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I feel like i wasted my money buying this game


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It feels like the same MMO formula all over again. The game is very linear cannot choose which planet you want to go to its linear lvling. Feels like same mmo game with new paint. Still quests where i kill random mobs but there call bonus quests and if i just ignore them ill be underlvled compared to others.


Its kinda sucks because i pre-ordered collectors edition and i dont think i can cancel it.

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You're forced to go to your first two planets. Then you get to choose. It's really not a big deal. just play, open yourself up for the idea that it's fun, and you'll find that it is.


I guess i can lvl to 50 and decide for my self might as well i payed over 100$ for the game and all the collectors in game stuff.

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It's a Star Wars MMO published by EA, did you really think they were going to do anything other than stick to a profitable formula? Not that I'm complaining, it's exactly the game I was expecting and I'm enjoying it, when I don't get a 1003 error trying to log in anyway ;)


If you want to play a non-WOW kind of MMO have you tried EVE online? Doesn't get much more different than that.

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I am actually experiencing the same problem.


I do not feel completely entertained. Sure it was fun for two days, but then I kinda got tired of it. The only thing that keeps me entertained, are the class stories, but I need to get higher levels to experience those, which means I have to go through a ton of other quests with not as interesting stories.


I like the flashpoints, but the community as a whole is just too slow about it. I don't mind having them listen to conversations, peace with that. But seriously, finding their way to the flashpoint, taking 10-20 minutes before they can meet up at the flashpoint, not knowing where the hell to go within the flashpoint. And the boss fights. They are challenging, but not something hardcore, seriously it cannot be hard to figure out, that you do not stand in the enemies AoE cast, it is obiviously something very dangerous, check your health.


The two first days I was excited, I gathering four men for every flashpoint I did, for every group quest, even those that only required 2, just because I loved it. I slowly noticed that more and more slow thinkin people got in, and I started to get annoyed, it was painful and it shreds me inside, but I held the posture and hushed at them in a friendly tone of course :)


But I will not blame the game at all. The game itself is outstanding, the questing ARE linear, there is no run around this, but that is not a bad thing, most games have it one way or another "You gotta be between this and this level to quest here, you can still travel here, but we do recommend you not to before reaching these levels"


Anyway, I may just be tired of gaming as a whole, there is a time where we all may have to admit this fact. Games doesn't keep me entertained, and I am easier annoyed by communities in MMORPG's. Yup, I gotta be a "retiring" gamer.

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Sorry you feel that way. I find the game incredibly different from WoW and other MMO's in the places that matter. Yes, they have recycled material but that's because it is the best possible material available. Flight paths, for example. Just give it a chance. If you still don't like it after a month or two, then just say oh well and move on.
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Do you think everyone has been playing the beta and everyone knows all their Is to know about Flashpoints and Group quest? Swtor is considerably not even released game yet and you are pugging expecting people to know the content. At this point I see no problem with the community nor do I see anything unfixable with Swtor. It Is a Brand new game a lot will change, being a so called in retirement gamer you should know that. Please enlighten me with a game that meets your standards followed with a community that matches you.
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I've been having a great time, love the class story, there was a time however, during Balmorra that I really began to just want that planet to end, the planets story arch had no interest for me so it was torterious to go collect x this, and y that, and there was soo many quests... I did them all thinking it would underlevel me for the next planet, when i got to nar shaddaa i was 28 lol, didn't need to finish that story arch, just did my class quest and hello tat. Well the game picked back up for me again, 2nd companion story arch(for me) was awsome, and the planets story is just as awsome. but mid-end of balmorra i sounded "just" like you.


don't even need to finish tat, coulda did my alder story long ago, still on tat, cause i like it so much. I guess what i'm saying is you stick to what you like, if you don't like the planet story arch its wow 2.0. the game doesn't give you much option out of the boat.

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Not exactly sure how to do it, but you can go to a different starting planet, i've seen other classes of low level on the starting planets that aren't there normally. Something about going to the main "city".


I went to Hutta with an Inquisitor the other day at level five. I just Took the shuttle from Kor to the fleet then took a different shuttle to Hutta. However, I discovered no reason to do so. I was not able to get any missions, and having also played a BH/IA for a bit, I knew where to look. I thought maybe I'd be able to get the missions that weren't part of the class quest lines but I discovered that wasn't the case. Maybe someday.


As for the OP, if you don't like the game enough to pay for a subscription, I'm sure you'd be able to get some money somewhere for the software and reg key as long as you haven't used it. You're free to do what you want. Heck, I'd consider buying it on the off chance my wife would play.

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It feels like the same MMO formula all over again. The game is very linear cannot choose which planet you want to go to its linear lvling. Feels like same mmo game with new paint. Still quests where i kill random mobs but there call bonus quests and if i just ignore them ill be underlvled compared to others.


It's a theme park, it was sold as a theme park, and you were going to be on a roller coaster ride. I can understand wanting something else, but this was never going to be it.



Its kinda sucks because i pre-ordered collectors edition and i dont think i can cancel it.


But you can sell it to somebody who didn't get one. You're actually better off than somebody who didn't.



Then go back to your pandas.


If you actually read the complaint, what they want is not the WOW experience, but more of a sandbox.


But good choice, throwing the standard dismissal line.

Edited by Colobulous
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It feels like the same MMO formula all over again. The game is very linear cannot choose which planet you want to go to its linear lvling. Feels like same mmo game with new paint. Still quests where i kill random mobs but there call bonus quests and if i just ignore them ill be underlvled compared to others.


Its kinda sucks because i pre-ordered collectors edition and i dont think i can cancel it.


I'll cancel my pre-order and buy yours at half price..

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Not exactly sure how to do it, but you can go to a different starting planet, i've seen other classes of low level on the starting planets that aren't there normally. Something about going to the main "city".
Yes. Have to make your way through the character's starter map to the space station shuttle. Once in space simply hunt for the shuttle that takes you to the other starting world. If you avoid mob attacks and know where the shuttles are then the whole journey [starting planet-to-shuttle-to-space station-to-shuttle-to-ending planet] won't take but maybe 20 or 30 minutes. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Well, there's going to be more chapters and Legacy stuff, right? Maybe the game will become sandbox after that? Perhaps this whole chapter 1 stuff is all about getting your characters to become epic ******es. Then, they shape their destiny with the time to come.


I sure hope so at least. Definitely needs more sandbox.

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I would have liked it to be more like original Galaxies. I just want to be able to live in the Star Wars universe. Questing and story is nice, but the majority of the game should be sandbox, and that doesn't seem to be the case.
I think max sandbox for TOR would be awesome as well, but not very realistic. Having galaxies as well as all their worlds (cities, countrysides, instances, air, underwater, etc.) be randomly pervasive and first person travelable would have required either a decade of development, or years of all of Bioware's and Lucas everything's resources to make. The game's library of possible plot connections, their interactive VOs and quest cut scenes alone could easily become larger than all six Star Wars movie dialogue libraries combined. Smells like a 100G storage requirement to me. But I can see the game eventually trying to go that way, at least to some extent, once it matures. Edited by GalacticKegger
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If any of you is in the pursuit of happines, STOP PLAYING GAMES. This is just a game. If its not fun 2 play. QUIT IT. Do something that you really like to do. Go back to that thing "real life" that delivers all the FUN you want!!!


Ah and btw, you should be happy you're not addicted to this game yet. Maybe you have a chance. The rest of us, are screwed....for life! ;)

Edited by YamamotoRo
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