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Gunslinger/Snipers calling Orbital Strike AoE on themselves.


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So you think it is fine because they have to blow two defensive cooldowns and a warzone adrenal and have a talent located very highly in a single tree in the Sentinel Combat tree.


You don't see the flaw in your logic there?


Like I have to blow 2 defensive cooldowns and my 60sec stun, probably my offensive cooldown to get an instant heal, my medpack, and get lucky on crits to counter a mara who has decided I should die now?



Keep it up guys! This thread is hilarious.

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OS/Flyby is the single most avoidable attack in the game. If you can't stop it or avoid it then there really is no hope for you. The OP's head would probably explode if he knew about plasma probe.
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ok, instead 9 sec orbital strike give me 6 seconds of undying rage.

and then, my dear noobs, you will feel some real pain from my gunslinger.




But you cannot use Undying Rage while you are in hunker down or under any form of CC immunity. Nor can you self-heal with anything but a 2% *must be procced* HoT or a Medpack. You'll learn real fast how much Undying Rage *sucks* because 90% of the time the moment you pop it you get nailed by CC and those 5 seconds are gone in the blink of an eye.


Edit: Undying Rage is only 5 seconds by the by, not 6.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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You'll learn real fast how much Undying Rage *sucks* because 90% of the time the moment you pop it you get nailed by CC and those 5 seconds are gone in the blink of an eye.


Yeah, thats much worse than waiting in respawn after dying that other classes do in that situation. Meanwhile youre still in the game for the extra seconds to make/prevent the cap or bomb plant.

Edited by Helistin
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Yeah, thats much worse than waiting in respawn after dying that other classes do in that situation. Meanwhile youre still in the game for the extra seconds to make/prevent the cap or bomb plant.


Normally you aren't. In fact using Undying Rage quite often is a moot and pointless thing. You get CC'ed the moment you pop it. You are still in CC when it runs out, and you die in one hit, contributing nothing, stopping nothing.


You simply have no idea how situational GbtF actually is. It isn't an "I Win" button. Heck... Force Camo gets me out of more sticky situations than GbtF does. GbtF is good for one situation and one situation only.


If your team has a healer.


If your team doesn't have a healer, or that healer can't get to you, GbtF doesn't do a whole heck of a lot. Usually in those situation it might let you live long enough to get a kill. Usually you just get CC'd though.

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Normally you aren't. In fact using Undying Rage quite often is a moot and pointless thing. You get CC'ed the moment you pop it. You are still in CC when it runs out, and you die in one hit, contributing nothing, stopping nothing.


Because as we all know, stuns last 6 seconds now.

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I honestly cannot believe we are still talking about this.


You people make me chuckle more and more every day. Funny how orbital strike had not a single complaint until now, and suddenly its op.


It was about to happen. Just suprised that the complaint was about orbital strike. With all the marauders running around in this game now and sniper being their counter :confused:

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Well you'd also have to suffer the other Sentinel flaw... In order to do any damage to any target you'd have to be within 4 meters so Roots might as well be stuns to you.


Oh, yes, marauders are so flawed. They need buffs. They're not FOTM, and never will be. It's a shame Bioware and the other players can't see all the terrible, terrible issues your class has to deal with. Clearly, they need buffs relative to the other classes, or at least those classes that can counter them need nerfs.

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get this straight trooper Aoe is all channeled. so what would be the point of them putting it on them self to begin with.


the reason for strike from the slinger/sniper is because we need that protection at times to even do damage. we are the least mobile class with high damage so we get targeted more than healers. having the strike to ward off melee is part of our class mechanic to survive.


what most of you QQers sound like are Mara/Sents that are getting owned by us. guess what we are your counter class. every class has a counter in this game so deal with it.


BTW even if strike had a min range i would just drop it then run in it and cover.

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Oh, yes, marauders are so flawed. They need buffs. They're not FOTM, and never will be. It's a shame Bioware and the other players can't see all the terrible, terrible issues your class has to deal with. Clearly, they need buffs relative to the other classes, or at least those classes that can counter them need nerfs.


Now... I don't think they are flawed. I don't think they need buffs. You are right though as they aren't FotM and never will be.


In fact the only change to Sentinels and Marauders I'd like to see BioWare do is fix the annoying melee hitching bug which they have never addressed... Not once.


The point is that it isn't GbtF that makes Sentinels/Marauders powerful. GbtF is good, and exceptionally situational, and very easy to stop. What makes Sentinels powerful is the fact that early on Sentinels were a joke and Healers could literally sit and face tank them... Now they can't... Yet Healers aren't adapting to that and are, instead of learning when to back down, are trying to continue to face tank.


7/10 kills I get on my Sentinel are from people being stupid and standing there while I wail on them.

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[/size][/b]what most of you QQers sound like are Mara/Sents that are getting owned by us. guess what we are your counter class. every class has a counter in this game so deal with it.


BTW even if strike had a min range i would just drop it then run in it and cover.


You'd drop it, and run, and I'd crippling throw you and you wouldn't make it there.


As to the rest... I've never been killed by a Sniper in a 1 on 1. Ever.


Combat specced Sentinels are the counter class to you.

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As to the rest... I've never been killed by a Sniper in a 1 on 1. Ever.


Even as a counter spec, you really are suggesting that you need a extra crutch agains't sniper?

And wouldn't hurt you to be less arrogant, but i guess that goes with the title you feel the need to point out even in computer game forums.


Guess there's no point in arguing with someone who thinks Orbital strike is uncounterable and overpowered skill but undying rage is completely situational and useless most of the time. If you really don't know how to counter it i strongly doubt you have killed anyone 1vs1, even a sniper :p

Edited by Helistin
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Like I have to blow 2 defensive cooldowns and my 60sec stun, probably my offensive cooldown to get an instant heal, my medpack, and get lucky on crits to counter a mara who has decided I should die now?



Keep it up guys! This thread is hilarious.


No, but this is just getting sad.


I have 2 50s at the moment, because I'd rather spend more time getting really good with fewer classes than decent at a zillion. Those 2 50s are Marauder and Mercenary. Marauder came first, Mercenary second despite knowing that it needed a lot of help.


Marauder, honestly, is in a good place, and the only tweak I could see being necessary is messing with Force Camo (it's perfect for PVE, but not so much in PVP).


Mercenary, on the other hand, pretty much needs an entire class overhaul, and I think it's kind of sad that you're more interested in raining fire and brimstone on other classes (especially your hard counters in the rock-paper-scissors system) than either providing BioWare reasonable and positive feedback on Mercenary/Commando.


It will be healthier for game balance to leave Marauder mostly where it is now, and focus on a redesign of the Merc and Commando classes to bring them up to par. It's the only drastically underpowered class right now (though there are specs of other classes that need some polishing), and that really needs to get addressed. Arsenal is nearly good enough in PVE, and Bodyguard is bordering on useful in PVP, but that's about as close as it gets, and that's not anywhere near close enough.


Side note: at least on my server, the wave of Gunslingers/Snipers is hitting 50, which means in every WZ there are usually at least 1-2 players who can chump me on Marauder as badly as Marauder can chump Merc. I'm not whining for Sniper nerfs, I'm just accelerating leveling up my Assassin alt because I want a tank class anyway, and it might as well be the one that hard-counters Snipers.

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Even as a counter spec, you really are suggesting that you need a extra crutch agains't sniper?

And wouldn't hurt you to be less arrogant, but i guess that goes with the title you feel the need to point out even in computer game forums.


Guess there's no point in arguing with someone who thinks Orbital strike is uncounterable and overpowered skill but undying rage is completely situational and useless most of the time. If you really don't know how to counter it i strongly doubt you have killed anyone 1vs1, even a sniper :p


Just because I know how to deal with something doesn't mean it isn't overpowered and unfair.


Funny, when your side of the debate attacked Guarded by the Force which is one of the most easily countered and avoided abilities in the entire game yet is constantly yelled at for being "OP'ed" by many.


The problem is Orbital Strike has no weaknesses as an ability.




1. It on a class that has an instant ability that grants it the power to not be able to be interrupted.

2. It is on a class that has another ability that lets it become completely immune to all forms of CC.

3. It is on a class that is already very strong against melee, and shuts off all melee gap closers, and can call this down onto targets who are in melee range.


This ability shouldn't be on a class with all of that without some way for other classes to counter it.


Look at Guarded by the Force:


1. It takes 50% of our HP to use it.

2. We can be stunned, which makes us unable to do anything in the time it is active.

3. We can be rooted, which more or less makes us unable to do anything in the time it is active.

4. We can be knocked back, which more or less makes us unable to do anything in the time it is active.

5. We can be snared and the person we were attacking can run, which... See above.

6. We can be pacified/blinded which more or less makes us unable to do anything in the time it is active.

7. We can be mezzed, which makes us unable to anything in the time that it is active.


I can name 8 counters to that one ability.


Against this ability most melee can... "Leave the area, thus preventing us from attacking, while we can still be attacked."


Or, if you are a Sentinel it is possible to ride it out with reduced damage from the talent and popping a Cooldown, but you still take HEAVY damage doing that. The ability does need a weakness that intelligent opponents can exploit just like Guarded by the Force does.

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Please continue providing us, Snipers, with entertainment about how powerless you are against orbital strikes :D


The funny thing is, I read your ridiculous posts and I don't really feel any urge to defend my class. I mean why would I even consider bringing some counter-arguments to such nonsense?


Since you actually might be serious about Orbital Strikes being OP (presumption of innocence that you are not actually trolling), i will state again:


Marauder vs Orbital Strike HOWTO 101


1. Talent the 30% AoE Damage reduction from Carnage Tree

2. Cloak of pain 20% Damage reduction from all damage types.

3. Saberward: 25% Damage reduction against Tech abilities

4. Warzone Adrenal 15% Damage reduction


Total: 90% Damage reduction against Orbital Strikes.



oh wait,

5. There is also the 10% Sorcerer buff that gives extra damage reduction against Elemental attacks.



Edited by NoTomorrow
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The problem is Orbital Strike has no weaknesses as an ability.




1. It on a class that has an instant ability that grants it the power to not be able to be interrupted.

2. It is on a class that has another ability that lets it become completely immune to all forms of CC.

3. It is on a class that is already very strong against melee, and shuts off all melee gap closers, and can call this down onto targets who are in melee range.



1. So after a 2 second cast and the 3 second delay the orbital strike hits the ground there's still someone in the target area?

The sniper is still alive spending all that time casting the orbital strike?

2. Immunity to cc's cooldown is a tradeoff from lack of mobility or decent survival cooldowns

3. the 5 seconds orbital strike takes to land i doubt the sniper survives long enough if the enemy is already in the melee range without some serious focusing from the healers.

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Just because I know how to deal with something doesn't mean it isn't overpowered and unfair.


Funny, when your side of the debate attacked Guarded by the Force which is one of the most easily countered and avoided abilities in the entire game yet is constantly yelled at for being "OP'ed" by many.


The problem is Orbital Strike has no weaknesses as an ability.




1. It on a class that has an instant ability that grants it the power to not be able to be interrupted.

2. It is on a class that has another ability that lets it become completely immune to all forms of CC.

3. It is on a class that is already very strong against melee, and shuts off all melee gap closers, and can call this down onto targets who are in melee range.


This ability shouldn't be on a class with all of that without some way for other classes to counter it.


You seem to be forgetting that the "class" (agent) doesn't have interrupt immunity or cc immunity. Snipers do.


If you don't consider a ~5s delay from the start of the cast to the first damage a weakness, I don't know what to tell you. If you plan to continue to ignore all the counters that have already been listed--like using a defensive cooldown or just killing someone else--I have to conclude you're here to whine about something you find annoying rather than an OP ability.


Juggernauts can become completely immune to CC more often, have mulitple leaps, and spam a free aoe snare. Go complain about that. As it is you look like yet another Marauder who thinks he's awesome because of his skill and wants things that annoy him to be nerfed. Marauders are FOTM even though they've changed little since launch. People are just noticing now that grav round and hidden strike are basically gone.


And you know, coming from a guy that has played an operative since release, it's *really* funny hearing a maurader complaining about the woes of melee. "Ohhh, I cannotuse my gap closer. Woe!"

Edited by Sinemetu
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And you know, coming from a guy that has played an operative since release, it's *really* funny hearing a maurader complaining about the woes of melee. "Ohhh, I cannotuse my gap closer. Woe!"


This is why i like my signature so much :)

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What is this madness? When you see this in the movies, it is a heroic act calling artillery on your own location, because it means you were being a martyr.


Orbital Strike should also damage the Gunslinger/Sniper that called it.


I know there is tons of "But no other aoe hurts the caster". Look dude, Sith sorcerers can totally channel Force Lighting. I'm A-ok with them calling lightning storm on themselves. And when I played around on a Commando, you could not use Mortar Volley close enough to be in the AoE of it.


Calling a Orbital Ion Cannon from space to fire down directly on you head is cheesy. It should totally harm the caller if they are in the AoE of it.


Seriously.... SWTOR definitely needs more realism... to stay true to the movies.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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