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Warzone Quiters..... Should It Be Tracked?


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I am paying to have fun, and Voidstar is anything but fun. I leave Voidstar every single time if my team sucks and we get a bomb planted on us right away. It's just no use wasting my time through that crap, then having to stand there and be beat up on a crappy team the whole second round and not get a single door.


So, until there is the ability to queue for specific warzones, tracking or punishing people for leaving warzones is a retarded idea. I leave Alderaan a lot too, I hate it, but not as much as Voidstar. If there is ZERO way of making a come back, why should I stay?


Really, I only want Huttball, and until I can only queue for Huttball, you had better not punish me for leaving a warzone. If I get locked out for even 15 minutes I'll probably cancel my subscription. No that's not whining, it's just the principle of the matter. I pay to have fun, and if I can't have fun I don't pay. Really that simple.

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Really, I only want Huttball, and until I can only queue for Huttball, you had better not punish me for leaving a warzone. If I get locked out for even 15 minutes I'll probably cancel my subscription. No that's not whining, it's just the principle of the matter. I pay to have fun, and if I can't have fun I don't pay. Really that simple.


I'm just curious... Do you play one of those "Huttball Classes" by chance? Not knocking you at all, I kind of do the same thing that you do... If the match is Huttball... If it were my choice I'd never see another Huttball match for as long as I live... I just can't see what people find attractive about it.

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I really liked the suggestion someone made of not getting put in warzones with people you have on your ignore list. It makes sense anyway, as it's potentially a detriment to the team if you can't see what someone says, and I believe it's already set up that way for the group finder, so it should be simple to implement. Then those like me who care about trying and have a sense of consideration for our teammates can put quitters on ignore and never be grouped with them again, and quitters can put everyone they view as scrubs on ignore and never be grouped with them again. Seems like a win/win for everyone involved.
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I'm just curious... Do you play one of those "Huttball Classes" by chance? Not knocking you at all, I kind of do the same thing that you do... If the match is Huttball... If it were my choice I'd never see another Huttball match for as long as I live... I just can't see what people find attractive about it.


I play an Annihilation Marauder. Not really a huge Huttball class, but I can jump and I have Predation for the team. But I can't run with the ball and I die fast.


I just find Voidstar is very very hard with Commando's and healers clogging the republic side. It's like 20% win chance for Imps I find. I don't mind losing, but we lose too much, and it's always the same kind of classes all piled into one ball blocking bombs on the doors and healing eachother. And nobody on my team attacks the healers, so it's lame. It's far too often a complete blow out. And Alderaan is the same all the time (1 snow everyone mid, whomever wins mid protects it until it gets past the point the other team can't win). Sure I win often enough, but its not fun.


Huttball is fun. And I play pug, don't even have a guild. So I get crappy teams all the time, but I still have fun. I think I like it mostly because I hate the other ones. Huttball could be more awesome with new maps, new traps and such.

Edited by Frankee
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Even though quitters deserve to have their empty sack stapled to their inner-thigh, there's no punishment that's going to stop them from quitting midmatch. However, it would be funny as hell to force all quitters to que up together in their next match. I'd almost pay extra to have that implemented.


I've never bailed on any pvp match and never will. It's just not in my programming. Like all you self-admitting quitters stated, I play to have fun and losing a match is alot more fun than constantly quitting. It is rather satisfying to have team-mates spout out a "yall suck!" just before quitting and then we go on to win the match, which happens quite a bit. In these cases, its rather easy to deduce just who was the weak link the chain. Then there was the time a team-mated bailed and then rejoined on the opposing team only to lose to the team he bailed on ( if there ever was a reason to create a "suck it" emote ).


In short, you want to bail? Bail. Take your ball and your negative mentality, and stomp off like a child. Don't need ya. Don't want ya.

If you want to put the bigboy pants on and trade plasma to the bitter end, then I'll que with you anytime.

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I never use to leave warzones, but have done so recently. Due to some WZ's mixing factions, I've run across a specific guild that will actually help the other team if they have guildies on the other side. Giving them nodes, directing them towards hidden players, not attacking each other, etc. Sad part is, the idiots that do this readily admit in in ops chat, stating 'their guildies need the comms more than i do'...
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I never use to leave warzones, but have done so recently. Due to some WZ's mixing factions, I've run across a specific guild that will actually help the other team if they have guildies on the other side. Giving them nodes, directing them towards hidden players, not attacking each other, etc. Sad part is, the idiots that do this readily admit in in ops chat, stating 'their guildies need the comms more than i do'...


Ive noticed the same thing. People in our group finding a corner and sitting it out, so the opposite team can win.

Warzones suck anyways, they need some PVP lakes with a reward system that encourages people to PVP. 8 on 8 is really boring PVP IMO.


Plus 4 warzones over and over get old too. This is one of the issues that will ultimately doom this game, because a majority of players prefer PVP over PVE,

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Plus 4 warzones over and over get old too. This is one of the issues that will ultimately doom this game, because a majority of players prefer PVP over PVE,


PvE in this game isn't anything to write home about either.

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I never use to leave warzones, but have done so recently. Due to some WZ's mixing factions, I've run across a specific guild that will actually help the other team if they have guildies on the other side. Giving them nodes, directing them towards hidden players, not attacking each other, etc. Sad part is, the idiots that do this readily admit in in ops chat, stating 'their guildies need the comms more than i do'...


Sadly that was a known and expected outcome of allowing players to role both factions on one server!


I dont agree with it and would never do it personally but we all knew this would happen and told EA as much when multiple faction characters on same server were announced.

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I never use to leave warzones, but have done so recently. Due to some WZ's mixing factions, I've run across a specific guild that will actually help the other team if they have guildies on the other side. Giving them nodes, directing them towards hidden players, not attacking each other, etc. Sad part is, the idiots that do this readily admit in in ops chat, stating 'their guildies need the comms more than i do'...


When I see my guild tag in red, I murder them, I figure if I stomp them to death they'll be impressed with my ability to pvp and ask me to group with them, which happens every time.


As for cross faction I'm in two different guilds and neither guild knows anything about my other faction characters, that way I can face stomp them and not feel guilty.

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I my self find pvp and pve both to be fun well less fun on pve wish bioware can change the flashpoints to be little more fun so pve can be more attractive.

Anyways me a my friend had been playing pvp on world of warcraft for a while maybe less for me heh but we gone to this game and so far pvp is fun pretty much once the bugs get fixed. But in a ways pvp is losing its fun no offense mostly by players and some pvp imbalance for example a recruit gear player playing against a hero geared player not really fun, and some player just don't know how to play and we also get qqers some have a reason some just leave out of anger.

Also pvp is kinda losing is fun because of the losing streak don't give me wrong I have no problem seeing some warzones being lost like 3 or 4 times no problem but seeing nothing but daily losing each warzone thats no fun at all and also a problem of completing the week you get also. On our server I have seen about 25% chances for republic to win a warzone for empire I think around 45 to 50% depending when you solo. I do love the republic charaters I am playing don't give my wrong I have empire characters I like also but it dose suck when ya don't see much wins on the republic side I am sure other servers may have different problems like empire are sucking and republic are winning or others have the same problem as our server.


I am no complaining I am just pointing out :)

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I agree it is anoying, and some people say there should be a debuff if you leave / kicked form a WZ... but the thing is.


if you leave... the chances are you didnt want to stay anyway. so a debuff stopping you from doing another is pretty pointles.


i suggest a debuff that gives you several things


1) unable to re-queue for X-mins.

2) unable to join a FP / ops for X-mins

3) 100% less exp gained for X-mins

4) unable to gain valor / rating for X-mins


and each time you leave this would be tracked. so for examle the first time you left that week. it would only be a 10min debuff. the 2nd time a 20min debuff. going all the way up to 1 hour...


this would prevent people from leaving if its a clear loss. or from just randomly quiting because they would not be able to gain anything from the game for the duration of the debuff.... and to prevent people from logging to another char to wait for the debuff to go... make it so the debuff only ticks down while you are online on that char.

Edited by DrDon
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I agree it is anoying, and some people say there should be a debuff if you leave / kicked form a WZ... but the thing is.


if you leave... the chances are you didnt want to stay anyway. so a debuff stopping you from doing another is pretty pointles.


i suggest a debuff that gives you several things


1) unable to re-queue for X-mins.

2) unable to join a FP / ops for X-mins

3) 100% less exp gained for X-mins

4) unable to gain valor / rating for X-mins


and each time you leave this would be tracked. so for examle the first time you left that week. it would only be a 10min debuff. the 2nd time a 20min debuff. going all the way up to 1 hour...


this would prevent people from leaving if its a clear loss. or from just randomly quiting because they would not be able to gain anything from the game for the duration of the debuff.... and to prevent people from logging to another char to wait for the debuff to go... make it so the debuff only ticks down while you are online on that char.


This would just prevent people from queueing in the long run.

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has it been mentioned that "group finder" que pops are available during warzone matches? obviously an intentional mechanic. that is another reason people might leave, and should not be penalized for doing so.


i have left many matches for one reason or another. i have seen many people leave matches for one reason or another, i have no idea what most reasons are, and i dont question it or assume.


penalizing war zone "quitters" is a bad idea. thats all i have to say. you have no idea why said player has left. too many reasons to factor.

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Repressed abandonment issues? If someone is paying to play a game, they can play it however they want. If they want to leave a wz for "x" reason, go for it. It honestly should not be upsetting anyone.


The other people in the WZ will get stuck playing with 7, 6 if the quitting spreads. You can play a one player game however you want, you should not be able to ruin the game for others. This is an MMO and you are dealing with other people.

That is why most quitters blame the other people or Bioware, to justify the selfish behavior. They won't say "I hate losing so I quit" Even if that is more accurate.


What about the guy who has to fill your spot? Is he not paying?

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There should not be a penalty for WZ leavers, because, there are justified reasons to leave warzones.


If I leave a WZ, it is usually before it even starts. I check everyone's gear, mostly for expertise ratings. If there are people with 0 expertise, I tell them they should go get the recruit gear WHICH IS FREE and then que for the warzones. If they don't respond, or say "whatever", I leave. I have no intention of wasting my time and get frustrated for a warzone when someone in my team can't even be bothered to pick up A FREE set of gear that will make them competitive in the warzone.


There was one time a marauder even joined naked. He had 10k hp and his lightsabers. I thought he was just kidding around and would put on his gear right before the WZ start. He did not. Warzone started, we clashed for first wave and he still did not. And I left.


Other times, people can't be bothered with reporting inc calls. Alderaan, we take the east node, there is one defender there, we move to mid, we cap mid and we lose east, no inc call. We go back, we cap east, this time we lose mid, no inc call. Frustrated yells pass through the chat window. We go out, try to cap mid, but before we can, we lose east again. AGAIN no inc call. Why the f*** would I stay in this warzone?


I would not. And I don't.


If people don't care about warzone, they should not care if I leave.

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If I leave a WZ, it is usually before it even starts. I check everyone's gear, mostly for expertise ratings. If there are people with 0 expertise, I tell them they should go get the recruit gear WHICH IS FREE and then que for the warzones. If they don't respond, or say "whatever", I leave. I have no intention of wasting my time and get frustrated for a warzone when someone in my team can't even be bothered to pick up A FREE set of gear that will make them competitive in the warzone.


So you make the other 7 people play short handed because you feel the guy in level 47 gear is being unfair to you. This seems hypocritical.


Other times, people can't be bothered with reporting inc calls..... AGAIN no inc call. Why the f*** would I stay in this warzone?


Translation - If we are losing I leave

Didn't call inc, didn't come to help fast enough, didn't heal me, etc etc etc. People make mistakes, deal with it.


If people don't care about warzone, they should not care if I leave.


If one person on your team doesnt call "inc" you make it worse for the other 6 teammates by abandoning them.


When you queue for a random WZ you get a random WZ with random players.

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So you make the other 7 people play short handed because you feel the guy in level 47 gear is being unfair to you. This seems hypocritical.


If the other people are fine playing with someone who does not put the effort in to become competitive for the warzone, why should they not be fine when I leave? Surely someone else will fill my space. Even if it does not, if they are fine playing with 1-2 or however many people not caring about the warzone, there should not be a problem playing with less people, right?



Translation - If we are losing I leave

No. I don't leave if we are losing. I leave if people don't put the effort. If it is one inc call, yes, people make mistakes, people yell about it, then we move on. If it repeats, then it is not worth sticking around.

If one person on your team doesnt call "inc" you make it worse for the other 6 teammates by abandoning them.


When you queue for a random WZ you get a random WZ with random players.

I am okay with random, hence I always PUG. I am okay with one slip up/one mistake, even though I understand more unforgiving people. I am not okay to carry someone through a warzone when they prove they don't even care about it. If the other 6 people are okay to carry someone through, surely they should be okay to carry it without me.



If you want to stop leavers, just put the vote to kick out of WZ in play, and require a majority vote (as far as I know, currently you can only vote to kick from WZ if the person becomes AFK). That would stop people like me from leaving entirely. Otherwise, people leave. Deal with it.

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When it counts it is. If you leave a rated match it counts as a loss. The unrated matches are for more casual players. Enforcing quitting rules on casual players is a bad idea.


Casual players don't get upset when they're suddenly forced to try to win w/ a 2-3 man disadvantage now?


News to me.


There's really no "sporting" reason for leaving a match early, other than RL emergencies or something else. There's absolutely no valid reason for leaving a match early that a minor deserter debuff would hinder.


People who are against a debuff are usually habitual quitters, not people who leave for valid reasons. They're the guys who scream YOU ALL SUCK and quit, whether or not they were actually contributing to the match up to this point.


I honestly hope a deserter debuff is implemented to discourage those people from queuing up at all. It would be less of a detriment for literally everyone involved.

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So you make the other 7 people play short handed because you feel the guy in level 47 gear is being unfair to you. This seems hypocritical.


Translation - If we are losing I leave

Didn't call inc, didn't come to help fast enough, didn't heal me, etc etc etc. People make mistakes, deal with it.


If one person on your team doesnt call "inc" you make it worse for the other 6 teammates by abandoning them.


When you queue for a random WZ you get a random WZ with random players.


I'm gonna be real honest with you Rich, because I think you need some honest feedback.


I don't care about leaving you shorthanded because if I leave it is because there is a severe handicap that I don't feel like dealing with. This may be 1 in every 100 WZ I run, but I don't care about your gameplay experience, I care about mine.


Dealing with others mistakes is what I have to do IRL and on a daily basis professionally. To have to then log into a game and be the team's backbone is just not something I am up to doing all the time (though I will do it most of the time anyway).


WZ are generally made up of random players, and getting a win is as much about team composition as it is strategy. I've stuck with warzones where there were literally 6 healers and 2 tanks and lost. There were other times where I realized that I wasn't the right fit for a win for that team and left.


But ultimately you matter less to me than the next complete stranger wanting to mix it up with other strangers for 15min in a WZ. Get over it, you don't get to dictate what I do with my time ingame.


I also (again) challenge you to self reflect and consider why this is such a big issue in your WZ's in particular. Why don't people WANT to play with YOU.

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I don't care about your gameplay experience, I care about mine.......But ultimately you matter less to me than the next complete stranger wanting to mix it up with other strangers for 15min in a WZ. Get over it, you don't get to dictate what I do with my time ingame....I also (again) challenge you to self reflect and consider why this is such a big issue in your WZ's in particular. Why don't people WANT to play with YOU.


Yes we agree that you only care about your game-play and not your teammates game-play.

Your teammates can't dictate what you do but you certainly have no problem forcing them to play short which can be huge in WZ's like Voidstar/NC. This is typical quitter mentality/hippocracy. They are so offended someone is in level 49 gear and will hurt their chance of winning they force the other 6 guys to play short and hurt all 6 of their chances to win.


Lol at trying to turn it on me. This is typical quitter mentality as well. As I said before, if I win 10 and lose 1 there will be quitters in the one I lose and it's poor sportsmanship. But great job implying I am bad without ever seeing me play, Ironically, this is what most quitters do when they are in a losing a match, they blame someone and quit.


If the other people are fine playing with someone who does not put the effort in to become competitive for the warzone, why should they not be fine when I leave?.


They are not "fine" with people in level 47 gear or fine with people not calling inc etc etc etc They just deal with it without quitting on the "other" people and the "other" guy who will eventually fill the spot. It is called consideration.

Edited by richardya
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I gotta admit, I found out how annoying this was last night


A guild (that shall remain nameless) constantly joined our WZ queues, they would run off doing their own thing, not following the basic plan layed out for the WZ, die, and quit!


I guarentee you if you asked them why they quit they gave a answer like Jay does about rationalizing their poor behavior.


but truth of matter is the reason we were always going down 2-1 is because they were not following the plan and were off fighting 1 on 2 and 1 on 3 and losing.


THEY were the weak link, contrary to what they would tell everyone else in their justification for quitting the WZ once the imps were established.


I must admit I quit one warzone as well yesterday but meh, I was having game stopping lag issues and after servers crashing all day, being taken down by EA for a hour, Ilum-Corellia-black hole-fleet (both imp and rep as I set up my crafting ques) alll being filled with lag complaints, having some snot nosed kid go

"slurp slurp" Me have no lag "slurp slurp" its your isp "slurp slurp"

yeah I didnt feel like dealing with the moron so just dropped wz. Not like I could have helped anyways as I could barely walk a straight line the lag was so bad.


But thats the issue, how would any tracking tell the difference between the poor sports guild listed above and a player having lag issues or some legitimate reason?


But the quitters do suck huge!

I know I will not be helping them any more on the rare chance they stay with the plan in future WZs

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They are not "fine" with people in level 47 gear or fine with people not calling inc etc etc etc They just deal with it without quitting on the "other" people and the "other" guy who will eventually fill the spot. It is called consideration.


I justify the reasons if I leave to myself, I don't have to do it to you. If I leave, it is 95% of the time it is before the WZ start, and I state the reason for it before doing so. 5% of the time, it is in the middle of the WZ, and it is after repeatedly stated what is being done wrong.

That is it.


If people can't be bothered to improve for everybody else's enjoyment, I don't have to stick around for their enjoyment.


Surely I will find another WZ where people will at least "try". And surely, the WZ that I left will find someone else willing to carry other people through the WZ, after I leave. Everybody is happy.


EDIT: As an FYI: I played over 15 WZs in total on Saturday, and I left 2 of them.



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