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And some people try to claim Powertechs are fine


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i have a Van and when i leveled my 50 Shadow and Scoundrel i came close to 300k many times... it was to hard on my guardian until the 40's...honestly it isnt that big a deal so stop acting like it is..


I'm not acting like it is, the other guy wants a screenshot like it's rare. :o


It is more difficult on a level 10 tho, and only a couple of classes can pull that off, which is the whole point of the post.

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Due to dmg boost PT seems like a broken class. Some friends of mine will soon quit a game, cause cant handle such inbalance on PVP. and some other leveling PT. So, lets kinda all roll this class, and drop other classes away. Each day i see more and more PTs on wzs - dont even mention about RWZ where PTs are primary. Noone wanna be as cannon fodder on wzs with: "L2P". Cause ofc noone plays good - if cant match PT. And any ******** "theory" about gameplay here cant stand against simply facts and stats. PT rules - lets all play this crap=- only way to give devs a reason for some changes.
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Due to dmg boost PT seems like a broken class. Some friends of mine will soon quit a game, cause cant handle such inbalance on PVP. and some other leveling PT. So, lets kinda all roll this class, and drop other classes away. Each day i see more and more PTs on wzs - dont even mention about RWZ where PTs are primary. Noone wanna be as cannon fodder on wzs with: "L2P". Cause ofc noone plays good - if cant match PT. And any ******** "theory" about gameplay here cant stand against simply facts and stats. PT rules - lets all play this crap=- only way to give devs a reason for some changes.


sniper kicks PT and mara ***. people who are FOTM rerolling should be going sniper, its god in the current meta-game. anyone who does otherwise is dumb.

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I just entered a warzone near the end with my Gunslinger. I found my team losing so I decided to go try to solo a point as it was really all there was left to do. As I approached the point I saw they had 2 powertechs guarding it, so I knew it was not a likely opportunity for success but hey, what else is there to do but give it a go?


As soon as I got anywhere near it, one of the powertechs got his thermal detonator on me and the other was running over, so I popped every single defensive cooldown I had - which are off the GCD, btw - and proceded to fire a single instant cast shot before literally dying.


That's right, 2 powertechs were able to nuke my 16k HP - not all the way there, by any means, but not terrible by any stretch of the imagination, either - in a basically a single GCD.


So yes, pay no attention to powertechs. They're completely fine and in no need whatsoever of a nerf.


L2P, powertechs are fine

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This is pointless without details. First off how well geared are they cause you are in BM unaugmented gear if you only have 16k health. Did you use cover atll and hunker down? Were they both even pyros as if one used thermol detonator he wasn't pyro. Was one a tank guarding the other? they get CCs off on you cause you are bad? They advanced prototype and gang ***** you in two beefed up CAE attacks that you sat in? You use your knockback and root? etc etc etc


2 v 1 they should be able to own you quite frankly. But if you truly had every CD up and used them appropriately you did something wrong. No reason a gunslinger should ever lose to 1 powertech with range on them. But throw in 2 of anything and you're probably screwed unless they are terrible or you are really good.


He's got 16k hp. How geared to you really think he is?

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L2P, powertechs are fine


The ignorance in this thread and all other nerf PT threads (or whatever AC it is next month) will never allow this logic to flow.


The problem is the estimated 5% of the bad players that play the game and think class x/y/z is OP or broken, come to this form and cry about how something is broke/over powered/unfair, and needs to be nerfed. The other 94% probably don't even come to the forums, unless its to look up some sort of strat or best spec for an AC. Hell they might look for advice on how to counter the class or just move on.


I also don't think an actual video has been posted by a topic originator to support their clams of being killed in 3 gcd's or less. The only thing I've seen is a rant plus screen shots of 30+ minute games where little people die, both sides heal a combined 5 million plus in damage, then show (insert class claimed to be FOTM) topping the charts.


That last 1%? They offer explanations/class guides/tips&tricks on improving your game, and they just get labeled FOTM defenders or whatever else.

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The ignorance in this thread and all other nerf PT threads (or whatever AC it is next month) will never allow this logic to flow.


The problem is the estimated 5% of the bad players that play the game and think class x/y/z is OP or broken, come to this form and cry about how something is broke/over powered/unfair, and needs to be nerfed. The other 94% probably don't even come to the forums, unless its to look up some sort of strat or best spec for an AC. Hell they might look for advice on how to counter the class or just move on. .


1. Ofc everyone who posts here about an op class is a bad player - kinda very logical.

2. Ofc everyone must finish UCLA before he will start to pvping cause some sort of devs mistake demands "The New Brilliant Philosophy Of Gameplay".


People are leaving game, claiming on pvp chats, many of them lost fun from pvp. This is fact. You are writing about fiction.

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1. Ofc everyone who posts here about an op class is a bad player - kinda very logical.

2. Ofc everyone must finish UCLA before he will start to pvping cause some sort of devs mistake demands "The New Brilliant Philosophy Of Gameplay".


People are leaving game, claiming on pvp chats, many of them lost fun from pvp. This is fact. You are writing about fiction.


1. Nope people who post things about another class in the style of the OP are in that category. People who don't bother to invest time to researcch the skills and abilities of that class who post anecdotal "evidence" like being killed by two people in 1 GCD.

2. Like posted in 1. you don't need a degree in anything.

But you can not discuss rocket science with rocket scientists if you don't have some basic knowledge of it when you are normally an archeology scientist (just an example for different worlds and that you should have a basic understanding of how other classes work before you try to PvP- or atleast before you make a nerf thread).


People are leaving the game yes. But to show that in the direction of pyros (or marauders as a matter of fact) is like claiming people are unsubbing because they are stunlocked to death.

People are leaving because this is KOTOR online for a monthly fee and the MM in MMO is lacking.

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Alot of people use this arguement...but they dont bother explaining how they are fine


In short. Strong offense, weak defense(one defensive CD, if you count heavy armor (roughly 6% more mig to two damage types than medium armor) and the hot that can be outdamaged by default attack don't bother replying), no tools to disengage. Kill or be killed mentality once a fight has started.


For more use the search function. Lots of people have actually bothered but repeating oneself 1000 of times is a bit boring.

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1. People who don't bother to invest time to researcch the skills and abilities of that class who post anecdotal "evidence" like being killed by two people in 1 GCD..


Oh Homies! "Skills and abilities of that class" are easy "to research" - and this knowledge shows You how PTs OP are on wzs.


2. (just an example for different worlds and that you should have a basic understanding of how other classes work before you try to PvP)..


This is a great suggestion but rather for devs team.


People are leaving the game yes. But to show that in the direction of pyros (or marauders as a matter of fact) is like claiming people are unsubbing because they are stunlocked to death...


Seems, there are many reasons - but PTs are one of them.

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lol all i can say is now i am fighting warzones against 6 powertech teams in non ranked warzones.

in ranked warzones we fight TONS of teams with 4 powertechs.


when the results pop up i am starting to be surprised when there are less than 3 on the enemy team.


what does this mean? powertechs are having a good time pvping^^


that said i dont believe them to be "OP", i would call them flawed.


1 powertech = not a big deal, can be an issue if ur not careful

4 powertech = good luck^^


4 of the same class of anyone one else is nothing compared to 4 powertechs on the same team.

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Tell this to the Pyro's spamming Flameburst (Lvl 10) and Railshot (<Lvl 10) on 50 and still getting insane amounts of damage.

There are plenty of Pyro's where those are 90% of the spells they use, other 10% is pulling people into the fire/acid.


I love FOTM gangstaz.


I've been playing my vanguard from day 1 of early access. I've played the tank spec, the tactics spec and the assault spec extensively in PvP. I've taken my vanguard tank through all the content in PvE.

*FOTM gangsta*? I don't think so bro.


To the guy with the 330k at level 10. It is rare, you yourself make it out to be something rare and OP in your post.


At level 10, you are not using any of the talents that make the assault spec hated, therefore you can't tell anything about the spec through level 10 pvp. At the most, you can tell something about the bolster system's effect on some of the abilities you spam.


TTK is too low imo, Powertech / Vanguard burst focus is too high, together with all of the other burst. It needs additional counters added to the classes that lack them atm. A straight out nerf to the balls however? Not without buffing other aspects of the class (defense / sustained).

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People are leaving game, claiming on pvp chats, many of them lost fun from pvp. This is fact. You are writing about fiction.


I wouldn't say all of it is fiction, some of it is truth while the others are my opinions and the opinions of others. If you look at a lot of these "NERF PTS" threads, you might see one unique person every once in awhile show up. Other than that its the normal "I HATE PT's" people grazing in here moving from thread to thread throwing around their "NERF" this and that... Heck even in threads where they are not talking about VG/PT's, you still see them pop in there and throw in how they cant kill VG/PT 5 on 1 and he stuns them all and kills each in a single GCD....


In other words, if swtor is sitting at 900k subs, without data mining I will guess that 50-100k regularly post here and the other 800k are just enjoying the game.


The claim you make about people leaving the game and claiming it to be pvp related is not 100% fact, so we should team up, pretty sure we can write a nice fiction novel together.


Either way we will never know why people are leaving, would be nice if BW released metrics on reasons why people quit. But till then we would never know. I will go out on a limb and say pvp is not the sole reason they are leaving nor is it the reason we are seeing huge dips in player population.


To finish it off, why demand nerfs? People should be offering suggestions on getting their favorite class brought in line with others. After they nerf them what do you thinks going ot happen? The people like me, playing tactics will still end up melting peoples face and this will start all over again, well after they work through the entire class set minus Snipers/Mara's.

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The main reason that Powertechs are OP atm is because BW failed to design a balanced spec tree for the whole AC.


Basically Pyros which is the spec that has insane dps is NOT because the spec itself is wrong or OP.As proof is the fact that mercenaries that share the same spec (more or less) are fine.

The REAL problem is the fact that "Pyros" can take HUGE advantange of the 10 skill points they invest at the tier 1 of the other 2 specs of the AC.With the extra 10 skill points (consindering the fact that they spend 31 on "Pyro") they get incredible boost to Rail Shot (60% armor penetration and 9% dmg) and insane increase to their dots dmg (6% crit chance and 6% dmg).Bottom line is that have dots and burst making them OP.


So what the devs should do without affect the "Advance Prototype" and "Shield Tech" is just to switch some the tier 1 skills and move them higher so "Pyros" can't take advantage of ALL of them.

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The main reason that Powertechs are OP atm is because BW failed to design a balanced spec tree for the whole AC.


Basically Pyros which is the spec that has insane dps is NOT because the spec itself is wrong or OP.As proof is the fact that mercenaries that share the same spec (more or less) are fine.

The REAL problem is the fact that "Pyros" can take HUGE advantange of the 10 skill points they invest at the tier 1 of the other 2 specs of the AC.With the extra 10 skill points (consindering the fact that they spend 31 on "Pyro") they get incredible boost to Rail Shot (60% armor penetration and 9% dmg) and insane increase to their dots dmg (6% crit chance and 6% dmg).Bottom line is that have dots and burst making them OP.


So what the devs should do without affect the "Advance Prototype" and "Shield Tech" is just to switch some the tier 1 skills and move them higher so "Pyros" can't take advantage of ALL of them.


Merc also gets the 60% railshot armor pen (from advanced targeting), it's the 6% railshot damage boost from shieldtech and a total of 90% armor pen for railshot. Some of that could be toned down including the 6% damage to fire attacks, I mean shieldtech doesn't need that anymore since they get 100% taunt while in IGC now.

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Merc also gets the 60% railshot armor pen (from advanced targeting), it's the 6% railshot damage boost from shieldtech and a total of 90% armor pen for railshot. Some of that could be toned down including the 6% damage to fire attacks, I mean shieldtech doesn't need that anymore since they get 100% taunt while in IGC now.


Mercs get only 30% armor penetration to Rail Shot from "Advance targeting" while Powertechs get 60% from "Puncture".In my original post i was suggesting to re-design the specs by moving skills from lower tiers to higher so Pyros can't take advantadge from them and by keeping those other 2 specs unaffected.


If you try to tone down those abilities instead of redistribute you will nerf the other 2 specs very much.

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Merc also gets the 60% railshot armor pen (from advanced targeting), it's the 6% railshot damage boost from shieldtech and a total of 90% armor pen for railshot. Some of that could be toned down including the 6% damage to fire attacks, I mean shieldtech doesn't need that anymore since they get 100% taunt while in IGC now.


the fire damage bonus is mandatory for advanced prototype, so you can't scrap it or move it higher in ST. you could stand to move in into the AP tree, but I don't know what you'd ditch to make room for it, the tree's pretty dense and intertwined.

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In short. Strong offense, weak defense(one defensive CD, if you count heavy armor (roughly 6% more mig to two damage types than medium armor) and the hot that can be outdamaged by default attack don't bother replying), no tools to disengage. Kill or be killed mentality once a fight has started.


For more use the search function. Lots of people have actually bothered but repeating oneself 1000 of times is a bit boring.


Stun, AOE stun, grapple and an interrupt.


Juggernauts/guardians also have utilities that come in handy. Thing is, like you, we have a tank tree and generally aren't seen as doing obscene amounts of pressure/damage.


As it should be.


As powertechs/vanguards should be.

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Stun, AOE stun, grapple and an interrupt.


Juggernauts/guardians also have utilities that come in handy. Thing is, like you, we have a tank tree and generally aren't seen as doing obscene amounts of pressure/damage.


As it should be.


As powertechs/vanguards should be.


you can switch seamlessly between tanking and DPS stances without potentially losing stance or being subjected to interrupts, allowing full access to all your abilities including guard at any time.


powertechs must carry out a 1.5 second channel subject to interrupts from movement and abilities that, if failed, leaves you with no cylinder/stance and no access to core abilities.


If you want to compare guardians to powertechs, bring back my stance dancing. until then, there's no fair comparison.

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Stun, AOE stun, grapple and an interrupt.


Juggernauts/guardians also have utilities that come in handy. Thing is, like you, we have a tank tree and generally aren't seen as doing obscene amounts of pressure/damage.


As it should be.


As powertechs/vanguards should be.


Ok. First they have to bring back the parakeet spec since your immortal/vengeance hybrid can do similar dps but with better survivability. Never mind your Rage spec which can easily hit for 6k on an AoE.

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I hit 350K a few times on my PT with points into shieldtech at low levels! I remember doing exactly 318K at level 17. Bolster boosts your critical chance, surge, armor and power and it diminishes as you get closer to 50.


And my madness assassin was the easiest to level since It did crazy damage all the way to 50, and I thought my jugg as immortal was stupidly easy.


Sin is easy because you can pretty much use massive aoe dmg/dots and stealth to run through pve content.


I have been shocked at how much dps powertech is shelling out at range. It dwarfs my marauder dps at low levels right now and is so easy to setup. You'd think that would be of concern. Yes heat is an issue. However, its pretty minor issue, especially in warzones where energy management is not as significant an issue.

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you can switch seamlessly between tanking and DPS stances without potentially losing stance or being subjected to interrupts, allowing full access to all your abilities including guard at any time.


powertechs must carry out a 1.5 second channel subject to interrupts from movement and abilities that, if failed, leaves you with no cylinder/stance and no access to core abilities.


If you want to compare guardians to powertechs, bring back my stance dancing. until then, there's no fair comparison.


Class balance isn't based on a two-second casting time. Either fake it if a melee is on you and you ABSOLUTELY have to guard somebody within the next 2-4 seconds instead of using your basically free snare to draw the distance to do so or LOS it if your target is ranged and has a ranged interrupt.


Ok. First they have to bring back the parakeet spec since your immortal/vengeance hybrid can do similar dps but with better survivability. Never mind your Rage spec which can easily hit for 6k on an AoE.


So now we're basing class balancing on what happens to people with zero expertise? Cute. Let me do heavy-hitting Smashes just by using Vicious Slash and give me a talent that resets Smash and makes the next Smash free and I'll be the first in line asking for my class to get nerfed, because I don't think that those whose mains are in a less fortunate position mechanics-wise should have to suffer through that garbage.

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