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Why does the SNIPER class not have stealth? Everything i read pre release was that it was part of the agent, not specific to one of the two classes. Also being a former combat veteran marine, and working with both marine scout snipers and navy seals, believe me they are the LAST people you will see coming. Sometimes we couldnt even find our scouts when we had to pick them up. So yea back to swtor, playing both pve and pvp i feel stealth not being a sniper ability is a big letdown and we need the love, especially in pvp. Were supposed to sneak up on someone and lay a boomstick on them; if they see us they should squish us.
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stealth would not be op for the sniper if it only worked out of combat and did not have an ability to re-enter stealth in combat.


If would become a positioning ability.


it would allow a more offensive gameplay than a defensive one. (referring to taking position at an objective you are defending vs being able to take position near an objective you are attacking)


i'm sure you have experienced being pulled or leaped at when attempting to attack a node.

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Like the above poster stated, Snipers don't get stealth because they're granted 30-35 meter range abilities when they chose their advanced class. Operatives are limited to 4m-10m range for their skills outside of heals, rifle shots, and the standard grenade attack, this is why they are given the ability to balance them out.
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stealth would not be op for the sniper if it only worked out of combat and did not have an ability to re-enter stealth in combat.


If would become a positioning ability.


it would allow a more offensive gameplay than a defensive one. (referring to taking position at an objective you are defending vs being able to take position near an objective you are attacking)


i'm sure you have experienced being pulled or leaped at when attempting to attack a node.

This is exactly what I had in mind too , we don t need the in combat stealth, I just wanted stealth for positioning instead I have to walk all the way to the node and pray nobody leaps on me mid way(as usual).

As an off topic notice stealth is the only thing missing from my hope to play the sniper class like a terran ghost (starcraft) nuclear launch detected

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You guys really have to think MORE outside the box. We don't need a stealth or a invis-speed boost... when lvl cap 55 comes out let's turn it UP A NOTCH! I'm not trying to get another force cloak that crap is old news i want snipers/gunslingers and ONLY snipers/gunslingers to have a 35 m teleport that you can target your destination to that has a 2 or 3 min cd. this would be great to get away with and maintain our distance from our foes since we are ranged dps. Also, this is NOT op since other classes have means of jumping or speed boosting to us. I want it to have a 35 m range since snipers/gunslingers have the most range dps in game so lets meet that standard. I want it to be able to be targeted onto a ledge that i can port myself up to if i so choose. Whether it's to strategically position myself to get in the passing lane for a huttball, perch myself on top of a ledge so i can feel like a REAL sniper and shoot peeps down below or to get away from a horde of enemies, this would be FANTASTIC in all aspects of the Sniper/Gunslinger arsenal. C'mon people LET'S TELL BIOWARE WHAT WE WANT! And i know this sounds bad a** hahaha!
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While we're at it, I want a "kill everyone on the battleground" ability. Because that would be SWEET.


(I also want a "kill the nastiest boss in the game in one hit". Screw grinding for loot. As long as you have a sniper, you don't need any other DPS! Or heals! Or tanks!)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Lack of stealth for sniper was a bit of disappointment for me too and that was the reason for me to choose operative over sniper. Both advanced classes should have stealth ability but working differently and sniper imho should get weaker version useable in Cover mode only.
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You guys really have to think MORE outside the box. We don't need a stealth or a invis-speed boost... when lvl cap 55 comes out let's turn it UP A NOTCH! I'm not trying to get another force cloak that crap is old news i want snipers/gunslingers and ONLY snipers/gunslingers to have a 35 m teleport that you can target your destination to that has a 2 or 3 min cd. this would be great to get away with and maintain our distance from our foes since we are ranged dps. Also, this is NOT op since other classes have means of jumping or speed boosting to us. I want it to have a 35 m range since snipers/gunslingers have the most range dps in game so lets meet that standard. I want it to be able to be targeted onto a ledge that i can port myself up to if i so choose. Whether it's to strategically position myself to get in the passing lane for a huttball, perch myself on top of a ledge so i can feel like a REAL sniper and shoot peeps down below or to get away from a horde of enemies, this would be FANTASTIC in all aspects of the Sniper/Gunslinger arsenal. C'mon people LET'S TELL BIOWARE WHAT WE WANT! And i know this sounds bad a** hahaha!


Yeah. Then we could teleport right onto the +10 datacrons. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

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