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Gear gap is out of hand.


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U need PVP crosserver that's what we need


noob need to play vs noob and get better

and geared people vs geared people


1 server have NO ENOUGH PLAYER




it's BRAKET the problem and yes the one i suggested is a lame division made by a person that is paying to play i am not paid to solve their problem i see the problem and i tell you 99% on this thread think the problem is gear when is not progression is GOOD is NATURAL and is FUN


playing vs people 10 times better is not but is not a GEAR problem because with equal gear a person with 2000hour pvp destroy a person with 10 hours PVP is a question of BRAKET NOT GEAR

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Free recruit set notwithstanding, what sort of impression of the game do you think new lvl 50's are getting when stepping into warzones for the first time after completing the levelling process and they get 3-4 shot by peeps with 20k hp and against whom they do very little damage?


Expertise scales far too well, sort your game out.


You will find it's because MMO's are not games where true PvPers go. True PvPers want equal playing ground, a.k.a e-sports, while MMO players need to grind to cover their lack of sportsmanship and skill.

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You will find it's because MMO's are not games where true PvPers go. True PvPers want equal playing ground, a.k.a e-sports, while MMO players need to grind to cover their lack of sportsmanship and skill.


Does it ever creep into your head that you might, in fact, suck at this game? Of course not, what am I thinking.... :eek:


You do know sportsmanship also includes things like "following the rules", but you ask for an exception? Anything with the word "sport" in it means gear/equipment, TRAINING, COMMITMENT, and resources(credits) matter if you want to be competitive. If you are lacking in any of those you will not be competitive. YOU control all of it. It is not a game issue, its a player issue.


Your competitive fire burns as hot as a can of Coors Light. Check ya-self, and QFT....

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You will find it's because MMO's are not games where true PvPers go. True PvPers want equal playing ground, a.k.a e-sports, while MMO players need to grind to cover their lack of sportsmanship and skill.


Some of us just like the idea of building up a character and then running around killing other people w/ it.


Why is that so hard to fathom?

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This game is actually pretty balanced if.......


LOL. I stopped reading after this. This is the most lopsided game I have ever played (in terms of pvp) and I stared with DAoC in 2001. Sorry man you lost all credibility after the above statement. :D

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zero work ethic


Stopped reading there. Blizzard has tried to do their best to make WoW less of a second job and have told the haters living Cartman-like in their mom's basement to stick it.


Games should be games, not work. It's not about having an entitlement complex, there's many ways they could balance warzones so that it's more about player ability and less about using grinded gear to prop-up your failings as a player, as you hit your one-button Logitech keyboard macro and roflstomp new players into the dust.


Look at GW2. Look at WoW's matchmaking system. There's plenty of examples. Bioware have to do things backwards though. If it's not a Legacy system that only encourages alt-levelling for people that play 24/7 (character xp perks and their associated Legacy and credit costs) and already have 8 x lvl 50's, it's something else. They persist in thumbing their noses at the majority of their playerbase, while they hand out free PvP kills and Legacy perks to the minority that have made TOR their job.


None of it makes sense to me at all.

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There is so much Liberalist thinking in here. I need free stuff to survive, I want what they have without earning it. Everyone started with nothing, and everyone had to suffer through the gear gap. I suggest the game is fine and it is your lack of skill that is hurting you and would also suggest you play a different game.
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BM/recruit "skill" versus full War Hero w/ augments = auto loss, even if the other guy is just facerolling his keyboard.


In similar vein to your suggestion I play another game, I suggest you get a clue. Oh wait, I don't care. You're the first person on my forum ignore list.


Give yourself a cookie. :cool:

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Gear is easy to get, people who complain about gear grind must have never played other MMO's. I bet if they got full set of augmented WH they would be still crying about something.

Most likely the same kind of players that keep reporting people for speed hacks etc when it was just sin popping Force Speed/Force Shroud.

Edited by Isislol
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Stopped reading there. Blizzard has tried to do their best to make WoW less of a second job and have told the haters living Cartman-like in their mom's basement to stick it.


Games should be games, not work. It's not about having an entitlement complex, there's many ways they could balance warzones so that it's more about player ability and less about using grinded gear to prop-up your failings as a player, as you hit your one-button Logitech keyboard macro and roflstomp new players into the dust.


Look at GW2. Look at WoW's matchmaking system. There's plenty of examples. Bioware have to do things backwards though. If it's not a Legacy system that only encourages alt-levelling for people that play 24/7 (character xp perks and their associated Legacy and credit costs) and already have 8 x lvl 50's, it's something else. They persist in thumbing their noses at the majority of their playerbase, while they hand out free PvP kills and Legacy perks to the minority that have made TOR their job.


None of it makes sense to me at all.


Then what pray-tell are you doing playing this game and wasting your time commenting on it? If you don't like a game you don't play it plain and simple.


The reality that you are unable to deny though is that you do have a sense of being special and entitled to present your opinion however inconsequential it may be, also, you do lack work ethic; self evident due to the fact that if you just played the game you would have full WH or close to it and would likely not be here QQ unless you were ultra-bad.


This game, is this game, not some other game, so crying about it's design and how you think it should be is pointless and irrelevant compared to either accepting or not accepting the game as it is or will be, but you must realize that this is where your ego rears it's ugly head and can't be effectively explained away.


Imagine for a moment if Super Mario Brothers had been developed on PC and was patchable and Nintendo had forums where bads could whine and complain all day about how unfair this stage was or how difficult that other thing is, the thought is just laughable, yet here we are.


You do feel entitled and you do think you're "special" opinion matters, enough so that you posted it. Okay I get it, so you don't like gear progression nor the way the game is designed, excellent, so move on, but no, you can't, you feel the need to unabashedly whine here as though it matters.


And I say it does not matter because it helps no one, it gleans no new information and it does not contribute in any way. Are you truly unable to see the folly of your ways?


You feel because it is so easy to share your little anonymous tears on the shoulders of the internet that your voice is vital to the free world, I'm sorry but it's not, neither is mine or anyone's for that matter.


TL;DR: Pro Tip: Play games you like, avoid games you don't and make earnest progress towards the goal of one day growing up.

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They need to create brackets for level 50 players based on expertise or valor or gear type.




0 to 450 (50% less comms awarded)

451 to 900 (25% less comms awarded)

901 to 1100 (Normal comms awarded)

1101 to 1200 (1.5x comms awarded)

1201 to 1300 (1.75x comms awarded)

1300+ (1.75x comms awarded)

0+ (Double comms awarded)




0 to 39

40 to 49

50 to 69


0+ (2x comms awarded)




No expertise gear (75% less comms awarded)

Partial Recruit (50% less comms awarded)

Full Recruit (Normal comms awarded)

Recruit / Battle master (Normal comms awarded)

Recruit / Battle master / War Hero and Recruit / War Hero (25% less comms awarded)

Full Battle master (1.5x comms awarded)

Battle master / War Hero (1.75x comms awarded)

Full War Hero (1.75x comms awarded)

Free For All (2x comms awarded)


No switching equipment would be allowed to prevent cheating and the pvp stim will not count towards expertise. I would prefer the gear or expertise based brackets, but valor could be very easy to introduce.

Edited by MOAI
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scrap recruit gear, give people free BM gear problem solved.


of course another player wanting everything for free.. come on people put a little effort into it. Im not a full time player, i have a social life like a lot of you too but have done the long grind to BM pre 1.1 patch and now have done the long grind too WH on a new toon and server..


And ill tell you what ive told many in my guild, if you want to PVP focus on PVP, If you want to PVE focus on PVE. IF your going to focus on both then you really need to put in the time.

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scrap recruit gear, give people free BM gear problem solved.


People should play a little bit of the PvP before they get the second best PvP gear in the game. It's already practically next to free. Incredibly easy progression compared to what it was pre-1.2. You wouldn't believe me if I told you. But I did make a longish post earlier in the thread.


Also to the guy who said real pvpers don't come to MMOs. I think you're forgetting something other than being on equal grounds or having an advantage. Having a disadvantage. Plenty want to prove the merits of their skill when overcoming statistical odds.


People who are motivated to do that have no problem reaching higher-end gear passively. When they've managed to pocket a lot of WH gear, they're ready for ranked. Good players with good gear, versus other good players with good gear.

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BM/recruit "skill" versus full War Hero w/ augments = auto loss, even if the other guy is just facerolling his keyboard.


In similar vein to your suggestion I play another game, I suggest you get a clue. Oh wait, I don't care. You're the first person on my forum ignore list.


Give yourself a cookie. :cool:


does any of this make sense to anyone?

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Does it ever creep into your head that you might, in fact, suck at this game? Of course not, what am I thinking.... :eek:


Yes. Clearly I suck because I prefer e-sports over gear grind. In other words pure skill > time invested in the grind + skill.


So, by your logic... if I take my lvl 50 and start to gank lowbies, you would say I'm showing my PvP skill and prowess, right ?


You do know sportsmanship also includes things like "following the rules", but you ask for an exception? Anything with the word "sport" in it means gear/equipment, TRAINING, COMMITMENT, and resources(credits) matter if you want to be competitive. If you are lacking in any of those you will not be competitive. YOU control all of it. It is not a game issue, its a player issue.




I'm talking about e-sports. Do you even know what that term means ?


pr0tip: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_sports

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Erm, no. Most War Hero geared players have been playing since launch, or close to it. When they hit 50, it was a level playing field more or less, without classes like my own having been nerfed into uselessness and others like maras/sents one-shotting peeps with Ravage. Now they get to roflstomp noobs and pugs Yay them.


Erm, no. Most War Hero geared players have been playing since launch or close to it. When they hit 50, it was a nightmare grind for Centurion armour, then Champion armour, then Battlemaster armour, which incidentally you could not wear until you actually hit Valor 60, unlike now, when anyone who plays a reasonably amount of PVP pre 50, can have 4 BM pieces, alongside recruit pieces, the moment they hit 50.


Additionally, you can wear War Hero gear at valor 50, which frankly is stupid in my honest opinion. PVP gear progression is not progression at all. In this game it panders to the "I want it all now" generation. There is no progression, you can, if you chose to, be well on the way to being competitive, the moment you exit the 1-49 bracket.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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I know about the launch PvP gear grind, I was there. Repeatedly referring back to the fact that fresh 50's can grind BM is moot.


There's now two tiers of gear above that. BM is today's Champ gear.


The fact hasn't changed that the gear gap is such that WH or RWH geared players are roflstomping everyone not similarly geared and that's too much advantage just because of thier character database entries.


PvP in any game should be about who's the best player. Who knows their own class, who knows the other classes, situational awareness, cooldown management, teamplay etc. Not who can grind better than the other guy and dump weeks of gaming into a massive timesink. :confused: I'm not saying equipment should be a complete non-issue, a la GW2, but it shouldn't turn EVERY fight into a lopsided travesty.


This reminds me of that time in WoW where all the top raiding players were steamrolling peeps in PvP because they had top raid sets, weapons and trinkets.

Edited by Koppster
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What ever happened to striving to be the best on your server as your class? Maybe I am just getting old but all I hear is crying nowadays about how this game should work like FPS with premade classes. They gave ppl FREE recruit gear in 1.3 and if they are too stupid to put it on what can you do but laugh when they melt like butter. We grinding literal weeks for a single piece of BM armor when the rate was less than 10% per box, dang right we should pwn some WoW punk on a 7 day trial!


I have a personal rivalry against one of the best snipers I have ever seen on my server. I followed him from my origin to the destination just to hunt him and a few others. If he beats me I don't cry I lose over and over and over until I beat my enemy. Period. Guess we are just too used to living in a "lets all be mediocre" or "lets hack the game to get top spot" (talking to you FPS games) world. :cool:

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The fact hasn't changed that the gear gap is such that WH or RWH geared players are roflstomping everyone not similarly geared and that's too much advantage just because of thier character database entries.


They are entitled to every bit of their roflstomping or advantage or whatever you want to call it, because they worked for it. Simple as that. There's no such thing as a "too much advantage" because this advantage is open to anyone who seeks it out.



PvP in any game should be about who's the best player. Who knows their own class, who knows the other classes, situational awareness, cooldown management, teamplay etc. Not who can grind better than the other guy and dump weeks of gaming into a massive timesink. :confused: I'm not saying equipment should be a complete non-issue, a la GW2, but it shouldn't turn EVERY fight into a lopsided travesty.


The player with the patience to go through the process of better preparing oneself IS by definition, a better player than an impatient quack who wants to be on equal grounds with every other player, without investing as much time and effort into preparation. You gear whiners never seem to realize that.


We all begin at EXACT same grounds. How much preparation we do for ourselves during levelling, just before hitting 50, after hitting 50, and then aiming for better gear, is determined by the diligence, effort and commitment we put into our characters... and those with bigger time and effort spent RIGHTFULLY IN EVERY WAY deserve to be better than those who are lazy or impatient, and at the very heart, that is, by definition, COMPETITION.



This reminds me of that time in WoW where all the top raiding players were steamrolling peeps in PvP because they had top raid sets, weapons and trinkets.


Because the top raid sets were attainable without ever having to PvP once. Hence, they divided the gear into PvP/PvE, and then, added a grinding process to obtain better gear, which fixed things more or less.

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They aren't better for the most part. They just have better stats.


The rest of your post was pro-grind, elitist, entitled ranting.


One person can commit himself to the long process to get better stats. The other can't be bothered, but want the same thing. The former, is "better" in my book. The latter is simply "lazy".


(ps) Your entire thread is communism in its worst form. :rolleyes:

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