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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Enough is enough!


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You guys are honestly taking me for somebody who regrets being on a PvP server. If what is going on is not considered grieving, then so be it. But considering the fact that there is one individual who has been doing this every single day since I have been on this server, no longer hangs out here and is no longer heard about, I am curious if it is because this individual has been banned for doing so.



People are attempting to make me out to be crying here, when in fact, I just want to know, is this grieving, or is it not. I do not mean your interpretation, I want to know the Dev's interpretation of whether or not this is grieving. If this is in fact fair play, then so be it. Until I know for sure, I feel that it was necessary to post about this on the forums....not "crying" as you so put it.


So easy to call it crying I guess. It's the interwebs favorite derogatory trolling word. It baits so many...not gonna work here.


Banned, why.. for doing what come natural on a PvP server... more likely he/she has rotated toons.. you know those things we call alts.. or maybe he/she got bored of wooping ur behind so easily and has found another pastime to keep their interests.

Geese and i thought the player in the other thread who was complaining about being smacked in openworld on a PvE server was being silly....

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This is why i rolled PVE, i mean i enjoy PVP, but i used to play WAR on a PVP server and got griefed alot. I didnt mind back then since i played ALOT. Nowadays i just try and play MMOS casually.


TBH, all is fair on the battlefield, red = dead.

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People are attempting to make me out to be crying here, when in fact, I just want to know, is this grieving, or is it not.


A little clarification on proper use of terminology:


GRIEFING: When one or more players continue to "kill" another player over and over, purposely disrupting the victim's gameplay for extended periods of time.


GRIEVING: What the victim player does after being griefed continuously.

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....I even kill my own guild mates cause its fun. Just looking for a fight cause i like world PVP and thats why i rolled on a PVP server. If i kill enough people generally it will bring a fight and thats what i actually want.


Ill even confess> Once i was on my sent and killed a guy many times over and over who was in my guild on imp side and logged out of my rep toon and logged on with my jugg and he was still mad and asked to go help kill this Sent that kept on killing him I said sure lets go and I was just laughing non stop as he raged on vent over this D-bag Sent that was killing him over and over and well that was actually me... So yes I like to PVP so much i even went to hunt myself down... actually it was the taste of his tears that was like candy I couldn't get enough tbh lol.

So which is it, Sport? You primarily like the PvP, or you "actually" (as you said) like inducing rage in your "friends?" You contradict yourself.


I find myself wondering how many friends you have left -- if any. And I wonder how much longer any such "friends" remain your friends. I wonder if you even care.


Everything about OP and people who think like that or agree with that are whats wrong with the MMO world imo.. TY yet again Blizzard nice hack job on playing a major part in creating these special PooPoo Bears...


In short its a PVP server................... Duuuurrrrrrr!!!!

I would say that it's everything in YOUR post, and anyone who thinks like this, that shows why regular people despise MMO players. The only thing I can say to you is that I'm glad you have a non-real outlet for your sociopathic tendencies. I hope you keep it here and get it out of your system before it bleeds over into the real world.

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So which is it, Sport? You primarily like the PvP, or you "actually" (as you said) like inducing rage in your "friends?" You contradict yourself.


I find myself wondering how many friends you have left -- if any. And I wonder how much longer any such "friends" remain your friends. I wonder if you even care.



I would say that it's everything in YOUR post, and anyone who thinks like this, that shows why regular people despise MMO players. The only thing I can say to you is that I'm glad you have a non-real outlet for your sociopathic tendencies. I hope you keep it here and get it out of your system before it bleeds over into the real world.


He is obviously nine years old. WHich was why I didn't bother responding to his sorry a--

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Stop complaining about it. Do something about it. Gather up people on your server and tell them the Republic is doing that to people around that area. Keep on it, make a group to hunt and kill them. It's up to the players to do things about this, not BIoWare. This is all part of the game. Don't just sit back, chill and say "aww maaann, they killed me again :( " get a darn group together, get your butts out there and kill them!! You can switch to a public group to and get 6 or more people to help to if you want! I have done it before on Tatooine when the Empire was harassing the locals on Tatooine. It is up to YOU! Have fun! :)
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Banned, why.. for doing what come natural on a PvP server... more likely he/she has rotated toons.. you know those things we call alts.. or maybe he/she got bored of wooping ur behind so easily and has found another pastime to keep their interests.

Geese and i thought the player in the other thread who was complaining about being smacked in openworld on a PvE server was being silly....


lol, you obviously have your facts confused, pal. Try reading the thread before posting. You'll look much less like a fool. Not saying you won't look like a fool, but at least you won't look so much like one.


He didn't "woop" anyone. The NPC's did. In fact, these guys get their faces smashed in over and over to the point that it gets boring killing them...they just refuse to stop. They keep coming back for more no matter how many times you kill them.


The problem is, they do it because they know that when the NPC kills you, it costs credits in repair bills. Has nothing to do with "PvP" they are forcing "PvE" to a point that becomes overwhelming.


You see, you guys can come in here and call me names all you like. This is the nets and there is obviously nothing I can do to stop you from calling me derogatory names. Be glad...really. But...by calling me names, tells me you have no idea what this thread is about and only shows me the lack of intelligence you have. Which in my book, means if you can't keep up with the conversation, maybe you should stay out of it.


I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to tell you to shut up...I just hate for you to continue to show everyone on the boards how dumb people in the world can really be when all you have to say to contribute to the thread is, "carebear" or "crybaby".


Now let me say this, in a term that (yes, even you) you can comprehend..."Just sayin..."

Edited by Wraiven
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Even in PvP there are certain things you just don't do. Exploiting a game mechanic is one of them.


In my experience over the years in MMOs with a PvP component, exploiting an exisiting game mechanic in the pursuit of PvP is EXACTLY WHAT PEOPLE DO. Especially exploiting the AI and mechanics of nearby NPCs. It's fair game, and if you keep falling into it, that is on you. If it's not supposed to be done, then the game producer would change it or ban people for it.


Pro Tip: PvP is not fair. It's kill or be killed, any way you can, any time you can. If you are on a PvP server, then deal with it. If you can't deal with it..... move to a PvE server.

Edited by Andryah
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Stop complaining about it. Do something about it. Gather up people on your server and tell them the Republic is doing that to people around that area. Keep on it, make a group to hunt and kill them. It's up to the players to do things about this, not BIoWare. This is all part of the game. Don't just sit back, chill and say "aww maaann, they killed me again :( " get a darn group together, get your butts out there and kill them!! You can switch to a public group to and get 6 or more people to help to if you want! I have done it before on Tatooine when the Empire was harassing the locals on Tatooine. It is up to YOU! Have fun! :)


quoted for truth.

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See my last post...it *is* what we do. You guys aren't telling me anything new here...really.


Then stop complaining. It's PvP, you are playing against other players. Adapt, overcome, perservere. But don't cry about it on the forums.

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Nobody is crying...once again...people obviously do not read a damn thing before they post. If you had actually read the damn thread through, you would know this. You obviously are not even remotely aware of what the thread is about. So I'm finished posting on this thread, because nobody is even reading the damn thing.


Let me type this in bold capital print so nobody else has an excuse to be ignorant of what the intent of this thread was...





Now if me asking that question, and describing the events that took place that brought me to ask that question is "crying" then I obviously have no clue of what the definition of "crying" is. Which would mean I am too stupid to understand the English Language and have no business posting threads on the internet.

Edited by Wraiven
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I don't know what lines Bioware has put up when comparing PvP and griefing but this isn't exactly anything new. You are on a PvP server and stuff like this will be a daily occurance. The warnings are there about joining a PvP server and the choice was yours. This isn't anything special either considering on just about any other MMO, people will do the same things. The difference is that those people make friends and groups and kill the ******es that are camping instead of coming to the forums to cry.


This! Totally 100% this.


The main reason that people even do these things is to try to engender world pvp skirmishes which are much more interesting and dynamic than the arena/instance style PvP that games like WoW and even moreso SWTOR try to force us into to. My guild did exactly this sort of thing in WoW and Warhammer (and if they played swtor I am quite certain they would be doing it here) These were organized world PvP guild events and had nothing to do with griefing but with trying to bring about world PvP and to try to force the other side to organize and counter us.


The fact that today's MMO gamer comes on to game forums and cries about this sort of thing when there is a suitable and perfect fix for it (rolling PvE) is just outrageous. It's like joining a chess club and then insisting that everyone play checkers because you don't like to play chess.






Actually, crying is EXACTLY what you are doing. The Devs have already spoken on this. Clearly and without any ambiguity. The warning message that pops up when you click on a PvP server says that they will not 'intervene/consider griefing' anything which can be resolved via PvP (I am paraphrasing). Since your group or your guild could repeatedly kill the so-called griefers until the stopped or got sick of dying, you clearly have a PvP solution. So, NOT griefing (if you choose to frame this with that label).

Edited by boxfetish
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And before the clueless OP responds to me directly (if he hasn't fled this thread already because of the post griefing he is getting): you clearly belong on a PVE server. You don't think you do, but you do. You think you like PvP, but you really don't. That someone would even start a thread to ask if something l ike this is griefing shows a complete lack of understanding of the concepts involved (see my previous chess/checkers analogy). A PvPer relishes an opportunity for world PvP in a game that sorely lacks it. A PvEer starts a thread asking if a cool opportunity like this is considered griefing by the game developers (when they already covered it) and then claims he isn't complaining when he gets hog-piled. Edited by boxfetish
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And before the clueless OP responds to me directly (if he hasn't fled this thread already because of the post griefing he is getting): you clearly belong on a PVE server. You don't think you do, but you do. You think you like PvP, but you really don't. That someone would even start a thread to ask if something l ike this is griefing shows a complete lack of understanding of the concepts involved (see my previous chess/checkers analogy). A PvPer relishes an opportunity for world PvP in a game that sorely lacks it. A PvEer starts a thread asking if a cool opportunity like this is considered griefing by the game developers (when they already covered it) and then claims he isn't complaining when he gets hog-piled.


lol, that is just too funny you do not think I relish open world PvP. This is why I want Illum back. nuff siad.

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And before the clueless OP responds to me directly (if he hasn't fled this thread already because of the post griefing he is getting): you clearly belong on a PVE server. You don't think you do, but you do. You think you like PvP, but you really don't. That you would even start a thread to ask if something like this is griefing shows a complete lack of understanding of the concepts involved (see my previous chess/checkers analogy). A PvPer relishes an opportunity for world PvP in a game that sorely lacks it. A PvEer starts a thread asking if a cool opportunity like this is considered griefing by the game developers (when they already covered it) and then claims he isn't complaining when he gets hog-piled.


Nuff said. Your reponses to the contrary not withstandling. Lots of people claim to like or want things that they really don't, some may not even realize it. This entire thread and it's title tell us your true nature. The first stage is acceptance.

Edited by boxfetish
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