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Kaliyo recognise Rattataki players?


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Does Kaliyo recognise whether or not you are a fellow Rattataki?


I doubt it. I have a human agent so I don't know for sure, but the dialog never seems to go beyond "alien" for any conversation. For instance, you'd think my Chiss Bounty Hunter would a better reception on Hoth, but they never recognize him as a fellow Chiss. The same goes for a Chiss agent. The Twi'lek outcasts on Tython never acknowledge you as a fellow Twi'lek if you play one as a Jedi Knight or Consular. You'd think given their predicament, they'd appeal to your race in hopes of gaining your understanding.


The only dialog I've ever seen recognition of your actual species, other than to call you an alien, is when the Sith Pureblood woman just inside the Academy on Korriban recognizes a Sith Warrior Pureblood as a Pureblood.

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I doubt it. I have a human agent so I don't know for sure, but the dialog never seems to go beyond "alien" for any conversation. For instance, you'd think my Chiss Bounty Hunter would a better reception on Hoth, but they never recognize him as a fellow Chiss. The same goes for a Chiss agent. The Twi'lek outcasts on Tython never acknowledge you as a fellow Twi'lek if you play one as a Jedi Knight or Consular. You'd think given their predicament, they'd appeal to your race in hopes of gaining your understanding.


The only dialog I've ever seen recognition of your actual species, other than to call you an alien, is when the Sith Pureblood woman just inside the Academy on Korriban recognizes a Sith Warrior Pureblood as a Pureblood.


If you are an IA, there is a Chiss storyline on Hoth as part of your class quest....as a Chiss IA, I loved it. Well, and the presence of so many Chiss on Hoth, where they had been markedly absent from the Empire planets before, was lovely.

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If you are an IA, there is a Chiss storyline on Hoth as part of your class quest....as a Chiss IA, I loved it. Well, and the presence of so many Chiss on Hoth, where they had been markedly absent from the Empire planets before, was lovely.


i know~ i still take vector to hoth on scenic dates sometimes~

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Yeah, if you're a Chiss Agent, you get recognized as a Chiss a lot, you even have your own personal backstory given to you on Voss. As I recall, a few different species/class combos have some specific dialogue. I think Ratattaki Bounty Hunters have something, though I can't confirm it.

It's true that Chiss bounty hunters get absolutely nothing. Even on a general quest that all Empire players get, the one on Balmorra where you have to alter the video footage of the Chiss getting killed, on my Chiss agent I had a choice to say "why would I go against my own people?" but my Chiss bounty hunter didn't.


I do wish ALL the class/race combos had at least something in there. I get the feeling a lot of the combos may not have been decided before all the writing was finished.

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she aknowledges you if your chiss. you can say your not a normal imperial, and shes like " yeah, so your skin's blue" yadda yadda


Yeah I remember this on my Chiss. Betting she has something unique to say if you're Rattataki here also.

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a early conversation with kaliyo my chiss agent talked to her about imperial rashions.


says something like "im from the acendancy we dont do imperial field rashions" and she says "yeah you blue but youve got the acent"


now surely a rakatti agent would say something along that line wouldnt they?

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I've watched some YouTube videos of a guy playing a Rattataki Agent, and no, Kaliyo does not appear to change her dialogue based on race, barring Chiss. She had the standard line about rations, no mention of anything special, not even when she talked about escaping Rattatak
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a early conversation with kaliyo my chiss agent talked to her about imperial rashions.


says something like "im from the acendancy we dont do imperial field rashions" and she says "yeah you blue but youve got the acent"


now surely a rakatti agent would say something along that line wouldnt they?


Sort of, lore wise Chiss are new to the Empire and still 'free'. Thus NONE were raised in the Empire before the Empire returned to republic space. It is possible that the Rattattaki were, as slaves or low class citizens. This is refrenced in the book 'Revan' where it is stated that most of the slaves (Twi'lek) were descendants of people who were brought with the Sith when the Empire retreated back into unknown space.

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