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Ok, now it's my turn. I play Gunnery Spec.

1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

I'll mostly join to all other players said above . PVE class only, irrespective of spec. Nice dps in fight that last near 10 min. But that's all. One of my guild-mates said once: "Tell me, bro, why!? WHY DID U CHOOSE MOST USELESS CLASS IN THE GAME!?!?! U are not so stupid, are u!?!?" He said that after another warzone. Can't blame him. Despite nice damage dealt, i still was useless, coz of dying too fast and too often.

Cmon, Bioware, this is not serious. U said at the beginning, who is Trooper Commando? Trooper Commando is the greatest firepower in the WHOLE GALAXY! He carries ASSAULT CANNON. I thought when Commando shows his big, fat, hot...ASSAULT CANNON, the aggressors not must think twice before attack him, they must pissed their pants and run away in screaming panic!!

But now nobody afraid us. They not just unafraid, they can simply IGNORE us. We are easy frag. This is humiliating!

2. How do you perceive your own spec?

First of all is damage.

We need mobility. So It must be instant Charged Bolts and fire-and-run Full Auto. Fire Grenade - completely useless skill at all. Nobody use it. Even in PvE! It cost too much, not so powerful as should be, and too much time to activate. So remove it completely or do something with it. Also we need more stacks, for now we have only two damage stacks and damage bonus - HIB and Full auto, and it's not enough for the real BIG damage, maybe it should be stacks or damage bonus for Charged Bolts, so we can use it more often, and it should be instant ANYWAY and run-able/mobile.

Second - we don't have survival at all. There is no sense for heavy armor coz damage is too high. So we have 2 safe-abilities, but they are mean nothing. Even Jedi Shadow, who have only light armor (i'm saying about non-tanking specs) has greater defense abilities. We need protection from internal, kinetic and elemental damage. So i guess it must be Reactive shield which reduce all damage taken and INCREASE DEFENSE CHANCE (30%/15-20%) and Adrenaline Rush which restore health and makes us immune to the internal and elemental damage for some time (10 sec will be all right)

And then we could say that Commando better be a friend than foe.

Edited by PHiLiN
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I play Commando Combat Medic 31-10-0 with full war hero, 80% time spent in PVP.


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

My guild mates would prefer to run warzones and operations with other healing classes, on the republic side on my server, rated warzones never have more than one commando healer along, where as other healing classes are welcomed. Their perception is formed being us having lower healing output number and too dependent on others to survive. However, our mirror class on the imp side are perceived as overpowered when they are paired with Juggs.

Since my guild mates are used to running with scoundrel and sage healers, they are less likely to pay attention to my line of sight constraints when in warzones with me. Besides that, since the other healer classes have better escape abilities, my guild mates could focus on taking down their targets and objectives rather than having to keep me alive.

I notice combat medics are usually be the primary focus target for players on the opposite team, could be due to them easier to kill or maybe the green beam reminding them to focus on healers. I am also having a hard time to get invited into operations without respec-ing to damage dealer because my AOE heals are perceived as limited and the operations do actually seem to be more forgiving with two other healing classes along.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

I find playing combat medic disheartening. I do not have the free time to re-roll another class and bring it to end game and gear it so I can with my friends, I also tried gunnery in warzones and not performing as well as other classes, this could be gear issue as I am geared combat medic. I feel that combat medic is an extreme class and not forgiving, it pull ridiculous numbers in the hands of a good player with a team that has good composition and skills but a liability to a team if otherwise. That could be the reason why there are not many combat medics on my server and I also notice the high turnover in this class, there would be a cycle of many combat medics but gave up when they feel unproductive and not contributing effectively. Basically, I feel like my spec does not allow me to survive and shine on my own. Knowing that having to depend on others for survival and performance is not how I want to enjoy a game. Actually, thanks for the reflection, I will be re-rolling a vanguard tonight.

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1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

easy kill. Hammer shot with combat support cell active is just a big "kill me" green beam, just change it to green laser shots, not a giant green beam which highlights where I am.....


Dps sucks, so static its untrue, and lacking real utility


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


a bit clunky, its quite fun, and I like ammo, however its a bit unforgiving when it comes to regen at lower levels if other people mess up and need healing more.


Way too static. Needs more utility

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Gunnery Spec:

1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

Some people refer to it as the "spam Grav Round" spec, really easy to play in pve and easy to counter in pvp through breaking line of sight.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Easy enough to play, in ops and flashpoints does acceptable damage, although lower than most other classes. In PvP, however, I feel totally useless 9 times out of 10, the lack of an interrupt (knockbacks as interrupts are bad because they add resolve...) and the lack of overall survivability cooldowns (25% damage reduction means nothing when someone comes at you with better ones active) and escapes from melee classes makes us deadweight in most warzones.


Assault Specialist

1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

As far as I've heard, many treat it as the PvP spec, since it's the shared tree, others say it does acceptable damage in PvE but always bellow all the rest.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Gave up playing this in ops due to the near impossibility to track my Incendiary Round in 16 man ops, since there's an awful lot of debuffs starting and ending all the time, changing the position of my own debuff, and if I want to maximize it, I would have to lose more time looking for it than paying attention to the fight's mechanics...

In PvP Assault does feel a bit more fun to play than gunnery, although there is still the issue with lack of utility and survivability cooldowns...

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I currently have an Assault Specialist Commando and have played Gunnery for a short while; I also have a Bodyguard Mercenary (Combat Medic) and a Pyrotech Powertech (Assault Specialist Vanguard). My main aspect is PVP however I have done quite a bit of PVE and have cleared EC HM several times.


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes? (Combat Medic )

Personally I feel people around me wished they had a one of the other healing ACs. I often find people may look past me when looking for a healer for a ranked warzone team because they either want the other healing ACs because my sustained is not as good as the other ACs or they want the utility of the other ACs, I have no pull or stealth.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

I've always loved my spec up to 1.2, something I did pre 1.2 is help a tank get 500k protection in 1 life because my sustained was good enough to keep him up however this has never been possible since the 1.2 nerf. I’m found healing much harder after 1.2 because I’ve had to completely revamp my rotation due to sustained being harder, with a hammer shot or 2 appearing in between each of my heals just to do sustained. The main thing I still like about this spec is that my burst is still very good however this will consume all my ammo most of the time meaning I have to use recharge cells.


This is the spec I play the most so the one I feel am most knowledgeable of.


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes? (Gunnery)

One of the things I think is that other people think of me as a very easy free kill in PVP because the whole class relies on my Grav Round so they only have to interrupt that to make killing me easy. However in PVE I feel people think of my spec as a lot better, a Mercenary in my imperial guild is often pulling top damage in some raids and many people want him in their raid.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

I personally am not very fond of this spec in PVP unless you can get into a position where people ignore you because all someone attacking me has to do is interrupt Grav Round because this builds stacks of de-buffs and buffs needed to deal high amounts of damage. PVE is a different matter for this spec due to that fact that bosses are very unlikely to interrupt you allowing me to get off my Grav Rounds and do nice easy rotations doing a pretty sustained amount of damage whilst keeping my heat down.


However this is not a spec taht I use a lot so I’m not too knowledge able of and mainly played it pre 1.2 but will often switch to it on my healer if a DPS is needed for a raid or flashpoint.


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes? (Assault Specialist )

I get the impression that this is people favourite PVP spec for commandos because it’s not as broken as the other 2 and can hold its own against quite a few other DPS classes; however I do get the impression that they would rather have a Vanguard with this spec than a Commando on their team. PVE wise people are not too fond of this spec because its sustained and overall damage output is not as high as Gunnery’s.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

I very much like this spec in PVP being able to survive in a one on one situation because my class does not really on one ability, however when most if my abilities are on cool down the only thing I can do is Charged Bolts to reset the cool down on high impact bolt and if this gets interrupted I have to quickly change what I’m doing (pop call downs and run away). Though this is not like gunnery because my spec is not going to be in huge amounts of danger because one of my abilities has been interrupted. PVE wise I’m not to fond of this spec because it has a lot of abilities that would have little or no affect in a raid. However this spec is highly inferior to Vanguard Assault Specialist because none of the abilities that reset the cool down of rail shot are instant cast meaning they can be interrupted which can reduce this specs overall damage.


A question I feel is lacking from the OP and should be there.

3. How I feel about commandos in general?

A lack of utility from this class in general is something I’m not too fond of. The fact that my class has not interrupt is something that bothers me greatly, mainly because a Commando can’t solo the final boss of read reaper. Our class used to be a bit over powered in the right situations in 1.1 and so I feel we deserved a nerf but the nerf we got was too strong and ruined our class.

Edited by Apothis_
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My commando is half Black Hole/Rakata. The following comments are only PvE related:


Others' perceptions: Wait, your commando doesn't have an interrupt?


My perception: I don't have an interrupt. Originally, the developers claimed that there wasn't an interrupt because the DPS was higher than other classes. I was ok with this and it made sense. When grav rounds (and other abilities) were pulled back, we were not given an interrupt. Thank you for giving us a combat rez, I really appreciate it, if you would, please add an interrupt.

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Combat Medic

1. I think most people see the Combat Medics as viable healers for PVE and PVP, but would generally choose a Scoundrel healer over you if given the chance. I believe this is due to the Scoundrels mobility while healing vs. the Combat Medics need to stay stationary.


2. I feel the Combat Medic is in a relatively good place right now. It has very high single target burst healing ability, but struggles when trying to top off the whole team.




1. Mainly seen as the PVP spec. Only desirable in PVE to fill some niche rolls where you need someone constantly moving. (I.E. Stormcaller and Firebrand)


2. This is the main spec i've been running lately (being mostly a PVP'er) because the mobility, pressure, and burst are respectable. May need some tuning to bring it more on board with Assault Vanguards.




1. For PVP- The Red Headed step child of commando specs

For PVE- A welcome RDPS with a fairly simple rotation


2. I agree with the general populace about the state of gunnery in PVP. Its to easy to shutdown and to dependant on being stationary without the kiting ability or DPS of say a marksman Gunslinger. PVE wise they do very well when able to set up camp and go to work.

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I have been playing since early access and only as a commando and only pvp. With that said this is my feed back.


PVP dps

1. Others see us a a free kill by in large

2. We have a knockback as our only interrupt/escape mechanism. Even with that disadvantage I seem to do pretty well in WZs using this spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800fIdbzhhMZZMIzdoMz.2 currently in full wh combat medic gear i consistently pull 250-350 average dps


PvP healing

1. More annoying than effective and espically hard to kill with a guard on.

2. Personally I feel gimped healin in pvp we have only one instant cast heal and can squeeze another one every two minutes with tech override. Again in full wh gear I'm pushing 22k hp with a guard and being focused by 2-4 people in regular WZs I'm pretty much unkillable. Rateds is an entirely different story typically ill have a powertech and a muarder on me at all times and i go down like a joke. with the talented version of reactive shield doesnt even help any smart player will just force choke, dirty kick, or insert any other stun honestly and the cool down is wasted. having the talent make us immune to stuns knockbacks as well or just Stuns would be a big help that or just decrease the cool down on RS.

Edited by Tugoro
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1. Great Combat Medics (with well optimized gear) can chug out very high single target healing. Gunnerys rely a lot on procs which makes their DPS vary a lot.


2. As a Combat Medic that is still learning the ropes, I find resource management to be really frustrating. The Seer and Sawbones have an easier time managing resources while the Combat Medic is crippled by "cleansing" moves costing 2 ammo (the same cost as our big heal) and an AoE without smart healing. There is little the Combat Medic brings to the table that differentiates it from the other, more desirable healing classes.

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I think other players who have taken the time to learn the game and strengths and weaknesses of the classes, the knowledgeable commando is viewed as a strong teammate/opponent at range with adequate defenses when attacked by melee opponents and te medic works well as a single heal player.


I mostly heal but also play the gunnery tree. I have found both every viable in pvp and pve. Ian's have kept the middle if huttball cleared for 1/2 a game before the other side realized one player was keeping them from getting the ball. I've kept players up at critical times in pvp that lead to a win but like any class, the commando cannot work miracles.


I think players that think their commando is weak need to step back and figure out the mechanics and maybe rethink their skill point allocation. This is a great class.

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I think other players who have taken the time to learn the game and strengths and weaknesses of the classes, the knowledgeable commando is viewed as a strong teammate/opponent at range with adequate defenses when attacked by melee opponents and te medic works well as a single heal player.


I mostly heal but also play the gunnery tree. I have found both every viable in pvp and pve. Ian's have kept the middle if huttball cleared for 1/2 a game before the other side realized one player was keeping them from getting the ball. I've kept players up at critical times in pvp that lead to a win but like any class, the commando cannot work miracles.


I think players that think their commando is weak need to step back and figure out the mechanics and maybe rethink their skill point allocation. This is a great class.



I smell a troll lol

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1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

Useless (+an easy kill) in PVP, not much better in PVE ops. Gunnery was ok pre 1.2 but damage has been nerfed. Why play assault when a vanguard can do it so much better?


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

I have not played my full battlemaster/rakata commando since about 2 days after 1.2, i saw no point and re-rolled. Please make him useable again.

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Both dps specs

1. Other people seem to feel burdened by my lack of interrupt to help on bosses where one matters. Otherwise no real issues I've heard.


2. As assault I enjoy burning things but Don't feel like I help others other than off heals. I also have an inferiority complex with vanguards since I have no guaranteed plasma trigger. As gunnery I feel the vortex debuff helps others and it feels fine for damage whether or not it actually is.

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Gunnery PvP


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

Dangerous if left alone, but why would you? Easiest class to shut down and kill bar none. No utility and Burst/DPS not noteworthy enough to bring to any organised team. Require too much baby-sitting by the rest of the team to be effective.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Decent against bads and absolutely terrible against anyone remotely decent. Free kill for melee without massive team support. No way to escape or kite. No utility worth speaking of. Off-heals are pointless (too much ammo/cast time for the HPs). Greatly angers me to see classes like mara/sent who are supposed to be pure dps putting out 125k PASSIVE heals compared to my 20k heals that cost me 2 bars of ammo and 15+ seconds of pushbacked, interrupted stationary healing. No interrupt (***), no speed boosts (all 4 warzones require running from point to point).

The most interruptable class out there with the least interrupt protection.


I have NO IDEA why you decided to nerf this spec in 1.2 whilst leaving Tanksins/Maras alone and only giving a small nerf to PTs. Any confidence I had in your team knowing what they were doing with regards to PvP balance was destroyed by 1.2.



Assault PvP

1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?


Not as bad as gunnery but as PT/VG is so much better, they just wonder why you haven't rerolled.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I wonder why I haven't rerolled a VG/PT. Oh wait, I have, and people weren't lying. Still reliant on cast times, no grapple utility. Can provide decent numbers but a lot is auto-proc dots and aoe rather than siginificant burst.


Basically a poor man's VG/PT.


In summary, you give FAR TOO MUCH weighting to heavy armour and off-heals when they really aren't that good or useful. You cannot be a ranged turret if melee can basically teleport next to you. There would have been no archers in medieval times if their infantry could jump over your infantry and appear right next to the archer, yet this is exactly what you have created.

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1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

* 2x commando healer cannot complete content as 2x other healers can. This causes Commandos to be percieved as the weakest raid healer in the game. Smugs are seen as better single target healers with better AE healing now and Sages are far and away seen as hands down the best AE healers.

* Commando healers are not prefered for ranked PVP due to lack of flexibility and escape mechanics. The inability to break out of combat is percieved as a weakness.

* Commandos dps/healers are percieved to be fine for leveling up due to the amount of AE they have on weaker mobs but the higher level the content the more they fall behind.

* Commando DPS is fine for hardmodes that do not require interrupts...commandos have been turned away from groups for not having interrupts.

* Commando DPS is percieved by others to be falling behind "pure" dps classes. Currently they are showing 200-400 dps behind slingers and sentinels at top gear levels.

* PVP Vanguard assault is percieved to be head and shoulders above Commando assault...shouldn't these be balanced to provide the same amount of damage on the move between the specs?


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

* CMs are weaker in PVP than other healers for sustained healing. For 12 seconds per 2 minutes CMs are equal to or better than the best healer in PVP...what they give up for this 12 seconds isn't balanced. A team running 2 x smug/ops healers is going to outperform 2 x CMs gear/skill being equal. The prefered combo is smug/op and Sage/sorc.

* CMs resource generation/usage is out of balance compared to the other healers. Under heavy load the CM is going to run OOR before the other healers and have the toughest time regenerating that ammo back to usable levels.

* PVP the green beam of death needs to go away. It is a seriously stupid graphic and makes me wish I had rolled my CM as BG.

* There is content that 2 x CMs cannot complete until after they are geared PASSED that content. The other healers do not have this issue.

* Gunnery spec does not scale as well as other dps specs. The harder the content the lower the performance when compared to other DPS classes. Any fight with movement destroys this classes DPS output.

* Assault spec is a waste for PVE when the Vanguard assualt puts out higher damage and provides more options.

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1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

I play Gunnery spec, and i can normally dish out a decent amount of damage. I can be a huge threat to unguarded healers if left alone. I can normally hold my own against other ranged classes, but as soon as a melee class jumps me its very difficult to come out on top.

2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Im a big fan of Gunnery, but everyday i am disheartened by the fact that a DPS Vanguard/PT can out DPS me most of the time with less effort. Did a ranked warzone the other day against 3 other PT's, each outdps me by about 100k (i was the highest non PT damager). Sometimes it just makes me want to roll a Vanguard because as a DPS there so much better for warzones.


Also, i know you only want three or four lines, but i have to say this. Gunnery spec is too reliant on one skill, Grav Round. We need to almost spam is to improve most of our hardest hitting abilities. As its got a cast timer its also prone to interrupts, and if someone interrupts your PvP effectiveness drops aswell.

Edited by Mossesman
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Combat medic


1. Mixed bag, either people think the spec is really difficult to kill, especially when guarded. Decent heals. Or people think that they are the worst healers in the game with zero mobility or survivability.


2. I thoroughly enjoy it. We are extremely powerful with support from our teammates and proper positioning. While I don't know that we are the best healers in game, if you enjoy the play style and understand it, you can really thrive.

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Combat Medic:


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

It seems that Commando healer is considered an easy target in PvP, and almost useless in PvE. I found really difficult to enter a ranked wz group, people prefers sages and scoundrels. I havent seen a lot of Commando healer lately, or at least not good ones.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

I think Commando healer is really difficult to play. Its too vulnerable to interrupt and the AoE is still one of the big problem of this class. We play our best standing still, which in PvP is not that easy. The ammo regeneration and handling became hard after the nerf: lots of people abandoned their char for that. The hammer shot heal its cool, but reveal people your position and that you're an healer. I still enjoy playing Commando; most of the time I'm top healing and objectives so guess I'm doing something good, but still we will need some improvement, in order to get even to the other classes.

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First let me say I am a believer that melee DPS should always do more DPS than ranged. Plain and simple. That is the reason why you take melee over ranged. They can be harder to manage if they are bad at what they do but the reward is easier boss kills.


I play a Gunnery Commando in both PVP and PVE. Full BM and full Rakkata Gear.


How do others percieve me?

Honestly I could care less. I play with a guild of rather normal smart people and we are all fairly competitive in the DPS department. We never tell people their class is broken and they can't play with us. Were not 5 years old anymore. Most of the people on the forums are PVP whiners so again they are mostly venting because they got beat up. I have. ot been discriminated against in game.


How do I percieve the class.

PVE- Pretty good DPS. Easy to play. Competitive with all DPS in my guild. We have a long CC for breaking up spawns that works on all. Combat rez. Self heals when needed.


PVP- Might as well have a target over my head. I say that because compaired to the Empire we are so easily spotted and often grouped up on because of that. We should not need an assault cannon for healing! Also compaired to other classes I feel like a sitting duck with only 1 CC break on a long timer. Other then that as DPS i can mow people down or I get mowed down.

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I play PVE Gunnery and Combat Medic


1. Commando has a bit of a rep as the "easy" class (some of it well deserved) with its ease of leveling (class comes front loaded with several abilities that screw over non strong mobs early on). They pick up their "screw you, trash pack" ability as a base class at level 10 (granted it has been nerfed for whatever unfathomable reason) whereas smugglers get it at level 48 and sages in the mid 30s


2. Starts out really strong but starts to fall behind in later levels/content. Class is severely lacking in utility and even some abilities that you question the use (Explosive round, but more of a general trooper problem there). The class REALLY needs an interrupt, especially with content coming out that requires the use of one or more interrupters. Also a minor request but I'd like to see SCC cells allow the casting of HiB just to make questing as a medic trooper a little easier since only Dorne and Yunn have on dots and your abilities that allow you cast HIB either have a long cooldown (Stun/CC)or a high ammo cost (Plasma grenade)

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A Gunnery Spec Commando


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

Under-performing DPS with the only advantage of being ranged and sturdy with Heavy Armor. Off-healing that is only useful in certain raid group configurations, but an overall lack of group utility especially with the lack of an interrupt.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Of all my current 50's, DF Gunslinger, Shadow Tank, and this Gunnery Commando, it is this character that makes me feel like a detriment to my team rather than a valuable contributor. I'm disappointed in the overall DPS I am capable of, though admittedly it is my worst geared character. However, the mediocre DPS is only compounded by the fact that my utility to the group is weak. I have no group buff like a Sentinel or even the Gunslingers Scrambling Field, and I don't even have an interrupt which makes me an extremely weak link in fights like Jarg/Sorno and Hard Mode Colonel Vorgath. I do like walking around with huge assault cannon though.

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Playing as Combat Medic in End-Game PvE:


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

Weakest healer of the three available. Good for single target, but needs a Sage to do the heavy lifting.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

I feel I need to work really hard (due to ammo management and limited abilities) to achieve worst results than a Seer or Sawbones. Combat medic seems very constrained because of the resource mechanic and lack of group damage mitigation abilities (chain-heal, shield, HoT).

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1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

having played all 3 specs - In PvE good dps and single target healers (but not great at either ).


In PvP i feel we're thought of as fairly weak and easy to kill but potentially annoying .


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Enjoyed the challenge of playing assault in PvE and was doing well with it right up until EC then my damage output dropped like a stone So have had to switch to gunnery a spec i enjoy less as it uses fewer abilities but it does double the dps in EC


in PvP i have found it extremely frustrating that i seem to get targeted first as people assume your a healer and the classes lack of mobility makes doing decent dps extremely hard.


(not really the place for it but 2 wishes for the class 1:an interrupt 2: reduce the cooldown of our CC)

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1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?


Easy assassin medal in pvp, nice to have around while gearing up as it cuts down the competition for the proper DPS classes gear and clears up the yard trash, pointless for end game PvE as the benefits of heavy armour are outweighed by defensive skills of the the other DPS classes, damage output is sub par and their mobility is lacking. Healers are good middle ground between sages (PvE gods) and scoundrels (PvP demons)


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Slow, immobile and frustratingly squishy.


From the perspective of a Raka/BH geared DPS commando

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