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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vehicles on Fleet need to end.


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Far too often some slick player thinks it's funny to park his vehicle in the view path of a terminal. Since players won't be considerate of other players, I say prohibit vehicle travel on fleet all together. Since players want to act like children and purposely irritate other players, then the means to irritate must be removed. Here is a screen shot of the type thing that happens every single day. This is just one small example of how people deliberately annoy others on fleet.


These players were asked to move or turn off their vehicles because it obstructs people's ability to interact with the terminal. The response given was, "That's the point, rofl"


If they want to act like kids, then I say remove the ability all together on fleet. This has got to be the number one issue on fleet with all servers. This behavior needs to end.

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Removing might go a bit too far but how about making the area around the GTN terminals a non vehicle area because frankly it annoys me as well.


And those players are really just trolling...not sure if its against the rules though.

Edited by Emned
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You cannot block any vendor, kiosk, mailbox, or cargo hold with a vehicle in this game. This is because speeders float and all interactable objects go all the way to the ground, and many are also taller then even the largest speeders.
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I agree that vehicles on the fleet are an utter nuisance, especially around the GTN terminals and mailboxes. Sure, you can still click on them, but it is annoying having your screen suddenly filled up with one of those huge speeders or having one parked on your character. They are an eyesore and look ridiculously out of place.


However, some people don't like to spend time running on fleet so would probably put up a huge fuss if they were removed.


I think a good compromise would be to only allow the smaller level 25 ones (the segway/lawnmower looking ones). Everyone buys one for their first speeder, anyway. And if somehow someone manages not to, well, they can just suck it up and spend the whopping 8K (?) credits to acquire one if they insist on using a speeder on fleet. :p

Edited by Gwena
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I say no. I don't want to lose my ability to get around quicker because of a small number of idiots. I say instead they should have something such as WoW's Baby Spice that we can buy from a vendor and throw on the character to shrink them to a smaller size for 30 seconds or so.
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Nothing has ever stopped me from clicking on anything, no matter how many players were around.


I am so happy for you....really. But this is not about you now is it? You were not there, now where you?


I have always been able to click on them myself...until now. Just because you have always found a way, does not mean you will always be able to find a way. This time, there was no way to do so. This is why I am *just now* writing a post about it. It was not a problem previously...it is now.

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I'd be okay with not allowing the big vehicles to be called on the fleet or space stations. But what needs to happen here is reporting the offending players for griefing. I have seen the occasional jumbo vehicle on top of a mailbox but I have never seen anyone purposefully blocking a terminal before and refusing to move. I don't think the problem is widespread enough to justify banning vehicles altogether?
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If they removed vehicles in fleet, that would just be one more reason for me to spend as little time there as possible. Unless, they just give us all a 110% speed buff while on fleet (for those with auto-run on. walk could be the normal speed for RPers). I'd be okay with no vehicles in fleet in that case. Edited by InnerPieces
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If they removed vehicles on fleet, that would just be one more reason for me to spend as little time there as possible. Unless, they just give us all a 110% speed buff while on fleet (for those with auto-run off. walk could be the normal speed for RPers). I'd be okay with no vehicles on fleet in that case.


I could get on board with this. Give people the speed buff of a vehicle, but without the vehicle.

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I decided to try it out myself, and at that angle the speeder has to be on top of the kiosk and that means the kiosk is available from the other side, behind the grey speeder in his picture. Also, the speeder is still at least 2 feet off the ground, so you can easily tilt your camera to the floor and click under it.


The picture is taken at such an angle as to try and hide this, but the truth is you can not block anything with a speeder.

Edited by MaximusRex
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I hope you reported them for griefing.. because in essence with their childish behavior, that is what they were doing.


Personally I would prefer vehicles to be removed from the fleet. Even though I use mine to get about quicker, I always click off when I reach my destination as I am considerate to others. Shame others don't have my manners.



As with having to mess around with your camera angles to click whatever is being blocked.. why the hell should you have too because some idiot decides its fun to be a jerk. We pay to play this game, we don't pay to stand on the fleet, playing around with camera angles just some kid can get a laugh.. Its bloody rude and extremely frustrating!

Edited by Seraphynn
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Hi all,


We've had to remove some posts that were disruptive. As a reminder, we ask that the community engage in constructive discussion. If you encounter someone you believe is being disruptive, we ask that you avoid replying and instead use the Report function instead.


Thank you for your understanding!

Edited by Wekeltes
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Personally, I don't see why they added those obnoxiously large vehicles in the first place. They're the ToR equivelent of civilian Humvees. Large and obnoxious for the sake of being large and obnoxious.


I'd simply suggest the speeder cars should be prohibited on fleet. The smaller speeder/speeder bikes are just fine/no problem.

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I love this thread! I've seen many exactly like it, with exactly the same arguments, so clearly there's an issue here.


Let me summarize:

1) There's little doubt that these big speeders are griefing. People have noticed these speeders being in the same place for hours.

2) Some people think it's impossible to click on some icons when a huge speeder is in the way. Others have posted that no box is completely blockable, for example, you can always move your camera UNDER the speeder.

3) Others point out that you shouldn't be REQUIRED to work around a griefer. They're making the game annoying on purpose.

4) Some want speeders banned from the fleet. This seems easy, but would make many gamers angry.

5) Some want only the big speeders banned from the fleet. This seems easy, but see above.

6) Some want a speeder-free area around GTN terminals, mailboxes, etc. This is apparently hard to do.

7) Some want to ban speeders, but give everyone a speed buff on the fleet. This seems easy, and wouldn't be hard to do. It seems like the best possible solution.


BW should choose option 5 or 7, as either one would be easy, stop griefing, and won't make the game worse for anyone except the griefers.

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The overly large vehicles are a nuisance on the Fleet and should be made inoperable while on Fleet.


Nah. Just delete them all and give the owners a chicken to ride. Fits their persona.


Edit: a SMALL chicken.

Edited by Roalmo
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I feel that vehicles on the fleet are fine, i would not be happy if i had to run around the whole fleet. So rather than going the extreme option and banning them altogether which would upset a number of people. How about just having an exclusion zone around the GTN. There really is no reason to camp on your speeder at the GTN it's just inconsiderate. Banning speeders on the fleet altogether is not the answer.
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Far too often some slick player thinks it's funny to park his vehicle in the view path of a terminal. Since players won't be considerate of other players, I say prohibit vehicle travel on fleet all together. Since players want to act like children and purposely irritate other players, then the means to irritate must be removed. Here is a screen shot of the type thing that happens every single day. This is just one small example of how people deliberately annoy others on fleet.


These players were asked to move or turn off their vehicles because it obstructs people's ability to interact with the terminal. The response given was, "That's the point, rofl"


If they want to act like kids, then I say remove the ability all together on fleet. This has got to be the number one issue on fleet with all servers. This behavior needs to end.



I could not agree more, vehicles should be banned on fleet--it takes less than 2 minutes, literally, to run from one end of the complex to the other so yes, vehicles absolutely should be banned on fleet

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getting tired of seeing threads like these pop up because players are too stupid to move camera angle and click the bottom of terminal/mailbox etc. you cannot block anything on fleet using vehicles because they all hover and leave a gap underneath the only way you can block stuff is if a group of people stand over everysingle portion of it. Stop being dumb click the gap!
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Hi all,

If you encounter someone you believe is being disruptive, we ask that you avoid replying and instead use the Report function instead.


Thank you for your understanding!


this^^ its what i do if someone does it well i warn them that i will report them first.

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Bioware doesn't need to do anything drastic like removing all vehicles from the fleet. What would work is if we were able to toggle the visibility of the players around us. I know Rift has implemented this feature successfully. It's no longer a problem when a quest NPC becomes swamped, just one click and he's easy to access.
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