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Did they just...stop caring or something?


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ppl ppl let bioware do what they do they just put out a class feedback post on all the classes and they was just in comic-con so they wont be talking to us much. They are working hard to put out some new stuff for us so if u are bored or just have nothing else to do in the game untill then lvl an alt or just take a break from the game until the content comes out cuz i personally will be taking a week or two off from swtor for gw2 next month.
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This is the same argument we hear every day and I just feel like it's an uninformed argument. You can't claim the developer team doesn't communicate when there's a weekly Q&A where they directly answer questions from the players. You can't say the developers don't communicate with the players when they have already held a guild summit in which over 300 players got the opportunity to sit down face to face with the developers and speak to them. The developers are constantly releasing news on twitter and facebook. They even have an official podcast in which they detail upcoming plans for the game and a myriad of other topics that concern the players.


As far as content is concerned, in 7 months we've seen a dynamic event, a new warzone, a new operation, a new flashpoint, and a new questing area for dailies on Corellia. We've also seen plans for a new quest line (HK-51) a new space mission, a new planet and a new species.


Seriously, I don't understand the internet's impatience with gaming. Sometimes I think the only way to satisfy the internet when it comes to MMOs is to release 50 years worth of content on day one and then another 50 on day 2 because by then all your "hardcore" gamers will have burned through half that day 1 content already.


The situation with every mmo is that it is competing with all the others out there, and consequently judged against them.

Unfortunately for modern developers all new mmo's are compared with others that have been out for several years.

Of course, it is ok for a new game to have lesser content than well established others, on the understanding that this will be increased steadily and frequently over a period of months. However, a game that launches with near zero end game progression interest (which is different than just repeat daily content) is bound to suffer severe number drop off once the players find this out.

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I am going to play devil's advocate here just for fun.


We have not heard anything about 1.4 for a while now, lack of communiction in the forums and even the dev tracker has been dry of dev response.

The only video from comic con was a very short clip of HK-51, and I know from past experience with Bioware they like to make big news at huge events like Comic Con, and this was not all that big of a news story.

Little talk about F2p, here and there. At least 2 rounds of lay offs. Things appear to not be that rosey in EA/Bioware land.

Some projects that were in the works.


World PVP re-vamp had a team on it does it still have a team on it ?

Space re-vamp is it still going on ?

The Doctor showed us up coming content at E3, how has the lay offs effected this or has it ?


Now I think they have shifted there attention to making the game a F2p model of some kind, we now have free play to level 15 in place.

I think 1.4 will be way later this year and will bring with it the first part of the Micro Transaction store, along with the free to play model, all that stuff the Dr. talked about at E3 will be in the store.


Like I said this is just a speculation post kinda based on my years of experience playing mmo's, all I know is when the dev's go silent, 99% of the time huge game changes are coming.


Just playing the Devil's advocate here, for fun, so add to this theory or flame it, does not matter it is not even my opinion..:)

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Oh boy, I can't wait to see the GW2 lovers getting in GW2.


They were the ones, around last yeard, that flamed WoW saying it ''sucked compared to TOR''


Now they flame TOR.


And after, they will flame GW2.


Yep, I can see it now "oh, wait, what do you mean GW2 has ZERO raids... and less than HALF the number of flashpoints... oh and the world has 1/3 the number of quests. Well at least the dungeons and quests give sweet rewards? No? You mean I can buy the exact same rewards for real money? At least the zones are huge right! That's awesome! Oh wait, there aren't ANY mounts? None, zero mounts? I have to walk everywhere? And my walk speed is 1/2 as fast as TOR? Oh christ.... and If I want to get through these huge zones faster I have to buy movement speed upgrades with REAL MONEY. So PVE sucks, at least we have PVP. But there's no PVP gear? No ladder system? No "ranked", pvp at launch. What's this GLORY and RANK crap? you mean I can only spend so much GLORY each day unless I unlock the ability to spend more with REAL MONEY? So if I earn 400 I can't spend it all unless I pay more money?"


As someone that played the GW2 beta TWICE I can freakin PROMISE you that people will be disappointed. Not because GW2 is a terrible game. It's an ok game, but because it's not nearly as good as people want/hope/need it to be. It will be flamed HARD and burned to the ground. For the SAME reason that D3 is right now. It's very easyto see how terribly the cash shop is going to influence the direction of the game. Maybe most people won't see it right away. But I can already see the structures and systems in place. Which is really too bad, too bad indeed.

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if i was comparing something SWTOR that GW2 couldnt do then it wouldnt be fair, but the fact that a game in BETA is further along in terms of content then a game out for 7 months is just sad.


i would like to see proof thats why they were let go, doesnt seem to me the CEO would be "on contract" to be let go. and i never claimed someone didnt know they were losing there job, i said they fired the community team and the new one started out nice and now only posts to say they are closing threads. idk what you consider a good sign but when the CEO leaves/gets canned its not good.


sry but that is a lack of communication, i doubt anyone gives a flying womprats *** about the "state of the community team" we want info about the game we are paying for not the community team that is ignoring us and not even trying to asnwer the big issues.


You don't give a flying womprat's *** about the stat of the community team yet you're complaining about the fact that the new community team sucks? Also its clear to me that you didn't listen to the new community team leader's interview because he addresses the F2P issue, the difficulty modes on operations, the development of new operations and a plethora of other issues that people keep talking about. You keep saying they're "ignoring the big issues" but you've YET to say what those "big issues" are. I have given you concrete evidence as to what the new community team is doing. Also, I never said the CEO was on a contract. He actually left to take a job in Singapore because it was a better opportunity.

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The company has a Q & A every week. Maybe they're busy ....WORKING ON THE GAME. Developer time is better spent on game development.


I'm not that worried about the current amount of developer contact. I have a feeling that the CSRs that do comment on the forums do so in a moderation capacity and not as a communication link to the developers. At least, that is what I have seen so far.

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You don't give a flying womprat's *** about the stat of the community team yet you're complaining about the fact that the new community team sucks? Also its clear to me that you didn't listen to the new community team leader's interview because he addresses the F2P issue, the difficulty modes on operations, the development of new operations and a plethora of other issues that people keep talking about. You keep saying they're "ignoring the big issues" but you've YET to say what those "big issues" are. I have given you concrete evidence as to what the new community team is doing. Also, I never said the CEO was on a contract. He actually left to take a job in Singapore because it was a better opportunity.


yes they do suck, cause the dev tracker has been barren for about a month. we have no info on the upcoming patchs, and the only time they post is to close a thread. the F2P and NM for Denova has been talked about for a while now and beating a dead horse even more isnt anything speciial so no im not going to watch that interview.

have you ever read the forums? there are posts that get to hundereds to thousands of pages and sometimes go without a single dev responce, and most of the time the community team says something along the lines of "thanks for bringing this to our attention" and then nothing gets done about it, if you would like an example this the last round on the PTS forums is a great one.


and where is this "concrete evidence" you speak of, you have not provided links to anything proving any of your claims? as for what the community team is doing nobody knows, its there job to... wait for it... Communicate to the player base about what is going on with the state of the game, not about the state of thier so called community team.


edit: and no i dont give a flying womprats *** about the state of the community team, i want them to do thier damn jobs and give us the info we need/want about the state of the GAME.

Edited by GooseGrims
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"achievement unlocked"

"posted in a rediculous thread"


Yay!! Everybody gets one right?


Seriously tho, there are no facts to support most the claims in this thread. Just opinions based on perceptions that are only supported by a notion that the particular answers any given user wants are not being answered. (question changes depending on what angry user you are talking to at the time)

I quick browse of the dev tracker, news and media section of the forums, blogs, pod casts, etc all located on THIS official site debunks the claims made by the OP and some others in the thread.


No offense OP. you made a thread that was meant to be constructive asking for additional speculation and opinions on a perception you, and clearly others have as well. The simple fact is your call out of, "did the devs stop caring" is just untrue. Did we already forget that they halted content development in direct response to the community to create quality of life features such as LFG tool, color matching, and free transfers to which we just recently got? That alone shows they are listening and DO care.


Come on peeps, I'm all for not liking something and voicing what exactly you don't like, but at least be honest with your assessments and not ignore information just because it doesn't support your view. It's like selective hearing lol.

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I guess I don't understand why you think they're so slow. What are you comparing them to? Rift? If you look at Rift's content updates, SWTOR is releasing new content faster than Rift. WoW? There was a 10 month period of time between Lich King's final raid release and Cataclysm's release. During that 10 months, ZERO content updates to the game. What other game out there is releasing content faster than SWTOR right now?


Really Aurellian, you want to defend SWTOR thats your right but if you are going to lie and misrepresent other games content releases I recommend you visit this site http://www.riftgame.com/en/game/updates/conquest-events.php. Rift is up to content release 1.9, and they actually release new content, not things that should have been in the game when it first went live. SWTOR is a good game, the company running it just needs to show that they care about their community. For me the server transfer (I mean merger) issue was the last straw. If you are enjoying this game that's great but when you misrepresent facts everyone should know where to find accurate and real facts on subjects you apparently know nothing about. Oh and a little FYI, when river of soul came out Trion realized what a huge fiasco it was and you know what, they didn't make excuses, they apologized, they promised to learn from the experience and for the most part they have. Game companies like people make mistakes, the key is to learn from them and try and do better.

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The company has a Q & A every week. Maybe they're busy ....WORKING ON THE GAME. Developer time is better spent on game development.


So basically, you're saying that every company except Bioware has a community management team?


Thanks for telling us that.

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I guess I don't understand why you think they're so slow. What are you comparing them to? Rift? If you look at Rift's content updates, SWTOR is releasing new content faster than Rift. WoW? There was a 10 month period of time between Lich King's final raid release and Cataclysm's release. During that 10 months, ZERO content updates to the game. What other game out there is releasing content faster than SWTOR right now?


Im sorry but Im tired of hearing these claims. Rift not only put content out faster, but they put out better quality content. Rift also has a way smaller team (or atleast had) and a way way way smaller budget.

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Oh boy, I can't wait to see the GW2 lovers getting in GW2.


They were the ones, around last yeard, that flamed WoW saying it ''sucked compared to TOR''


Now they flame TOR.


And after, they will flame GW2.

Sure, some will complain about GW2 in the future, but first SWTOR will see a drop in sups because some players will just not continue to play SWTOR... So I don't see how it is a good thing that even more people stop playing SWTOR.

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Hey guys,


We're all very aware of Bioware's lack of communication towards us, but what do you guys think it means? They refuse to talk about F2P possibilities in interviews, they're laying off developers, when they do answer questions they're just as optimistic as ever as if they still have 1.7 million people playing all day err day, and the rate at which they're pushing out content has dramatically slowed down since 1.1.


I mean, this IS my first MMO, and I don't know how it usually works, but are they fine with the game dying being the number one thing most people's mind right now and on their forum? Why don't they clear it up, all it makes me think is they don't want to give 'it' away and are giving us the silent treatment so they don't jeopardize their current playerbase.


I personally find it very annoying that they're just not saying anything about it. It's the hottest topic right now, they should answer, regardless of what the answer may be.


I really hope Bioware steps up and turns all of this around, both communication and the actual game. I would like to hear what you think about all of this, maybe this way we can get their attention.


This isn't an anti/pro-SWTOR thread, it's coming from a level headed consumer and is meant for those who are too, trolls will be ignored.

They refuse to talk about F2P because it's not happening. F2P games are ALWAYS crap. If Bioware went down the F2P line, the quality of the game would drop due to the lower funds availiable.

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They refuse to talk about F2P because it's not happening. F2P games are ALWAYS crap. If Bioware went down the F2P line, the quality of the game would drop due to the lower funds availiable.


If this is all true, why would they not come right out and say it's not happening?


It would be a win/win according to your logic.

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They refuse to talk about F2P because it's not happening. F2P games are ALWAYS crap. If Bioware went down the F2P line, the quality of the game would drop due to the lower funds availiable.


Yes, F2P would suck. I hate F2P games but that doesnt mean it wont happen.

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Still compared to other MMOs they're really slow. Not only that, the mentality you have now is the one I used to have, but then developers started leaving, Ohlen and Erickson started dodging questions and EA suits said SWTOR was to blame mostly for their losses. I just can't ignore all the signs.


HK51 and the small preview we got on 1.4 just isn't enough. Especially considering, once again, how slow they are.


of course EA blamed SWtor its not that ea are evil gready short term gain ******es no, its also not that fact that people named Ea as the worst company ever no, its not that about 90% of the gaming community hate ea no its all biowares fault.


they are in denial over how much people are sick of them.

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Hey guys,


We're all very aware of Bioware's lack of communication towards us, but what do you guys think it means? They refuse to talk about F2P possibilities in interviews...


If I should name the first thing that comes to my mind that would force me to stop playing SWToR, I would say "Free2Play". Sorry, but I am not just rich enough to afford playing free2play games...


For example, look at Everquest II, it turned into f2p model and now you have to pay even for equipping a high level sword or armor piece. Similar goes for DDO - now you have to pay to get access to quests, auction house, race unlocks etc...


If you were to sum up all the money you would have to pay to get the "full version" of the game in f2p model, you would see that you would not have to pay this amount of money even if you payed for 5 years subscription in classic model.


TL;DR: Free2play? No thanks. Nothing to discuss.

Edited by Jedlosson
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