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No one Queuing for Rateds now? (Droogas)


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Well the first week we were able to get Rateds to pop from 2pm to 1am frequently. Not now... A few times this week I have been in ops at times betwenn those times queued for Rateds. Only had a few pops all week! This Rated experience unfortunately is failing due to not having cross server pvp. I am on Droogas which is one of highest pop server right now and we are just not getting many matches.


Rateds aren't going to mean much until cross server is put in. Bioware please have cross server for regular and Ranked by season 1 or else this Rated thing won't last long.


Is this happening on other servers too? Have a lot of people stopped to get more gear before stepping back into Rateds? Or did some guilds not like losing and just quit. Highly doubtful on Droogas there seemed to be some good competition on both sides.

Edited by Pizzel
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Most rated players/teams are fans of pvp obviously. And generally speaking, most of those players have left or are in the process of leaving the game.


There is no open world pvp, and only a few repetitive boring battlegrounds that after the 1000th time running, you want to kill yourself. Ranked warzones will become very old, very fast...........just watch........



If you think the ques are terrible now, wait a couple of weeks.............../shrug

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I don't bother with rated for the same reason i didn't bother with ops before: CBA to stand around on the fleet yelling LFG only to get into a ragtag PUG that will lose members after first loss, which leads to some more standing around on the fleet yelling LFM. I'd rather queue for a normal WZ and get to play now. Edited by Sharee
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Is this happening on other servers too?


Jung Ma is having the same problem and was a destination server for the merges. However bioware messed up and put both east and west coast RP-PvP servers into it to try and consolidate the community. The RP-PvP community is not large at all and I think at one point we actually spilled over to a second imperial fleet (meaning barely over 250 people at the highest point). At this point queues were happening quite frequently however the amount of diversity of teams seemed to range from 10-12 different teams queing.


A few days ago Bioware decided it was not good to put east and west coast players together on one server and has allowed all west coast server players to relocate. This has made our fleet dwindle down to about 100-150 players during peak times, but the worst part has now become that rated warzones do not pop until about 8 pm server time and it is supposed to be an east coast server (personally I am a west coast player but my guild works full time so its about 2 hours of rated warzones). Also with the changes in numbers on the server there are about 5 teams left that queue. My server is a PvP graveyard Bioware, and I despise playing the same people over and over for 3-8 points a game while losing 30+ for a loss(disconnect). Please allow people that wish to have competitive PvP the chance to have fun as well!


edit: People have also started queue dodging us and won't queue until we enter a warzone. Jung Ma residents require a transfer to either a PvE-RP or a PvP server (choice between the two as each is "half")

Edited by Rizael
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allowing solo que rwz would fix the problem, otherwise it will be the same premades fighting each other over and over and that gets old quick. I have not played one rwz yet, i would if they let me solo que.
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allowing solo que rwz would fix the problem, otherwise it will be the same premades fighting each other over and over and that gets old quick. I have not played one rwz yet, i would if they let me solo que.


and LFG on fleet channel is different how?


Oh yeah, you get to chose your comp and dont end up with something silly like, 8 dps, or 5 tanks /healers .

Even if they made solo q for ranked. Every single one of those "solo q" teams would lose 100% of the rwz they do, to full 8man premades, they don't even need to be in same guild just use voice com to beat your solo q team.

Edited by Dmasterr
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Even if they made solo q for ranked. Every single one of those "solo q" teams would lose 100% of the rwz they do, to full 8man premades


When solo queueing for rateds is implemented, solo players won't be put against premades anymore(because there are separate ratings for solos and teams)

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When solo queueing for rateds is implemented, solo players won't be put against premades anymore(because there are separate ratings for solos and teams)


Oh, you hopping for a separate queue? dream on.


A pvp ladder with ranking ceases to be accurate if you exclude half the pvp players from it.


"look guys i has 2500 rating, and did it all by never facing anyone remotely interested in pvp, because they played 8man premades and i solo queued.":rolleyes: -> i am pro right? /lol

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Oh, you hopping for a separate queue? dream on.


A pvp ladder with ranking ceases to be accurate if you exclude half the pvp players from it.


"look guys i has 2500 rating, and did it all by never facing anyone remotely interested in pvp, because they played 8man premades and i solo queued.":rolleyes: -> i am pro right? /lol


Once again, there will be separate ratings for solo and for teams.


Players will have a separate Solo and Group rating


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You really take Bioware's word for stuff they say. REALLY? after all that happened until now?


Wasn't 1.2 released 3 months ago? i rest my case


Excuse me if i take bioware's word over some random forum poster.


And i don't see how 1.2 being released 3 months ago is relevant in any way. Solo queue plans were postponed, but not changed.

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Excuse me if i take bioware's word over some random forum poster.


And i don't see how 1.2 being released 3 months ago is relevant in any way. Solo queue plans were postponed, but not changed.


I did not say trust me, i do not know what will happen.


However i did refer to Bioware and EAs track record of delivering what they promise. So far its a big fail.

Also pointed out that solo q rating would be irrelevant, since you would avoid fighting anyone remotely interested or any good at pvp.


"Hey guys lets have an irrelevant pvp ladder".:rolleyes: Makes sense right?

Edited by Dmasterr
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why are so many people obsessed with solo queing in online games?? Mind boggling to me can't stand it in this Bf3 call of duty or whatever game. I play online to play with like minded people. Not scrubs who want to afk to top perks or gear. Anyway..


I've heard of rated drama for sure. Part of it is bioware part is unrealistic people and some is guild leaders. Class balance don't get me started. there should be cross server by now. Also guilds shouldn't have shunned classes in pre season. There will be nerfs and buffs. Mercs or whoever could be owning in a patch later. Idk a lot has been wrong with this game. Bioware needs to get on the ball. Maybe with cross server the solo queuer can have their solo ranked and the teams can have an actual player pool

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Also pointed out that solo q rating would be irrelevant, since you would avoid fighting anyone remotely interested or any good at pvp


Solo q rating will be relevant in showing how well a player can do when he has no premade to rely on. And your assumption that no good player would ever queue solo is asinine at best.

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Solo q rating will be relevant in showing how well a player can do when he has no premade to rely on. And your assumption that no good player would ever queue solo is asinine at best.


1 player can NOT take credit in a 8man team pvp. You can be the best pvper in the world 2 times over, if you get teamed up with horrible pvp players you will lose.


So you basically roll the dice and pray to the RNG gods, that your team will not suck, giving you an auto lose.


Solo q pvp is not a skilled pvp part of the game, and can never be one.


Solo q pvp is : look at my RNG luck with team matchmaking while i avoid most of the good pvpers because of system design, excluding the chance you of meeting them.


How can anyone good at pvp that played solo q normal wz, even suggest solo q for ranked? Then assume that anything he "achieves" in it is more an indication of skill than valor rank.


How can you even put up with that torture? of solo q.

Edited by Dmasterr
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RWZ isn't succeeding in the way they did it? Oh my goodness, whoever could have predicted with such well balanced classes and catering to the largest playerbase, the hardcore premades- it could go so poorly.


I am shocked, this definitely isn't something we all foresaw coming with ease.

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"""Solo q rating will be relevant in showing how well a player can do when he has no premade to rely on. And your assumption that no good player would ever queue solo is asinine at best. """


Exactly, If the average pug team wins 50% of their matches and that number jumps to 55% when you are on the team, then obviously you are a better than the average pug player because the pug winning percentage has gone up 5%. That will be reflected in the rankings, one would think. If you are winning 60% of your pug matches then you are basically a pvp god and should have a very high rating. Yes there is randomness but over time the rating will get closer and closer to the true rating. That is the type of system I am hoping for. If you are in a premade 8 man group there is no way to tell if you are being carried or you are carrying another weak player, since both will have identical ratings. It would just measure how good your team is , not you in particular. The numbers given are just for illustration.

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RWZ isn't succeeding in the way they did it? Oh my goodness, whoever could have predicted with such well balanced classes and catering to the largest playerbase, the hardcore premades- it could go so poorly.


I am shocked, this definitely isn't something we all foresaw coming with ease.


buahuhauahuha, i like your sarcasm sir, because it's also the true.



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Once again, there will be separate ratings for solo and for teams.






Solo pug vs pug for me, it's not a decided outcome, has a degree of parity, and uncertainty unlike the faceroll stench of ranked premade atm




So you know the premade's can go jump in a lake.

AND take the PT's with them. XD

Oh, and the Mara/Jugg too. lolol


With cross server, if PT/jug/mara adjustments haven't come yet they can facemelt each other hopefully in stalemate ripping nails from their digits, eyes bleeding on screen topped off with crash to server not found.

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When solo queueing for rateds is implemented, solo players won't be put against premades anymore(because there are separate ratings for solos and teams)


That is just the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Either get a team or don't do rateds. It should be that simple. If you want to solo-queue go do regular WZs.

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The real issue is class imbalance. Just taking 8 good, (augmented) War Hero geared players in a classic 2-2-4 setup isn't enough - when you come up against teams loaded with 3+ Pyrotechs you just have little chance with your Sage & Commando DPS (for example.) At first we thought that just putting together a team of good players in good gear would be enough to be reasonably competitive but... it isn't. When we can field a team loaded with all the OP classes we do well, when we field a team lacking in them we don't... so why queue when we don't have the perfect mix of people available?
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That is just the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Either get a team or don't do rateds. It should be that simple. If you want to solo-queue go do regular WZs.


Regular WZ, where getting gear to be on par with the bored premades in full WH will take you hundreds of hours of being roflstomped?


Yes, I can see people doing that- people love having no fun for huge amounts of time just to get gear that'll make them viable right after new gear that'll take them hundreds of more hours of time to get comes out.


How about instead of 'if you want to solo queue go do regular WZ', let's say what'll actually happen.


"If you want to play competitive pvp where you can just leap in and have fun and not face some massive disadvantage that people who have hundreds of more hours to waste than you do- go play another mmorpg that lets you just hop into pvp and have fun."


If only such an mmo was coming out on August 28th.


Hmm, let's see what the people think. Hello there, you look like the type of person who only plays a few hours a week. What would you rather do? Know you'll never be at the gear level of others, and all the while be nothing but fodder for hundreds of hours trying to reach their gear level.... or jump into a match minutes after installing the game and be on equal footing with every single other player.


Yes, let us keep the 'if you do not like it go away' motto for this game's pvp. I'm sure BW is exceptionally pleased with how their metrics are working- I wonder if their share holders are happy with the metrics though... the ones that are saying their subs are bleeding out like a waterfall.

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