that the player was messing around using purple gear to further improve the bolster buff, creating huge imbalance
  7. Plasma probe = area denial by your standard. it does not apply a damage over time to a person preventing a cap. It provides area damage that if you come into its area you will regret it or leave of your own volition. If they stop PP, then they have to stop OS and any other area effects like it.
  8. I dont, I'm MM so I use suppresive fire, hence my earlier edited point But honestly they wont change it, it's in our dev stated class design, area denial.
  9. Really what server? My server targets me all the damn time , which is just they way I like it!
  10. The devs stated that a sniper's role was area denial, now you want to remove their ability to deny an area P.s. kill the sniper Edit: Incidentally if you stop this from doing it then we just spam suppresive fire, which you can keep going for basically forever, its the Marksman's poor-mans version of plamsa probe area deinal
  11. I know it's funny how the back and forth goes in the thread but at the end of the day that class breakdown really says it all. Although I wish we could get the unique player count for each class. Im guessing at about 4 unique players for all the classes that have a 20 count.
  12. These were also posted earlier, OP might want to edit and add them to the first post. Dunno if they are exactly what you are looking for but they might help a little. Healing Numbers: Class # Median HLG Average HLG Sorc/Sage 272 377k 401k Op/Scoundrel 113 341k 374k Merc/Commando 98 306k 363k More data from the 124 ranked WZs. These are all averages and only for DPS players. CLASS/ Kills/ Deaths/ Kills per Life/ Objectives PowerTech/Vanguard 34 7 4.86 5100 Marauders/Sentinels 27 6 4.50 6300 Snipers/Gunslingers 39 6 6.50 8500 Jugg/Guardian 28 5 5.60 9075 Sorc/Sage 33 10 3.30 7600 Shadow/Assassin 27 6 4.50 9150 Operative/Scoundrel 31 7 4.43 8950 Merc/Commando 24 8 3.00 7450 Top Kills Class: Snipers/Gunslingers (actually healers were the top but that's another story) Class that Dies the Most: Sorc/Sage Top Kills per Life Class: Snipers/Gunslingers (again, AOE) Top Objectives Class: Jugg/Guardian Thus pyro av. dmg / kill = ~ 10.7K (av dmg / avg kills : 364K dmg / 34 kills ) Thus pyro av. dmg / death = 52K
  13. One further point of note that has gone unremarked : in 124 rwz chances are they fought teams more than once. Lets say on average they fought each team 5 times. Then from their numbers there are 4 merc / commandos across the 3 servers. I.e. 1 server has 2 and the other two servers have 1. I find that a bit worrysome. Conversely they may have fought one team many many times that was mara heavy thus again skewing the class distribution numbers. Would it be possible to get a number of unique players per class listing?
  14. Interesting post. I know its a bit of an ask gathering the data from screenshots but could you post the avearge deaths / kills etc also. Plus as others have said class counts were to me the most important observations. I mean for three of the classes posted there is a 1 in 6 game chance of seeing them in a warzone out of 8 players. ( 20 players out of 120 matches ) That's pretty appalling really and chances are they are only there because they are either best buds with the rest to the team or a truely exceptional player. I.e. they are over-representing their class .
  15. Having the cover pulse not work also. Maybe 1 in 10 times I got a decent effect the rest maybe 1 -3 m only. Ambush-ping seemed to be reliable enough though. Not only are they leaping to me in cover it is removing me from cover too, very frustrating. Nothing seemed to be able to stop them. Cover+Entrench at 30m and still leapt too
  16. Indeed and winning is fun! Unlike standing at mid doing naff all whislt your leapers sprinters and so on run in and score. Once mid is controlled at the start you do very little as your opposition is on defensive mode trying to clear their end third of the map of your offense.
  17. Neither does my sniper, huttball is my favourite map on that toon. However, you get medals for defence (killing people in your endzone) you get medals for attack (killing players in their endzone) you get medals for defence (killing the ball carrier), and medals for attack (scoring), but you don't get medals for standing around mid waiting for someone to show up, nor do you get them for killing someone at mid (unless they have the huttball) In other words there are specific medals for offense zones and defensive zones but non for mid defence/offence/control zone. You see the point?
  18. Heh, this would imply that Bioware fail to understand Huttball, because the only thing you don't get medals for in there is controlling mid and y'know if controlling mid was important then it would have a reward, dont'cha think? Furthermore the implication from stmart was that some classes do have GOD mode in huttball and some do not... thus leading to those that don't saying please can I have GOD mode too, because who wants to be USEFUL only when you can be GOD mode and thus useful and more!
  19. That's what the mvp votes are for really but they don't work because the your attacking team in the instance above don't see your 3 stuns, 1 pull, 1 root , slow whatever preventing the defenders stop your bomber. The people who do see are the opposing team. Which is why I have been advocating mvp votes being given to your opposing team not to your team. It would give a much better reflection on most valuable player. Then all they would need to do is make mvp votes actually rewarding. My 2c
  20. Then why on earth would you be so dumb as to post in a thread specifically asking for help? You appear to not be an adept at any philosophy so far judging by your responses in this thread. Back on topic: Oh and forgot ot mention earlier, that it's worth picking up the smoke bomb as a MM, not just for your own defensive use but to also help out your healers. If you notice a melee/ranged heavy class like us snipers hitting one of your healers use your smoke for their benefit.
  21. What a crock of... Your earlier post had no encouragement in it whatsoever, you know " to get better on his own" It also had no teaching on how to come up with a good strategy, you know NO "teaching a man to fish" AT ALL. You spout so much rubbish about yourself on this forum it's just funny.
  22. Do you ever post anything positve? I cannot think of a single helpful thing I have ever seen you write, making you the most detrimental player on this forum.
  23. Depends a bit on what class you are fighting but for the most part as a mm I don't bother with dart unless fighting someone whos likely to stealth without a cleanse. Don't use flashbang on someone youre shooting at its pointless as it will break on the very next shot leaving them much more cc resistant because flash hits for a lot of resolve. Going with your current rotation you might want to swap legshot in there instead. You want to put explosvie probe in your rotation somewhere, I put it usually before ambush. I also tend to save ambush against melee toons for later in my rotation becuase of the attached talented knockback on it. Against a ranged what you have works. You also want to work adrenals, relics etc into your rotation. After that I would hop onto the sniper class forums and have a look around, theres a few good threads there. Edit: Oh also once you are under attack remember to cover -> get shot/hit a bit -> re-cover to reset ballistic dampers. Oh and double also don't focus on the guy hitting you, focus on the target you were on. Use cover pulse to shake the person hitting you and leave them alone, that roots them in place for 5 secs, if you hit you them you only get a 2 second root, so hit your primary target, notice a nme hitting you, cover pulse, hit your current target for 4 seconds, swap to the guy trying to hit you, ambush-kb, to ping them away, re-target your primary guy and shoot a bit more, as the guy tries to hit you again, debilitate, shoot your primary, back to incoming guy, flashbang for 8 secs more time on your primary, evade for 3 more seconds of defence whilst you polish off your target, leg shot the dude attacking you, and run away, with a 5 sec head start This should let you take care of the person you actually want to kill whilst negating your incoming oppenent for the most part. YMMV depending on his cc breakers. I had another thought It's up to you but I tend to not use aoes on my mm for offence cos it keeps you in combat. I therefore dont use orbital strike often or frag grenade. The exceptions being voidstar and novare as you get good nme clusters so its sorta worth it. However I prefer to single target so that I can kill it and exit combat and then regen energy and hp between fights fast. This means I don't have to watch my energy level half so much so I burn a lot of energy inefficient casts to lay on the damage as fast as possible, thus killing my target but having little energy left afterwards. If you aoe with this approach you tend to get stuck in combat and energy starve. So it all depends on the circumstances, but take the opening of huttball where 3 or more people cluster at mid for the ball, tempting for OS, frag and suppresive fire but you are unlikely kill them all and so you are then stuck in combat needing to watch your energy much more. You may find that not aoe'ing whilst on offence suits you better and lets you regen energy faster, keeping you in more fights at peak potential rather than being energy starved, which may be a cause of your low damage output at the moment. Just a thought.
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