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Should we be able to switch alliances?


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So many famous characters (such as Darth Vader, Star Killer, Darth Revan, etc.) have switched alliances in the middle of their stories. changing one's beliefs or learning that they feel the other alliance is correct is essential in one's journey through the Star Wars universe.


Agree or Disagree?

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So many famous characters (such as Darth Vader, Star Killer, Darth Revan, etc.) have switched alliances in the middle of their stories. changing one's beliefs or learning that they feel the other alliance is correct is essential in one's journey through the Star Wars universe.


Agree or Disagree?



On the one hand they could do something like EQ2.


However on the other hand it wouldn't really work due the heralded story archs.


So disagree on balance, as it would be a vast amount of work for very little gain (compared to putting the same amount of work into space, or day/night cycle or pretty much anything else).

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It would be cool, but for some classes it wouldnt make much sense betraying your side. For example -



In the Trooper storyline, you spend your entire career fighting the Empire, including killing or capturing there greatest general, destroying a super weapon, and taking down a band on Republic traitors yourself. If you did all that then decide "Im gonna fight for the other side now lolz", it would be very stupid


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No. The MMO is storyline based. This isn't like City of Heroes where you can just up and switch. They'd literally have to write 16 divergent storylines, and then you have continuity..


Jesus Christ, no. You have no idea how much work that would be.


Just reroll.

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First, yes i would like to be able to switch sides or at least be able to group up with players from the other faction to fight "common enemies".


The only way i see changing faction work would be if by changing you pick up the storyline of the mirrored class. So a trooper that defects, should be able to keep his trooper looks and animations, but would become a bounty hunter in terms of storyline. To be honest, theres also many reason why this shouldnt work.


But, beeing able to "temporarily" fight common enemies is something i wouldnt see a problem with since its whats happening already, just that you cant see the opposite faction doing it.

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I'd love to have something like that. I have a Sith Warrior alt in this game. Since I'm naturally good, most of my choices with my Sith are LS. It would be awesome if I could leave the Sith Order and maybe join the Jedi.
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Agree and why not - this game has already broken so many expectations and "rules".


Just for fun, who else is sick of stunlock/knockback-snare based PVP, I love watching the in-game cinematics, get you all pumped up for PvP Star Wars style, then /warzone and . . . "Cannot do that while stunned".


Lol, resolve.

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