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Rate Mercenary in these 5 categories on 1-10 scale


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Meh...I'll bite. By my scale, 6-7 is an average rating.


1. Pre-50 PvP: 7. This is the best time to PvP as a mercenary. People tend to be stupid and weak enough, to just eat your 2k critting tracer missiles over and over. Whether as pyro, bodyguard or arsenal, I was unstoppable. Even maras or pyros aren't tough at this level, because hardly anyone has more than 13-14k HPs, and that's if they're well geared.

2. 50 PvP: 3. The mercenary DPS spec does not benefit as much from gear as other specs do. Even a War Hero geared Merc, played by a good player, can eaten alive by a good marauder or pyro player in recruit gear. You can put in a lot of effort, but the best you'll manage is to be barely competitive vs lesser geared and lesser skilled players. If you're playing anything but a bodyguard spec, you're either A) being carried by the rest of your team, B) fighting an atrocious enemy team, or C) You're so good, that you'd do way better playing any other spec. You can lol-troll in unranked, especially now with more premades queing ranked, but what's the point, really? You can't bubble people, and you're nowhere near as good or mobile healer as an operative. Bodyguards used to be boss, but now they're very average.


3. Pre-50 PvE: 9. Can solo anything levelling up as a merc. Nice damage, nice heals. A long CC. Easy rotation. Few abilities to keep track of. Tons of AoE. Only reason it's not a 10, is no interrupt. This class was made for PvE. Rocket punch can make do as a fine interrupt for virtually anything you'll be fighting at these levels, outside some flashpoint bosses. But those aren't tough either.


4. 50 PvE: 7.5. At 50, your off-healing becomes less important (Heat-wise, you just can't keep up with the much greater NPC damage, whereas in lower levels you can shoot up your companion to tank even champions). Still capable of great ranged damage output, but not really more than a sorc or a sniper, and you'll be hurting more without that interrupt, since an increasing number of boss fights will punish you savagely for not having one.


Still, the only time I feel powerful anymore, is lvl 50 PvE, and I would not give up my merc, to take any other class into a flashpoint.


5. See 3.

Edited by clearsighted
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1. 10

2. 9

3. 9

4. 10

5. 8


Powertechs are currently the best pre lvl 50 pvp, they are the second best lvl 50 pvp behind the hybrid assassin. They are the second best pre-50 pve behind the sniper. They are the best, tied with marauders and snipers at endgame pve. Finally they are the third best levelers behind the mercs, sorcs, and snipers.

Edited by bbare
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1. 10

2. 9

3. 9

4. 10

5. 8


Powertechs are currently the best pre lvl 50 pvp, they are the second best lvl 50 pvp behind the hybrid assassin. They are the second best pre-50 pve behind the sniper. They are the best, tied with marauders and snipers at endgame pve. Finally they are the third best levelers behind the mercs, sorcs, and snipers.


That is stupidly exact for arbitrary ranking. No one is talking about PTs, you tool. Enjoy the nerf bat on your dps.

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As someone who occasionally on the side plays a low level Merc, I think it's interesting to see that people rate the class a lot higher in the 10-49 PVP bracket than at 50.


As a level 26 Arsenal spec, in 10-49 I'm usually doing pretty well, both in a team setting and when going 1vs1 against someone. It certainly does not feel any weaker than any of the other classes I've played at this level, which surprises me since I know that I'm not playing the class anywhere near it's full potential, probably partly because I'm jumping around between different classes a lot.


Seems to be another case of something changing once you get into the 50's bracket, might be gear, might be talents, might be abilities... I felt the same with my Conc Operative, 10-49 was fine, but then something changed.

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As someone who occasionally on the side plays a low level Merc, I think it's interesting to see that people rate the class a lot higher in the 10-49 PVP bracket than at 50.


As a level 26 Arsenal spec, in 10-49 I'm usually doing pretty well, both in a team setting and when going 1vs1 against someone. It certainly does not feel any weaker than any of the other classes I've played at this level, which surprises me since I know that I'm not playing the class anywhere near it's full potential, probably partly because I'm jumping around between different classes a lot.


Seems to be another case of something changing once you get into the 50's bracket, might be gear, might be talents, might be abilities... I felt the same with my Conc Operative, 10-49 was fine, but then something changed.


Its not that Merc changes..its that it doesnt change and the other AC's do....A lot! Once the other AC's start learning how to use their toolsets (which they have many) Merc falls behind...it plays pretty much the same at fairly early stages as it does at 50.

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As someone who occasionally on the side plays a low level Merc, I think it's interesting to see that people rate the class a lot higher in the 10-49 PVP bracket than at 50.


As a level 26 Arsenal spec, in 10-49 I'm usually doing pretty well, both in a team setting and when going 1vs1 against someone. It certainly does not feel any weaker than any of the other classes I've played at this level, which surprises me since I know that I'm not playing the class anywhere near it's full potential, probably partly because I'm jumping around between different classes a lot.


Seems to be another case of something changing once you get into the 50's bracket, might be gear, might be talents, might be abilities... I felt the same with my Conc Operative, 10-49 was fine, but then something changed.


I literally dominate on my merc in the 10-49 bracket, I go through warzone with zero deaths, upwards of 250k damage and a boat load of kills. However, this WILL change once I hit level 50, I know this. It was the same on my scoundrel, I did exceptionally well through the 10-49 bracket, hit level 50 and it all changed.


Player skill will take you so far, but there are so many classes that are just better than the merc, even you outgear them. I regularly kill mercs in the 50 bracket on my shadow, and it is shockingly easy to do so. There was a full WH augmented commando, that I repeatedly killed in a voidstar (I'm only BM geared and still using the recruit generator lol) on my shadow, full dps gear playing 23/1/17, this player could do nothing to stop me killing him repeatedly, felt quite sorry for the player really, he was doing the right things, he had no way of keeping me at range.

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I literally dominate on my merc in the 10-49 bracket, I go through warzone with zero deaths, upwards of 250k damage and a boat load of kills. However, this WILL change once I hit level 50, I know this. It was the same on my scoundrel, I did exceptionally well through the 10-49 bracket, hit level 50 and it all changed.


Player skill will take you so far, but there are so many classes that are just better than the merc, even you outgear them. I regularly kill mercs in the 50 bracket on my shadow, and it is shockingly easy to do so. There was a full WH augmented commando, that I repeatedly killed in a voidstar (I'm only BM geared and still using the recruit generator lol) on my shadow, full dps gear playing 23/1/17, this player could do nothing to stop me killing him repeatedly, felt quite sorry for the player really, he was doing the right things, he had no way of keeping me at range.


Sadly, this ^.

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I literally dominate on my merc in the 10-49 bracket, I go through warzone with zero deaths, upwards of 250k damage and a boat load of kills. However, this WILL change once I hit level 50, I know this. It was the same on my scoundrel, I did exceptionally well through the 10-49 bracket, hit level 50 and it all changed.


Player skill will take you so far, but there are so many classes that are just better than the merc, even you outgear them. I regularly kill mercs in the 50 bracket on my shadow, and it is shockingly easy to do so. There was a full WH augmented commando, that I repeatedly killed in a voidstar (I'm only BM geared and still using the recruit generator lol) on my shadow, full dps gear playing 23/1/17, this player could do nothing to stop me killing him repeatedly, felt quite sorry for the player really, he was doing the right things, he had no way of keeping me at range.


OMG this ^^^

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1. Pre-50 PvP


2. 50 PvP


3. Pre-50 PvE


4. 50 PvE


5. Soloing * Questing * Leveling


1. 3

2. 1

3. 8

4. 6

5. 7


on scale of 1-10 a merc is certainly a 1 in lvl 50 pvp.


Not much higher in pre-50 pvp either, but a little better due to lack of opposing focus most times.


PVE, who cares? a monkey can smash buttons and do well in pve. Every class gets a 6-10 rating imo in PVE...theres no challenge on scripts.


I leveled merc/commando to 50 over 6 times in the beta and the great majority of my feedback was about mobility and lack of escape in pvp. It never changed. Merc just has several utility holes that have never been filled, and excepting the heal spec really cant provide a pvp team any benefit another class couldnt do much better.


Mercs are only the best at dumping AoEs on PVE muppet mobs.

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Going with a broad-sweeping generalization here, and giving the Merc class as a whole a solid 7.


Merc DPS is kind of in a bad spot right now in PvP. In the days of Tracer Missile spam, they were living like kings. Now, not so much. Merc is a jack-of-all-trades, master of none kind of class that doesn't really bring anything unique to the table for group composition. Meh DPS, meh utility, and pretty much meh across the board.


The one exception, is healing, especially in PvP. It's very hard to make a so-so class perform well in PvP, but those who do make incredible healers in PvP.

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1. Pre-50 PvP 10


2. 50 PvP 6


3. Pre-50 PvE 9


4. 50 PvE 10+


5. Soloing * Questing * Leveling 10


i play Merc/PT, and i truly love the class.


it fits my playstyle, personality, and just fits me.


that being said, i think i do quite a bit better at PvP than most, that is why 50 PvP gets a "6", instead of a 4 or lower.


i've played SI, IA, BH, and Trooper to 50...and i enjoy my Merc much more.


too bad they are quite handicapped in PvP. again, i do quite well, but the proof is in the pudding. a PT can do >= damage, just faster and burstier. a well played SW/JK can pretty much lock down a Merc...and a SN/GS will eat you alive if you cannot LoS them.


PvE, i LOVE it. i solo world bosses, EVERY planet champion, and can kite and kill many FP bosses. (there have been many occasions where i was the last one alive kiting, and eventually killing a boss) mobility, decent utility, cleanse, and a minor heal that will save my arse.


in every category Merc/PT is AWESOME...


except 50 PvP.

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As a Merc healer:


1) 10

2) 5 at first, now 9 - was incredibly rough while in Recruit gear, but after a few weeks I had full BM and some WH and I am nearly unkillable provided my teammates aren't sleeping.

3) 3 - Levelling was painfully slow as healing spec. Power shot is abysmally bad and it's pretty much your main attack in the absence of Tracer Missile.

4) 8 - No complaints healing in flashpoints

5) 0 - Dailies are still so slow as a healer that I don't bother doing them on this character.

Edited by Jenzali
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