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No one Queuing for Rateds now? (Droogas)


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I have never understood pugs going in there expecting anything other than to spam losses for gear. This system was, after all, created to let organized teams of eight fight other organized teams of eight. The solo queue you want already existed, I could not queue with eight people before.


I think you didn't even read my post. I pointed out that solo queue has the exact same problem. I don't want solo queue. I simply want a system that doesn't let high rated teams beat on newbs. Right now there are no "decent" teams queueing so anyone who tries to start up a new team gets destroyed. It's like putting a local baseball team into the major leagues.


Because there is no solo rated queue- you get your gear faster in RWZ. Simple as that.


Totally untrue. Normal WZ's are far faster to get WH gear right now. Most people who spam losses can't even get medals. They wait forever and then get 40 ranked WZ tokens after getting totally stomped.

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if you are a noob, badly geared, lack a team, lack pvp experience


I think you just eliminated 90-95% of active players.

Shouldn't the focus be on getting more people to participate?


P.S. Resisting the urge to mock you mercilessly wasn't easy.

Edited by Eggsalicious
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This might have been discussed already, I didn't take the time to read through all the replies, but one contributing factor to the low population is class balance, or lack thereof. Guilds will sit around and wait for "the right classes" (not talking about roles) to show up instead of queue'ing despite that they have enough people online to fill two teams. It is a problem that you can't go in with 3 dps'es from certain AC'es without knowing that you probably will get rolled by other class compositions unless you're the significally better team. It's also sad that some guilds arent willing to risk it. Edited by MidichIorian
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LOL, so basically you think arenas were terrible because you were horrible at WoW and had a 1500 rating?


The fact that you suggest the other two specs of a Warrior tree were viable in Battlegrounds but not in arena is laughable. Sorry but if a spec sucked in arena it sucked in Battlegrounds. The only reason you might think otherwise is because of the typical massive amount of undergeared/terrible players in battlegrounds.

The specs werent viable because they were good, but because you were fighting horrible players.


So your true feelings are revealed. You only hate arena because you arent good enough to compete, you just want to trash horrible/undergeared players.

I bet you are one of those people that gank low level players and think they are amazing.


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Just another kid that thinks the only thing that matters in objective based gameplay is CLEARLY the ability to 1v1 people off in a corner. :rolleyes:


Incoming tirade of retarded WoW references (god I hate that game, or rather what it became):

First off, before the dissolution of 2v2 rewarding I had my glad gear every season at 2k+ rating. You're terrible with no reading comprehension. Since you missed it, I respecc'd and ran the standard MS spec, and my bud ran Holy on his pally. Standard fare boring blah comp. Facerolled to glad every season before the dissolution of 2v2's. You're bad.


Nextly - A tank was great at objective based play. In WSG as flag runners (obviously the best being dr00ds. While not tanks, Shaman's were good as well for ghostwolf) and flag holders/defenders. In AB they were excellent at guarding nodes long enough for the floaters to come reinforce before an enemy push/cap. In AV to down the generals. Etc. There were OBJECTIVES that allowed non-cookie cutter arena spec's to have both a function and FUN while contributing to the success of their team.


I know that for someone like you the idea of OBJECTIVES is foreign and distasteful due to your pewpewpepwpewpewLOLATTACK! mindset.

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Most rated players/teams are fans of pvp obviously. And generally speaking, most of those players have left or are in the process of leaving the game.


There is no open world pvp, and only a few repetitive boring battlegrounds that after the 1000th time running, you want to kill yourself. Ranked warzones will become very old, very fast...........just watch........



If you think the ques are terrible now, wait a couple of weeks.............../shrug



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First off, before the dissolution of 2v2 rewarding I had my glad gear every season at 2k+ rating. You're terrible with no reading comprehension. Since you missed it, I respecc'd and ran the standard MS spec, and my bud ran Holy on his pally. Standard fare boring blah comp. Facerolled to glad every season before the dissolution of 2v2's. You're bad.

LOL you're funny

First of all im a 7 time glad on 3 different classes playing in 6 seasons. If you want to count the number of times ive gotten multiple glad titles in each individual season playing in different brackets the number will be double.


Meanwhile your only accomplishment is getting 2k+ rating in the most newb friendly bracket with one of the least skill intensive comps. No doubt you also played on one of the terrible battlegroups.


Clearly you couldnt cut it in 3v3 or 5v5 because you're terrible.


Nextly - A tank was great at objective based play. In WSG as flag runners (obviously the best being dr00ds. While not tanks, Shaman's were good as well for ghostwolf) and flag holders/defenders.


This just goes to show how clueless you are.


Tanks went from useless to downright overpowered in arena depending on patch/expansion.


Second of all, i fail to see how this differs at all from SWTOR. A tank is perfectly viable to carry the Huttball and to solo guard objectives.

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LOL you're funny

First of all im a 7 time glad on 3 different classes playing in 6 seasons. If you want to count the number of times ive gotten multiple glad titles in each individual season playing in different brackets the number will be double.


Meanwhile your only accomplishment is getting 2k+ rating in the most newb friendly bracket with one of the least skill intensive comps. No doubt you also played on one of the terrible battlegroups.


Clearly you couldnt cut it in 3v3 or 5v5 because you're terrible.



This just goes to show how clueless you are.


Tanks went from useless to downright overpowered in arena depending on patch/expansion.


Second of all, i fail to see how this differs at all from SWTOR. A tank is perfectly viable to carry the Huttball and to solo guard objectives.


While this example of hyperbole filled flaming is FRESH and EXCITING :rolleyes: I will simply reiterate that you're bad. Period.


Also 3v3 and 5v5 were something we didn't bother with once another RL bud stopped playing because we found that the masses of arenaphiles were ego-driven narcissistic children like yourself. Being in voice chat with some raging manchild trying to have fun is impossible so the solution was to ignore anything beyond 2's. However feel free to spew more venom regarding your uberness and easymode bracket, blah blah blah blah. Your mindset is pretty common and easy to ignore.


*Also bears were OP for HALF a season. Prot war's got ONE season before the DerPS whined about anything but burst-classes and healers being viable and got nerfed back into oblivion. Prot Pallies got 3 patches before they got axed as well. The only "tank" that saw success longer were DK's and only because the devs were ******* all over their new class and let it faceroll ez mode for far too long, especially during the broken ret-pally season. The classic tanks got a minute in the spotlight and that was it before being bludgeoned back down into nothingness by angry DPS'ers who didn't like some non-DPS-non-healer being viable.... Wait, kinda like here (and every other MMO)*

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