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And some people try to claim Powertechs are fine


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the spec is limited by a reliance on a 10 meter cone every 12 seconds to be its primary burster, it will never compare to a spec that is fully mobile. in PVP pyro will always be better than AP because of this. in PVE, pyro's burst is more important in end game, specifically for opening burst windows on baradium bombers and walker phases on kephess. AP is strong, but needs some buffing before it can be considered competition with a pyro in either a PVE or PVP sense. to be fair, resource management on an AP is a joke, easiest damage dealer to manage heat on from what I've seen, whereas in long fights pyros will regularly need to apply judicious amounts of rapid shots.


as for being FOTM, I was an early access powertech, so I'll thank you to go get your sniper/gunslinger ready. they're the current FOTM, and they'll be called OP within the next two months, have fun.


I play a powertech AND a vanguard, personally Im annoyed that my prefered IF spec is no longer viable over pyro, there should never be a spec thats head and shoulders above like that, versatility or defense should balance against raw dps but in this games pvp it doesnt. Pyros damage is just a little too good and will get the nad kick, I pretty much resigned myself to that fate and rolled a dps guardian for some fun.

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That's right, 2 powertechs were able to nuke my 16k HP - not all the way there, by any means, but not terrible by any stretch of the imagination, either - in a basically a single GCD.


The point is not that 2 Powertechs beat a gunslinger when the Gunslinger engaged them in non- ideal circumstances. The point is that even with 4 defensive cooldowns the pyrotech burst was still so strong that 2 of them were able to outright kill a player.


So yes, pay no attention to powertechs. They're completely fine and in no need whatsoever of a nerf.


Read through 7-8 pages of this thread so far... many have already pointed our the discrepancies in your discussion regarding SINGLE GCD.


And wait, you have 4 DEFENSIVE COOLDOWNS? With the amazing dps, 8-sec flash, and knockbacks already at your disposal?


Know what a PT pyro running into 2 gunslingers at a node could do? Pop a ****** 12 second bubble... that is the only defensive cooldown he has. Not to mention that he would get annihilated before getting anywhere close to your duo-gunslinger combo.


You want to talk about nerfs, how about telling me what else a pyro has, besides situational taunt/grapple and his amazing burst?


Look man, I get it, PT pyro burst may be a tad high, could use some minor tweaking. But snipers/gunslingers should be the last people complaining about PT pyros. Give us all your defensive cooldowns, the knockbacks, and 8-sec long mezz that you have, and the ability to not be jumped to under certain circumstances (cover), the ability to not be interrupted (hunker down/entrench), and you can adjust my burst to your level ok? Otherwise please refrain from making threads about nerfs and adjustments.

Edited by CBRGhostRider
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Look man, I get it, PT pyro burst may be a tad high, could use some minor tweaking. But snipers/gunslingers should be the last people complaining about PT pyros. Give us all your defensive cooldowns, the knockbacks, and 8-sec long mezz that you have, and the ability to not be jumped to under certain circumstances (cover), the ability to not be interrupted (hunker down/entrench), and you can adjust my burst to your level ok? Otherwise please refrain from making threads about nerfs and adjustments.


This is what 99.5% of the Powertech QQers don't understand. The class has no meaningful utility, aside from Grapple and low survivability. They have high damage because that's all they get.

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pyrotechs are fine. L2 not run into a 1v2 wearing medium armor expecting to last a gcd.


Please explain how they are fine? I mean...there are guilds on my server who specifically advertise for Pyrotechs (amongst Marauders/Op healers etc), and there are RWZ with 3 or 4 PT's per team. That doesnt sound fine to me.

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Fair points for Pyro Powertechs. but the OP's initial post and the title of this thread just reads "Powertechs" with no mention of the specific skill tree. (Since many players might not know exactly how the guy that is rapidly burning them down is specced anyway) And besides, numerous posts on these forums would have readers believe that the Assault/Pyro tree is the most powerful of the three by far. So even if you want to make the distinction re my Tactics specced Vanguard and a Pyro specced Powertech, the latter should be pushing out even more damage overall than me


So be even more troublesome.


The OP mentioned TD in the first post. That means he went against a pyro. So yes your mentioning of tactics hits is in the wrong place :)


2x 4k thermal detonator + 2x 4k railshot = 16k hp in 1 or 2 gcd, very possible and yes pts are broken.


What you listed are two GCDs. And someone must put up a dot on him so one of the two pyros needs 3 GCDs.

3 GCDs in a 2on1 against 2 burst classes sounds not that weird for me.

Edited by Twor
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The OP mentioned TD in the first post. That means he went against a pyro. So yes your mentioning of tactics hits is in the wrong place :)



There were two Powertechs, are we aware of how the other was specced ? :)

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I play a PT Pyro in the 10-49 bracket and although i frequently hit the top of the leader board for DPS at lvl 40, in no sense do i feel im greatly influencing the outcome of a WZ. On average i tend to not have a problem in 1v1 situations unless up against another pyro or assualt vanguard who gets the jump on me and merc commando healers.


The concept that even a monkey can play this class makes me laugh, people talk about grapple and slow preventing them from kiting us it takes a smart pyro to resist the temptation to pop grapple off to start a fight too many times iv been grappled by fellow pyro/assualt on an opener only for me to successfully kite them to their doom because they have blown the main gcd to close the gap when i stun and run.


Healer's chain healing each other is another issue in PVP the amount of times iv ran into brick walls because i cannot take ether one down but merely distract them, take away burst and Healers will once again rule PVP.


Armour is irrelevant in PVP due to the over reliance of internal/elemental damage favored in pvp by many AC's wanting to be competitive due to its armor avoiding nature in most cases it is Internal/elemental bleed effects that are OP and not the AC's using them because they are the silent killers no one notices.


I went 1v1 with a Gunslinger last night and i applaud him/her for their handling of the situation they apparently knew my class as well as they knew their own and gave me a run for my money i found myself stunned i broke it to face another then slowed couldn't grapple as he/she where bunkered down found myself down to 30% health before being finished off by one of his team m8's who came to his aid.


The only time i feel i have sufficient up-time to gather big DPS numbers is stalking the fringes looking for people isolated on their own and maximizing my up-time, the minute i try to lead a charge or mix into the fray im down faster than a blink of an eyelid i think the community exaggerates the actual survivability of a PT Pyro we effectively gain very little if anything defensive wise from a supposed tank class that you claim , Shield Tech and AP offer those options due to Hydraulic overrides for AP etc. We have the same defensive cool downs if not less than a Mercenary Pyro due to them having a knock back and healing abilities we get better burst as a trade off.


Your a tank class you shouldn't be worthy of wielding such damage capability over pure DPS

Prove to me other than the ability to taunt that doesn't effect us anyway what makes us Pyro's able to tank/ absorb/ deflect more damage than Pure DPS AC's in PVP, I look like a tank i may think im a tank at times but in all fairness i am anything but a Tank and would happily trade all of my taunts and some of my DPS for better defense.

Edited by shegoy
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Your a tank class you shouldn't be worthy of wielding such damage capability over pure DPS


We can fulfill the tank ROLE or the dps ROLE. We are not a tank CLASS. The sorc is not a healer CLASS either.


If we spec in the tank TREE to fullfill our tank ROLE we do not deal the DAMAGE you are complaining about.

Edited by Twor
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Lulzz. Snipers/gunslingers are way more cheesy than powertechs. Try getting focused by two knockback/rooting whores. Snipers/slingers are the biggest joke/fail class in game. Time to roll one perhaps...wait... I would have to loose way more brain cells/ contemplate suicide before rolling that brain dead OP class.
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A PT vs 2 gunslingers would die even faster. NERF GUNSLINGERS!!!!!


Stop whinging about 2v1 and then making things up like how many GCDs you died in.


If people actually focused PTs and/or taunted them they'd be fine.


PVP is meant to be balanced around dps, tanks and heals. If there are tanks and heals around, PTs burst is nullified and they end up overheating. I think some people need to adjust their play style and stop blaming class imbalance.

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The big difference between Slinger/Sniper and PT is that the S/S are rooted in place and have rather long inductions on their skills. The PT skills are instant and do great dmg while running to hinder kiting. Put 2 sec inductions (that require the PT/VG to be stationary to cast) on all the PT/VG skills that are currently instant and it should definitely be more balanced than it is now.
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It's not semantics. It's the fact that no class should be so powerful as to be able to do over 8k of damage with so little setup in such a short time. It's absurd.


Be careful what your wish for gunslinger/sniper.


(also calling BS here, you screwed something up and you are not sharing, as I can imagine how 2 pyros firing off 2x TD + 2x RS after hitting you with incen. miss. will hurt like hell, killing you even with some crits and AA... But not with your defensive CDs running. If you where stupid enough to get within 10m or even to get pulled before you popped your CD's you ended up within 4 yards... goodluck then. Thats like running up a mar/sent and /poking him. )

Edited by SinnedQWERTY
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The big difference between Slinger/Sniper and PT is that the S/S are rooted in place and have rather long inductions on their skills. The PT skills are instant and do great dmg while running to hinder kiting. Put 2 sec inductions (that require the PT/VG to be stationary to cast) on all the PT/VG skills that are currently instant and it should definitely be more balanced than it is now.
The Gunslinger/Sniper has quite a few toys where the PT/VG dosen't.
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Look its PT/Pyro Spec thats the problem...The other specs are totally fine.


The ease and lack of set up time for these guys creates high burst, as well as high sustained pressure. Add some set up time and complexity to the mix and you would get a balanced class/Spec.


As it is PT/Pyros can pretty much rotate their crazy burst to no end...they have nothing but a 6 sec RS to wait on which is reset without them even having to pay attention...Its reset by part of their existing rotation....Tooooo dang easy.


Dont nerf their DMG at all.....But make it more difficult to play for goodness sakes...A mediocre PT/Pyro can not pay attention and perform at the high end....thats the problem.

Edited by Soljin
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Look its PT/Pyro Spec thats the problem...The other specs are totally fine.


The ease and lack of set up time for these guys creates high burst, as well as high sustained pressure. Add some set up time and complexity to the mix and you would get a balanced class/Spec.


As it is PT/Pyros can pretty much rotate their crazy burst to no end...they have nothing but a 6 sec RS to wait on which is reset without them even having to pay attention...Its reset by part of their existing rotation....Tooooo dang easy.


Dont nerf their DMG at all.....But make it more difficult to play for goodness sakes...A mediocre PT/Pyro can not pay attention and perform at the high end....thats the problem.


every class and spec in this game is easy, and anyone who says otherwise is lying.


also to the OP, get ready, the sniper QQ is starting to arrive <3 I love it

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Look its PT/Pyro Spec thats the problem...The other specs are totally fine.


The ease and lack of set up time for these guys creates high burst, as well as high sustained pressure. Add some set up time and complexity to the mix and you would get a balanced class/Spec.


As it is PT/Pyros can pretty much rotate their crazy burst to no end...they have nothing but a 6 sec RS to wait on which is reset without them even having to pay attention...Its reset by part of their existing rotation....Tooooo dang easy.


Dont nerf their DMG at all.....But make it more difficult to play for goodness sakes...A mediocre PT/Pyro can not pay attention and perform at the high end....thats the problem.


so the solution is to add cast times effectively destroying the usability of this class. I can just imagine a tank that relies on cast times will be in high demand.


EDIT: Oh btw http://i.imgur.com/MmLD6.jpg

Edited by xBloodcrazed
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Ranked teams wouldnt be running with three or sometimes more if these guys are not OP and that's a fact.


Agreed, there really is nothing more to look at. I know BW is asking for feedback on classes and this and that but really... all you need to do is trust that people have figured out what is best -- and they have. And these are the most competitive of the folks who have min/maxed everything.


People have done the math, theorycrafters have done theirs, we've had months and months of experience with the classes and the fact that the majority of ranked teams take more than 1 marauder and more than 1 powertech should be pretty self explanatory. If sorcerers were OP you would see multiple sorcs on teams, but you don't and that's for a reason.


It's funny to see PTs and Maras defending their classes as not OP, and that only tells me that those people need to learn to play as they obviously have not learned how to play their class to the full potential as others have.


I play a PT and I think I'm pretty decent -- I wreck people. I do very well on my inquisitors too, but I absolutely annihilate folks on my PT. This is VERY fun and I love playing the class, but I'm not afraid to admit that this is not balanced.

Edited by Monterone
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Agreed, there really is nothing more to look at. I know BW is asking for feedback on classes and this and that but really... all you need to do is trust that people have figured out what is best -- and they have. And these are the most competitive of the folks who have min/maxed everything.


People have done the math, theorycrafters have done theirs, we've had months and months of experience with the classes and the fact that the majority of ranked teams take more than 1 marauder and more than 1 powertech should be pretty self explanatory. If sorcerers were OP you would see multiple sorcs on teams, but you don't and that's for a reason.


It's funny to see PTs and Maras defending their classes as not OP, and that only tells me that those people need to learn to play as the obviously have not learned how to play their class to the full potential as others have.


I play a PT and I think I'm pretty decent -- I wreck people. I do very well on my inquisitors too, but I absolutely annihilate folks on my PT. This is VERY fun and I love playing the class, but I'm not afraid to admit that this is not balanced.


most successful teams I've seen still stack scoundrels(at least 3-4) and then have a mix of shadows and guardians, because they can co-ordinate AOE mezes. pretty sure IT on corellian run is sitting at 80 and 2 for their RWZ record with that composition. the obsession with marauders and powertechs is ENTIRELY dependent on what server you are on.

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I just entered a warzone near the end with my Gunslinger. I found my team losing so I decided to go try to solo a point as it was really all there was left to do. As I approached the point I saw they had 2 powertechs guarding it, so I knew it was not a likely opportunity for success but hey, what else is there to do but give it a go?


As soon as I got anywhere near it, one of the powertechs got his thermal detonator on me and the other was running over, so I popped every single defensive cooldown I had - which are off the GCD, btw - and proceded to fire a single instant cast shot before literally dying.


That's right, 2 powertechs were able to nuke my 16k HP - not all the way there, by any means, but not terrible by any stretch of the imagination, either - in a basically a single GCD.


So yes, pay no attention to powertechs. They're completely fine and in no need whatsoever of a nerf.


were the PTs buffed since the game came out? i think they just need to buff the other classes instead of nerfing the PT's / marauders. I mean, without them, who's gonna stop the operative healers? a nerf to the maras and PTs would mean they'd have to nerf operative healing as well... idk. just my 2 cents, havent played any 2k+ rwz games

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