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Obi-wan vs Revan


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Darth Bane comments on Revan being one of the most powerful Sith known (speculate as you wish).



Meetra Surik's spirit states "The Darkness is Coming" referring to the Sith Emperor. Revan, being the Jedi Prisoner in the Maelstrom Nebula, is said that "When his strength fails, he will Become the Darkness". IE, Revan will become the next Voice of the Emperor. Already powerful, he would "Darken suns and rain ash on lifeless worlds." Meaning he'd destroy life. But that's another matter.



On another Note, Revan is said to have "Learned everything the Jedi Order had to teach." As in, he mastered all the Jedi arts and knowledge. Revan, as the Dark Lord of the Sith, knew more of the Dark Side and more knowledge than the Sith Library on Korriban according to Darth Bane.


Revan novel, with his full memories and skills returned, easily killed a member of the Dark Council and went on to face the Sith Emperor.



Foundry Flashpoint, Revan is confronted by, as far as we know, one of each Class. Which would make sense. That would be Two of the most powerful Sith Lords of the Era; The Emperor's Wrath and the Descendant of Kallig, a Forcewalker with the power of several other Sith Lords and/or their servants. Plus Cipher Nine, an agent of such inhuman skill and ability as to face off against one of the most powerful Dark Council members of the time, and is responsible for killing a number of Jedi and Jedi Masters. And, of course, a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter, who is the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, honored by Mandalore, and has taken out Jedi Masters and monstrous creatures.


Basically, the four most brutal, skilled and intense fighters in the galaxy at the time. It took all four to face Revan in the Foundry, and until we know more, we don't even know if he was even killed. And that was still a battle against Revan who was recovering from being in mental conflict with the Sith Emperor for three centuries and was only recently released from the Maelstrom Prison, so it's hard to say how much of his strength had returned by then.



Regardless, Reborn Revan has been both Jedi and Sith, with the power of Both. Obi-Wan's force abilities are lacking and the only thing he can really rely on is his Soresu form. Which amounts from little to nothing in the face of overwhelming power.

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Doesn't mean squat. Lucas said the most powerful jedi / sith ever was Palpantine.


Which doesn't mean squat jack effing steamy batha poodoo because Sid isn't even part of the conversation and Obi-Wan never went against him.

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Darth Bane comments on Revan being one of the most powerful Sith known (speculate as you wish).



Meetra Surik's spirit states "The Darkness is Coming" referring to the Sith Emperor. Revan, being the Jedi Prisoner in the Maelstrom Nebula, is said that "When his strength fails, he will Become the Darkness". IE, Revan will become the next Voice of the Emperor. Already powerful, he would "Darken suns and rain ash on lifeless worlds." Meaning he'd destroy life. But that's another matter.



On another Note, Revan is said to have "Learned everything the Jedi Order had to teach." As in, he mastered all the Jedi arts and knowledge. Revan, as the Dark Lord of the Sith, knew more of the Dark Side and more knowledge than the Sith Library on Korriban according to Darth Bane.


Revan novel, with his full memories and skills returned, easily killed a member of the Dark Council and went on to face the Sith Emperor.



Foundry Flashpoint, Revan is confronted by, as far as we know, one of each Class. Which would make sense. That would be Two of the most powerful Sith Lords of the Era; The Emperor's Wrath and the Descendant of Kallig, a Forcewalker with the power of several other Sith Lords and/or their servants. Plus Cipher Nine, an agent of such inhuman skill and ability as to face off against one of the most powerful Dark Council members of the time, and is responsible for killing a number of Jedi and Jedi Masters. And, of course, a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter, who is the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, honored by Mandalore, and has taken out Jedi Masters and monstrous creatures.


Basically, the four most brutal, skilled and intense fighters in the galaxy at the time. It took all four to face Revan in the Foundry, and until we know more, we don't even know if he was even killed. And that was still a battle against Revan who was recovering from being in mental conflict with the Sith Emperor for three centuries and was only recently released from the Maelstrom Prison, so it's hard to say how much of his strength had returned by then.



Regardless, Reborn Revan has been both Jedi and Sith, with the power of Both. Obi-Wan's force abilities are lacking and the only thing he can really rely on is his Soresu form. Which amounts from little to nothing in the face of overwhelming power.


First off Bane's comments don't really hold much merit, seeing as he could only comment on what had happened, and not what would take place long after his reign as a dark lord.


Second your spoiler about the Foundry is a bit off.



Until it has been written in as canon we do not know who, or how many faced Revan(much like we didn't know the exile was female till long after KotOR 2 was released). I mean my first time against him it was a group of 4 inq's (assassin tank, and dps, and sorc healer, and dps, so you have to take the gameplay with a grain of salt).



As for the subject at hand, Obi-wan vs Revan I am not sure how it would end. I mean I could see Obi wearing Revan down over time till Revan made a mistake(much like he did to Anakin who was according to canon more powerful than Obi, and Revan). Or I could see Revan using powers that Obi-wan had never faced(force lightning to be exact, cause Obi only ever faced one person that used it, and he was out cold long before Dooku used it against Yoda).


So with all that being said, I will take the B*tch way out, and say it would be 50/50, and could go either way on any given encounter based of other outside variables.

Edited by Lharrulk
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Obi-wan is not known for he powers or anything.The only thing he has is that he is good with Soresu.LOL

Yes the character is interesting.he is esential to the movies story line,but he was never known for him battle awesomeness.


Revan is propably master of ALL styles + force power ownage.

Obi-wan got his *** kicked by Maul(lol) and Dooku-twice.


Revan killed Mandalore,Malak, countless jedi and sith.Many of which would whoop Obi-wan's *** themselves.


Is there even a competition?

Edited by Kaedusz
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just a thought, if you forget revan for a sec, I do wonder why people compare lucas charecters to old republic so much.

I mean old republic characters for me are more fleshed out as they have the advantage of being written with their back story with them.

while say obi-wan, luke etc are all trying to be extended using bits from old republic writing and some new ideas, which dosn't look right.

I do think they should of just been left in the movies as they were all decent in it, and then the age old point, no matter how powerful they are in books... the movies certainly show you otherwise. I know they couldn't do so much due to the time etc, not that I am commenting on that. but just seems pointless. the whole luke being made god or just really powerful in the books... he is just a new jedi master whom beat a weakened vadar. palpatine was weak for some oh powerful sith lord/emperor (dying in the way he did, going by the movies) example, after the movie darth vadar was given malgas journel on how to use anger to survive..... there are more better examples but I am sure you guys know them. it's just bad writing as it feels to forced.

either way they should leave lucas characters to the 6 moves and that should be that.

and as for whom he says are the most powerful.. he only meant to him, and all he counts are the movies.


hell so if I said vitate was more powerful then palpatine, you couldn't use what lucas said... as it has no baring. and yes he made the universe but he only counts the movies, also the unerverse has been improved by so much due to other writers etc. he may of been the spark to it all, but it's moved way above it.


bah sorry for the ramble, I would delete it but would be like admitting to wasting my time. (sorry for the spelling)

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You guys do realize that these comparisons rarely hold any merit? This theorizing 'who would win' business highly depends at which stage these two 'would've' fought, if both would've fought eachother at the peak of their abilities, I'd go with Revan simply as he was far more resourceful and had a broader horizon regarding the force and it's application.


Obi Wans peak level can be considered to be when he fought Anakin, where, mind you, he was on the defensive for the 'vast' majority of the entire fight, and had near-death situations up to the end. If not for a saving grace, last moment idioticy stunt by anakin where that one decided to just 'screw it all', underestimate Obi Wan, overestimate himself, and make a stupid move, Obi Wan wouldn't have survived (and if you take a look at the fight, that ones actually obvious).


Now, while Revan perhaps didn't have the sheer power-level of anakin at his peak, he 'was' far more catious and resourceful with his abilities.


In the end I personally couldn't make a proper pass as to which one would've won, simply because it'd depend on far too many variables. Plus the only time they 'would have fought' is when Revan was still kicking it as a darth set out on conquering the galaxy, which wasn't the peak moment of his power.

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Or I could see Revan using powers that Obi-wan had never faced(force lightning to be exact, cause Obi only ever faced one person that used it, and he was out cold long before Dooku used it against Yoda).


Dooku, who had very powerful Force Lightning used it on him in that same scene, but Obi-Wan easily deflected it with his Lightsaber and that is by long and far not the only time he faced such a power.

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You guys do realize that these comparisons rarely hold any merit? This theorizing 'who would win' business highly depends at which stage these two 'would've' fought, if both would've fought eachother at the peak of their abilities, I'd go with Revan simply as he was far more resourceful and had a broader horizon regarding the force and it's application.


Obi Wans peak level can be considered to be when he fought Anakin, where, mind you, he was on the defensive for the 'vast' majority of the entire fight, and had near-death situations up to the end. If not for a saving grace, last moment idioticy stunt by anakin where that one decided to just 'screw it all', underestimate Obi Wan, overestimate himself, and make a stupid move, Obi Wan wouldn't have survived (and if you take a look at the fight, that ones actually obvious).


Now, while Revan perhaps didn't have the sheer power-level of anakin at his peak, he 'was' far more catious and resourceful with his abilities.


In the end I personally couldn't make a proper pass as to which one would've won, simply because it'd depend on far too many variables. Plus the only time they 'would have fought' is when Revan was still kicking it as a darth set out on conquering the galaxy, which wasn't the peak moment of his power.


Kenobi's style was a defensive style, thats what he did and he did it better than anyone in the order at the time.

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This thread shows just how ignorant some Star Wars 'fans' are of the lore, Revan doesn't even come close to Obi-Wan Kenobi, he'd be out-duelled, very quickly, if we were talking Exar Kun, then that would be even, but we are not, we are actually talking about one of the most over-rated characters in the EU.
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Obi Wans peak level can be considered to be when he fought Anakin, where, mind you, he was on the defensive for the 'vast' majority of the entire fight, and had near-death situations up to the end. If not for a saving grace, last moment idioticy stunt by anakin where that one decided to just 'screw it all', underestimate Obi Wan, overestimate himself, and make a stupid move, Obi Wan wouldn't have survived (and if you take a look at the fight, that ones actually obvious).



You do know Anakin was one of the strongest Jedi at that time of Ep. 3 right? He killed Dooku and walked into the Jedi Temple and obilerated 12 Jedi Masters and numerous unamed Jedi Knights. And his Force Abilty were insane for such a young age, he was the Chosen One.


During the Prequel Trilogy, the JO was its strongest. Thats G-Canon.

Edited by BrandonSM
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Let me explain this to you Revan fanboys. Revan could never hold his own against any PT era Jedi. Revan would be out-dueled by any of the great masters of that order. Jedi like Yoda, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan and Plo Koon could duel circles around him. The Jedi Order was at its peak during the PT. They had thousands of years of expanding their knowledge of the Force as well as creating new and improved Lightsaber combat styles. Revan is an over-rated character who could never hold a candle to any of the Jedi of the PT. Yoda would sweep him aside like he was nothing. Mace Windu wouldn't even need to try to fight him. Obi-Wan could duel Revan for days just toying with him. Even some of the relatively unknown Masters like Plo Koon, Ki-Adi Mundi, Cin Drallig and and the like could easily defat Revan. The PT era Order is the greatest Order as stated by GL. You could say that the NJO is better, but their only saving grace is Luke Skywalker. The rest would defeated by Mace and the rest of the great Masters.

Even the JK from TOR would beat Revan. How do I know? The JK beat the Emperor(or whatever you fight at the end) when Revan couldn't. There is nothing to prove that Revan could beat Obi-Wan.


Now that that is settled. Let's look at the fight itself. Obi-Wan could beat Revan because of the simple fact that Obi-Wan is the Master of Soresu. Soresu is all about defensive fighting and taking advantage of weaknesses with deadly efficiency. Look at the fight with Grievous. Not many Jedi could find the whole in Grievous' offensive, but Obi-Wan did and managed to take off two of Grievous' hands. Obi-Wan would do the same to Revan, only in a much shorter time.


Bottom line: Obi-Wan wins without breaking a sweat.



Chew on that fanboys:D

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I cease to comprehend why people are always so hung up when it comes to someone else's opinion on the matter that is so vastly open for interpretation. You can never know who would win/who is stronger - from a dramatic standpoint it is impossible to determine this. Every character got his own perks, whether they are strengths or weaknesses. One small thing could occurs that utterly changes the circumstance and the latter victor becomes the one who loses. I mean seriously, I find some of you to be really pathetic with their "You know **** about canon lore and this can't be true" attitude. People can think whatever they want and if their opinion is that Revan is more powerful than some other jedi then so be it. Get over it, geez.


Now as for what I think - don't get me wrong, Obi-Wan is an exceptional jedi and all. His mastery of the soresu form is impressive, I admit. He is out of Revan's league though. :D

Edited by Deviss
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