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known and unknown schematics on GTN


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Since there can be so many schematics us crafters need to learn, I would like this

request that seems simple.


When a known schematic is in my inventory, it's greyed out. Giving me an instant heads up it's not something I need.


Why won't this work on the GTN while browsing schematics for sale?


I have recently transferred to a busy server and going through over 100 pages, filtering, searching it just get's tedious.


Seeing the schematics I already know greyed out on the list would allow me to zero in on the ones I still need much

faster. It's not lazy in my view, just would be a nice tweak.



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but not just for GTN. Include any place that sells/trades for schematics, like the pvp vendor. If you have the schematic already, it should indicate it somehow and allow you to sort that way or eliminate the known/repeat options.

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I was very frustrated beginning to look for these on GTN.... You cannot even sort by levels.

I mean, come on. They are listed as level 1 but the majority of the 70 pages of schematics are end levels, and then on top of that do you know wwhich ones you already have? Can you preview them to see if you want them? Can't do that either.


That's three basic things right there that should have been implemented before launch.

I do not understand.

Please add this functionality.

Thank you,

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but not just for GTN. Include any place that sells/trades for schematics, like the pvp vendor. If you have the schematic already, it should indicate it somehow and allow you to sort that way or eliminate the known/repeat options.


Yes, definitely! There has to be a way to implement this.

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I just can't understand what kind of developers they have that are incapable of making simple sort button on our cargo storage or filtering 115 pages of schematics with simple query, filter or whatever form of data management their DB uses. I know, they are working with full power 24/7 or something similar, but even the lowliest programmer can do those two elementary DB programming functions and not mess something else.

Not only that. The function which should darken those items you can't use yet or at all, is not working. Sometimes all of my items in my storage are darkened. I have to refresh screen and of course that also means I cannot trust GTN to show those types of items in proper color which means I cannot trust this function at all, so I have to manually mouse over every item in order to see what it is. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I can understand they have priority for fixing more complicated and pressing problems, but those two (and many others) have such simple solutions, it's only narrow-mindedness of certain people at BW or EA that keeps those solutions from seeing the light of the day.


The GTN and it's search options are so simplistic, it's mind-boggling to see something so crude and useless for anything more complex in a multi million dolar game. And don't even start me on the fact that schematic for level 50 item is level 1 schematic. Who was the father of that glorious idea?

Edited by symke
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They could even implement this using the GTN UI they already have built. Just use the "usable by" option they already have, pick yourself, and have it not even show anything you already know. In WoW, I'd check the AH all the time for stuff I didn't know, but here I basically ignore it because it's so difficult and time consuming.
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I would LOVE for the ability to not even SEE schematics I already know. How many pages of augment 22 or elegant custom lightsaber does anyone need to see in their lives?


YES! Yes please. Please. Please?

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  • 1 month later...
I noticed this for the first time myself the other day. I hit 400 cybertech and was browsing the schematics for sale to see which ones I didn't have. It's very tedious to have to keep going back and forth between GTN window and tradeskill window in order to see if the schematic I'm looking at on the GTN is one that I already have. Some indication at a glance (like "Already Known") reflected on the schematics in the GTN window for ones I already have would be a wonderful quality of life improvement.
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Yeah, it would be nice if sorting by level also meant level of the item (what other "level" might it mean?).


The level required to use the item, which in this case is the schematic itself, not the item you learn to craft.



I sign the original suggestion, though. One of the much asked for small changes that really shouldn't be too hard to implement and would make a crafter's life a bit easier and less frustrating.

Edited by KyaniteD
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