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Warzone Quiters..... Should It Be Tracked?


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What in the world are you talking about? Do you really want me to list real world events that come before a PvP MMO? Are you serious? I was talking about the 90 posts about people quitting because of "bads" or "until bioware stops premades and pugs" "until bioware lets me choose my WZ" etc etc etc


Quitting because one doesn't want to play with certain team mates? Nothing wrong with that. There are actually a couple of posters on these very forums that I know are on my server and I know their characters... I will not play in the same group as them. I have them on ignore so I won't be able to hear them if they call out, for example.


Quitting because one is a soloer, queued solo, and doesn't want to face a premade with a PUG? Nothing wrong with that. They want a fair game so they choose not to participate.


Quitting because someone doesn't like a certain Warzone, or alternatively plays a class that is less than useful in said Warzone? Nothing wrong with that. Some Warzones (Huttball) are incredibly biased toward certain classes and certain other classes aren't as able to compete there. This is a perfectly legitimate reason.


Enough with the sad attempt to morph what i said into "let a kid with a broken leg cry and finish a WZ"

Seriously, this is really poor sportsmanship. Then again, it's typical quitter mentality to blame others so continue....


This isn't a SPORT this is a GAME and the two are NOT the same.


Are you joking? Where on earth do you people get this nonsense from? I am the kid???? This is some twisted arguing.


Have you no shame?


You are complaining in the forums because you are annoyed at people's unsportsmanlike behavior and asking that those people be publicly humiliated. You are accusing someone who doesn't want to waste their time doing something that for whatever reason they don't find fun of having baggage into things and being a cancer. You are getting this upset over a non-competitive game.

Edited by Parali
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Quitting because one doesn't want to play with certain team mates? Nothing wrong with that. Quitting because one is a soloer, queued solo, and doesn't want to face a premade with a PUG? Nothing wrong with that. Quitting because someone doesn't like a certain Warzone, or alternatively plays a class that is less than useful in said Warzone? Nothing wrong with that.


Are you aware that there are other people trying to play a fun game that you are causing to lose? You speak like you affect no one. What about the guy who has to fill in for you? Lets say he has limited time, he is stuck with your mess.


You are complaining in the forums because you are annoyed at people's unsportsmanlike behavior and asking that those people be publicly humiliated. You are accusing someone who doesn't want to waste their time doing something that for whatever reason they don't find fun of having baggage into things and being a cancer. You are getting this upset over a non-competitive game.


Yes, they ruin other peoples fun and like you are oblivious to anyone but themselves, so the forum is a place to enlighten them. You say it's "humiliating them," that implies it is bad behavior. You contradict yourself, if there is nothing wrong with it, how is it humiliating?

Edited by Parali
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Thats sorta the point. Yank. It has NO impact on the PvP at all. Who wants more rules to play the PvP.

Hell, if you are perfectly honest with yourself, the Win and Lose records do almost nothing as well. You do not win on your own. You do not lose on your own. You get into bad games, does that mean you are a bad player.




Then again, maybe you are a poor sport. May be you do quit. This tracks... that. The players have the control if they invite you to a pre-made.


Cause that is what is boils down to. Are you worth making a pre-made for, if you are going to bail.


Can you honestly say, you would NOT want to have some prior knowledge if a player is going to have your back into a pre-made, more so with ranked matches.


If that's all it is for, then it's a terrible idea. If you bail during a premade warzone, you're not getting invited back. If you keep doing it, you'll get a reputation among the server anyway. And if someone is bailing during pug warzones that frequently anyway, their chances of being invited to a premade in the first place are lower. The players can police it themselves without having to waste development time on it.

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Upset? I am annoyed because it's a annoying. It is the cancer of PvP, is it something that spreads and destroys PvP. If more and more quit than that will decide the matches.

can·cer [kan-ser] Show IPA noun..........



Annoying for you perhaps, that is a subjective matter. However associating people leaving a pvp match with cancer is, in my opinion, ludicrous. And googling the definition of cancer, then copy/paste to prove your point is frankly pathetic. Any road, think what you will, you are the only one suffering for it by allowing yourself to get annoyed.

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do i care about money? commendation? no


i care about playing with person that has a brain that is capable of communicate and that prove me he is better then a bot


if any of these fail to happen:


people not replay when called out in chat

people not calling inc

people defending in 4 the single cap we have to get freaking idiotic medals

people running like lemming to die (bot type of player)

people incapable to understand a simple concept (not pewpew from the top of the pit near goal are)


if any of this happen i will leave all the time put a penalty i will still leave i don't give a **** about losing virtual money virtual "honor" virtual crap... my time is real and i am wasting it with those people


I never surrender to an enemy i surrender to the stupidity of my teammates

I am proud to lose to a pre-made if my teammate learn something and tried their best BUT

I wont watch my teammate sit like idiots at the turret we own because they are afraid to fight


Sorry whoever cry about quitter so often (it happen very rarely in my server) perhaps it's guilty of doing something terrible wrong because if u are a decent person RARELY VERY RARELY PEOPLE WILL QUITE ON YOU


And if u feel the need to say it's epidemic you probably are part of the problem


when people see my name in warzone and when i say the name of certain people i know i wont quite because i know they are not BOTS they may not be the best player some may even be in recruit gear but i know they are there to learn and to try to get better and i am happy to stay and lose if that's the case....


I seriously suspect that the one that cry the most about quitter are the one the sux so bad that most people quite perhaps because u do one or all the things i said before.

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why do you presume other player behave as people?


most of the other player to me behave as BOTS or as ANIMAL


in that case everything u say has no relevance i don't quit match where I play with PEOPLE i quit match where i end up playing with BOTS or MINOR INTELLIGENCE ANIMALS (a monkey would play way better then stay sit at the only 1 cap we have doing nothing)


what distinguish a person from an animal is the capacity to learn from mistake and to communicate i just prove you that those 2 things don't happen with the thing in my team (can't call them real people as they don't communicate and don't learn) so i am not quitting to PEOPLE i am quitting to some sort of animal/bot


I will never quit on people

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Can we also then track incompetent players?


So normal players can tag certain other players who have no clue what theyre doing can be known to all others, so you tag the player they get 1 point every 10 points your name changes color start with light colors all the way to black


That way normal players can just vote kick the bad ones before the game starts

Then you would actually eliminate people leaving warzones all together I think


And all the people with colored names would all be in WZs together

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Can we also then track incompetent players?


So normal players can tag certain other players who have no clue what theyre doing can be known to all others, so you tag the player they get 1 point every 10 points your name changes color start with light colors all the way to black


That way normal players can just vote kick the bad ones before the game starts

Then you would actually eliminate people leaving warzones all together I think


And all the people with colored names would all be in WZs together


This would just beg to be abused. Once people start abusing a system like this, it would quickly get it of hand.

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Leaving a node unprotected to solo, allowing the other team to cap is a selfish behavior that ruins other people's fun.


Using consumption and innervate repeatedly to boost your heal stats is a selfish behavior that ruins other people's fun.


Thinking your Rakata gear is good enough to get you by without even looking at recruit gear is selfish and ruins other people's fun.


Not calling "inc" because you're PRO and can handle the 3 people you see running at you is selfish and ruins other people's fun.


I need not go on. About the least selfish thing you can do if you don't want to play with the above is take the quick exit.

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Not calling "inc" because you're PRO and can handle the 3 people you see running at you is selfish and ruins other people's fun.



actually i think is more


"Not calling "inc" because you were defending a node so you felt the right to go in the kitchen to get a sandwich or went to the bathroom or made a phone call... "


50% of the people defending node go AFK for some strange reason when just defending first of all you should always keep moving around (CLOSE TO THE DAMN TURRET BUT NOT TOO CLOSE) the most you stay still the easier it is for the sneaking guy to put himself in the best position to cap a node during a 8 sec stun


this is all so true quitter do exist because people play very very bad if people would honestly play the game half decently the quitter will lower down to 1% max


Since merge i saw things that i though a human wouldn't be capable of.... level of stupidity that i associate with the most brainless animal.

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actually i think is more


"Not calling "inc" because you were defending a node so you felt the right to go in the kitchen to get a sandwich or went to the bathroom or made a phone call... "


50% of the people defending node go AFK for some strange reason when just defending first of all you should always keep moving around (CLOSE TO THE DAMN TURRET BUT NOT TOO CLOSE) the most you stay still the easier it is for the sneaking guy to put himself in the best position to cap a node during a 8 sec stun


this is all so true quitter do exist because people play very very bad if people would honestly play the game half decently the quitter will lower down to 1% max


Since merge i saw things that i though a human wouldn't be capable of.... level of stupidity that i associate with the most brainless animal.



Any and All WZs are going to have quitters and afkers at some point; those who will have good and bad reasons. No If's, and's or but's about it, but making claims and preaching that one or a group of you are "better" then others is nothing short then hate speech because you feel obligated, no, entitled to bring a superiority complex with you going so far as to even remotely mention extremes of humiliation and punishment against those who happen to annoy you, or feel "less human then you" is well, no, I wont sink to that level. I'm finished feeding the troll(s).

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I for one would think he point system will be an idea that will get rid of those people who are not trying to play a warzone.


I my self been playing soloing at a warzone for a while and still getting gear sadly mostly because I run into bad groups either leaving afking or just don't read the ops channel or just plain suck playing a warzone.


In my server republic are good at losing I won't say republic sucks 100% since some other have seen wins for republic but it really sucks for people that are trying to get good pvp gear, I hardly can finish a pvp weekly which sucks.


For people who just suck at pvp with the point system will promote them to get better at pvp. help defend a post, turret or console or a ball carrier will promote them with good points or help to take a post, turret, console or a huttball and win a warzone and ya will feel good inside and good points for you.


Its just my thought but yea after seeing to many losses on a warzone kinda makes a pretty bad wound.

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Here they go again. They quit because everyone on their team is bad. Have not heard that before.


I think there is a reason people don't want to play with you in particular and I think it's time you re-evaluate what you are doing to drive them away.


I may quit a WZ once a week. I'm the least likely to care in a loss in most cases, but I can't stand to be around faux heroes and clowns. If I don't have to tolerate them, I won't.

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I think there is a reason people don't want to play with you in particular and I think it's time you re-evaluate what you are doing to drive them away.


I may quit a WZ once a week. I'm the least likely to care in a loss in most cases, but I can't stand to be around faux heroes and clowns. If I don't have to tolerate them, I won't.


same here i don't plan to quit when i lose i quit when i see sub-human behave it doesn't happen often in my server so i don't see any problem


but as i said the people that see big problem in it... should consider they may be part of the problem in first place because normal player half decent don't see it happen that often at all

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Hi there!


We recently had to remove some posts in this thread due to some inappropriate content and argumentative derails. We wanted to take a moment and remind everyone of the Forum Rules and Guidelines.


Before replying to a post, ask yourself, "Am I contributing to the OP or am I trying to get back at another member?" Many derails start with the intent of scolding another player who said something that offends you. If you believe that another member is behaving badly, it is best to Report the post rather than Reply. By continuing to respond to problematic posts, you are simply giving the poster what he wants: a reaction from you.


Thanks for your understanding, and please continue the friendly debate!


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I just wonder what about a person leaving a WZ makes the OP so upset.


The truth is that people rarely quit a winning WZ.


I tell you what, I'll just take all my gear off and stand in random spots using diagnostic scan to heal people. I'm sure you'd find that way more interesting than me leaving to free up space for someone that wants to play.

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I just wonder what about a person leaving a WZ makes the OP so upset.


The truth is that people rarely quit a winning WZ.


I tell you what, I'll just take all my gear off and stand in random spots using diagnostic scan to heal people. I'm sure you'd find that way more interesting than me leaving to free up space for someone that wants to play.


Repressed abandonment issues? If someone is paying to play a game, they can play it however they want. If they want to leave a wz for "x" reason, go for it. It honestly should not be upsetting anyone.

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What an excellent post, no really. It had well thought out ideas... laughter, humor and a pile of trite condensation.


You got a better idea maverick?


Or is the idea of someone posting an idea to daunting for you. Please enlighten us, or perhaps expand on your wonderfully inaccurate and defamatory comment. :) I am sure we are all waiting on bated breath for your insight and overall tactful responses.


OH all right you twisted my arm. I'll expand on that errr well I guess thought. I am sure there hand to be SOME brain activity the be able to make the letters line up so well.


He is trying to say, if a system that introduced, not a punishment, but a over-all record of one's activities in PvP is introduced, this would cause a negative outlook to PvP overall. He feels that there would be a schism (divide for you Timmy) between the players that would like this and those that would not. This divide could reduce the overall players that would want to PvP and indirectly make less PvP matches for those that want to play.


Thus the over all concept he is introducing is that there would be less PvP, to the point where I would come back at a later date and make a new post to find a way to introduce more players into PvP warzones.


That sum it up timmy?


Got to agree too.


If we could Que for the warzones areas we want to play in, less would leave.


It's easier to focus on what causes people to leave warzones than spending a bunch of time and resource on tracking the fact that some people leave warzones for various reasons.


*My solutions*


-solution for the rage quitter- Warzones will be less onesided if a simple algorithm is introduced that tries to match groups of like valor level/average gear rating. The main cause of warzone quitting is onesided warzones, so this will help the issue somewhat. Also, the algorithm could try its best to get at least one healer in every warzone, which could also help.


-solution for the bad connection- This only applies to ranked warzones because it isn't applicable in unranked. Allow people to reenter ranked warzones when they reenter the game. Since there isn't a random replacement like there is in nonranked, there is no reason not to allow people to reenter the warzone once they get back in the game. Also, make the game not exit all the way out if the internet connection drops. Sort of like how LOTRO will put you back in if your connection comes back fast enough. Allow the connection to time out for about 30 seconds to a minute before it auto drops.


-solution for the person that hates a certain warzone- Let people pick what warzone they want. Hell at the very least, let them pick a preference, which will increase the likely hood that they get into a certain wz if that one is available as opposed to another.

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So what's my prize for hitting -100?


LOL, that made me laugh.


I appreciate the humor.


To be honest , there is no in game changes. You are not forced to stay in a match.


The only side affect is the monitoring.


Well. I appreciate everyone that stopped by to throw their collective thoughts in. Even if nothing is changed , its nice to get the overall thoughts of people around me. I may be in a match and see someone leave, but I think now I will take a moment to look at their point of view a wee bit more.


I am going to stop monitoring this thread I created, but, please continue to discuss. Thank you one and all.


See ya on the field!

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I am getting a bit tired getting into a warzone and having someone leave after it starts. I think we should implement a system that tracks how many times you bail on a Warzone and gives you an overall score others can see.




which will result in exactially what? You bailing on a WZ when somebody with a low raiting poping in?


If you want to find out if somebody bails on a WZ just ask them, majority will admit to it if not everybody that leavs early.


I bail in WZ whenever there is lack of teamwork or scrubs not doing objectives. Ill flat out admit ingame i bail.

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So, in your "worlds" I should be punished for the events that happened on the 3rd when my daughter broker her leg? I'm sorry, but my real world life is far more important than a game's PvP Feature.


I stop everything that I am doing soon as I heard her cry happen to be in Void an attacking when it happened; NO I am not and did not take the few seconds to type, those seconds belong to my daughter now and every second counts.

Yes my toon will be idle; standing there where ever that area is; WZ, Open World, ect, and I careless how upset, or how nerdragy you get while wearing your sister's skinny jeans because I left suddenly and not responding to your barks and whimpers ingame, also just an FYI; any punishment outside of a 10 - 30minute "deserter debuff" is too much.


um if your daughter breaks her leg I am pretty sure a 1 hr penalty would not even phase you seeing it will take that long to fill out insurance paper work at the hospital .

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I leave warzones all the time because people would rather fight in the roads than play the warzone it's intended way.


It's kind of ridiculous to expect someone to waste 20 mins of their life because people don't know how to defend an objective or type out simple words like "incoming grass" etc.


I literally had a game where a sorc and sniper were guarding snow and as I was coming off the speeder I saw some pubs going over to them, they didn't call incoming or anything so after we cleaned them up, I said to them "hey, call incoming next time before they get here so we can help okay?"


literally 15 seconds later they were dead, snow capped and no incoming call what so ever.


It's people like this that make it frustrating to play with and finish the warzones when it's clear they're just afking for gear.

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