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I'm through being in denial.....


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heh. I LOVE the smuggler bh/campain/wh gear (except the hat. no thank you)


and my shadow looks awesome in her voss robe, too. don't hate.

also, I freaking love the rocks. my sorcerer is lvl 18 and every skill level I keep thinking 'oh wonderful... more lightning....' (*yawn*) bored of skill animation at such an early level? bad bad.

Edited by amnie
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I noticed that the conversation has focused on the force users.

Let's talk about the non force users.


Trooper/Bounty hunter:

One thing the rep has going for it is the badarsery of troopers. I play a powertech (ALMOST 50) and I am embarassed by the dinky, puny blasters I have to carry around. And the vanguards get these awesome blaster rifles. Better yet, compare mercs with commando's. I mean, what's more impressive? 2 dinky blasters, or an assult cannon that looks like it could blast you to the other side of the PVP map?

I also think there's something kind of "weak" and "soft" about the flame effects of bounty hunters. (compare flamethrower to pulse cannon). The only leg up that BH's have on troopers is that they jetpack into the air for their channeled AOE, and the rocket punch vs. stock strike. But I doubt many troopers are jealous of the Merc's tracer animation. :p


I know armor design is subjective, and while I like both, troopers are the winners for best armor in my book. The trooper armor is just very well-designed in my opinion, with this kind of "utilitarian elegance" that really just hits the "Star Wars" mark. Their bright colors almost make them look like action figures sometimes, but, like, the COOL ones.



Smuggler/Imperial Agent:

I personally think the republic wins this one too.

Yes, the agent story is one of the best, I'll give them that (though I haven't played through it far myself).


But the smuggler's swagger is great, and somehow highlights what makes the Republic cool: freedom. When I say freedom, I also mean freedom to cheat the republic due to (often-comical) greed, and a big chunk of the personal story about being self-serving. (You can make the same argument about bounty hunters vs. troopers, but I don't think the bounty hunter "greed" angle is as well done or tied in with the story as the smug's.)


But just to comment on the combat flavor and general vibe, I like the smuggler better. It just feels more original to me, considering other MMO's.

I'm talking more about the scoundrel vs. operative here, but operative seems to be mostly "stabby stab snip snip, poison" which is the generic rogue class (WoW anyone?). Just doesn't feel original.

However, I find being a scoundrel very satisfying. I love the punching, the point blank shotgun (that loud "BANG!" sound effect), blaster whip, and of course the nutshot. While some people argue it feels a little more clunky (and I'm inclined to agree) it still has a lot more originality and heart. I just feel most epic when punching droids I guess; the Chuck Norris from a Galaxy Far, Far Away.


I also like the flashiness and bravado of the gunslinger a lot better than the understated sniper, though I can see why people wouldn't want to be as flashy from a PVP standpoint.


As for the armor, I'm a fan of the sometimes-flamboyant, scrapped-together look that makes up smugglers. Yes, there are too many cowboy hats endgame, but I think the whole vibe is more original and cool.

Edited by Stenrik
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I actually think some of the Jedi Knight stuff looks a bit cooler in terms of animation than the warrior stuff. I liked tossing a light disc at people with my lightsaber instead of screaming at them. I also think the Jedi Knight force leap looks a lot better. The warrior force leap looks kinda sloppy imo, like they tripped right before the jump and had to flail around in mid air to keep from face-planting.
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I play both (as you can see in my sig). 4 50s.


I vastly prefer the republic to the empire. The gear is way more in line with traditional Star Wars lore and the constant black emo is just depressing.


That said, my operative is WAAAY cooler than my gunslinger.

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I vastly prefer the republic to the empire. The gear is way more in line with traditional Star Wars lore and the constant black emo is just depressing.


Yeah I find it funny that everyone says most Jedi look boring because they're just different shades of brown, when at the same time most sith are just different shades of black. :rolleyes:

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The Republic characters, landscapes and stories are all incredibly bland; They speak in a strange stilted monotone of overly-carefully enunciated English and everything that isn't beige or brown is an earthen pastel.


The conversations are never surprising or controversial or even vaguely challenging, everybody cares completely for the sake of others and the Republic and have no desire or interest in doing anything beyond growing lima beans and collecting cub-scout achievement badges. Everybody trusts everybody else implicitly, they all live in some crazy uncanny valley where people all just do what other people tell them to.

The only thing in any way remarkable about the Republic is that it is generic incarnate.


Despite being a setting where their civilisation spans an entire galaxy, where individuals own little ships with super-FTL drives and can galavant around fighting an obscenely evil civilisation.. there's nothing even vaguely interesting or challenging about them - other than not being the Empire.


Both sides are guilty of wearing robes in a super-sci fi setting though... that's just inexcusable, it's a whole other topic but this fascination with robes, no matter what the setting, must end.

Seriously, robes are not appropriate for any kind of physical exertion let-alone the extremes of melee!

They're really stretching the friendship in typical fantasy settings after so many years of them and they're absolutely, categorically not appropriate for a sci-fi setting!


The entire Republic exists only to mirror the Empire.

It doesn't have an identity of it's own and yet it's supposed to be a fantabulously, many millennia old galactic civilisation full of influence from a massively diverse alien populations on thousands of worlds, with whom it trades freely and completely embraces.


The Sith are the Empire, it doesn't really have an identity either and the Sith are just comically extreme individuals, sociopathically and psychopathically evil. Waking up each day to grab a coffee and un-thinkingly eviscerate a random somebody on their way to do whatever's on their evil agenda that evil day.

They're all so extremely evil that it really loses its impact - like driving through a crowd of people in GTA


Their motivation to destroy the Republic is simply that, to break stuff. Their opposition could be absolutely anything and they'd do exactly the same things, they're simply 1-dimensionally evil for the sake of being evil.


I didn't get this at all. Playing as a trooper I've come across lots of Republic citizens who weren't all gung ho about the Republic, constantly thinking of others, or overly trusting. Even as a Jedi on starting on Tython you come across more than a few locals trying to screw you over so I'm not really sure what you're talking about. Also on the Imperial side, you come across lots of Imperials who aren't evil for the sake of being evil, but just doing their jobs. Sure you've got stereotypical evil sith characters but this is a universe where being evil literally makes you more powerful, so it's not like it doesn't make any sense for Sith to act this way.


I'm not sure what your beef is with robes. Ranting about how robes don't work in any setting seems odd, when you can point to several examples of them working in almost every setting. People wear robes in religious institutions in the real world today and the Jedi and Sith are religious institutions in this game. In fact, almost every successful future sci-fi franchise I can think of has at least some characters who wear robes. It just makes me wonder what you think they should be wearing.


I also don't get your beef with the Empire's motives. They are an Imperialist society. Expanding their territory by conquering and subjugating other societies is what they do. It's not really a cartoonish extreme we're talking about. Imperialism is an actual thing and plenty of civilizations in reality have done exactly what the Empire is attempting to do in this game.

Edited by LaLiLuLeLolz
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The Sith are the Empire, it doesn't really have an identity either and the Sith are just comically extreme individuals, sociopathically and psychopathically evil. Waking up each day to grab a coffee and un-thinkingly eviscerate a random somebody on their way to do whatever's on their evil agenda that evil day.

They're all so extremely evil that it really loses its impact - like driving through a crowd of people in GTA.


That's your opinion. Personally, it hasn't gotten old for me yet, and it's more like building a rollercoaster that doesn't go anywhere entirely so you can send a train crashing into the plaza where you've trapped all the little Sim people in Rollercoaster Tycoon, which is always fun.

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I'd have to disagree. Nearly all the Inquisitor gear is horrible. Consular has bad endgame gear too, but you can rectify that with some of the beautiful early game gear, for example the Jedi Initiate's Vestments which go great with moddable pants. I haven't found any light armor pants/robes combinations Empire-side that don't look ridiculous.


In terms of aesthetics, JC > Inquisitor, in my opinion:

- none of the inquisitor gear allows you to even remotely look like Darth Maul

- purple lightning looks terrible compared to the awesome blue lightning from the movies

- force stealth tints you purple as an Inquisitor camouflages you as a Shadow

- there are actually different animations for offensive spells, eg. Disturbance, Turbulence, Telekinetic Throw, Project all look very different. But all the Inquisitor spells are the exact same, it's just lightning, including their stun.

- "charging" your lightsaber with lightning is goofy and laugh-inducing at best.

- Dark Ward doesn't have a persistant visual effect like the Shadow equivalent allowing you to easily keep track of it's presence.

- in terms of storyline, the Inquisitor does not do any manipulation at all and fails at his own objectives and does not live up to the idea of being like Palpatine. The Consular's (although act I suffers from being repetitive) is a very believable diplomat and ties deeply with the planetary storylines. You also get to witness the history of a lot of the ancient Jedi like Bastila Shan and others from the KOTOR games. Those who have gotten past the first act often rate it as the best class story in the game other than the IA.

- electrocuting everyone you come across gets old after two planets, and the lingering sound effect on dead bodies is very irritating.


Basically Inquisitors and their story feel so un-Star Wars to me that out of 8 character classes on my server I've deleted both a Sorceror and an Assassin and Inquisitors will be the only base class that I will not level to 50.


Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight are pretty much tied for awesome looks though. You can look like Darth Malgus (rebreather and pretty much any juggernaut armor) or Ven Zallow (jedi battlelord or legacy JK gear).


SI is the best, you compeltly wrong (personal opinion presented like fact ftw huh?)

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