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The Gamer from Hell


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Players like this are a dime a dozen. And are usually just being *******es to be *******es.

Oh you criticized and then ignored or dropped? You must be afraid of confrontation, little boy, because most of us would have verbally eviscerated you.

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I have a good one, the other day on my server (ToFN) i was playing PVP in Alderaan in the 10-49 bracket and we were losing but not by a lot. One of the guys on my team was an assassin that was just standing at our node defending and spouting abuse at everyone.


Now i don't really care about people saying L2P etc in warzones as long as they are contributing. Eventually this guy calls incoming on his node so i run over, help take out the stealthers that had decloaked. While this was happening the node on the other side was capped so i run back to try to get the second node back quickly.


I made it as far as the entrance to the middle node before looking back to see the assassin cloaked standing on near the node with a shadow that had snuck up behind him and started capping the node i had just left.


I called it but the assassin didn't move, as i run back to try to prevent a cap a huge wall of text rant appears in the chat window about how we're all noobs and should uninstall the game for being bad. So it seems that as the shadow was successfully capping our node he was writing a huge rant about how we're bad


I called him on it and then even more abuse starts pouring out at me needless to say he went on my ignore list and after that match i went onto one of my Rep alts and found him in PVP again this time i spent the entire match targeting him explicitly....and it felt good

Edited by irishtim
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Found a new one: "The PvE God in PvP". The guy who comes in with full Rakata PvE gear and thinks he's the shiz at PvP because of that. 2 Healers keeping him alive, and he claims it's because of his skills....


Long story, short: Healers said "Up yours", stopped healing him, and he went down faster than a rock.

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Found a new one: "The PvE God in PvP". The guy who comes in with full Rakata PvE gear and thinks he's the shiz at PvP because of that. 2 Healers keeping him alive, and he claims it's because of his skills....


Long story, short: Healers said "Up yours", stopped healing him, and he went down faster than a rock.


Oh god some tanks are like that. They think they're the **** when the only reason they're doing well is because of the geared healer.

Edited by Radzkie
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I have had virtually no problems with the group finder as of yet. On my Consular I ran the Esseles about 5 times to up his social points and only once had someone suggest the space bar which I did. Well I did and ended up disconnecting so when I got back I waited out the conversations which didn't matter since it wasn't necessary. Every time it seemed like we all knew what we needed to do to help each other out.


Hammer Station was a little bit different though I've only did that once. Nobody wanted to start tanking or talking so finally I had to take the lead with my Smuggler. Kept wiping on the last boss so people started to leave without saying anything. So I'm in the Hammer Station instance and forgot how to get out. I ended up clearing out the rest of the mobs by myself and then attacked the boss to get out. The loot wasn't too bad.


The only gamers from hell I really experience is in a non-group. Today, for instance, I started a fight to the mission objective and the same player would swoop in and grab it while I was fighting then take a couple of shots at the mob. I guess to make himself feel better. It happened several times. I even saw him walking to the next objective as I ran by which upset me enough to not attack anything and wait. until after he did.


Finally instead of continuing forward on the map and went to the very end and worked my way back toward the mission givers but not before sending him a whisper. Never saw him again after that. I had considered logging out or logging in one of my alts instead.

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Here's a tip for all of you, my friends: every single time you get invited into a group and you give a nice greeting like "Good night" or "Hi, how are you doing?" and you get just silence...get out of that pug IMMEDIATELY!!!!..or else be prepared to have quite a miserable time.


Good suggestion! Indeed I do this quite often as it helps me to see what kind of character--good or bad--I'm going to have to deal with. I usually say hi and await for a response as the deciding factor.

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I dunno why the bads suddenly come out of the woodwork when a LFG tool appears, happened in wow as well (then got MANY times worse with a cross server one). Do they just not reply to people looking for groups in chat or something? O_o


I don't mind the odd bad player, because they are new or something. But the ones that are terrible and think they are amazing (because they got carried through some Ops or something) just grind my gears.

Edited by NasherUK
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I'll consider myself fortunate that I haven't encountered anything of this nature before. My worst really falls under general ******-ery:


1) In a HM Battle of Ilum, merc DPS keeps moving ahead without the group and aggroing (I'm the healer in this scenario) and complaining that he's not getting heals. We wipe on one of the bosses (due to him not taking out adds, which in turn killed me) and he says "gtg" and drops group. /ignored


2) As a tank, I've seen far too often that when I pull a pack of trash, the DPS immediately starts beating on the elite I'm tanking instead of burning the standards and strongs causing those to shortly go after the healer once my AoE taunt wears off (or they go out of range of my cleave or smash).


3) Had a successful run last night where the "tank" was Rage spec but running in Soresu form and had terrible aggro management. He would literally run in for the elite and not pay any attention to anything else. This was another one where the DPS would attack same target as tank from the start. Luckily I'm a merc healer so I can take a few hits, but I shouldn't be healing myself if everyone is doing their job. /ignored the tank.


4) Probably the worst of all was also one of the first GF groups I ran shortly after the tool was introduced. I was playing my merc healer and got into a HM Boarding Party group - the other 3 people were in the same guild. We clear to the first boss with no real issues and proceed to wipe 3 times in a row because people can't move out of the lightning. At this point, the tank tells me they don't think they'll be able to do it - and then initiated a vote kick on me, the healer.


Also, I wouldn't necessarily run from a group that doesn't talk unless they show they don't know what's going on in the first few pulls. As a matter of course, I'll always say hello at the beginning and thanks for group at the end.


When I play my tank (and more tanks need to realize this), I am leading the group even if I'm not the "group leader" and I will ensure everyone knows what's going on for bosses and special pulls. I want to succeed in the FP and am glad to explain the mechanics and things to watch for to new players.

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this is exactly why i tend to be nice to peeps and help out when i can because rather than think everyone knows what the hell they are ding i take into account that some lowbies might actually be new to the game i actually ask if they are new and if they say yes i tend to be more forgiving and show them the ropes because god knows we need new blood in the game lol
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I can deal with people not space baring in Story Modes but in Hard Modes hell no if I am stuck in Esseles and people aren't space baring I will leave and wait for my friends to hop on to do it lol. But yes that guy was the classic elitest whatever this is an MMO so obviously they're around.
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......until we reached the bridge of the Black Talon for the last time for mission hand-in, then booted his stupid butt from the group before we started the last convo.




This made me laugh...sweet...sweet justice.

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Honestly my experience with group finder has been rather pleasant, sure some groups are just utterly and completely silent "gogogo" zergfests but I've never failed to actually complete one, ran into two pretty awful players one was an assassin "tank" who was just a DPS trying to dodge the long queue times, somehow managed to clear the FP, put him on ignore so I don't get grouped with him again and another was just a god awful pyrotech DPS who died every pull and I swear maybe squeezed out 200 DPS max on fights and of course blamed the tank or healer for it, thank god it was black talon or there would have been issues (yay Yadira enrages), just like the assassin "tank" I put him on ignore as well.


Just put any really rude people you get on ignore and kick em out of the party, oh and be sure to put them on a list of people to avoid and let others know as well, eventually they'll have to learn to play nice or it will be a very cold and lonely galaxy for that person.


So I enjoy group finder, glad to see it was added and really hope it stays server only, please no cross server, I had enough bad experiences in WoW with cross server ninja pullers and griefers to last me a lifetime.


Small edit: Well finally abandoned my first group finder HM FP, trying to heal another assassin "tank" with 16K HP and clearly no shield on = not fun, then repeatedly screams at me for being bad since he died, every, freaking, pull. Didn't help the "DPS" were guildmates and of course blaming me, so now I have em all on ignore and warn others of getting a group with those three chuckleheads, some people I tell you...:rak_04:

Edited by Twickers
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Found a couple more. The "Blind Inviter" who spams you with blind invites even after you've turned him down more than once. Turned on auto-ignore group invites, but he kept spamming me. So I added him to my ignore list. Blessed blessed silence. :)


Oh, and my new personal favorite: "The Helper" who apparently thinks you can't handle a fight on your own and proceeds to follow you around "helping" you kill mobs. And when you finally stop, he sends you a tell that says "ur welcome" or something. That's when I reply "I didn't ask." and proceed with /ignore. Yes, my list fills up quickly with people whose IQs are barely in double digits. lol

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I think the worst thing that has happened to me has been the spacebar freaks - those who feel the convos are a waste of time. Granted, I spacebar through a lot of the conversations now, but I do not spacebar at "point five past light speed" as it were.


There was one who was spamming "you're wasting my time." the rest of us, got the message and started spacebarring faster than the "freak" and we started saying "you're wasting our time."


He shut up pretty quick :).

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This hasn't happened to me very much. Sometimes I get the occasional "can i need this for my companion" and stuff similar, but usually I don't give much thought to it. The one and only time I have ever ignored someone was when I was running HM LI with a PuG with my Healing Commando. We started off fine until we got to LR-5 where we proceeded to die over and over and over again. This jerk kept telling me what to do and giving me tips and advice to improve my DPS (even though i was a healer). I kept telling him over and over again that I was the healer for the group, and the other dps was agreeing with me telling him that I was the healer. The guy for some reason isnt looking at any of our responses, and keeps getting more and more pissed until he proceeds to kick me out of the group. So i end up getting kicked cuz the tank was one of his buddies, but the other dps whispered me and told me that she was sorry it happened. Besides that I haven't run into too many jerks while playing
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Used the GF and got into a pug group. I was the healer (mind you I was full columi geared with augmented gear with Willpower and Endurance over 1800, so i think im a decent healer) and had 2 shadows as a tank and dps, and then a GS as the last DPS. We started off doing FE HM tried skipping the first set of trash by jumping off the bridge to the other side, mistimed my jumped and died. After that it turned into a healers worst nightmare.


Our shadow tank (Lets call him Shadow A) then proceeded to to go to far lengths to put space between me and him to kill the mobs. As soon as he started an aggro, I noticed he was getting burned down really quickly. So, I'm putting all my effort into healing him and then Shadow B (the dps) starts to go down quickly. I then proceeded to noticed that Shadow A had 23k but using no tanking skills (and upon further inspection of his gear had hardly any shield rating) and that Shadow B had 13k health. So while these 2 shadows are running ahead fighting mobs without me or our GS they proceed to complain that the heals are not coming. Well... NO ****!!! Well we make it to the trash before the 2 robots, and we wipe (due to the fact that the pair of shadows didnt wait for me or the GS on the elevator so they engaged before we could come down). The pair of shadows kick me saying "For being as geared as you are you should not suck at healing...etc....etc...etc."


Well, after being kicked I once agained que'ed for the daily HM. Get into a group full of nice fellows, and we start doing Esseles. Well, as we started doing this I added Shadow A to my friends list, hoping that after they kicked me that they would fail on the FP (we all do this dont deny it). Whoa and behold 2 mins into my HM FP he logs off! I am just like **** YEAH!!!! You failed!!! NO BH comms for you! (all on the inside of course) I then proceed to finish my FP gain 1 social level and get my BH comms... Thank you Karma ;)

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Oh, and my new personal favorite: "The Helper" who apparently thinks you can't handle a fight on your own and proceeds to follow you around "helping" you kill mobs. And when you finally stop, he sends you a tell that says "ur welcome" or something. That's when I reply "I didn't ask." and proceed with /ignore. Yes, my list fills up quickly with people whose IQs are barely in double digits. lol


I ran into one of these the other day. On my sorc, had nearly wiped an elite on Taris when a jugg appeared and whacked the whole last 2% out of said elite. I wasn't anywhere near dying/losing the fight but I got the "you're welcome" tell all the same. I responded with a laugh and went on my way.


It's funny. Since then I've been bombarded by all-male "Helpers" who seem to think I'm incapable of being in combat. I chalk it up to my sorc being a female healer geared in the Inquisitor's Exalted Robe- they see the bare midriff and hormone-driven chivalry kicks in...:rolleyes:

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Since my Sentinel hit 50 i was working hard on gearing him in full Columi, so i could start doing LI HM. When he was in full Columi, including sabers (was lucky enough to get into LI on last boss with a guild group) + 2 Rakata pieces from crafting, i queued for my first full LI run. 30-40 minutes later my queue popped, and i teleported inside. Only to be kicked from the group by some smart *** who didn't like my character's hp (had a talk with him later in order to find out the reason). What annoyed me the most is the rest of the group mindlessly hit accept when he initiated kicking, without even looking at who they are going to kick and for what reason. Great first experience i would say...
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Altosax is best Sax!


My gamer from hell was so bad that it was hilarious. I'll be explaining this story in the context of his class, Vanguard > Shield Specialist (Trooper Tank). I have an alt of the similar spec so I know how the class goes.


A 42 (me) Sentinel>Watchmen, 41 Scoundrel>Sawbones, and a 41 Sentinel>Watchmen wanted to run Normal Red Reaper. I was pugged into the group and soon after they pugged a level 50 Vanguard tank who will now be referred to as Stitch. Stitch was extremely confident in his tanking skills and knew he could do this flashpoint blindfolded as he was over-leveled and did it before. We thought it was going to be a cakewalk. That cakewalk turned into a 60 minute marathon.


Note: His name wasn't Stitch, I just thought it would be funny.


1) We enter the flashpoint and wipe on the first group, Stitch was the first to die claiming that "No level 50 tank in any gear could take that many enemies at once." The enemies described were eight level 42s.

2) Stitch went AFK so I decided to continue without him and we cleared the entire room with me tanking. I kept adds off the healer with Force Leap and a burst of DPS. Stitch returned and asked who we brought in to help kill the mobs as that room was "impossible" without a tank.

3) Later I instructed Stitch to use his area taunt more often to keep the mobs off our healer. He replied that he had only one taunt and it was single-target. Stitch never learned his area taunt, and to this day probably still doesn't. The healer and I continued to pull threat despite his 100% threat generation in his stance.

4) Stitch ignored the healer altogether, I played bodyguard by jumping any mobs that clung to the healer.

5) Stitch never knew that Ion-cell had a chance to apply a DOT, or that his Stockstrike applied a DOT due to his spec. He stated he filled his Shield tree, but I am still skeptical.

6) Stitch held threat on a total of zero bosses. His taunt was the only thing keeping attention off of me. Luckily, none of the bosses in Red Reaper are very difficult, the trash is more of a threat.

7) CCs were constantly ignored and broken by the Pulse Cannon and Mortar Volley spam Stitch brought with him.

8) Stitch refused to accept help as he was "an amazing tank and should be respected by lower levels who can't even tank." I don't think he ever heard of alts.

9) Stitch was too cool to interrupt.


We got through the flashpoint because he didn't lie about knowing the flashpoint. He knew what to do in each boss encounter, except how to tank despite having leveled all the way to 50 as a tank.


BONUS: The other Sentinel in the group was the same spec as me, but didn't know how to play his class at all. He will be called Sentinel B.


1) I noticed that I was the only one applying burns to enemies, I asked Sentinel B what spec he was since he was in Shii-Co. I assumed he would answer Focus, but replied with full Watchmen. I instructed him to get into Juyo form immediately.

2) After Sentinel B was in the correct stance I informed him of his burns. He started to use both but forgot about Overload Saber and just kept Cauterize in rotation.

3) Sentinel B didn't know putting a point into Merciless Slash gave you a new attack.

4) Sentinel B asked me how I got Force Camouflage.


I hope the education I parted onto these players has helped change their game for the slightly better.

Edited by AngelFluttershy
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Altosax is best Sax!


My gamer from hell was so bad that it was hilarious. I'll be explaining this story in the context of his class, Vanguard > Shield Specialist (Trooper Tank). I have an alt of the similar spec so I know how the class goes.


A 42 (me) Sentinel>Watchmen, 41 Scoundrel>Sawbones, and a 41 Sentinel>Watchmen wanted to run Normal Red Reaper. I was pugged into the group and soon after they pugged a level 50 Vanguard tank who will now be referred to as Stitch. Stitch was extremely confident in his tanking skills and knew he could do this flashpoint blindfolded as he was over-leveled and did it before. We thought it was going to be a cakewalk. That cakewalk turned into a 60 minute marathon.


Note: His name wasn't Stitch, I just thought it would be funny.


1) We enter the flashpoint and wipe on the first group, Stitch was the first to die claiming that "No level 50 tank in any gear could take that many enemies at once." The enemies described were eight level 42s.

2) Stitch went AFK so I decided to continue without him and we cleared the entire room with me tanking. I kept adds off the healer with Force Leap and a burst of DPS. Stitch returned and asked who we brought in to help kill the mobs as that room was "impossible" without a tank.

3) Later I instructed Stitch to use his area taunt more often to keep the mobs off our healer. He replied that he had only one taunt and it was single-target. Stitch never learned his area taunt, and to this day probably still doesn't. The healer and I continued to pull threat despite his 100% threat generation in his stance.

4) Stitch ignored the healer altogether, I played bodyguard by jumping any mobs that clung to the healer.

5) Stitch never knew that Ion-cell had a chance to apply a DOT, or that his Stockstrike applied a DOT due to his spec. He stated he filled his Shield tree, but I am still skeptical.

6) Stitch held threat on a total of zero bosses. His taunt was the only thing keeping attention off of me. Luckily, none of the bosses in Red Reaper are very difficult, the trash is more of a threat.

7) CCs were constantly ignored and broken by the Pulse Cannon and Mortar Volley spam Stitch brought with him.

8) Stitch refused to accept help as he was "an amazing tank and should be respected by lower levels who can't even tank." I don't think he ever heard of alts.

9) Stitch was too cool to interrupt.


We got through the flashpoint because he didn't lie about knowing the flashpoint. He knew what to do in each boss encounter, except how to tank despite having leveled all the way to 50 as a tank.


BONUS: The other Sentinel in the group was the same spec as me, but didn't know how to play his class at all. He will be called Sentinel B.


1) I noticed that I was the only one applying burns to enemies, I asked Sentinel B what spec he was since he was in Shii-Co. I assumed he would answer Focus, but replied with full Watchmen. I instructed him to get into Juyo form immediately.

2) After Sentinel B was in the correct stance I informed him of his burns. He started to use both but forgot about Overload Saber and just kept Cauterize in rotation.

3) Sentinel B didn't know putting a point into Merciless Slash gave you a new attack.

4) Sentinel B asked me how I got Force Camouflage.


I hope the education I parted onto these players has helped change their game for the slightly better.


I feel your pain. Gotta love the "know-it-all" who can't even do what he says he can do, and the "inexperienced one" who doesn't even know how to play his class. At least you were able to help the Watchman along. Going Watchman with my Sentinel, in fact. Great DPS so far. Only level 18 on him, though. lol

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My latest Gamer From Hell was a dps Powertech who attempted to tank Boarding Party. When he folded like a lace hanky in the first trash pull I inspected him to see where the issue was. I'll call him Lacey.


He had 7.5k hp at level 34 (I had 9.7 at level 38 and I'm the healer). Geared entirely for DPS. Didn't use Guard, didn't use Ion Cell, never taunted. Couldn't hold the aggro of a dachshund if he had a steak strapped to his face. He did have valor 23 though and he figured that made him big ****. After I got punched to death by Do'nair, the Marauder said something like "Wth tank do your job." at which point I whispered "Check him out - that's not a tank."


The Marauder gave the tank tanking lessons while I ran back. Lacey whined that yes he was pyro tree, that it wasn't his fault the game made him tank, that the groupfinder was supposed to assign random roles and anyway he only played console games. I decided not to lay into him because it was 2am, I wanted my daily and I didn't want to sit around trying to find another tank if he chose to ragequit, although goodness knows Kaliyo probably would have been an improvement.


I got Guarded. Under the circumstances he'd have been better off guarding the Marauder, but really the last thing this guy needed was to get solid aggro because he couldn't survive it if he did. I whispered the Mara "You're the tank. Shh...", and switched focus. The Mara tanked the rest of our successful run and Lacey never noticed. He was too busy whining that this tanking stance thingy was wrecking his phat deeps.


And really, there's nothing like a bad PuG for making you up your game. I don't think I've ever made quite so much strategic use of interrupts, defensive CDs and Cloaking Screen. It's easy to get lazy when the team is good.

Edited by Flaminica
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This is my first MMO and I'm far away from being a youngster, but still had all the tanking basics down well before 50.


Mind you I ran HM D7 with a 'healer' whose best piece of gear was an orange chest piece full of green 42 mods. Despite asking at the final boss if everyone knew the fight, I was wondering why i still had no heals towards the end of the second transition. Suddenly I see the guy run between me and the droid as fast as possible, headed goodness knows where, with the claw chasing after him. Pretty funny unless you count the 4 unneccessary wipes.

Edited by Kane_Ren
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