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server transfer/forced name change is not fair to long-term players....


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The fact that long term players who pre-ordered and have been playing since beta are now having to find new names for characters because we are all being hastily forced onto one server is ridiculous and so poorly conceived I could rant for days!


I logged on in the first hour of the first day to get and reserve names I wanted for my characters! I pre-paid over 150 dollars for the collector's edition to do so! And no I am being told tough **** basically? I have to move and if anyone on that one server you are forcing us all onto has my name I get screwed? I will literally have to rename all of my characters (which I won't do. I will quit and ***** until I get a refund for my 8 months of faithful payments).


What the hell is up with the fact that this is one of the more advanced games available and charter identification is still solely reliant on an individual first name for each character on a server? Why the hell do we even have legacy names if the can't serve as last names to further differentiate players/characters? that is too stupid! and not at all congruent with your boasts of wishing to provide players with what they want. I know you have lost many faithful players over this issue. 4 of my friends have already hate-quit this game for the uncaring stance the developers and GM's are taking with this issue.


If I can't keep the names I started with, the names I paid good money and logged on day one and have been paying eight months of monthly fees to have, then you lost another faithful player. At which point you can only hope that the player who you let take my name/s is as willing to pay each month as I would have been willing to if you guys hadn't handled this so poorly and screwed you fans and devoted players so badly!


Why did you guys even mess with the Wall of light server in the first place? It had a perfect population until you messed with it; and all that it accomplished is over crowding the harbinger to the point where it is now no fun to play either; plus how many people have you pissed off by forcing them to find new names for their characters?!


Get smart or lose your fan base! Names mean a lot to players! DUH!!! All the thought you put into this game and that key issue alluded you???? That is so illogical! I will not be moving from the wall of light server until the last possible moment in hopes that you guys figure things out and activate the legacy names as last names to allow players more options to personalize their experience as you promised!


If I do get forced off of the Wall of light because you close it down and then you add insult to injury by making me lose my character's identities you will leave me with no real reason to want to play and trust that things won't just get worse from here. Because I know many, many, many players have voiced these same concerns and if this goes ignored it will be a testament to just how committed and devoted you are to your fan base and loyal players. If you do create a valid solution like using legacy names to further differentiate players/characters before you ruin people's characters and their experience you might even get some of the players who recently quit back instead of losing more.


Life isn't fair. If you are THIS concerned about a name in a pretend fantasy world, then I suggest you get your priorities straight.


Move your characters and log in. Life happens and it isn't fair. Too bad. Move on.

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While I, too, wish they'd have left Wall of Light alone, I have to agree with the folks who point out that a name is a minor thing in the bigger picture. What did you do for alts, or do you only have the one PC in which you've invested eight months? In the end the name is just a tag so that people don't have to call you "Hey, you!"
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Do what everyone else did.


1) Pick a variation using a - or ' like Lu'ke Sky-walker

2) Use a variation that is spelled differently but is phoenetically the same. Spyder instead of Spider.

3) Think of a new name, really its not that big a deal and you're not as special a little snowflake as your parents told you that you were. Don't believe me? Google or search Facebook for your real name and see how many turn up. For most of us that going to be quite a few.

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So i have 17 charactors on 5 servers and they say i have to merge them all to the same server,that sucks. 1. they wont all fit.( yes they say they wont delet toons but wont say what will happen to the 9 left over) 2. the server is usually heavy or very heavy,and on the weekend evenings is usually full. I like my low pop server,and the names i dont want to have to change.
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I will say that as a long time MMO player my character names mean something to me. I guess I come from the era when the name and personality meant something. When that famous tank walked into a town you knew who he/she was by name and reputation. I will not be happy when/if they move my characters and force a name change. Like most of you I was in beta, pre-ordered (CE), and paid to play. I did take a break due to computer issues, but I am back now. I guess we will see what happens.
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obligitory post to support idea that bioware completely failed at mitigating these issues when transfers happened.


pleanty of people made threads about fair ways to rename etc


EA's warhammer had fair renaming policies when they did server merges... and a bunch of those folks used to work with you guys when transfers were happening


i know a lot of people have been laid off, but i just hope the people that are responcible for ignoring the concerns of the customers have been disposed of. unless the culture of the austin devs precipitates some semblance of empathy/mercy for their most loyal supporters (maybe people with the founder title and an always active account get priority?) the downfall of this game will be sickeningly swift (i love this game, but have no love for my characters now)

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Dont be surprised when you find that nobody cares.


Ashara wheres a body suit under her slave girl outfit, there are no chat bubbles, you cant sit in chairs, there is no hid helmt option for companions....WHY?


Ill tell you why.


Because this game is for warzones/flashpoints and leveling storylines.


IT IS Not, for RP and certainly not a vitual starwars mmo. If you wanted virtual world you could have played SWG.


This is not SWG as so many people will tell you.


This is SWTOR, you are not original, your toon is just a pixel icon its not a reflection of yourself.


Who cares about your name anyway, the couple or people you try to RP with on fleet .


You have to learn to accept that the game your playing is not the way you wanted it, but its fun in its own way.

Edited by kirorx
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Bioware makes role playing games. Of all companies to ignore something so integral to the idea of role playing, bioware should have been the last to do it.


It goes to show you what EA does to the companies they buy.


You'd also think maybe they'd respect the concept of RP servers, but didn't enforce even moderate naming rules unless it was a copyrighted or vulgar name. I don't know why they even bothered with RP servers.

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obligitory post to support idea that bioware completely failed at mitigating these issues when transfers happened.


pleanty of people made threads about fair ways to rename etc


EA's warhammer had fair renaming policies when they did server merges... and a bunch of those folks used to work with you guys when transfers were happening



No matter where you come down on the OP's level of angst, the devs handled the name issue mind-blowingly poorly. Everquest 2 had a much better system in place before their first merges in 2007. Why didn't the devs at least take a look at how other games had dealt with the problem?

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It's not fair to Bioware/EA that so many players stopped subscribing to the game after they opened up so many more servers to accomodate them.


See? It works both ways. You get those million players to come back, and they might be persuaded to keep your server open.


I think that most people thought that optional transfers were the first step towards shutting those servers down, and for that reason (never mind having more people to group with, shorter PvP queues, and a more active market) were happy to move in order to have the best chance of keeping their names, or at least having first pick of alternate names.


I mean, I know that I posted my thoughts on the matter on multiple occasions, and I was far from alone in what I felt was coming; What we now know is coming.


So you decided to be a die hard. You decided that the character name mattered more than this, that, and the other. Great.


But Bioware isn't going to keep servers open to accomodate few players. It doesn't make any sense to pay to keep servers up and running when the people there could be shuffled off to other, far healthier servers.


So if now you think that the name is more important than the game, you know what to do.

If, however, you want to stay here and play the game, then I am sure that you can find other names that work for you.


ASCII is an amazing thing. Just sayin'.

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The fact that long term players who pre-ordered ......


...should also know how to work the search function and see there are 20 or so threads of the same nature that he could have used to vent in instead of creating a special snowflake thread.


Get over it ... many of us have been thru it. While I do agree that BW miss managed this whole affair, I nolonger have any sympathy for people who continue to post this canard. It's done ... if you didn't transfer when it was first offered you only have yourself to blame that you are not already thru the 5 phases of denial.


There is nothing you can do about it but to stop playing. If you are that upset, resign yourself to unsub and never buy an EA/BW game again. That is the only thing you can do: vote with your cash.


But, I suspect you will continue to play.

Edited by Urael
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