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Why do people insist on killing prices?


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So, I sold 3 Advanced Skill augment 22's on the GTN for 130k each earlier, after I made a few more, someone was sellling one for 130k so I put mines up for 129k, then I check back later, and unlike me reducing price 1k, people have been putting up sales for 130k 120k 105k 90k, why oh why? They sell fast enough, there's really no need to drop them so much in price it's just not needed..


As im being pretty specific about it being Advanced Skill aug 22, I'd imagine this goes on for alot of other items in-game...


Anyway, had some time to kill so figured i'd vent a little heat on the forums :)

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I made almost 20 million in three days when 1.3 hit selling the Augment Slots by doing this very thing. I call it the Wal-Mart Economic Plan.


Say the Augmentors were going for 150k each. I would offer 14, for 1,500,000 which significantly reduces the price per unit. Trick was, you had to buy all 14.


I list individual items on the GTN to sell them quickly. It's cheaper to put the item up for the shortest auction length, so I make sure they sell by cutting the price.


20 years ago every retailer complained that Wal Mart was selling things too quickly. Why pay 20 bucks for a basketball at sports store when you can get it at wal mart for 12.


Personally I don't really care if it kills the value. And I really don't care if I am taking money from someone by doing it. That's economics. I generally only 1 or 2 items on the GTN in a given category, so I rarely get burned.

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Its how a market stabilizes.


There is no set price but what the person wants in return.


Your price may be too high, theirs may be too low. They even out in the end.


They might ask why do people try to rip others off by pricing so high? (not saying you were, just speaking in general).


It is all subjective.

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I have a hobby that consists of breaking markets.


I love to stack on an item then sell it for basically nothing.


Already broke the Biometric Alloy market on my server (not alone though, but I would go berserk at this lowering prices trend), now proceeding to break the Aug Kit market.



I just like to make goodies available to everyone, so I lower the prices.

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People will continue to undercut because the listings are organized according to price. I could charge 30k for biometric crystal and be on page 38...or sell it for 25k and be on page 1.


My advice to to go biochem or slicing if you want to make consistent money on the gtn. People will always need their stims and neural augmentors. I have alts specifically for biochem and slicing. That's all they do :)

Edited by bwherbert
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I have a hobby that consists of breaking markets.


I love to stack on an item then sell it for basically nothing.


Already broke the Biometric Alloy market on my server (not alone though, but I would go berserk at this lowering prices trend), now proceeding to break the Aug Kit market.



I just like to make goodies available to everyone, so I lower the prices.


How very... Socialist... of you.



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I have a hobby that consists of breaking markets.


I love to stack on an item then sell it for basically nothing.


Already broke the Biometric Alloy market on my server (not alone though, but I would go berserk at this lowering prices trend), now proceeding to break the Aug Kit market.



I just like to make goodies available to everyone, so I lower the prices.


130k for a augment?


now I havent fooled around with augments yet but I do have a 400 skill everything but slicing and bio (spread over multiple characters of course) and I dont see how 130k is legit pricing!


So yeah, maybe ill finally figure it out and start selling them at cost!


Seems like the market (and OP) trying to gouge right now as its new.

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Augment Mats are pretty expensive if you buy them and pretty time consuming to gather all the mats. I doubt you'll ever see them much lower than 90k. I know I wouldn't even bother making and selling them for less than that.


As for undercutting, the deposit you lose is significant on high price items which helps keep down the reposting a bit. In WoW it is common to see "price wars" where an item will go from say 10000 gold to 250 in 20 minutes since it doesn't cost anything to remove and repost items. In a way it makes it more interesting that way :)

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130k for a augment?


now I havent fooled around with augments yet but I do have a 400 skill everything but slicing and bio (spread over multiple characters of course) and I dont see how 130k is legit pricing!


So yeah, maybe ill finally figure it out and start selling them at cost!


Seems like the market (and OP) trying to gouge right now as its new.


Here's how 130k is legit pricing.


The cost of Advanced Neural Augmentors on the GTN is 19-22k. Let's call it 20k. So that's 80k in cost of goods to produce the augment and you haven't even gotten to the metals or gems or whatever else you need to put into it to make it. So let's call it 85k.


If you sell it for less than 85k, you could make more money selling the raw materials.


The GTN takes 5% of your sale. To break even on 85k worth of materials, you have to list it for about 89,500.


It takes you time to gain your skill, reverse engineer to the purple schematic, manage and gather resources, even if you buy them from GTN, manage your sales, etc. How much profit is that worth? Do you want 20%? Is that fair? (Probably cheap, so let's go with that.)


20% profit on top of 85k is 17,000, so you want to have an after-GTN-fee return of 102,000 if you want a 20% profit margin. To get that, you have to list the piece for about 107,400.


130k is not outside the realm of reason. Take GTN's fee off that and you're at 123,500 for a profit of 38,500 or about 45%, which is absolutely reasonable for a (real-world), highly-coveted item.


But, hey, post 'em up for whatever you want. If you post too low, I'll buy 'em and relist until you run out of resources. ;)

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well, you don't need much money in this game so I am not losing much doing so.


Also, if I want money, I do dailies instead of profiting (thus exploiting) on other players.


Some people prefer dailies and some crafting for making money. I'll continue to craft so you have someplace to spend all that money from the dailies :p

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None of it is still not as bad as the dude on my server who advertizes to make the stuff if you bring him 100k and the mats.


I personally like the guys who tradespam items for 10k more than they're priced on the GTN. Get a commitment, buy from GTN, resell, profit.


Doesn't seem like fun to me but if that's how they get their kicks, great! :D

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Earning a profit is exploiting? Huh?


Yes it is in this case.


You are taking the money other people worked on to get (by questing for instance). The difference of cred between the cost of production (mats, etc) and the profit is imaginary in this game. You just think you are entitled to get some money from someone else because you did it.


We could all just get money from selling stuff at cost + questing/dailying. Like I do, and I am never lacking money.



It is also cool to sell stuff cheap or just plain give them away. Makes you feel happy more people are getting otherwise expensive goodies and experiencing more the game.




But enough of my MMO-adapted Marxism.

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WaldoA, since the material costs of making an augment is around 45,000 credits, you're still making 100% profit even if you have to lower your selling cost to 90k. If this kind of profit margin isn't high enough for you, then your choices are:


* Get out of the market all together.

* Find another market which has margins that are closer to your liking

* Learn to accept the situation as is.


The market on augments right now is very saturated, so in all likelihood you can expect the price to continue to drop. This is basic free market economics.

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I undercut people all the time and love it when they rage about it (not saying OP is raging). Once there was a dude that did that on the LotRO forums and made the mistake of having his name and server listed. ROFL needless to say, people went out of their way to undercut anything he tried to sell.


Bottom line is...who cares? What are you going to do with all that fake money? Not like this is EVE where you can buy game time with it.


Someone undercut your undercut, and you're mad?

This is amusing.


I know right?

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