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Jedi Crusader


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I haven't really played focus at level 50 at all, but there's really no reason to take it as Combat or Watchman, because (a) you're not going to use Rebuke that much in a team setting, and when you do it may not even last longer than the original duration and (b) you shouldn't need the focus anyways.


It might provide some benefit in solo play, but you don't need it and the points are better off spent elsewhere.

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Yeah I second SalBasss.




Jedi Crusader is a pve skill. I look at it this way, if a talent needs to rely on someone else for it to proc, it's usually not that great. NPC mobs are dumb, so you can guarantee having that ability up for the full 30 seconds. Rarely in pvp will Rebuke be up for more than, say, ten seconds with mezzes, stuns, snares, roots and kiting. So at the most you may get a 3 focus refund out of it, not even taking into consideration that there may be nobody left by the time you are ready to use the extra focus because your waiting for the re-spawns. Of course this is all anecdotal evidence based on my own experiences in pvp.


Talents such as focused slash are better because you yourself can control when you get those refunds.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Actually, I didn't even consider pvp in my response. It's a lousy pve skill, too. Focus generation is more than adequate without it.


No you didn't, poor formatting on my part. I was agreeing with you then adding my own take on it. I fixed it now. :)

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YES. Jedi crusader is an awesome pvp perk to have. Think about it: your shield does damage and build focus. There's really no downside to using it. I know its up against some stiff competition with defensive forms and dual wield mastery but its gonna give you alot more focus to play with when you need it. I only put one point into it and it usually gives me enough extra focus for at least one extra slash at the end of my rotation. When I did put two points into it my focus would fill up quite easily. Its very much like soresu form for guardians but it only works when rebuke is up. I think it synergizes well with the watchman class because it helps build centering stacks faster too. Edited by yOuNgEaRtH
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I haven't really played focus at level 50 at all, but there's really no reason to take it as Combat or Watchman, because (a) you're not going to use Rebuke that much in a team setting, and when you do it may not even last longer than the original duration and (b) you shouldn't need the focus anyways.


Have to disagree here. I use Rebuke on cooldown in operations, and anytime I'm taking damage in Flashpoints, because it procs on any damage taken. It lasts the full duration on, e.g., Toth and Zorn or Minefield in Denova, thanks to the constant raid damage. Ditto on most of the bosses in Lost Island. And free focus means using low-damage builders less frequently, and hence higher DPS.


It might provide some benefit in solo play, but you don't need it and the points are better off spent elsewhere.


It is obviously useful for solo play too, and the other important thing is: there *is* nothing better to spend the points on, at least in a PvE Combat build. The alternatives are Stagger, Debilitation or Displacement, none of which has any chance to increase your damage at all, or even keep you alive longer.

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Have to disagree here. I use Rebuke on cooldown in operations, and anytime I'm taking damage in Flashpoints, because it procs on any damage taken. It lasts the full duration on, e.g., Toth and Zorn or Minefield in Denova, thanks to the constant raid damage. Ditto on most of the bosses in Lost Island. And free focus means using low-damage builders less frequently, and hence higher DPS.




It is obviously useful for solo play too, and the other important thing is: there *is* nothing better to spend the points on, at least in a PvE Combat build. The alternatives are Stagger, Debilitation or Displacement, none of which has any chance to increase your damage at all, or even keep you alive longer.


I'll concede the point for combat spec. I maintain it isn't needed and therefore there are better choices for a Watchman, though.

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As someone who has pvped competitively for the last 7 years in various mmos, I personally list it as a must have talent, especially for watchman which is more focus starved then combat. I would bump it down to "optional" if it only procced off of direct damage, but a focus generator that procs off of dots and aoe, as well as direct damage? Can't live without it.


There is no such this as too much focus. For watchman it means more merciless slashes, and for combat its just one more cd spent on blade rush instead of strike (which also translates to more opportune strikes). Sad part about it is you have to give up stagger which is a total bummer for watchman (which has a much harder time landing full duration master strikes, and is more easily kited).



If rebuke was a 2 min cooldown, even a 1.5 minute cooldown, I would take stagger over it. But over the course of a medium length game, crusader alone will give you at least 20 extra focus. Thats either 4 merc slashes, or 10-15 more blade rushes. It allows me to burst much more often, on demand.


Its an amazing talent. However given that I pvp exclusively in most all mmos, I cant really speak for pve.

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Have to disagree here. I use Rebuke on cooldown in operations, and anytime I'm taking damage in Flashpoints, because it procs on any damage taken. It lasts the full duration on, e.g., Toth and Zorn or Minefield in Denova, thanks to the constant raid damage. Ditto on most of the bosses in Lost Island. And free focus means using low-damage builders less frequently, and hence higher DPS.




It is obviously useful for solo play too, and the other important thing is: there *is* nothing better to spend the points on, at least in a PvE Combat build. The alternatives are Stagger, Debilitation or Displacement, none of which has any chance to increase your damage at all, or even keep you alive longer.


I would totally agree with this. I use it all the time in ops and flashpoints. Little less damage coming in, extra damage going out, and more focus to use abilities, whats not to like here?

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I won't post an entire story about pro's and cons but a short version:


PvE: While it isn't bad, there's usually better stuff to spent points in. (A lot of times rebuke will only be up 6-10 secs so you'll get 3 or 4 focus of it every min. Not that great imo)


PvP: Must have talent, more focus = more burst dmg = more win (Also most players have the same intelligence as pve trashmobs, so don't worry about them stop hitting you. in fact if they stop attacking you for 6 secs, easier to kill them)

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  • 2 months later...
I actually find Jedi Crusader (1) quite useful as an alternative in PVE to Focused Leap (2). To get through my typical opening rotation (Force Leap>Overload Saber>Zealous Strike>Cauterize>Merciless Strike) I need to make sure I'm generating at least 1 more point of Focus. Two talent points in FL gets you that, but Rebuke plus just one point in JC will reliably get you that and more. Rebuke’s cool down is a lot longer than Force Leap, but the payout is higher and it can be up third of the time (30 sec ability with a 60 sec cool down). Side benefits include being able to take both Force Fade (2) and Defensive Roll (2).
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  • 2 weeks later...

wow no love for Crusader, i think it's a great talent. I pvp and pve and almost always take at least 1 point of JC (1 is enough, you don't really need 2). You're always taking damage one way or another except for some of the HM FP. But if you're in an Op you're taking dmg in the boss fights from slash AoE pretty much the whole fight.


If you're watchman this is going to cut down on the amount of 'strike' you're going to need to build your focus back up when you get it low. JC + Combat will pretty much keep you at 4 Focus so that at any point you can use Zen and BR without having to use strike much at all.

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