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Stunned...full resolve...rooted...rooted...rooted...no resolve...stunned...


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Just had a wonderful game vs some operative / combat marauder / sorc group.


>Stunned full durations full resolve

>immediately rooted, rooted, rooted again, rooted again until my resolve was out

>Stunned full durations full resolve

>rooted again through my entire resolve bar


Explain in what world it's ok to survive almost an entire minute without being able to move a single inch thanks to a complete lack of diminishing returns or immunity to cc


This is completely broken


You lost a 2v1 fight? This must be fixed immediately!

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He was just stating the obvious....


you can't talk sense to this guy. you tell him the sky is blue, and he'll come back with 'what, are you god? did you make the sky?'


at first i thought he was really interested in the topic and really wanted to discuss how and why things were the way they were. instead he's just bored and finding entertainment for himself by trolling people on an internet forum


let him be, dont feed him

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You realize that it is not against the law for WoW to define CC one way and for another game (e.g. SWTOR) to come along and refine what "CC" means within their game? Each new game can have it's own nomenclature.


It seems that the term "CC" is causing a lot of problem. lets try to continue without using this term. Instead we can say "stuns & mezz & knockback' SMK).


Bioware has designed a system and described it to us. They tell us that SMK interacts with resolve, roots and snares do not.


Caeliux, do you say:

  1. the italics statement above is incorrect
  2. the statement above is correct but the system does not work as BW says (i.e. it has a ton of bugs -- not just a few)
  3. the statement is correct, it mostly works as described but I think the system is bad and should be changed


It is hard for me to tell. Since you go on and on about "how snares and roots should be considered CC" I'm inclined to think believe #3 but in other parts of your post you seem to be saying #2 and other parts #1. It leaves me very confused.


Can we at least agree that 1, 2 and 3 above are mutually exclusive propositions?


Are you just trolling us here? If yes, good game ;)


I think everyone should answer this question before their next post in this thread.


Just type 1, 2, or 3 on a separate line at the top of your next post. It'll make everything better, I promise!

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I agree. If you were stunned and rooted 10+ times, you definitely shouldn't have survived.


LMAO. But no, really. How did you survive all those roots? People root me in PvP and I die, not turn the other way and run for their lives.


As far as it being broken, no. You were apparently just playing against some well coordinated players. Yes, it sucks being rooted, but that's PvP. You can't say a system is broken just because some other people know how to use it to their advantage.

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You realize that it is not against the law for WoW to define CC one way and for another game (e.g. SWTOR) to come along and refine what "CC" means within their game? Each new game can have it's own nomenclature.


I agree each game covers up the truth on each move being a cc, they do that to throw a blanket over our heads on the real fact that they want cc control, just not all of it being labeled cc.


WoW has a version, SWTOR has a version, in the end its still cc, just not being taken as serious.


Bioware has designed a system and described it to us. They tell us that SMK interacts with resolve, roots and snares do not.


Caeliux, do you say:

  1. the italics statement above is incorrect
  2. the statement above is correct but the system does not work as BW says (i.e. it has a ton of bugs -- not just a few)
  3. the statement is correct, it mostly works as described but I think the system is bad and should be changed


I think we know I think the system is bad, and needs alot of work, so its 3. :)


It is hard for me to tell. Since you go on and on about "how snares and roots should be considered CC" I'm inclined to think believe #3 but in other parts of your post you seem to be saying #2 and other parts #1. It leaves me very confused.


Can we at least agree that 1, 2 and 3 above are mutually exclusive propositions?


Are you just trolling us here? If yes, good game ;)


My intentions is not to troll anyone, problem is the resonses from people on my post leads me to believe they don't read into anything I say and just skips through to try to discredit me.


I actually thank you for not being rude like the others. :D

Edited by Caeliux
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you can't talk sense to this guy. you tell him the sky is blue, and he'll come back with 'what, are you god? did you make the sky?'


at first i thought he was really interested in the topic and really wanted to discuss how and why things were the way they were. instead he's just bored and finding entertainment for himself by trolling people on an internet forum


let him be, dont feed him


Your wrong I do care, truth is this is how you approached me on this topic,


Dont worry Homie. I have no reason to Diss some bad that comes and QQs on the forums.


Read what you say there ^, now how are you not being a troll?


What makes you think you had anything logical to say on this topic, truth is you didn't.


Here is your response again to me,

Learn how to play the game and learn the mechanics and you'll have a lot more credibility on the forums.


Or you can continue to cry about it and have everyone laugh at you. It's entertainment to me


You have a heavy bravado, slim it down when you talk to me and I will show you respect.


If not then continue being a troll to my post and keep it up, either way you never showed no respect in this topic at hand did you.


Yea, we both can agree you have a ego, can't we.


And you call me a troll, maybe we need to stop feeding you.


See what I did there.

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Cael you are right about resolve and the 8 million ways to stun and cc someone in this game. In my opinion pvp in this game sucks and when GW2 comes out I'll be enjoying pvp there. I'm over the 2 maintenance days a week and all the loading screens that lead to another loading screen. There are things I really enjoy about this game but the pvp is horrible.
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Just had a wonderful game vs some operative / combat marauder / sorc group.


>Stunned full durations full resolve

>immediately rooted, rooted, rooted again, rooted again until my resolve was out

>Stunned full durations full resolve

>rooted again through my entire resolve bar


Explain in what world it's ok to survive almost an entire minute without being able to move a single inch thanks to a complete lack of diminishing returns or immunity to cc


This is completely broken


Because the cc mechanic in this game is garbage. Working as intended. Also hence the reason why there are only 12 North American servers left

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I totally agree with you guys about the CC issue. Playing in my ranked PvP guild using vent server we can just cc the crap out of anyone we choose in this game. You can basically knock someone up against a wall and keep them there parentally if you choose to. I love the idots that tell those of us that the system is working great and we should learn our class better. They are the ones that usually don’t have a clue in PvP. I am no longer surprised when a new patch like 1.3 comes out and the devs did nothing to RESOLVE this issue. The tactic in CC Wars is to out CC the other team. Completely control them with CC’s and you win.
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All CCs should give immunity for a certain amount of time and the break should also give immunity. There is no reason I should be pulled by a sorc, stunned, and then spiked. I'm a sith warrior, not a pin ball.


I have a feeling that if they removed all the CCs, they would realize how amazingly unbalanced the damage is between the classes.

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This is why I unsubscribed from this game, there is about ten times more cc in pvp warzones than I think is acceptable, destroying the flow completely. For me its so bad that even if they change the resolve system (which I know works the way the want it to, and I know how I am supposed to use it) it will still be just a big cc mess, they cant fix that with so much cc abilities given to the players. So I understand that there will be no way the pvp game will be enjoyable for me, there is simply too much cc, and it cant be fixed, unless they do a complete redesign of combat (who is georgs replacement and how much will he be allowed to change? and does he even want anything else?) That is why I cant play anymore anyway, pvp is not fun for me, with so much cc ALL THE TIME, and its really a shame because I really liked this game, first mmo in a very long time that I really really liked.


My hope is for something big to happen, like NGE, changing the combat completely, I would come back then. I know NGE was considered a fail, but pvp in this game is already fail with so much cc, that has to go away in my opinion and it cant get any worse.


And ofc I know some ppl like it the way it is, and those ppl stay and there will be a concentration of players left in the game that likes this type of cc controlled gameplay. But thats sad to me, if most of the people had to leave an otherwise good game, and only a smaller and smaller group of "cc extremists" are left. Bad for businees aswell.


Its just sad IMO because this game could have been so great. (For most of us it isnt, thats why we left.)

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All you guys need to learn to stop just specing into damage talents and learn to take some utility skills. All the Acs in the game have at least 1 skill they can use to break or become immune to snares and roots for a period of time. Spec into those abilities and stop all this pointless QQ



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All you guys need to learn to stop just specing into damage talents and learn to take some utility skills. All the Acs in the game have at least 1 skill they can use to break or become immune to snares and roots for a period of time. Spec into those abilities and stop all this pointless QQ




First, not all classes can spec into such abilities; Guardians, for example, have Unremitting only and Focus Guardians can't get that talent unless they don't take Force Exhaustion - but without that, Focus spec is pretty much pointless.


Second, the real issue is that full resolve gives you, what, 15 seconds immunity. Considering that most of the time that 15 seconds is spent running back from the spawn area it makes the gameplay extremely frustrating. Heck, despite the numerous faults of Voidstar, at least I spend less time there just writhing helplessly while the other team kicks the living sh*t out of me.


Decrease the speed at which Resolve drains. Drastically. The use of CC should be strategic; at the moment it's a zergfest: one player throws a stun at you, they burst you down to 40%; other player throws a stun at you, you're dead. You run back, resolve bar is empty when you get back and the cycle begins again.

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My thread = "Resolve and the issues by Caeliux" http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=480190


I still have not fraps nothing yet due to lack of me playing enough, but don't fear I still will try my best to weigh in more as time comes.


I also notice the problems of resolve worse after 1.3, especially when your carrying the huttball. I find it kinda ironic that Bioware won't take a bite and least confirm that the problem with resolve and all the cc in the game is broken and needs fixed.


It don't take a mmo genius to notice that resolve is a system that either needs reworked, or completely gutted out.


Lets face it, its broken and has been since beta.


It's not broken, never have been. Devs have stated this a million times. You can act (cast) while rooted, hence it will not give resolve. You can't act while stunned (other than cc break), hence you get resolve. It is very simple.


It's part of the game, like it or not.

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The problem is that alot of people on these forums believe resolve is actually broken...like it doesnt work how BW states it does. So we gete those idiots and reasonable people like you confused.


Some of these "idiots" you speak of have seen... 9 players on an 8 man pvp team before. The chat will stop working and you have no ops channel to speak to your team with. I've respawned countless times at 75% health. I've had players not show up in my ops frame so the only way I could heal them was to try and click them in combat but you think resolve always works or works as intended?


Oh and I loved the most recent bug where people had to log off the game in pvp because their map opened and was stuck.


Stick to the topic please and don't insult people here who just want to make the game the best it can be for all players.

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Some of these "idiots" you speak of have seen... 9 players on an 8 man pvp team before. The chat will stop working and you have no ops channel to speak to your team with. I've respawned countless times at 75% health. I've had players not show up in my ops frame so the only way I could heal them was to try and click them in combat but you think resolve always works or works as intended?


Oh and I loved the most recent bug where people had to log off the game in pvp because their map opened and was stuck.


Stick to the topic please and don't insult people here who just want to make the game the best it can be for all players.


The (huge) difference between the Resolve "bugs" and those other bugs is that the Resolve bugs are mythological. Like Bigfoot.


Seriously though, all of those other bugs were documented. Not one single instance of a bug has ever been documented with Resolve.

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The (huge) difference between the Resolve "bugs" and those other bugs is that the Resolve bugs are mythological. Like Bigfoot.


Seriously though, all of those other bugs were documented. Not one single instance of a bug has ever been documented with Resolve.


Well I'm glad to know one thing works like it should all the time. Maybe the devs should study how so many things get broken with each patch except for resolve? Maybe resolve holds the secrets to all this games problems?!

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Well I'm glad to know one thing works like it should all the time. Maybe the devs should study how so many things get broken with each patch except for resolve? Maybe resolve holds the secrets to all this games problems?!


Resolve is just addition and subtraction. It works much the same same way your health bar or resource bar does.

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Resolve is just addition and subtraction. It works much the same same way your health bar or resource bar does.


Not quite. My health bar is plus or minus on heal or damage. Resolve, however, is NOT a add or subtract on CCs...in fact, the convoluted means of calculating the +/- of CC's is what this entire thread is about. It's confusing as hell, and that leads to frustration.


Resolve is a **edit**ing mess tbh. Yes, I'm sure it works how Bioware wants it to, but that doesn't mean it's working well for the players, nor does that mean it's a good system...it's NOT! It's a **edit** system that needs to be tweaked. CC's are out of **edit**ing control in this game, and that's simply NOT fun.

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Not quite. My health bar is plus or minus on heal or damage. Resolve, however, is NOT a add or subtract on CCs...in fact, the convoluted means of calculating the +/- of CC's is what this entire thread is about. It's confusing as hell, and that leads to frustration.


Resolve is a **edit**ing mess tbh. Yes, I'm sure it works how Bioware wants it to, but that doesn't mean it's working well for the players, nor does that mean it's a good system...it's NOT! It's a **edit** system that needs to be tweaked. CC's are out of **edit**ing control in this game, and that's simply NOT fun.


Resolve is plus on effects that cause loss of control and subtract over time.


All stuns add 200 Resolve per second of duration.

All mezzes add 100 Resolve per second of duration.

All knockbacks, pushes, pulls, and knockdowns add 400 Resolve per event.

Any amount added to your current Resolve that causes your total Resolve to exceed 1000 receives a 50% bonus.


While Grey/Purple - Resolve decays at a rate of 25 per second while NOT under the effect of CC.

While White - Resolve decays at a rate of 100 per second at all times, player is immune to new CC effects, and Resolve cannot be added until the bar reaches 0.


It is actually a fairly simple math function. The only thing that I wish they would change is the flytext. Currently it only shows damage done or removed (healed). I would prefer that effect names also pop up when they are applied. For example, if I were to hit you with my stun, the word "Stunned" would float up.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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Some of these "idiots" you speak of have seen... 9 players on an 8 man pvp team before. The chat will stop working and you have no ops channel to speak to your team with. I've respawned countless times at 75% health. I've had players not show up in my ops frame so the only way I could heal them was to try and click them in combat but you think resolve always works or works as intended?


Oh and I loved the most recent bug where people had to log off the game in pvp because their map opened and was stuck.


Stick to the topic please and don't insult people here who just want to make the game the best it can be for all players.


Stick to the topic? Speak for yourself, talking about WZ bugs like OPS chat and respawn bugs is not what this thread is about.


I will insult people who QQ all day on the forums about Reolve being broken when it isnt.

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You don't need to come on the forums to prove me wrong, you need to wonder if people like me are right. Calling the kettle black when in fact its orange don't make you any smarter, so please stop tooting your own horn and read what people say then dissing.


My point is this, Bioware has said,


"While a target’s Resolve bar is empty or filling up, that target can be CC’d

Once the target’s Resolve bar is full (>= 1000), the bar begins to drain and the target can’t be CC’d until the bar is empty"


I am here to tell you its a lie.


Lets read this together shall we,




I have been force choked with full 1000 white bar, have been snared full 1000 white bar, have been slowed full 1000 white bar.


choke = cc, snare = cc, slows or impairing movements = cc, remember full white should dismiss cc.


Those that understand that some CC moves bypass resolve will say the same thing I am, my problem is people like yourself don't get it and Bioware won't say nothing on this matter, they never did during beta either.


Lets read it together again,


"Once the target’s Resolve bar is full (>= 1000), the bar begins to drain and the target can’t be CC’d until the bar is empty."


If you can't find the contradiction of this then you are looking at the picture with glasses with black dirt on them, and is blinded by alot of SWTOR broken game mechanics.


I agree with you except that some of the definitions of skills specifically spell out that they work in the face of resolve.


I hate the CC in this game. It is insane the amount that gets pumped out a match. The cooldowns on CC's are way to low. Resolve doesn't last nearly long enough to matter much and the sheer volume of it makes no sense. Add in that we get 1 breaker that is on an insanely long cooldown given these facts and you get



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