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You Need To Reward Open World PvP - ASAP!


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Im torn on this issue. On one end I agree, there should be some reward for Open world PvP(OWPVP). If your on a PvP server thats what your there to do. But on the other i think that you shouldnt reward Open world pvp. Making the rewards too good will promote people to actively find other people(usually easy targets) and farm them, to recieve the best gear. Those doing the farming arent recieving a real challenge, and those being farmed are having there gaming experience destroyed. True PvP is in a controlled enviroment, with even teams, such as Warfronts/Battlegrounds/Arena Style matches.


Seperate Loot tables, and special quests/titles is a little too much IMO. Exp, money, and maybe some valor to improve your pvp rank, anything more is counterproductive to enhancing the PvP experience.


To a point I can agree with you. You don't want either side of the PvP house to have an advantage or the other side will suffer. Giving too many rewards to Warzones makes open world dead and giving too much to open world will make warzones dead.


Simple solution is offer equal rewards to both. Some people, like myself, much prefer RvR style PvP over instanced warzones. Ilum is supposed to be BioWare's effort to cater to the RvR crowd. I just don't think that Ilum by itself is enough. Who knows, when I was in beta I didn't get a chance to play Ilum when it was working as intended. When I went there in the build I played the most it was still a very dead zone with much work needing to be done... the zone wasn't finished and at the time it was just 1 zone. I think it is supposed to be 6 zones now...so I am still hopeful that Ilum is what I am looking for. It will be awhile before I am level 50 though.

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I can see how having a reward system for open world PVP will be very exploitable. I have yet to reach the high levels of Ilum so i'm not going to judge the open world pvp just yet. I can say this though...


It's up to the player base on a server to create the open world PVP. Having objectives and rewards is an incentive (though will be exploitable) but it is not a neccesity. I'd be perfectly happy with a super dangerous large area where gangs of players roam around fighting.


Who needs rewards? PVP is about the kill, not the pretty trinkets.

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Im torn on this issue. On one end I agree, there should be some reward for Open world PvP(OWPVP). If your on a PvP server thats what your there to do. But on the other i think that you shouldnt reward Open world pvp. Making the rewards too good will promote people to actively find other people(usually easy targets) and farm them, to recieve the best gear. Those doing the farming arent recieving a real challenge, and those being farmed are having there gaming experience destroyed. True PvP is in a controlled enviroment, with even teams, such as Warfronts/Battlegrounds/Arena Style matches.


Seperate Loot tables, and special quests/titles is a little too much IMO. Exp, money, and maybe some valor to improve your pvp rank, anything more is counterproductive to enhancing the PvP experience.


Those whos game experience would be destroyed from being PKed shouldn't join pvp servers. But it doesnt matter anywyas, as nobody even does open world pvp on pvp servers. No rewards makes it useless..


they probably don't want level 40 guys traveling back to level 1-10 worlds and farming xp or what ever from newbs. And you know there will be plenty of *** holes that will do just that.


This is why low lvl zones are made safe zones.

Edited by Lukoii
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At the VERY LEAST some experience is required for open world PvP.


As it stands now this is a blow to the PvP community.


Risk should always = reward.


I liked how Rift worked where you not only gained XP but also some PvP points AND a chance for a random drop, a low chance for even a blue item to drop from another player.


The drops in Rift weren't taken from the dead players inventory or gear so there was no loss for the victim. The loot given was rolled from a random table and was available for looting just as you would see from a mob.


In any case, as I mentioned, at the VERY LEAST some XP should be implemented immediately.

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At the time, it was far from terrible. It was the SWTOR of its time, albeit that time has long since passed. However, that's tangential to the point. Point being there are certainly well known WPvP games where you receive rewards for defeating an opponent in open world, the first one, in fact.


Again, it was a terrible game. Really, really awful, even back then. There's a good reason Everquest wiped it off the map - it was a much better game, and had much better PvP too.


Most of the games that people quote as "amazing open world PvP experiences" were in fact awful games. WAR had the kind of class balance best described as a sledge hammer. One person in a thread even quoted SWG as an example to follow. SWG? One of the worst games EVER MADE?


Half of you wouldn't know actual PvP if it smacked you in the jaw. The best PvP MMO to come along so far has been WoW by an absolute country mile for three reasons:


1. It handled well

2. For an MMO it was reasonably complex and had depth

3. It was very well balanced


None of that had anything to do with where the PvP took place. Open World PvP in MMOs dies not when there is no incentive to do it, nor do safe zones or sanctuaries kill it. What kills it are mechanics that allow you to avoid it in the world itself. SWTOR has none of those mechanics.


When you hit the high level zones there will be places packed with Republic and Imperial players. All you need to do to get your vaunted experience is Force Leap onto some poor Imperial sod and off you go. You'll have open war inside of fifteen seconds.


Oh, and for the record, I also played WAR RvR. It was laggy, badly designed, its objectives were unclear and it usually devolved to two lines of overpowered casters spamming spells on each other, vapourising the occasional melee that wandered across.

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There was 0 incentive for World PVP in WoW. Yet you are in here asking for incentive for world pvp in SWTOR.


The fact is, there is an ENTIRE World PVP WORLD. An entire world designed from the ground up for world pvp. It has incentives, objectives and various things to do involving World PVP.


They did this because they understood World PVP was what lots of people enjoy. Yet didn't want it to be exploited, and wanted to create an entire experience around it.


The OP didn't fight on Ilum. Most of the OP's guild isn't even high enough level to go to Ilum.



Everyone keeps talking about how fun World PVP was in vanilla WoW. Yet there was less incentive to do it then in SWTOR.


This a thousand times


You know what I hate the most about this argument about no incentive to do World PvP? It's that these people don't seem to realize that World PvP was always supposed to be its own incentive. Way back when, people used to participate in World PvP because it was FUN. They didn't care that they didn't get anything for it. They loved the massive battles for no other reason than just to have a battle. And that's also where all the best STORIES about World PvP come from. To use a WoW example, whether it was the war between Tarren Mill and Southshore, or a war between two rival guilds at a raid instance that sometimes lasted longer than the raid itself, World PvP was purely about the fun of doing it.


But nowadays, the McGeneration has to feel that they get something. Especially if they lose so they don't feel bad. It's not about the fun anymore. It's only about "What do I get out of it that makes it worth my time?"


So now, you get all these people whining constantly about how there needs to be "super special awesome World PvP" but then preface it with wanting a reward for doing it. Problem is, once there's a reward, people care more about the winning and losing and less about the "it's fun whether I win or lose" and that's a lot of what leads to faction imbalances on servers that only get worse over time, ruining World PvP as you go along. See: Wintergrasp



So many people on this thread saying "OMG GIVE ME WORLD PVP." You want world PvP? Go the heck out and do it. Nothing at all is stopping you from all the World PvP you want.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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it turns it into a grind if you reward it!


No, it turns into pure ganking if you reward it too much. The guilds with the most players will hunt the open world areas and they will kill everyone they see.


Only a fool would wish for that, or someone who is entirely selfish.



You're both wrong. It's not a GRIND if you enjoy doing it - but that doesn't mean that there shouldn't be rewards for it.


Once again: just because you enjoy questing, grinding mobs, running dungeons and such DOES NOT mean you are willing to forgo getting any loot, levels or form of verifiable progression from those activities.


WPvP is no different. The fact is, while a guild with large numbers might go out there and try and make a name for itself, ON A PVP SERVER, I have seen time and time again such guilds get completely overwhelmed by an onslaught of the enemy faction's players banding together and beating them back.


Fact is, there currently isn't anything to strive for in wpvp, nothing to inspire it other than the for the sake of the kill. Is that nice? Yes, I LOVE pvp - but that doesn't mean I want it to be ENTIRELY and INHERENTLY meaningless just because it's something I enjoy doing regardless!


Listen to yourselves people, sheesh.

Edited by Darth_Eclipses
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I mean I guess to be fair I can see a reward system in opvp that is based on valor and not any sort of gear rewards being a decent addition to the game. Something along the lines of players gaining valor from killing others with a diminishing return to 0 after a certain amount of kills and the initial amount being dependent on level of the player killed.


Perhaps also a notoriety system where a bounty gets placed and your name exposed once you accumulate a certain amount of Valor or if you've pk'd a bunch of lower level players. If you get pk'd with a bounty on you, then you lose valor and the other player gets extra valor.


This way you can still progress in rank but any of the pvp gear will still need to be earned via commendations merc or wz. The commendation system as is makes sense to me as I see it you're getting paid for participating in a battle as a mercenary.


I dunno something simple and maybe not too game breaking. Just throwing out ideas since everyone else seems to just be arguing.

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I'm not saying there shouldn't be ANY rewards for OWPVP but to some degree the battle should be a reward unto itself.


Whatever rewards are added, they should certainly scale according to the levels and group sizes. While I wholly support ganking of lower level enemies, I don't believe it should additionally be rewarded.


Displaying K/D ratios is the WORST possible thing they could do as this will kick ganking and sneaking into overdrive and is absolutely a zero indicator of PVP skill whatsoever.

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so, in points:


a) "Open World PvP" DOES NOT equal nor implies fight for nothing (no stats, no xp, no loot, no tokens...)

b) "Open World PvP" DOES imply PvP in open world and should be rewarded as any other kind of PvP

c) devs DO have tools in their hands to prevent senseless ganking and PvP farming (level difference penalty, dmg based division of reward etc.)


so any arguments like "fight is reward for a fight" or "large guilds would farm" are pointless

who would play football game without score count?

Edited by KedoCZ
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SWTOR is such an amazing game, but once I hit 50 (on a few characters), am I going to get bored and move on to another game? My hope is that they are planning the first expansion pack to be a big PvP upgrade. Wouldn't that be nice? (Yes, the game just launched and I'm thinking about the first expansion)
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SWTOR is such an amazing game, but once I hit 50 (on a few characters), am I going to get bored and move on to another game? My hope is that they are planning the first expansion pack to be a big PvP upgrade. Wouldn't that be nice? (Yes, the game just launched and I'm thinking about the first expansion)


Never mind the first expansion they could do so much with the first patch!

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Maybe they wanted to have no rewards at launch so people can level without having to worry about the power gamers destroying them. :p


Rewarding a open world PvP system is a great way to build vibrant and competitive community that can coexist with raiding.


SWTOR has a great infrastructure to support WPvP, hell they can make planets that can be contested for. Put some awesome raiding that are not instanced in these areas where both sides can run into each other. I believe DAOC had some of these dungeons.

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DAOC solved it 10 years ago, sir...


DAoC has all the answers, with people from Mythic joining BW, I had high high high hopes for PvP in SWTOR. They had so much time to improve from DAoC (not that it really needed much, just expanded upon really, galactic scale-it), the beta-testing potential to flush it all out, and, nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Looks like I'll be playing DOMINUS.

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