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Pro-skippers, politeness will get you further


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I've been very lucky with group finder, but then i use it with my 2 tanks, not hard to find a new group it it comes to it. I always politlely ask "can we spacebar?" at the start of all fp's followed by " have you all run this before?"


Politeness goes a long way, and if I recall, never had any objections when I use manners.


That said, group finder loves giving me the sub-teen suicidal aggro grabbing DPS player with major OCD issues when it comes to clicking on the gun turret on Kaon. The rest of group jumps to high ground and many lol's ensue.


No offence to any dps players btw, its just the ones with manner/maturity problems are almost exclusively mdps

I think by the time you get to be doing HM FPs that it is reversed. It should be assumed that you are not there for the story by that point, and if you want to make everyone else watch the cut scenes you should politely ask if they mind. I still believe that the OP was griefing.

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I think by the time you get to be doing HM FPs that it is reversed. It should be assumed that you are not there for the story by that point, and if you want to make everyone else watch the cut scenes you should politely ask if they mind. I still believe that the OP was griefing.


I agree wholeheartedly.

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If you want to watch cut scenes that's fine, but just don't get mad when i space bar through them, afk to get coffee / let the dog outside/ whatever and a conversation choice pops up while I am gone and you got to wait on me while it times out.


That is your loss. Also is very counter-productive to someone who wants to get out of the flashpoint as fast as they can. Your call though.

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Life isn't worth living being angry and pissed off all the time.


I usually accept that in PUG runs someone wants to watch the story. Sometimes that person is me! It usually takes a minute to get through most talking sequences.


Life isn't worth being rude and obnoxious. If someone wants to see the story, let them. Your epics can wait. Life doesn't revolve around you.

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I think by the time you get to be doing HM FPs that it is reversed. It should be assumed that you are not there for the story by that point, and if you want to make everyone else watch the cut scenes you should politely ask if they mind. I still believe that the OP was griefing.


There are lots of folks, including myself, who did not do a lot of flashpoints while leveling up and in the Hard Modes is the first time we have experienced the story. Don't assume anything, especially that folks want to skip the scenes like you do.

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If I bought a story-driven game, subscribed to a story-driven game, and want to watch the story in said story-driven game, what gave you the right to make me spacebar through it?


"Don't be selfish and make 3 people wait". Who gave you the authority to instantly assume that each and every one in the team [except one] wants to skip too? What if there are two other people who want to do it in story mode-- who bails out of the group then?


"You should tell everyone that you want to do story mode if you're not gonna skip". Most of the people who want to watch the cutscenes are new to the cutscenes. There is a large possibility too that they have never seen the cutscenes because they are new to the flashpoint. Which also leads to the small possibility that they are NEW TO THE GAME. How the hell are they supposed to know what "story mode" you're talking about?


I agree with what the other posters said: the default mode is story mode, because this is-- surprise! -- a story-based MMO. If you wanna race through the scenes, YOU look for people who want to skip the cutscenes. It doesn't work the other way around, where people who want to watch the cutscenes are persecuted for wanting so.

Edited by ChillWinterheart
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Kind of looks like the OP is trolling




Can't take seriously anyone who claims watching all the cutscenes takes only 3 minutes in BT.


In BT if you do things the slow way, it can easily take more than 90 minutes to complete the FP while it could be done in less than 15 minutes if you go for a fast run.

We are taking about huge amount of time wasted there.


And first of all, if you want to watch all the cutscenes in BT, you can GO SOLO THE STORYMODE, anyone level 17+ (and many people even lower than that) can just solo it, and then you can take all the time you want without bothering anyone else.


Just because you "enjoy" watching the cutscene does not give you the right to make the fp run unenjoyable for 3 other people. Stop being a selfish jerk. Why should your enjoyment take priority over the enjoyment of the 3 other people?


And do remember that this is just a game. That means some people may have real life jobs and families and so on. Making a FP run last more than an hour (not 3 minutes but an hour) longer than it would have to take, is a big deal and can cause real serious inconvenience to some people.


In most of the other flashpoints watching the cutscenes may be alright (if you aren't being a jerk about it and slowing it down just for the sake of slowing it) but if someone is not skipping in Black Talon, I would see vote to kick and ignore as perfectly good options.


If you want a "speed run" feel free to form your own group and do so, but if you are going to use the LFG and join a random PUG, then you should not expect everyone to share your priorities, and you should not expect a speed run. Also, you do have the option to drop group if someone in the group chooses to watch the cutscenes, or otherwise add time to the flashpoint, costing you "oh so valuable" time.

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There are lots of folks, including myself, who did not do a lot of flashpoints while leveling up and in the Hard Modes is the first time we have experienced the story. Don't assume anything, especially that folks want to skip the scenes like you do.


If that's the case, I'm saying politeness dictates you asking others if they mind watching the cut-scenes at the beginning. What you describe is responding to rude comments with escalated rudeness. Not a good way to get along with people IMO.

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If you're in a hardmode, the expectation people will have is that you've seen the stories before. If you want to see the stories, queue for story mode rather than hard mode.


Otherwise you are being the rude, inconsiderate player. Odd man out and all.


STORY mode.




LFG means random PUG, not necessarily speed run. You should not expect speed runs if you are not willing to invest the time to form your own group beforehand.

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I'm quite social and an officer in my guild, thank you.


Watching the same story over and over again is NOT being social. If you think it is, maybe you need to rethink things.


Further, if in a group of four only one player wants to watch the stories, then that player is in the vast minority and should, being a fine, upstanding, social person, comply with the desires of the rest of the group. As it is, said player can hold the group hostage by refusing to comply... or I suppose he could be vote-kicked.


You suggest skippers manually form groups. People who want to watch the cutscenes in hardmodes are clearly in the minority. Perhaps THEY should manually form groups.


You cannot prove which side is in the minority, so that argument is invalid. If you find yourself in a group in which a player or two wants to watch the cutscenes, you have the option to drop group and re-queue and maybe get a group more to your liking, or you may even find yourself the one who is vote-kicked.

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If that's the case, I'm saying politeness dictates you asking others if they mind watching the cut-scenes at the beginning. What you describe is responding to rude comments with escalated rudeness. Not a good way to get along with people IMO.


It is being rude to advise you not to assume anything about the flashpoint habits of other players?


A player should ask if it is OK to watch the game's cutscenes?


That is absurd.

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Except there's nothing at all stopping you from creating a group of likeminded people from your own guild or friends list and then queueing up as a group through the group finder. It still gets you the BH comms and you can control who's in the group.


Trust me, I do this with my own fairly static group on a nearly daily basis. If we get randomed into BT, we skip most of the cutscenes, except the cool parts where someone dies or there's an amusing line. If we get anything else, we just watch them while we BS in voice.




But I think you miss the common denominator in all the refusals of those wishing speed runs to form their own group, or insistence on skipping cutscenes, optional bosses, trash mobs that can be skipped, etc. Despite all the arguments of having lives outside of the game, limited time or whatever other arguments are put forth, they all boil down to one thing-the "I want it now, as quickly as I can get it, and with as little effort as possible" attitude of the instant gratification crowd.

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last week something funny hapend with groupfinder. when we were send to the fp (mandalorian raiders) the tank skiped the cinematics and agro the first group. when the cinematic ended is saw the tank and other dps die and the healer enterd the fp soon after :D
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If you want to see the story then go do "STORY" mode. 99% of people that do hardmodes are doing it for gear/comms. Save everybody time and spacebar. And what is with people getting a Revan ***** at the end of Malestrom Prison? People will spacebar through the whole FP then the last cut scenes comes and somebody ALWAYS has to watch it. "OMG its Revan!" *** *** ***


People shouldn't be allowed to experience the story because it's on hard mode and the only reason to go is gear/comms. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?

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People shouldn't be allowed to experience the story because it's on hard mode and the only reason to go is gear/comms. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?


How many times do you need to watch something before it gets old?


To me, that number is ONE.


That is the precise number at which something loses it`s novelty. And, after running each and every FP before lvl 50 even, allow me to not give a crap about their story anymore.


Also, allow me to call BS on everyone that claims that a second run is still new and exciting. So, ya.... past the first run, which in some cases happens at lvl 10 and 33 and 37... it`s just the fastest possible grind / run for gear / comms, where 9 out of 10 players would answer instantly YES, to the "Fast run?" question.

Edited by Styxx
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How many times do you need to watch something before it gets old?


To me, that number is ONE.


That is the precise number at which something loses it`s novelty. And, after running each and every FP before lvl 50 even, allow me to not give a crap about their story anymore.


Also, allow me to call BS on everyone that claims that a second run is still new and exciting. So, ya.... past the first run, which in some cases happens at lvl 10 and 33 and 37... it`s just the fastest possible grind / run for gear / comms, where 9 out of 10 players would answer instantly YES, to the "Fast run?" question.


How terrible for you that the number of times you watch something before it stops being fun is greater than 1 for a good many people. You have no right to dictate what is fun to people, and I'll go ahead and say that arguing otherwise makes you selfish. If all you can do is try and deny others the game experience they are paying for, maybe you shouldn't run flashpoints with randoms. Chances are, someone is going to want to watch the cutscene. So as my inquisitor is fond of saying: "You just need to learn to deal".

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How terrible for you that the number of times you watch something before it stops being fun is greater than 1 for a good many people. You have no right to dictate what is fun to people, and I'll go ahead and say that arguing otherwise makes you selfish. If all you can do is try and deny others the game experience they are paying for, maybe you shouldn't run flashpoints with randoms. Chances are, someone is going to want to watch the cutscene. So as my inquisitor is fond of saying: "You just need to learn to deal".


I Second that :)


In all honesty letting people watch the cut scenes is really not a big deal. I don't understand why people are getting all bent out of shape about it. It adds an extra 5 mins maybe to the HM FP.If you are so strapped for time that you can't spare an extra 5 mins, how in the star wars universe did you find the time to play in the first place lol. I actually like it when people don't spacebar, gives me a chance to pour another beer :p


Drunk Healing is always fun haha

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I Second that :)


In all honesty letting people watch the cut scenes is really not a big deal. I don't understand why people are getting all bent out of shape about it. It adds an extra 5 mins maybe to the HM FP.If you are so strapped for time that you can't spare an extra 5 mins, how in the star wars universe did you find the time to play in the first place lol. I actually like it when people don't spacebar, gives me a chance to pour another beer :p


Drunk Healing is always fun haha


I second this. I LOVE have a chance to grab a beer. Less spacebar please.

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Kind of looks like the OP is trolling




Can't take seriously anyone who claims watching all the cutscenes takes only 3 minutes in BT.


In BT if you do things the slow way, it can easily take more than 90 minutes to complete the FP while it could be done in less than 15 minutes if you go for a fast run.

We are taking about huge amount of time wasted there.


And first of all, if you want to watch all the cutscenes in BT, you can GO SOLO THE STORYMODE, anyone level 17+ (and many people even lower than that) can just solo it, and then you can take all the time you want without bothering anyone else.


Just because you "enjoy" watching the cutscene does not give you the right to make the fp run unenjoyable for 3 other people. Stop being a selfish jerk. Why should your enjoyment take priority over the enjoyment of the 3 other people?


And do remember that this is just a game. That means some people may have real life jobs and families and so on. Making a FP run last more than an hour (not 3 minutes but an hour) longer than it would have to take, is a big deal and can cause real serious inconvenience to some people.


In most of the other flashpoints watching the cutscenes may be alright (if you aren't being a jerk about it and slowing it down just for the sake of slowing it) but if someone is not skipping in Black Talon, I would see vote to kick and ignore as perfectly good options.


What is "Story based MMO?" Oh wait Wow players hate story so they don't actually want to do it. When I start a new character I like to listen to story. 2 mins in a cut scene will not kill you.

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How terrible for you that the number of times you watch something before it stops being fun is greater than 1 for a good many people. You have no right to dictate what is fun to people, and I'll go ahead and say that arguing otherwise makes you selfish. If all you can do is try and deny others the game experience they are paying for, maybe you shouldn't run flashpoints with randoms. Chances are, someone is going to want to watch the cutscene. So as my inquisitor is fond of saying: "You just need to learn to deal".


You being one that refuses to spacebar against 3 that do is selfish too. It can go both ways.


And I am not dictating anything. I explained my choice to spacebar.


Also, that game experience you paid for can be found in Story Mode Flashpoints. When you refuse to spacebar as a minority, well, you are dictating how MY money are spent, by interfering with MY time.


I`ll reiterate: If you saw it 5 times already, well, you are arguing over principle and not over content. So, which one is it?

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I Second that :)


In all honesty letting people watch the cut scenes is really not a big deal. I don't understand why people are getting all bent out of shape about it. It adds an extra 5 mins maybe to the HM FP.If you are so strapped for time that you can't spare an extra 5 mins, how in the star wars universe did you find the time to play in the first place lol. I actually like it when people don't spacebar, gives me a chance to pour another beer :p


Drunk Healing is always fun haha


Believe it or not, I am NOT against the ones that are social.


But, when some snotty fellow starts arguing that 3 players must wait so he can watch the same cutscene for the 100th time, well.. that`s asking for it.


He should clearly state his intention as soon as he enters flashpoint, because he IS a minority. Anything further is solely his fault for coming out as argumentative.


So, by all means, watch your precious cutscenes.. but not on Black Talon and be sure I know before we start the flashpoint. It is common courtesy, if anything.

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I'm amazed (well, not really considering) that a simple post asking to excercise simple politeness got to 18 pages like this. Both of the logical sides of the arguments have merit but I think the overall message of the post went over a lot of heads. Being polite (in anything, not just asking to skip the dialogue) will get you a lot. Is it really so hard to simply ask for something as opposed to demanding it?
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I'm amazed (well, not really considering) that a simple post asking to excercise simple politeness got to 18 pages like this. Both of the logical sides of the arguments have merit but I think the overall message of the post went over a lot of heads. Being polite (in anything, not just asking to skip the dialogue) will get you a lot. Is it really so hard to simply ask for something as opposed to demanding it?


Seems that way sir.


Although I will just add that sometimes something written down is read in a different way to that which the author intended. e.g something sarcastic and/or 'jokey' can be read as rude, since you cant get a 'tone' accross in text. The author may read it back to themselves in a jovial cheery manner whilst others may read the same sentence in a rude demanding manner.

Perhaps some people are intending to be rude - although many actually are and have no manners what-so-ever.

Edited by ScrabblePants
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