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Best and Worst Flirters of all the Classes


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I feel like this topic must have come up before, but I couldn't find one. So! The question at hand is in the title. Who is the best and worst flirts in the SWTOR universe?


I thought of this topic after creating a Bounty Hunter... which leads me to my personal worst flirter...



Worst - Bounty Hunter

Best - Imperial Agent (seems obvious)


The Imperial Agent is subtle, which to me, is what flirting is. Every time I click that flirt option I've been pleasantly surprised with how subtle most of his flirting is. He's got grace, verbal dexterity and most of the time it's kinda funny. That's what flirting is, it's hinting towards the sexual.


Now the Bounty Hunter on the other hand (from what I've played so far) seems to me less flirty, more... obnoxious. They aren't even cheesy like the Smugglers, which come off better because I think they are intentionally cheesy, which is funny to most people being approached.


I really think it shouldn't say [Flirt] next to most of those BH flirts it should say [Accost]. Because most of the time when I'm hoping for some sexy romance and I click that flirt dialogue I get...




... and I'm sitting there face-palming and thinking, well obviously she's gonna' turn you down after you say that! What were you thinking?!


Thoughts? I can't remember any specific lines.

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You obviously don't play a Smuggler. The Imp Agent sleeps around for strategic reasons. The Smuggler does it because why the hell not?


Though watching my Trooper get booty called to Coruscant was pretty hilarious. Especially Jorgan's comments about it.

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Best so far: FemSmuggler and male Agent. FemSmuggler was, as you noted, cheesy. Funny, playful, bold but not overbearing. Male Agent makes a low-key, knowing game out of every line.


Worst: FemWarrior. Every [Flirt] is pretty much "I intend to bang you now, or will at some point in the near future." (And by "every [Flirt]" I mean "the three you are permitted in the game.") I know she's the take-charge type, but...blech. I actually went back and did some flirt stuff in one of her early scenes and was amazed to find that the VA can do this incredibly sultry tone of voice...extremely, distractingly sultry...but she doesn't use it for any opening [Flirt]s, and in fact she uses it for about TWO LINES in the entire game. Even those two lines come out to "I intend to bang you now," of course.


I thought femInquisitor's writing was a little clunky at times, but nothing either brilliant or horribly offensive. The male Trooper can get some god-awful "I'm only talking to you for one reason, babe" lines, but it's also possible to play him as a very kind, respectful, yet playful guy. I'm not very familiar with any of the others.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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LOL! I'll have to remember not to hit the [Accost] option if I ever play a male BH. xD


I thought my female Smuggler was just adorable when she flirted. I didn't have her do it much (she married Corso), but when she did it was kinda corny but somehow very charming and cute.


And I think my male Jedi Consular wins the prize for worst at flirting. Besides having pitifully few options, he sounded so unconvincing and blah that I only ever hit the [Flirt] option out of morbid curiosity before hitting esc. Poor guy!

Edited by Gwena
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female agent is horrible with flirts rofl. and the vector set of flirts alone make most people cringe XD


Yeah, those are pretty painful. With f!agent, I came to the horrible conclusion that she sees most men as easy to manipulate creatures that she can sleep with to get intel out of. (I'm honestly convinced that my f!agent is incapable of any sort of normal relationship.)


m!agent is a bit better, in that most tend to be just "hey, gorgeous...is there anything I can do to...?" Except that some go so horribly wrong that it's hilarious.


Smuggler just seems to be having fun with it.


Agreeing that f!SW seems to be taking the preying mantis approach to love - get them into bed, mate with them, bite their head off and devour their corpse of precious, precious nutrients.

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This, I loved how smooth of a talker my Agent was. I don't doubt the smuggler isn't good but man did my Agent have the right words.


Both Agent and Smuggler males have the Mojo going on with the ladies. It's kind of a toss up as to which gets more FTBs. lol


Smuggler has "Tell me your troubles, gorgeous." and says it with a confidence that gets them every time. :cool:

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I'll toss my vote in for the male agent, given what I've seen so far. I had a doozy of a flirt early on in Dromund Kaas where he said:


"A few hours with me and you'll be begging to tell me everything I want to know."




She didn't fall for it though. Ha.


Female smuggler is good too, funny and sassy.


Female agent <sigh> - up there for worst I'm afraid. Once in a while she'd be ok, but it just felt to me like she was trying too hard.

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I'd say the f!jk, f!bh, and f!trp are all really bad except I don't think there's enough data to evaluate. Of the very few flirts available, there were very very few that didn't make me cringe. The bad ones tend to be heavily of the "take me now, you stud you" variety. A little heavy handed when a bit of fun is called for.


My f!smug is barely into her teens, but so far I have more data on her for flirts than any of my maxed toons (tells you something right there anyway), but her flirts are consistently fun.

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female agent is horrible with flirts rofl. and the vector set of flirts alone make most people cringe XD


Hmm, really? I'll admit that I haven't got to Vector yet, and I'm probably not going to go anywhere near him, but her two early flirts didn't really bother me.

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I'll toss my vote in for the male agent, given what I've seen so far. I had a doozy of a flirt early on in Dromund Kaas where he said:


"A few hours with me and you'll be begging to tell me everything I want to know."




She didn't fall for it though. Ha.


She would have if you rolled a human. Samara is a speciest (is that a word lol). :rolleyes:


I've got both a Smuggler and and an Agent and they're both pretty entertaining, but the Agent's lines are definitely more....smooth.


"Gorgeous, murderous and an eye for talent....we should talk."

"Sounds intolerable. Maybe after we're done here I can help you work out your frustrations."

"Why have I been listening to this talking uniform when I could be chatting with a beautiful creature like you?"

"It's my business to keep my eyes open. It's my pleasure to keep them on you".

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My f!smug is barely into her teens, but so far I have more data on her for flirts than any of my maxed toons (tells you something right there anyway), but her flirts are consistently fun.


Yeah, as far as flirts go for female characters, I like smuggler best. She just seems to be having *fun* with it. It's like, "Hey, you're free, I'm free! You're cute, I'm cute. So, if you don't have anything better to do over the next hour..."


There's just a nice levity to it. The class storyline sucks (and the programming leaves some really awkward pauses). But I love the character. She always seems to be having the time of her life.

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She would have if you rolled a human. Samara is a speciest (is that a word lol). :rolleyes:


I've got both a Smuggler and and an Agent and they're both pretty entertaining, but the Agent's lines are definitely more....smooth.


"Gorgeous, murderous and an eye for talent....we should talk."

"Sounds intolerable. Maybe after we're done here I can help you work out your frustrations."

"Why have I been listening to this talking uniform when I could be chatting with a beautiful creature like you?"

"It's my business to keep my eyes open. It's my pleasure to keep them on you".


I recognize the Darth Lachris flirt section and the Nar Shaddaa Bonus. Those are all Imperial quotes. Not just for the Agent. I agree that the Agent delivers them best, though. :D

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I recognize the Darth Lachris flirt section and the Nar Shaddaa Bonus. Those are all Imperial quotes. Not just for the Agent. I agree that the Agent delivers them best, though. :D


Yes you're correct, they're not Agent specific...though typically there's a little variation in the way different classes deliver them, and having seen the others the Agent definitely sounds the best :D


I could dig up the Agent specific quotes (I got a lot of stuff frapped) but they tend to be more than just a one-liner that doesn't look as interesting in text. Only thing I can think of was responding to a serious question about the mission from Temple with "pour some wine and find a private room, and I'll tell you all about it when I get back".

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I would rate Theran Cedrax as one of the creepiest. He already has his AI lover and now he wants to sleep with me? No way, weirdo.


I shot Tharan down so hard, he left a crater in the floor of my ship.


Fem Agent on Vector was so terrible and overbearing, he took it like a champ and still found something redeeming in her. My Fem Trooper and Aric had this 'who could be more unsubtly subtle about what I want' thing going. It was cute. Fem Smug flirts, best of the best especially if you had Corso out while in the middle of romancing him. Just yanking your chain, boy. Sit down.


So, of the classes I've played:

1.Fem Smug

2.Fem Trooper





99.Fem Agent. Girl, back off that bug. He senses pheromones. He knows you want him, have some dignity.

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I've gone back to do the opposite sex of several classes, just to see how the flirts go. Have to agree with fem agent being the worst flirt. Enjoying fem smuggler. The most amusing so far has to be the male smuggler, and the oddest flirt has to be his run with the Sith lord on Tatooine, where they end up skinny dipping in a cave lake. The Sith lord commented that it was the most fun she had had in a loooonnnng time. I like to think there's a kid somewhere who is half Sith and half smuggler.
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"Gorgeous, murderous and an eye for talent....we should talk."

"Sounds intolerable. Maybe after we're done here I can help you work out your frustrations."

"Why have I been listening to this talking uniform when I could be chatting with a beautiful creature like you?"

"It's my business to keep my eyes open. It's my pleasure to keep them on you".


I imagined those in the male IA's voice and just melted :o

I agree that F!war is along the lines of 'You are attractive, we shall mate now' but with the amount of fight Quinn puts up it's needed and Pierce totally goes for that.


The female bounty hunter is...blunt. She could be dead tomorrow, so she's doing it today. The flirts aren't subtle but I think they suit her lifestyle. What I've seen of the male BH should have an 'accost' option instead of flirt. Mako constantly turns you down and when it finally becomes a romance I almost felt like she'd just decided to go with it to shut you up. Lines delivered to Mako by the male and female bounty hunters vary hugely to, the same line from a male sounds posessive and slightly sinister, while delivered by the female makes me think 'BFF's with blasters'.


The Male and Female smugglers are just fantastic, it's the perfect mix of playful teasing and 'but really though, take your clothes off'. Corso is fantastic with either gender as your wingman or the jealous puppy dog.


Male Consular...I found him to be not too bad. He's a bit awkward but the feeling is clearly there. Some men you spend the night with, some men you spend your life with. His flirting definately puts him more as the latter.

Female Consular, all of her flirts are incredibly awkward. In her romance she seems to be desperately trying to express something and failing hard. The rest of the time the line and its delivery makes me think of someone who has observed flirting with detatched interest and is now attempting to replicate it.

Both might be awkward, but I'd say class suitable.


JK of both genders seem to take the BH 'We'll die young, so let's live fast' approach.


SI, I only know for Males, but I personally think he's pretty smooth. I'd be seduced. It's a nice mix of abrupt honesty and romance. A different style to the male smuggler but with the same result. You know it's a one night thing, but you know it's going to be a very good night. How he flirts in a romance depends on how you play your class. Depending on how you see your Sith he's either being incredibly manipulative and trying to twist and innocent young woman to the darkside by exploiting her feelings and showing her what she wants to see, so he can slowly introduce more evil ideas once she's totally in love with him. OR she brings out the best in him, and he can actually be incredibly sweet, if slightly defensive and blunt.

For example 'If I put my hand in a flame my body tells me it hurts, and my mind remembers it so I don't do it again, but where do emotions fit in?' The SI's answer (or possible answer) 'Emotions give you the urge to stop people you care about setting themselves on fire'. I laughed and appreciated the simple honesty of his answer. The flirting's much like that.

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Though watching my Trooper get booty called to Coruscant was pretty hilarious. Especially Jorgan's comments about it.


What's great is you can later claim not to know her when General Garza asks. Jorgan says, "Oh, you knew her sir. Very well."


Trooper has one of the best shut downs in the game, imo. Talking to Elara on the radio: "You could always come rescue and search me." She tells you that using the holocommunicator for non-official business is forbidden under regulation x, y, and z. Jorgan: "I think that's a 'no,' sir."

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What's great is you can later claim not to know her when General Garza asks. Jorgan says, "Oh, you knew her sir. Very well."


Trooper has one of the best shut downs in the game, imo. Talking to Elara on the radio: "You could always come rescue and search me." She tells you that using the holocommunicator for non-official business is forbidden under regulation x, y, and z. Jorgan: "I think that's a 'no,' sir."


lol I remember that, so awesome... Also on Corellia you can flirt wih a smuggler whos flying troops in and she shoots you down with something along the lines of "Not a chance bucket head".


At least Elara finally came around :p

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