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Official Q&A Thread for July 13th Blog Post

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I have a question about crafting/skills. I liked how a % was placed to show a new schematic when RE, the only thing I find troubling is that you can craft 15 or more items and still don't get a new one. If your skill at synthweaving, cybertech, etc are at 400, the % should be higher when you are crafting lower level items because you should be almost an expert at 400.


Thanks. :D

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Let's have some FP that Republic and Empire team up to defeat, or the ability to OPs group with other faction for a world boss. I've seen Jedi and Empire work together in other quests, many of the companions are friends, and it would be a challenge to have to work together with the side you distrust completely. :p
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Who wrote the storyline for the Imperial Agent? It is considered by many to be the best class story in the game. Without going into spoilers, it also seems to be affected by your decisions more than any other story in the game, which makes it very replayable.
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Are you going to be at any UK shows this year, Eurogamer Expo in london is in september and we would love to see you there. Also if you have no uk shows how are we meant to have a chance at getting the show pets unless we fly to america or germany which is very extreme in these economic times. Edited by Shingara
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What is purpose of the suggestion box? There are some good ideas in there and yet there is no feedback from you guys about them. Or even turning good ideas in sticky so more people can comment on it. Or even post links to where said suggestion has already been said is coming.
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Where's the Cybertech love? As a Cybertech I feel virtually useless at lvl 50. Are there any plans on adding schematics for Cybertechs that would allow us to craft some higher end mods? Such as Tionese or Columi level Armoring and Mods? Or possibly some higher end grenades? At this point anything would be nice.


Also, what's the deal with Slicing? Previously I could send my companions out on some level 6 missions and get a respectable amount of profit back, but now I'm lucky to even break even. I've actually stopped sending my companions out on slicing missions because more often than not I'm doing it at a loss. Any plans on improving this in the future?


I don't expect to make a million credits in a week, but it would be nice to make more of an actual profit from it, especially since Slicing is all about actually making money.

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I have two questions.


Q1: When are you guys going to come to the conclusion that pvp gear destroys pvp. It makes it so new 50 are manhandled by War Hero geared people. Sure the recruit gear was a nice cash bonus, because all it does is get you two shotted instead of one. You can say people need to do their time, but it isn't worth the time unless you are handing out ranked warzone credits like candy during Halloween. Which is what, is happening to the people who already have their gear, because they are destroying everyone else. Get rid of pvp gear. Make pvp about skill and not gear. It dumbfounds me that skill is way down the line to gear, when it comes factors related to success in pvp. I have 6 level 50 toons; one with complete BM and some war hero yeah it is fun killing fools with recruit gear, but I don't always want to play one class. I want to be able to play all my characters competitively after they reached 50. Pvp is a joke, for that reason and the fact that there are so many stuns and knockbacks, you basically have control of your toon for a total of 3 seconds once you are around more than three people. Stop worrying about class balance and worry about a functioning pvp environment that is rewarding for all people. If you want to keep gear, make it about style and achievement, not about murdering people because all you do is pvp. You can still destroy people if you are skilled, so what are all the people with this gear worried about if they lose it. It is only going to get worse with successive tiers and as a result BM will be water down and WH will be watered down and easier to get. Just stop playing games with gear to make people play longer and instead make pvp playable for everyone and they will play longer because it is actually fun.



Moodo, Parviti, Athanna, Mudo, Zetya, Telsa, Dartainia, Nojack.


I totally agree and think that this would make me actually want to play pvp after I hit 50. I have 4 50's now and I never play pvp unless it is Lvl 10-49 because at that point it is all about skill and not gear. Please have a serious look at this solution to fix lvl 50 PVP. Thank you.

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I still find it difficult to find a group to complete certain missions even with group finder. I have transfered servers in an attempt to get more success however still to no availe. I like to play and not spend large amounts of time to aquire online friends that care enough to join with me on certain missions.


Why not have two methods of mission completion. One for groups and another alternate method for single players. For example: A certain boss takes four players to defeat in straight combat or a single player can complete a series of missions to gather ingredients for a poison and another mission to get it into the boss'es food that morning before I go to battle him thus making him weak enough for one player to eliminate. The added time necessary to complete the mission would balance the eagerness for players to run to the solo method. In other words you can solo a high level mission with large investments of time in side missions to stack the odds in a solo players favor or group it and take it head on.


This should bring more enjoyment for casual players like me who don't have more than a few hours at a time to play and want to play the game rather than look for groups and this method will also add replayability for those who have run through the entire game already and want to replay with alternate methods.

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1 Question I have is.

Are there any plans to make the different species have different accents? I made a Sith species consular toon and was very disappointed when i found that i had no accent. What i am asking is are there plans to make the voice of our toons different? And if so will be apart of the legacy system?

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I was curious if we are ever going to see orange versions of the companion gear sets that we get from doing planet quest so that if we like a certain look you came up for them we can keep it and i was wondering if we will ever see the armor for Khem Val and other companions like him actually appear visualy instead of just having the customization on him being the only thing we see?
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I like to see more fluff coming companionwise!


Marriage, divorce, maybe even making a child :p my own young padawan who would grow every 10 levels or so :p

just thinking out of the box here, but in general, more companion dialogues options when I like to do a conversation with one of my companions, not when its scripted to give me a dialogue.

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I enjoy the Legacy system as it encourages me to create new types of characters, especially across factions. For example my Chiss Operative gave me the ability to create a Chiss Jedi Knight. However, with only eight character slots, I cannot keep growing my options without going to another server and starting over. Are there plans to add character slots per server, or allow me to transfer a character from one server to another at will, yet retain all Legacy unlocks?
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Are there any plans on making the "Unify Colors" actually unify the colors? Ex: I use the Anointed Zeyd-Cloth Vestments for aesthetic reasons. If I wear Columi with it, for instance, it just comes out black and grey, not the vibrant purple and black that I really enjoy on my armor.
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Could you elaborate please on what role you see deception assassins playing? and are they close to operating in the way that was envisioned? Currently it seems as though they have less burst, less sustained DPS, and less survivability than other DPS classes such as the marksman sniper for example. Is this deliberate, and if so why? Thanks.
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Sorry if this has been answered but I haven't found anything online to give me a definitive answer.


To start off, are healers penalized when healing themselves/others in open world environments like they are in warzones and areas like Ilum? I imagine they are not in PvE servers but what about PvP servers where nearly everywhere you go flags you into PvP. Does the penalty only apply itself only when you are attacked by a player or start to heal another player engaged against players?


With those questions in mind it brings me to my real question. Does giving your healing companion PvP gear benefit them over PvE gear? Are they subject to the same PvP healing penalties and does expertise give them bonuses to healing your character? If not it would seem better to equip them with PvE gear to heal you when attacking other players.


Would I want to equip a companion healer the same way I would want to equip my character if I was primarily a PvP healer?

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I currently use Broonmark as my main companion (hes just cool looking), i play a juggernaut tank, so dont require him to be so and theres a nice little dps stance that i use along with some DPS gear and he does quite well.

One thing i noticed is he cant use his main stat DPS offhand, instead he has 2 offhand choices.

  • Shield Generator (Str/End)
  • Power Generator (Aim/End)


Q: Is it possible for you to make it so Broonmark can use his appropriate stat offhand being a focus (str/end) instead of the current power generator (aim/end)?

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Any chance of down the road adding companions in that would be recruited based on choices? I am thinking of KOTOR 2 where if you are Darkside you get the wookiee companion Lightside you get the BH, Male you get the handmaiden, female you get disciple. It would be nice to get some variety and it could be balanced by giving the companions the same stats just different voices/appearances.
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The crafting droid companion seems to be an afterthought in the game. Recently, they became viable for crafting, but as combat companions, they're pretty much terrible. Droid Armour is designed with tanking in mind, and yet they can't equip shields, or switch to a tanking stance to use it, they have a tendency to run into melee range for an unarmed attack when everything else is on cooldown, and the healing mez requires a weapon, which they cannot equip. Any chance of improvements, considering that they're the only option for healing until you get the proper companion?
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Now that the server transfers have happened and many people have made the move to more populated servers, what are your plans for the servers that are still there with really low population, and the characters there? Will they be force-transferred at some point to their destination server? When (roughly) do you plan to make this transition?


A follow-up: Is there a paid character transfer service on the way? (Or anything that would let me consolidate my characters on Correllian Run / Harbinger into one server). Any idea when that might be implemented? (Rough estimate is fine).

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Are you considering implementing the other colors of the Elegant Dress set? And other color variations for other social sets as well? I have seen the Elegant Dress set both in green and red on NPCs and yet we can only buy a white version of it. My Sith Inquisitor would LOVE to have it in red. Edited by Orlesian
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