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Expanded storyline's not coming until "next year or so"?:(


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No real surprise really, first off Bioware is Glacially slow with everything and the depth of the class stories, I am sure it will take some time, I just hope there is enough of a player base around in a year or so, for them to keep creating new content. I am taking my time going through the 8 story lines, I don't know if I can string them out for a year or so, I hope things like 1.4, 1.5 etc start getting out, at least to a snails pace..LOL

I try to do everything the game has to offer, raid, pvp, craft, quest, in all the modes, just crossing my fingers for new content, an I hope it is true new content and not just another ferris wheel added to the park..:)


This game is expanding out faster then any MMORPG that I've played in the last 15 years. How in lord's name does that make them "glacially slow?"


We might want to consider the level of player impatience and desire for personal, instant gratification as the basis for so many complaints, not the company's unwillingness to support the game.

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TOR is not even a good copy of WoW. It is much better in some ways and much worse in others. Overall, everyone knows who is still the top dog on the MMO block.


I know that you jump on every opportunity to plug Wow and use it as a bat to beat this game over the head with, but this game was not ever intended to be a Wow Clone, nor is it. The similar features are basic to the genre, not Wow. The differences are evolutionary, which, again, is to be expected as each new MMORPG is released over the years.


What Wow is or is not, what Wow is or is not doing at this time, is of little concern.

Edited by Blackardin
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This is one of my biggest beefs with the comments put forth on this board. You have not the expertise, experience, education, or information available to make such a claim or substantiate such predictions...yet people tend to just chatter away with conjecture after conjecture.


Are you claiming to have the expertise, experience, education, or information available to comment on others qualifications?


Or are you just chattering away with conjecture here?

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Are you claiming to have the expertise, experience, education, or information available to comment on others qualifications?


Or are you just chattering away with conjecture here?


Employing logical fallacy as a means of disjointing the discussion or point being made does not lessen the point.


You have, in order to support your "witty" retort, fabricated an argument that I've never made. I made no point of "expert analysis", but just pointed out the facts that we have on hand (as put forth by developer after developer) as a means of demonstrating the fallacy of many of the arguments put forth on this board.


You can, however, add that to my list of "beefs", where derailing valid points with illogical argument and fabrication have become the order of the day. ;p

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I know that you jump on every opportunity to plug Wow and use it as a bat to beat this game over the head with, but this game was not ever intended to be a Wow Clone, nor is it. The similar features are basic to the genre, not Wow. The differences are evolutionary, which, again, is to be expected as each new MMORPG is released over the years.


What Wow is or is not, what Wow is or is not doing at this time, is of little concern.


If you take out story content you'll get that this game has nothing unique which would distinguish this game from WoW/Everquest type of games and in many gameplay aspects and features WoW offers to players much more with different variety of activities in that game for players to choose from while SWTOR offers currently to players in endgame only endless farming of the same raids / warzones .

Edited by Lunablade
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I know that you jump on every opportunity to plug Wow and use it as a bat to beat this game over the head with, but this game was not ever intended to be a Wow Clone, nor is it. The similar features are basic to the genre, not Wow. The differences are evolutionary, which, again, is to be expected as each new MMORPG is released over the years.


What Wow is or is not, what Wow is or is not doing at this time, is of little concern.


It is only natural to compare what is the best in a given field ( based on money matters, which every MMO is out to make money ) with the others trying to be. If that is sports or cars. Lets take for example who the best golfer is which happens to be Jack Nicklaus until someone bests his major record wins. What I try to do is refute falsh statements made about WoW or anyother MMO which I know about and have played. You like to pick out certain posts ( negative ones of TOR ) of mine to make your claims valid, while ignoring the posts where I have defended some of TOR's features. Fanboyism at it's best.

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This is one of my biggest beefs with the comments put forth on this board. You have not the expertise, experience, education, or information available to make such a claim or substantiate such predictions...yet people tend to just chatter away with conjecture after conjecture.


My other beef is in regard to the lack of understanding of how MMORPGs function. All MMORPGs are launched just as this game was, with a shell that is built upon over the expanding years, not as a complete game. Wow was no different then this and the complaints and projections were no less excessive with that game in the early years.


This game was, according to previous experts, going to be dead by now. According to others it was going to be free to play. Here we are, six months in, new features added and more on the way as it continues to grow and expand as a MMORPG does, should, and will.




I'm not kidding myself about anything, just pointing out the many logical fallacies and conjecture put forth by so many armchair developers and contradicting the veracity of such statement based on the facts that we do have.


Leaving aside the blatantly obvious situation that WoW released at a time when there were no other real choices other than Lineage II, Everquest II, and Star Wars Galaxies and thus could afford to take their time to release new features, you are aware that things have changed somewhat these days, right? Yes, I'm using conjecture when I say that Bioware has until September, but I base that conjecture on logic. Look what's coming up in the next few months:



  • The Secret World has released, and September will be past the first month, giving an informed idea of how stable and enjoyable the game will be. TSW has introduced some rather innovative (remember that word?) features in their game that are designed to be different from the standard MMO model.
  • Guild Wars 2 will have just released. GW2 will also introduce new features that aren't in the standard MMO model, and you'd be either lying or burying your head to deny that the game has a huge following right now. Whether it can live up to that hype remains to be seen, but don't kid yourself that the launch of that game won't affect this one, even if it doesn't have subscription fees.
  • ArcheAge is just about to launch their final closed beta test, with their open beta test rumoured to launch in November. While ArcheAge is an Asian MMO, they're approaching development differently this time, with beta testing happening in both Asia and North America/Europe. That means it will have elements of both Asian MMOs and North American MMOs. If they can combine the best of both worlds while minimising or eliminating the cons, they will be a very serious threat to many MMOs, such as this one.
  • And then, of course, there's the grand daddy of them all: Mists of Panderia will have a release date announced by then. And don't kid yourself: every time Blizzard releases an expansion, their sub numbers skyrocket. Whether they can keep those subs is a different story, but do you really think that matters for those three to six months that TOR and the other games have been cannibalised by WoW?


It's entirely possible that each and every one of these games/expansions will fail. After all, one is done by Funcom, one's an Asian MMO, Blizzard has only just managed to stabilise their sub base. But ask yourself this: with TOR in the current state it's in now, a state they literally just admitted to finally getting the "must-haves" into the game, a state where the entire game feels static and sterile due to a lack of anything to do that isn't involving levelling a character in some way, what makes you think that not a single one of those games listed above will have any kind of negative impact on TOR?


Yes, my belief is conjecture, but it's based on logic, as I said earlier. But as pessimistic as my conjecture is, I'd rather Bioware act on my conjecture than on yours, which is obviously based on blind faith.

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It's not, it's a regular game update. I suspect they're taking a more WoW like approach to expansions (every couple of years or so, if I'm not mistaken). And they're putting in additional content periodically. I just sorta wish they'd serialize the story updates too, just a bit more with each game update.


I realize that.... My post was aimed at the person I quoted who seems to think its ok to wait this long for a storyline that will take 2 days tops to finish. He seems to think its an expansion and its not. Its content that should be comming atleast 2 or 3 times a year IMO.

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Employing logical fallacy as a means of disjointing the discussion or point being made does not lessen the point.


You have, in order to support your "witty" retort, fabricated an argument that I've never made. I made no point of "expert analysis", but just pointed out the facts that we have on hand (as put forth by developer after developer) as a means of demonstrating the fallacy of many of the arguments put forth on this board.


You can, however, add that to my list of "beefs", where derailing valid points with illogical argument and fabrication have become the order of the day. ;p


You are presenting an Argument from Authority

Edited by Blattan
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Is someone seriously arguing this is not a WOW clone? Please go into your talent tree, and then get back to me. They didn't even file off the serial numbers, any more than RIFT did.


This is WOW in space. Yes, there are variations but they are minor. This is not a next generation MMORPG.

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Is someone seriously arguing this is not a WOW clone? Please go into your talent tree, and then get back to me. They didn't even file off the serial numbers, any more than RIFT did.


This is WOW in space. Yes, there are variations but they are minor. This is not a next generation MMORPG.


Even though I like this game I do have to agree that this game is almost a carbon copy of WoW. I say 80% of it is at least.

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Is someone seriously arguing this is not a WOW clone? Please go into your talent tree, and then get back to me. They didn't even file off the serial numbers, any more than RIFT did.


This is WOW in space. Yes, there are variations but they are minor. This is not a next generation MMORPG.


There are no next generation MMORPG


Guild Wars 2? Oh goodie! I already played WvW back in 2008 IT WAS CALLED REALM VERSUS REALM! and I already played "dynamic events" they were called PUBLIC QUESTS


Dont fool yourself guys, Arenanet is copying older games just like anyone else, nobody invents anything new these days, they just iterate on what was previously released

Edited by ChazDoit
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There are no next generation MMORPG


Guild Wars 2? Oh goodie! I already played WvW back in 2008 IT WAS CALLED REALM VERSUS REALM! and I already played "dynamic events" they were called PUBLIC QUESTS


Dont fool yourself guys, Arenanet is copying older games just like anyone else, nobody invents anything new these days, they just iterate on what was previously released


Yep all those you listed has already been done. However, I do give Arenanet credit for trying to do away with the gear grind. It's really about time we moved off the gear grind feature. It's why MMOs only tap a small market of the gaming community.


I also think WvWvW will do better in GW2 than in WAR mainly because in WAR it was about base trading to farm gear. But since gear isn't a factor (at least statwise) this may encourage players to actually PvP rather than base trade.

Edited by Aricus
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Is someone seriously arguing this is not a WOW clone? Please go into your talent tree, and then get back to me. They didn't even file off the serial numbers, any more than RIFT did.


This is WOW in space. Yes, there are variations but they are minor. This is not a next generation MMORPG.


so? let's say TOR is an 80% WoW copy. this also means that it's at least a 64% copy of Everquest (after all WoW is an 80% Everquest copy)


yes, there won't be a next generation MMO. there will never be.

first MMOs was something exclusively for nerds with no time at all. then MMOs got TV advertisements and found their way to the general public. however, this is a general 'games phenomenon' and not exclusive to MMOs. there's a reason why the Sims is as popular as it is.

Edited by amnie
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I do give Arenanet credit for trying to do away with the gear grind. It's really about time we moved off the gear grind feature.


If you are going to be playing a game for years. What's the big deal if there is a bit of grind? Even in GW2, once you've done certain pve or pvp content once, you're going to be repeating it dozens if not hundreds of times.


WAR it was about base trading to farm gear. But since gear isn't a factor (at least statwise) this may encourage players to actually PvP rather than base trade.


You know, it's very frustrating that people only remember their first impression of an MMO when it should actually be the other way around, unlike single player games, these games continue to grow for years. I had some of the most epic pvp battles in WAR, I loved the Scenarios and RVR was great, and yes eventually they tweaked open world pvp so people was rewarded for actually defending keeps.

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If you are going to be playing a game for years. What's the big deal if there is a bit of grind? Even in GW2, once you've done certain pve or pvp content once, you're going to be repeating it dozens if not hundreds of times.


There is a big deal. It's not about longevity when it comes to gear games. It's about the gap. If someone spends more time per day playing the game than you, you're always going to be behind on the gear gap. Since people's playtime various widely, the gear gap varies widely. Most of the time you cannot play the game effectively until you've maxed your stats. That's the problem with gear grinds. So instead of playing the game having fun you're constantly banging your head against the wall waiting for that drop or accumulating tokens just so you can be competitive.


You know, it's very frustrating that people only remember their first impression of an MMO when it should actually be the other way around, unlike single player games, these games continue to grow for years. I had some of the most epic pvp battles in WAR, I loved the Scenarios and RVR was great, and yes eventually they tweaked open world pvp so people was rewarded for actually defending keeps.


I played War for about a year and some change. I managed to get my Black Ork and Discipline to max and my Ironbreaker to 40. I stayed around for the server mergers and some. I gave the game a fair shot and it sucked because it was nothing but a gear grind. I don't know how it is now, but frankly don't care that game lost more subs quickly than any MMO in history, the only exception would probably be AoC. And the RvR sucked, great concept but the rewards and gear is what discouraged players from playing the Real RvR. If the opposing team was in Ork lands while Elf lands were open for the taking, the two sided would not come face to face, instead they would dance around taking empty zones as it was the best way to gear up.


And what pissed me off the most was, before release the devs stated that gear wouldn't have a huge impact on player skill... Total BS. That game had the least player skill cap ever, because it was about acquiring gear and renown rank, which also boosted your character. Oh yeah lets not forget the zergfest and the AoE bombfest.

Edited by Aricus
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lol, what do you think WvW it's going to be....


Well first I believe it's WvWvW.. Three sides not two, that alone makes a difference in the zergfest. As for the AoE bombfest I am not sure if it'll be in or not. Since I don't know how much AoE is in the game. But at least every class is self sufficient (can heal/dps) and at least it's more player skill and not capped by class or gear.

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Next year is less than six months away. I can wait that long and then some. In the meantime I'll have at least one or two more planets to explore, and still have alts to play, crafting to master, and several FPs to try out. There are advantages to not playing 8 hours or more per day.


Not interested in game-hopping. Don't care if any game kills WOW. Don't care if anyone thinks the game they play is better than the game I play.

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My patience, as far as continuing to pay my monthly subscription, will very likely not last anywhere close to "next year or so".


I will likely unsub and then probably come back after the new class storylines are finally updated.


The class storyline is very important to me, and, IMO, is all that really sets this game apart from other MMO's that release content much faster than Bioware.

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I'm not surprised by this time frame estimate. It's primarily due to the combination of voiced content and class stories, which would seem to be both a blessing and a curse for BW - great features for the game yet incredibly time intensive production-wise. It's not just 'new' content but 8 versions of it, then add in the voice acting.


It's no wonder they can't just churn out new Adventure Packs, like DDO, every 2-3 months.


The voice acting, in particular, concerns me a bit. I get a lot of enjoyment from having identical-looking characters who speak with totally different voices. But what happens if the same actors are available with the time comes to make new content? It's going to be somewhat off-putting to have then the same character speaking with a different voice. o.O

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