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Lag ruining PvP


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So 1.3 drops and character transfers went through. Things were fun again, I was actually able to play my toons on a non deserted server. It was not until this last week that the lag began to be unbearable. It was fine initially after 1.3, but now its not just ability delay, the whole game just runs crappy and choppy.


All I do is PvP and dailies.... and it is so frustrating when something like throwing a huttball lags by a second or two.

Is everyone else experiencing this also? My sub ends in August..... I might have stuck around but if this lag continues. . . . straw, back, ect ect

Edited by Beermefatty
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So 1.3 drops and character transfers went through. Things were fun again, I was actually able to play my toons on a non deserted server. It was not until this last week that the lag began to be unbearable. It was fine initially after 1.3, but now its not just ability delay, the whole game just runs crappy and choppy.


All I do is PvP and dailies.... and it is so frustrating when something like throwing a huttball lags by a second or two.

Is everyone else experiencing this also? My sub ends in August..... I might have stuck around but if this lag continues. . . . straw, back, ect ect


While I do not agree with your "I quit" or "I will unsub" style of statement, I do agree that the current lag issues in many warzones is getting quite ridiculous.

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yup I agree, the lag is dam annoying.

I started out at launch with this with an old system that I originally built for Eve Online about 6 years ago. It had a dual core AMD cpu and 9800GT gpu with 8gig of DDR2 ram and couldn't play this game. Warzones were a slide show and even running around doing missions was incredibly taxing on my fps. So I caved in and decided that It was time for an upgrade anyway. Now I have a FX6100 six core AMD cpu (black edition) HD6870 gpu with 8gig DDR3 Corsair ram along with a new mobo.

The change with the new hardware in WZ was substantial and missions were somewhat smooth compared to before so I was quite happy with my new upgrades. Now it seems that fleet has reverted back to the way it was before the upgrade. The fps are really bad and choppy causing me to sometimes crash into things and I sometimes experience terrable lag spikes in WZ where my fps dips way below acceptable levels. As of right now I'm not too impressed with EA/Bioware.

Edited by SwordofSodan
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I haven't noticed many issues with the general latency over on ToFN lately, but there has been some redicilous spikes, sometimes freezing the gameplay for 5 to 10 seconds at a time, and laging somewhat for as long as up to 30 seconds before the game is "back to normal" - this is something that is bothering me profoundly and something i would love to see fixed.
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since 1.3 dropped I began experiencing this lag too, some Warzone's became totally unplayable, and caused a couple of unnecessary character deaths, I know I could of evaded usually. I stopped playing for a week, just taking some time off for other things, but I do hope this lag in War Zones is fixed.


I only play PVP, so its all I have any real interest in, I know they are giving away more free pets and black hole gear, but I'd of preferred they spent more time on fixing problems like lag in Warzones, and even open world PVP. This game just essentially doesn't seem capable of handling right.

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So 1.3 drops and character transfers went through. Things were fun again, I was actually able to play my toons on a non deserted server. It was not until this last week that the lag began to be unbearable. It was fine initially after 1.3, but now its not just ability delay, the whole game just runs crappy and choppy.


All I do is PvP and dailies.... and it is so frustrating when something like throwing a huttball lags by a second or two.

Is everyone else experiencing this also? My sub ends in August..... I might have stuck around but if this lag continues. . . . straw, back, ect ect

Could have been me i warped into the vent on hutt ball my insides just cryed:D

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I never had lag issues prior to 1.3, aside from 40v40 Ilum fights. But after 1.3, I do experience occasional heavy lag spikes during WZs and they all seem to occur in Huttball. Not going to jump to conclusions and say it's BW, but I never had the problem before 1.3 and not much of anything has changed on my end.
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It isn't the players personal computers. I have a dann great personal built one that is twice what this game requires, but when lag hits everyone gets it.

60-80 in EC and lag hits the game goes on while players don't which leads mobs/bosses to kill vip roles thus wiping group. As soon as one speaks up about lag, everyone says them too....even in 5 minute delayed chat.


Same for PvP. Hard to kill or take obj when it is jumping frame to frame, rubber banding issues, ability animations complete before damage ticks, etc.


It's BW and their over population of player base on inferior hardware and less than optimal bandwidth connections. They will fix it when enough players actually fill out the unsub whether or not they intend to resub.

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This particular type of lag incident started after 1.3. If you are on voip like TS, mumble and in a ranked match chances are when you do experience the lag and about to mention it ..... a couple other people would already be stating the occurrence of the lag spike. It happened a few times now but OP is obviously being melodramatic or experiencing something else.
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pre 1.3, running nvidia inspector, i sat at 100+ FPS (green #'s), only lagging in serious Ilum OW PvP. settings MAXED!!


now, in low populated area the highest i've seen is 65FPS (bouncing gree/red). AA off, shaders low, shadows off...


in WZ's i MAX @ 30FPS.


something changed...

Edited by T-Assassin
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It's DEFINITELY the game, servers, coding, whatever....


My system is damn near brand new and pretty decked out just for gaming. On top of that I'm running Verizon Fios which is exceptionally fast. I get great FPS on BF3 on a 64 v 64 match no matter how big the battle, there is NO reason I should have problems on TOR. Since 1.3 I get loading screens and lag during freakin Ops. It's pretty bad. One of the patches seemed to help but over all the game has some nasty delay and I have seen that damn loading screen pop up wayyyyyyyy more than it should. :mad:


And setting don't fix anything. Tried turning a bunch of stuff down since I normally run everything high as possible. NO CHANGE!

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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Yes, it's absolutely horrible and makes warzones a joke at times. I've seen the lag spikes last for over 10 seconds and everyone in the zone is affected.


At times, you won't even see anyone starting to cap the node, but they must have started just as the lag spike hit. By the time the lag is over the entire cap is finished and there's nothing you can do. I played a voidstar this way where both sides capped all the way through without anyone even being able to prevent the caps. What a joke.


Oh and I sent a ticket in and they said they were aware of the issue. Let's see how long they're gonna be aware of it for.

Edited by Monterone
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I have always had pretty poor performance in WZ's (don't have the greatest system), but since 1.3 I been experiencing those random 5-10 second big huge lag spikes on top of my regular crappy frame rate in WZ's. Edited by Rompdomp
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