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Recruit Set -- Bare Minimum Requirement


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[i'm not sure if this was already mentioned. I skim these forums from time to time]


As you all know, Recruit gear is now given out for free at level 50. Most people wear it, others trade it in for cash if they don't like PvP'ing that much. What they choose to do with it isn't my business or concern, really.


What I do care about is when someone trades the set in and queues up into a warzone with ZERO expertise in their setup and expects a team to carry them. And then said player calls for nerfs on classes because they were 2-hit killed by someone who actually had expertise. :confused:


Therefore, I request that it should be required for a level 50 to have at least 850 expertise to enter a warzone. My guardian's recruit set evens out at 896 expertise so there should not be any issues meeting the requirement if they choose to use the set for its intended purpose.


I know recruit isn't *THAT* great, but it's better than dealing with a PUG that has greens. :rolleyes:

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It is a complete waste of time if you pvp a lot, as you will have BM in two days. Some classes can get away with it better than others though. You can have multiple pieces of BM already right when you hit 50 as a start, and then filling in the rest will hardly take any lengthy amount of time. Sure, you can put recruit pieces in, but instead of dieing in two hits, you now die in three. At the end of the day, you are still fodder to anyone in decent gear. It's best to just take your licks and use that money to augment BM pieces, so you are better matched up in the end. What you should do on top of getting multiple BM pieces at first hitting 50, is pull out the mods from the level 46 weapons as fillers instead of wasting money on recruit. You of course have to pvp your way to 50 though. For the more casuals, I guess the recruit is a good idea or as a filler if you really don't plan on getting into BM as fast as possible.
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i kinda agree but i dont think its the biggest issue in pvp right now. I recently took my first lvl 50 toon (dps commando) into pvp after i had only ever used it for pve, had sold the recruit token when it first came out. The PVE gear i had gave me 1550 aim, 35crit and 79 surge so i just bought the pvp relics , skipped recruit gear and after few games bought BM. The team wasnt carrying me because i played the class, knew the maps and made the calls.


One night of PVP saw enough BM gear for 500exp and now the 4100 crits. I dont think its people like me that are the problem.


But then maybe thats the minority.

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...I request that it should be required for a level 50 to have at least 850 expertise to enter a warzone....


I have suggested that exact same thing. We don't have much control over who gets thrown into a group composition for PvP. Yeah, you can queue up to 4, but that still leaves a big question mark on half the team.


In PvE, undergeared players can be kicked from the group. The vote kick option for PvP needs improvement, but I can also see where it could be abused. Setting a requirement to have a certain level of Expertise to even queue sounds like a step in the right direction. Nothing would stop someone from swapping out gear once they get in though.

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It is a complete waste of time if you pvp a lot, as you will have BM in two days. Some classes can get away with it better than others though. You can have multiple pieces of BM already right when you hit 50 as a start, and then filling in the rest will hardly take any lengthy amount of time. Sure, you can put recruit pieces in, but instead of dieing in two hits, you now die in three. At the end of the day, you are still fodder to anyone in decent gear. It's best to just take your licks and use that money to augment BM pieces, so you are better matched up in the end. What you should do on top of getting multiple BM pieces at first hitting 50, is pull out the mods from the level 46 weapons as fillers instead of wasting money on recruit. You of course have to pvp your way to 50 though. For the more casuals, I guess the recruit is a good idea or as a filler if you really don't plan on getting into BM as fast as possible.


WASTE OF COMM, since you can buy rated WZ comm at rank 40 which any good pvper will be rank 40 at 40 you are wasting rated wz comm getting lvl 46 weapons and mod ripping.


You can buy 1 weapon or 2 maybe 3 piece of BM gear depending on what you get.


Making Recruit Set a mini requirement for 50 WZ, should happen now. The longer you last the more time it gives your team to get there to help you. Its free now there is no reason for anyone not to be in it.

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I have suggested that exact same thing. We don't have much control over who gets thrown into a group composition for PvP. Yeah, you can queue up to 4, but that still leaves a big question mark on half the team.


In PvE, undergeared players can be kicked from the group. The vote kick option for PvP needs improvement, but I can also see where it could be abused. Setting a requirement to have a certain level of Expertise to even queue sounds like a step in the right direction. Nothing would stop someone from swapping out gear once they get in though.


Or they could just match players against each other based on gear levels, like they should have been doing already.

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WASTE OF COMM, since you can buy rated WZ comm at rank 40 which any good pvper will be rank 40 at 40 you are wasting rated wz comm getting lvl 46 weapons and mod ripping.


You can buy 1 weapon or 2 maybe 3 piece of BM gear depending on what you get.


Making Recruit Set a mini requirement for 50 WZ, should happen now. The longer you last the more time it gives your team to get there to help you. Its free now there is no reason for anyone not to be in it.


My level 43 has already capped out ranked comms. When I said you get multiple pieces of BM at level 50, I meant that you cap your comms first, and if you pvp a lot, you will have time to put the excess towards weapons as filler. I clearly stated that you had to pvp level to do this.

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I had my comms capped at 50, so my choice was getting the BM saber, pulling mods, and immediately bought the WH saber. As a jedi, especially a sent, could then put the BM mods into another saber. Then you have WH main hand, and a BM off-hand. It increased DPS alot and took one of the major time consumers to achieve out of the picture right off the bat. As others have said, full BM takes no time at all, so might as well get a WH piece first. Some others like to get WH implants and ear piece initially. All up to preference really. Edited by theKingsman
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What I do care about is when someone trades the set in and queues up into a warzone with ZERO expertise in their setup and expects a team to carry them. And then said player calls for nerfs on classes because they were 2-hit killed by someone who actually had expertise. :confused:




I had 3 people with 100 or less expertise on my team last night.

A Sentinel on the other team killed all 3 of them at the same time, then took the control point they were guarding.

So they started b*tching about how OP his class was and how unfair the gear advantage is.:rolleyes:


Yes, expertise limit for warzones is a great idea!

Edited by Totaltrash
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I would love to have an expertise minimum for WZ 50+. But if that doesnt happen, at least put a requirment that all equip slots must be full with a check to see if they are blue, orange, or purple grade at least, with everything being Lv49+


im tired of grouping with people with lv 40 greens- ***, I had 3 straight warzones today that almost made me unsub because there were multiple people in Lv40-43 greens and blues... not even a champion cube??? champion cubes last like forever and a day and its acceptable... seriously, a Light requirment IV cube is not acceptable, and only 1 cube. *** are they doing with the money they got from the recruit token... buying speeder training III or something?!? ***!


Bioware, I've stuck with you since the beginning, defended this game from everyone who talks trash about it while comparing it to other MMOs. all I'm asking is that you put some type of armory system into the game, some type of gear check system (for group finder and PVP). Something, anything that will keep me from braking my computer table with my forehead. If you dont, then I'm going to start being "that guy" who leaves every warzone that has people in greens on my team. I'm really getting tired of it.

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[i'm not sure if this was already mentioned. I skim these forums from time to time]


as you all know, recruit gear is now given out for free at level 50. Most people wear it, others trade it in for cash if they don't like pvp'ing that much. What they choose to do with it isn't my business or concern, really.


What i do care about is when someone trades the set in and queues up into a warzone with zero expertise in their setup and expects a team to carry them. And then said player calls for nerfs on classes because they were 2-hit killed by someone who actually had expertise. :confused:


Therefore, i request that it should be required for a level 50 to have at least 850 expertise to enter a warzone. My guardian's recruit set evens out at 896 expertise so there should not be any issues meeting the requirement if they choose to use the set for its intended purpose.


I know recruit isn't *that* great, but it's better than dealing with a pug that has greens. :rolleyes:


i really agree to that!

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I whole-heartedly agree. Just as bad are those who jump in with endgame PvE sets. Perhaps even worse since a lot of them have self-styled themselves into knot-it-alls of every aspect of the game.


A dps in full campaign may do damage matching damage to a full recruit but there is one giant difference between PvE and PvP. In PvE, everyone has a single role and is best off neglecting their classes weaknesses. In PvP it's a different story.


In PvP you can't depend on making a statistically measured influence on your enemies mind. If they want to ignore the tank they will. There is no "threat" to calculate and your enemies are not going to mindlessly run in a line toward the target that you WANT them to go for. Your DPSs and healers each need that big defense bonus that expertise provides. And tanks can't afford to sit around with guard up and tickle their enemies. It's a very temporary solution to protecting from your teams attackers.


Expertise is needed. Campaign gear is no good.

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yea maybe a system feature which recognizes you being under a certain expertise level and either wont let you queue for WZs or puts you in low lvl pvp


The only issue with that proposal is that I can see people getting in que with recruit gear and switching over to BM or WH gear once they are. It would be the same type of person that takes their lvl 50 to Alderran to crush lowbies.

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I have 2 50's . One is a guardian that hit 50 back in the times when we had those damn bags with their RNG and there was no recruit gear. My second is a mara that i just hit 50 with and who is NOT going to buy recruit gear AND is going to turn in the token for cash.


Why you ask ?


Because he is also a 400 synthweaver who is making aug kits and might/resolve augs for himself and his RL friend that he plays with and the money will help with this A LOT.


I can wait till i get BM, if this inconveniences others in my team i am sorry , but you must remember i ( just like you ) have the right to do in this game whatever i think is fun

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*** are they doing with the money they got from the recruit token... buying speeder training III or something?!?


That's what I did. Much better than buying that worthless Recruit gear.


What you need to realize is that other people don't share your agenda. For some people, it's perfectly fine to lose 100 matches in a row as long as they are having fun. If you don't want to risk playing with random people, you could form your own group ahead of time.


Those are your alternatives right now. Random groups with different objectives, or make your own group.


In summary: Worry less about other people.

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yea maybe a system feature which recognizes you being under a certain expertise level and either wont let you queue for WZs or puts you in low lvl pvp


How about that system also prevents anyone from entering a PvE instance if they have any expertise? One of the reasons players go into PvP with no expertise is because they just want a few BM/WH pieces to use for PvE. Remove the ability to use PvP gear for PvE and you'll have a lot fewer people in Warzones. If that's what you want.

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What needs to happen is they need to remove the cash trade in, that would stop all the idiots from just selling it off.


Also, before anyone jumps down my throat I have one simple question. Would you go into an Operation without getting the basic gear first? No, no you would not, so please don't go into PvP without the most basic of gear.

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That's what I did. Much better than buying that worthless Recruit gear.


What you need to realize is that other people don't share your agenda. For some people, it's perfectly fine to lose 100 matches in a row as long as they are having fun. If you don't want to risk playing with random people, you could form your own group ahead of time.


Those are your alternatives right now. Random groups with different objectives, or make your own group.


In summary: Worry less about other people.


Thanks for illustrating my point so nicely!

By your logic, it would be perfectly fine to wipe 100 OPS, as long as I'm having fun, right?

Ok, you are missing the BIG difference between OPS and Warzones:


If I come in Recruit gear to a HM OPS, YOU can kick me from the team.

But if YOU come in PVE gear to a WZ, I CANNOT kick you from the team.


I'm forced to play with you and your crappy gear/attitude, while you could kick me from the ops anytime.


Bioware, we need either:


- an expertise low limit to enter 50 Warzones

- or a system to kick people out of warzones if they show up without expertise

Edited by Totaltrash
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Thanks for illustrating my point so nicely!

By your logic, it would be perfectly fine to wipe 100 OPS, as long as I'm having fun, right?

Ok, you are missing the BIG difference between OPS and Warzones:


If I come in Recruit gear to a HM OPS, YOU can kick me from the team.

But if YOU come in PVE gear to a WZ, I CANNOT kick you from the team.


I'm forced to play with you and your crappy gear/attitude, while you could kick me from the ops anytime.


Bioware, we need either:


- an expertise low limit to enter 50 Warzones

- or a system to kick people out of warzones if they show up without expertise


Limit of 800. A vote to kick system would be abused.

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