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Telling Others to Create New Characters Won't Solve Anything!!


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No, I am saying they appealed to their own fanbase, used the Star Wars IP and wielded the publishing power of EA..

Sorry but I can't agree to that. It makes no sense mimic a known successfull game if your goal is a specific market target. The only reason to adopt a known "winning" formula is target a wider market than just a specific group, specially when it was poved that that group is pretty small (between 500K-250K, numbers made by SWG)

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I love this game... I do not know what to say lol. I have two toons at 50 that I do some dailies and raids with. I do not know, I just find that fun. I am super excited to lvl a JK finally (Its Fing Star Wars, I do not know why I have waited 6 months lol) I also just lvled an Assassin to lvl 12, did some pvp, and its like a whole a new game playing a stealth class in pvp. So now Im looking forward to that as well. I figure by the time I get the JK and Assassin to lvl 50 the expansion will be out and I will have to start new raids and a new planet. Even then I will not of touched the Smuggler class story. Like I said, I love it.


With all that said, SWTOR fits in to a rotation of things that I love to do. Sometimes I will go on a binge and play SWTOR for 6 hours straight two days in a row. Yet for the most part I find that other games and real life compete for my time. I did not chug SWTOR, so I have a lot left to do.

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"This game does has some things other MMOs don't have, but I'm trying my best to enjoy this game with my friends and guilds and still support it. Sadly, I'm also finding many of my friends and community-mates leaving for games like Guild Wars 2 and it's just sad. "


Out of curiosity I looked up the GW2 web site. I realize that the game is not yet out, but from what I've seen on their OFFICIAL site, GW2 art work looks awful. Where are the luscious graphics? Every image looks like sketches still in the conceptualization stage of development. If what I've seen so far is GW2's finished product, SWTOR has nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, to worry about.


And hell, I'm far from being a fanboi for SWTOR, but I've yet to see a better MMO. Not saying it'll never happen, but I'm just not seeing anything on the market (or in the pipeline) that compares to this game.


You looked at the website, and because it wasn't to your liking you think TOR has nothing to be afraid of? Because it's the quality of the game that matters its how the front page of the web site looks?

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Yeah, it's not out yet, but some of my friends have already played the beta, and they're saying things on how GW2 has just stuff that's better than SWTOR. I don't know how to speak on their behalf since I've never played GW2, but I probably never will anyways.


It's just really sad to see the direction this MMO is headed. Not pretty. :(


I played GW2 during the weekend beta for pre-orders for about 6 hours. It wasn’t fun, the graphics aren’t that great. Overall I think SWTOR is much more fun to play, for me. Others won’t agree with my opinion, fine. GW2 is the first game I ever pre-ordered, then canceled after playing the beta, it was that bad to me.


I’ll be sticking with SWTOR for the foreseeable future. Though, they are getting close to my unsub limit with the lack of content they promised would be in, then said sorry, it will be in within the first 6 months, then the first year. They have a lil over 4 month to get that stuff in, or I’ll be finding a new habit.

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SWTOR put way too much on the storytelling- playing TSW you see a game that has not as good cinematics, but more creative questing (though the combat is a bit more clunky). Regardless, few other games compete for casual pve with SWTOR- pretty much TSW is the only competition right now. For hardcore pve WoW is way ahead in raiding and grinding mechanics.


Yet, SWTOR's pvp is grindy, uninspired and the ranked and open world pvp decisions they've made are terrible- not to mention the game's awful balancing is now legendary as pretty much the worst balanced pvp games in years.


It's not even a question that GW2 is going to beat SWTOR hard in pvp matters- but at this point, SWTOR beat itself, and the plummeting subs after 1.2 proves it... BW didn't need GW2 to lose their pvp playerbase when they did it themselves.


GW2 however isn't going to take anyone for the pve aspect- as good as the pvp is, the pve in GW2 is awful... but that's no surprise, that'd be like being surprised when the new CoD game has a terrible 2 hour long campaign.

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"This game does has some things other MMOs don't have, but I'm trying my best to enjoy this game with my friends and guilds and still support it. Sadly, I'm also finding many of my friends and community-mates leaving for games like Guild Wars 2 and it's just sad. "


Out of curiosity I looked up the GW2 web site. I realize that the game is not yet out, but from what I've seen on their OFFICIAL site, GW2 art work looks awful. Where are the luscious graphics? Every image looks like sketches still in the conceptualization stage of development. If what I've seen so far is GW2's finished product, SWTOR has nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, to worry about.


And hell, I'm far from being a fanboi for SWTOR, but I've yet to see a better MMO. Not saying it'll never happen, but I'm just not seeing anything on the market (or in the pipeline) that compares to this game.







Are you sure it's not the Star Warsness?


Because WAR is a much better PvP and RvR (not hard RvR-wise as their is none in SWTOR) MMORPG and even PvE-wise I wouldn't say SWTOR has that much over it.


LOTRO certainly has as much PvE-wise (and soon more with mounted combat perhaps).


Even Rift is there or there abouts, and if it had a SW skin it would be better.


SWTOR isn't bad, but with it's flaws and well as strengths it's not to me pulling ahead of those mentioned (never mind the game that must not be mentioned).

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Are you saying BW/EA made a huge budget game to loose money?


Look at how far the subs have dropped- it'll easily be below 500k after GW2 comes out, which is below what they want for it to be profitable.


So, it seems like they did.

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"This game does has some things other MMOs don't have, but I'm trying my best to enjoy this game with my friends and guilds and still support it. Sadly, I'm also finding many of my friends and community-mates leaving for games like Guild Wars 2 and it's just sad. "


Out of curiosity I looked up the GW2 web site. I realize that the game is not yet out, but from what I've seen on their OFFICIAL site, GW2 art work looks awful. Where are the luscious graphics? Every image looks like sketches still in the conceptualization stage of development. If what I've seen so far is GW2's finished product, SWTOR has nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, to worry about.


And hell, I'm far from being a fanboi for SWTOR, but I've yet to see a better MMO. Not saying it'll never happen, but I'm just not seeing anything on the market (or in the pipeline) that compares to this game.


Your point is moot. Look at Warcraft and how outdated their graphics are....


The thing with GW2 there is A TON of things to do. WAY more than SWTOR.


If you want, watch:

for an Honest opinion.


Also GW2 does not have a sub fee, it's Pay2Play. So why not still play both? :)

Edited by MrLeee
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Yep, making new characters is only delaying the inevitable. I'm still quite happy with SWtOR but in a few more months I will have seen everything I want to see and then, sadly, it's off to pastures new.


This is what I think a new character is a band aid. It will stop the bleegding for a week or two but it is no long term fix, while a new speices unlock may get me to re do a story or maybe try out another class, 4 stores down I know that a lot of the game will be repetative world arc if I play again.

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GW2 art work looks awful. Where are the luscious graphics? Every image looks like sketches still in the conceptualization stage of development. If what I've seen so far is GW2's finished product, SWTOR has nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, to worry about.


Have u played the Beta and saw an awful game?


Or are u just babbling nonsense by looking at pics?

Edited by EduardoJN
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Yet, SWTOR's pvp is grindy, uninspired and the ranked and open world pvp decisions they've made are terrible- not to mention the game's awful balancing is now legendary as pretty much the worst balanced pvp games in years.


It's not even a question that GW2 is going to beat SWTOR hard in pvp matters- but at this point, SWTOR beat itself, and the plummeting subs after 1.2 proves it... BW didn't need GW2 to lose their pvp playerbase when they did it themselves.


GW2 however isn't going to take anyone for the pve aspect- as good as the pvp is, the pve in GW2 is awful... but that's no surprise, that'd be like being surprised when the new CoD game has a terrible 2 hour long campaign.

I played 2 BWEs and did both PVE and PVP.

I agree with your opinion about PVP, but I disagree about PVE. Two Reasons:

1st) I found PVE really fun and inspired (personal opinion of course), at least what I had chance to test (my highest level in BWEs was 17). Combat is very fast and dinamic, with dodges and combos, and there is no GDC.

2nd) Combat mechacnics is exactly the same for both PVE and PVP. If it's fun at PVP it is also fun at PVE.


Said that...,

it's GW2 going to kill WOW? Certainly not becasue GW2 allows players keep their WoW subs.

It's GW2 going to kill SWTOR? Certainly not because of the same reasons it won't kill WoW.

Edited by Diktat
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"This game does has some things other MMOs don't have, but I'm trying my best to enjoy this game with my friends and guilds and still support it. Sadly, I'm also finding many of my friends and community-mates leaving for games like Guild Wars 2 and it's just sad. "


Out of curiosity I looked up the GW2 web site. I realize that the game is not yet out, but from what I've seen on their OFFICIAL site, GW2 art work looks awful. Where are the luscious graphics? Every image looks like sketches still in the conceptualization stage of development. If what I've seen so far is GW2's finished product, SWTOR has nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, to worry about.


And hell, I'm far from being a fanboi for SWTOR, but I've yet to see a better MMO. Not saying it'll never happen, but I'm just not seeing anything on the market (or in the pipeline) that compares to this game.


Guild Wars art looks awful?


Is that why they win awards for their art?


Is that why their art is featured on Conceptart.org (You probably never heard of it because you probably aren't even an artist)


Do you know what conceptual art is? Do you even know what the word "concept" means?


Have you played any games where the concept art looks exactly like whats in game?


Have you seen that the Guild Wars 2 conceptal art transition to in-game is much better than the actual art?


Are you even an artist?


So many Mr. Know_It_Alls who are really ------


it's disturbing.

Edited by Tiaa
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Your point is moot. Look at Warcraft and how outdated their graphics are....


The thing with GW2 there is A TON of things to do. WAY more than SWTOR.


If you want, watch:

for an Honest opinion.


Also GW2 does not have a sub fee, it's Pay2Play. So why not still play both? :)


Seriously? No, really, seriously?


I checked out the first minute of that very long clip. To be honest, GW2 doesn't not look like it's designed for adults. I'd say the primary demographic target would be boys (and girls) aged 13 - 18 -- mostly high school age. As an adult, I found that video clip laughable.


Of course that doesn't address the game's mechanics, and they may truly be revolutionary; but I found the toons in that clip to be unappealingly childish. I don't care if it's F2P or even if they PAID you to play it...


Nope, no TY, for all it's many, many faults, flaws, and irritations, I'm sticking with SWTOR until something better comes along.

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"This game does has some things other MMOs don't have, but I'm trying my best to enjoy this game with my friends and guilds and still support it. Sadly, I'm also finding many of my friends and community-mates leaving for games like Guild Wars 2 and it's just sad. "


Out of curiosity I looked up the GW2 web site. I realize that the game is not yet out, but from what I've seen on their OFFICIAL site, GW2 art work looks awful. Where are the luscious graphics? Every image looks like sketches still in the conceptualization stage of development. If what I've seen so far is GW2's finished product, SWTOR has nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, to worry about.


And hell, I'm far from being a fanboi for SWTOR, but I've yet to see a better MMO. Not saying it'll never happen, but I'm just not seeing anything on the market (or in the pipeline) that compares to this game.


WHAT are you TALKING about? Having played all three beta weekend events, I can tell you right now that the game's graphics blow SWTOR out of the water. The environments are beautiful and the character design is far better than 9 different versions of the same humanoid. Also, unlike SWTOR (which is devoid of flavor and utterly sterile), the world is alive. Everywhere you go, it's teeming with life and the cities are massive and active with NPCs going about their business, talking to one another, and living their virtual lives. All SWTOR had going for it, in my eyes, was PvE raiding content. GW2 does EVERYTHING else better.

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Out of curiosity I looked up the GW2 web site. I realize that the game is not yet out, but from what I've seen on their OFFICIAL site, GW2 art work looks awful. Where are the luscious graphics?


Considering that the whole game is supposed to resemble an oil pointing more than "OH SUPER REALISTIC CRYSIS-LIKE PHOTOREALISTIC GRAPHIX, CANT TELL BETWEEN REAL WORLD AND GAME", I don't know what the problem is. MMOs are not supposed to be benchmark games with graphics only 1% of the consumers' computers will handle. I'll take GW2's art style over SWTOR's "trying to look like Star Wars and 70s comics, but due to lack of polygons ends up looking like ****" any day of the week.

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WHAT are you TALKING about? Having played all three beta weekend events, I can tell you right now that the game's graphics blow SWTOR out of the water. The environments are beautiful and the character design is far better than 9 different versions of the same humanoid. Also, unlike SWTOR (which is devoid of flavor and utterly sterile), the world is alive. Everywhere you go, it's teeming with life and the cities are massive and active with NPCs going about their business, talking to one another, and living their virtual lives. All SWTOR had going for it, in my eyes, was PvE raiding content. GW2 does EVERYTHING else better.


Don't worry.


They did the samething with Diablo 3.


Talked about how "bad" it looked etc and doing the samething with GW2.


Yet that didn't stop floods of players from leaving.

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This is what I think a new character is a band aid. It will stop the bleegding for a week or two but it is no long term fix, while a new speices unlock may get me to re do a story or maybe try out another class, 4 stores down I know that a lot of the game will be repetative world arc if I play again.

I also don't know what'll happen when they increase the level cap. All that grinding for nothing? :o


I'd also imagine a new species not change anything in the story because you'll still have the same type of story quests to do with the only classes available. :(

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Maybe a month ago I was still relatively excited with all the content on TOR because I'm not much of an endgame player, and enjoy creating new characters and playing through the storylines. Now I think it's all pretty bland and boring -- there's been many times when I'd just log into the game, choose a character I want to do a nice evening marathon of PvP and immerse myself in other content. Then I'd just log out, because I realize how low-grade and lacking this game really is, at least right now.


It's so obvious people in the community want more endgame, social and other content. What do the devs do? Plan to release a new playable species in hopes of it encouraging players to create new Cathar characters. Why not include Trandoshans, Togruta, Sullustans, Rodians and all the other species we all love -- in one bundle?


Maybe I'm impatient or being juvenile. It's just so dismaying to see this highly anticipated game dry up in a matter of a few months after its release. I don't think Bioware was fully prepared with a backup plan or anything to answer the simple demands players are making now.


I'd also imagine a new species not change anything in the story because you'll still have the same type of story quests to do with the only classes available.

You know, it really brings out the desperation of the development teams with the current climate. They think adding one new playable species will compensate, at least for a short period, the real needs of the players.

Edited by AscendantOps
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Maybe a month ago I was still relatively excited with all the content on TOR because I'm not much of an endgame player, and enjoy creating new characters and playing through the storylines. Now I think it's all pretty bland and boring -- there's been many times when I'd just log into the game, choose a character I want to do a nice evening marathon of PvP and immerse myself in other content. Then I'd just log out, because I realize how low-grade and lacking this game really is, at least right now.


It's so obvious people in the community want more endgame, social and other content. What do the devs do? Plan to release a new playable species in hopes of it encouraging players to create new Cathar characters. Why not include Trandoshans, Togruta, Sullustans, Rodians and all the other species we all love -- in one bundle?


Maybe I'm impatient or being juvenile. It's just so dismaying to see this highly anticipated game dry up in a matter of a few months after its release. I don't think Bioware was fully prepared with a backup plan or anything to answer the simple demands players are making now.



You know, it really brings out the desperation of the development teams with the current climate. They think adding one new playable species will compensate, at least for a short period, the real needs of the players.

I'm not sure if they're desperate, but it's just sad.


I wanted to epic and immersed space battles. Space is something so epic in the Star Wars saga that making it an improved clone of Star Fox was a complete joke. They just got uber lazy with the space part. I mean, why would they think any of their fan-base would like that at all? It just doesn't add up. :confused: There have been quite a few players here on these forums actually say they do enjoy it, but let's face, those are 1% of the community that probably wanted a new Star Fox game. SWTOR gave that to them.


Another thing I wanted was land battles that would occur once the enemy has penetrated the fleets in space to come down and possibly control the planet. I wanted all these battles to have a reason, and to see which faction would gain the upper hand. This battle may take place during the Cold War, but we've fought the Imperials on here before through PvE and it does occur during Open World PvP, too (if there is any :o).


This has also gotten me possibly go at it and create my own SW MMO in the future. I just see this game only getting better for those that love the story and don't mind all of the side-quests that they don't spacebar and don't see this game as a grindfest. This has also gotten me to think that maybe this should have just been KOTOR3.


I just, I'm so disappointed and I'm not surprised that the majority of the servers are going down in population again. :(

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Im defenatly going to be watching the lolgw2 forums for the lulz after a couple of months to watch the trolls and MMO nomads flame it endlessly for the same things they piss and moan about here.....and in every other single MMO on the planet earth.
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"This game does has some things other MMOs don't have, but I'm trying my best to enjoy this game with my friends and guilds and still support it. Sadly, I'm also finding many of my friends and community-mates leaving for games like Guild Wars 2 and it's just sad. "


Out of curiosity I looked up the GW2 web site. I realize that the game is not yet out, but from what I've seen on their OFFICIAL site, GW2 art work looks awful. Where are the luscious graphics? Every image looks like sketches still in the conceptualization stage of development. If what I've seen so far is GW2's finished product, SWTOR has nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, to worry about.


And hell, I'm far from being a fanboi for SWTOR, but I've yet to see a better MMO. Not saying it'll never happen, but I'm just not seeing anything on the market (or in the pipeline) that compares to this game.


So who payed you to say that, although swtor isnt a terrible game it does have its flaws and i can say GW2 art style is 10x tors is, just putting that out there....

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"This game does has some things other MMOs don't have, but I'm trying my best to enjoy this game with my friends and guilds and still support it. Sadly, I'm also finding many of my friends and community-mates leaving for games like Guild Wars 2 and it's just sad. "


Out of curiosity I looked up the GW2 web site. I realize that the game is not yet out, but from what I've seen on their OFFICIAL site, GW2 art work looks awful. Where are the luscious graphics? Every image looks like sketches still in the conceptualization stage of development. If what I've seen so far is GW2's finished product, SWTOR has nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, to worry about.


And hell, I'm far from being a fanboi for SWTOR, but I've yet to see a better MMO. Not saying it'll never happen, but I'm just not seeing anything on the market (or in the pipeline) that compares to this game.


Look up GW2 on youtube, the betas aren't closed any more and there are some decent HD graphics there. For GW2, like SWTOR, you have to like the style of art. If you don't, it'll look like crap to you. I like the scenery and hate the character models, personally. And I'm still going to play it for the lack of lag in PvP (game-play trumps graphics for me).

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