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Everything posted by MichaelSandy

  1. Only one boss is mandatory. You can even skip the end boss. There is only one boss that you need to fight to complete the day. Absurd.
  2. I would LOVE for the ability to not even SEE schematics I already know. How many pages of augment 22 or elegant custom lightsaber does anyone need to see in their lives?
  3. More utility? Operatives have 2 CCs, including one that can be specced for a debuff, an interrupt, a Mass CC, a vanish... Yes, they don't have a movement ability. And yes, a longer ranged snare option would be good for pvp.
  4. I would love for the minimap icons to show more information that a purple splat. There exist icons that show the spec of players, I think it would be awesome to have the option to display class/spec by icon on the minimap. This would help a lot in pvp, in quickly spotting where your healer or tank or whoever is. It would also help in fights where placement is important, so you could quickly ID who is where, without tediously mousing over every icon on the minimap.
  5. Oddly, while I was worried about the Kira fight, at that point you can summon your robot companion. And while I did have Kira geared, she was a clothy, and she went down fast.
  6. Since there are icons that appear above people's heads indicating their spec, it would be consistent if those icons were what appeared on the minimap, instead of uninformative purple dots.
  7. In world of warcraft, the friendly dots on the minimap have a color indicating what class they are. It would be very handy in Hard Modes to have either the class or the role show up in color on the minimap. I would love to be able to tell at a glance who is where on the minimap, but it is all green (oops, purple) dots.
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