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Any other female players out there who like to play male toons?


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I congratulate you for your healthy attitude towards those kind of situations, particularly considering the average age of people who would flirt with you because your char is "attractive" :)


Thanks :) I have a 16 year old son who plays all manner of games, so I try to think it could be someone's kid running around, there's no way to tell really, except for behaviour, so I try the polite route first, because I don't want to be mean to some young'un who just wants to test their flirting online, lol.

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Though most of my toons throughout my MMO career have been female, I enjoy playing a guy toon every once in a while. My main in LotRO was a level 75 elf boy, and I have a level 50 male Twi'lek SI (om nom dat voice.) For me, a lot of the draw was playing a different kind of character personality as a male toon. As I continue playing MMOs, I will probably continue to have both males and females.
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Thanks :) I have a 16 year old son who plays all manner of games, so I try to think it could be someone's kid running around, there's no way to tell really, except for behaviour, so I try the polite route first, because I don't want to be mean to some young'un who just wants to test their flirting online, lol.


Let's hope your boy knows not to flirt with random SW's :p

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Me and my old WoW guildies used to joke about this subject. We used to say that you could tell who was behind the keyboard by looking at their characters appearance and sex.


hot female toon = IRL male over the age of 20

plain looking female toon = IRL possibly female any age

hot male toon = IRL female possibly any age

plain looking male toon = IRL male under the age of 20 (also the character is what the male looks like IRL)


I'm a male and my first ever MMO character was a night elf male warrior in WoW. Before that i tested out a human paladin and a dwarf hunter. Every character after that has been a female. I dont really give it much thought anymore, i just roll female characters now out of habit. Only thing i dislike about it though are other players being overly 'friendly' with me or people trying to flirt with me while i try and help them. Guess they haveny head of my joke up top hehe. But i usually just :rolleyes: finish up my convo and go on with my business.

Edited by swtonewbie
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Nice to see there are people who have similar experiences! I guess I was so inspired by your replies that I just created a female Smuggler, just to see if I still feel the same way. I still don't like it so much but at least I was happy to see you get Sprint at lvl 1 now and the running style doesn't look so silly anymore. :p


Thanks :) I have a 16 year old son who plays all manner of games, so I try to think it could be someone's kid running around, there's no way to tell really, except for behaviour, so I try the polite route first, because I don't want to be mean to some young'un who just wants to test their flirting online, lol.


Great attitude! I wish everyone had an approach like that.

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I'm starting to feel desperately unattractive here :p As I mentioned earlier, I've had zero preferential treatment or ZOMG GIRL attention on female characters in my MMORPGs...then again, I don't often seek out group activities, so outside random leveling hookups my exposure is minimal.
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I'm starting to feel desperately unattractive here :p As I mentioned earlier, I've had zero preferential treatment or ZOMG GIRL attention on female characters in my MMORPGs...then again, I don't often seek out group activities, so outside random leveling hookups my exposure is minimal.


Haha, I just take it to mean that the people around me are focused on playing the game and not trying to hook up for cybering - a better situation, I feel :p


I do sometimes feel a little left out, as I can't really go "yeah it sucks! X and Y and Z happened to me just last week!". But then I'm British and complaining is an art form to us.

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Gender is a complicated thing. Playing around with that in these games can be healthy and educational. I do wish people would stop telling the "If I have to look at an *** all day..." story; there are other better reasons for playing cross-gender.
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Woman here. It really depends on aesthetics for me. For instance, when I played WoW ALL of my toons were male because I hated the female models and how gear looked on them. However, in games like Champions Online and City of Heroes, I had a much more even split. Those games were both famed for their character customization, so it was much easier for me to achieve the look and style I want for any given character whether they were male or female.


In SWTOR, I'm the opposite of how I was in WoW. I can't stand the male models here. I hate how they look and move, I hate how gear fits them and I don't like any of the customization options I have for them. All of my toons are female.

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I'm starting to feel desperately unattractive here :p As I mentioned earlier, I've had zero preferential treatment or ZOMG GIRL attention on female characters in my MMORPGs...then again, I don't often seek out group activities, so outside random leveling hookups my exposure is minimal.


I've had all the terribly predictable stuff happen to me, but it's not very frequent. Usually it's more subtle, and I only notice it because I've spent a significant amount of time also playing male characters. People are much more likely to be friendly, help out without being asked for anything, think I'm some sort of goddess because I'm good at something, etc. That said my experiences in ToR have all been very good, all these memories are coming from WoW.

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despite my nickname here in the forums , i am a girl player ::)


To be honest i was with my boyfriend when i registered on SWTOR and since all names i was trying were assigned, he came with this nickname because of a recurent joke we had in another MMO.


In my other MMO i have a male toon , but i prefer to play females because i can make them cute and i have more nice clothes option :D

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I am a female and my main toon is actually a male Trooper. I love his voice.


I usually don't play males in games, but that's because of the games' inherent artistic direction. I don't really like how men always have to look ridiculously burly and have a mountain for a neck (a la WoW) etc. I really like the body choices and appearance of the men on this game, though. Especially body #2, yum! Haha.


I really wanted my BH to be a male, because the male BH voice is wonderful, but I already had a female twi'lek BH planned and made once Legacy allowed me to.


On a previous note, though, I think SWTOR offers the best looking males of any MMO I've played so far, personally. I just like the available choices and hairstyles.

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I definitely need a male character for my family tree (so far 3 "main" characters - mother and her 2 daughters). The girls are going to start asking about their daddy soon. ;)


Bu lo! The Force is indeed powerful when a sith pureblood gives birth to two mirialans. Oh well.


And I think the daddy should be a sith as well, sexy as hell they are.

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On a previous note, though, I think SWTOR offers the best looking males of any MMO I've played so far, personally. I just like the available choices and hairstyles.


In all the games I've previously played it did seem pretty obvious to me that the designers had spent more time on the female models than the male (like WoW - yes the older female models had cubic thighs but at least they didn't look like a study in cubism), whereas in this game it actually looks like some care was put into the male models.


I really want to make my Mercenary male, I'm getting bored of having so many female characters, but I don't want to go through those 49 levels again :|

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I've been playing MMOs for around 10 years, and have had both male and female characters in every game I've played. I've only been playing SWTOR for a couple of weeks, and have started out with 2 females, but I feel sure a male will come along one day. In both EQ2 and WoW my favourite characters were male. I choose gender based on my vision of what would best suit the class, and what sort of direction I want for them.


I've never been subject to unwanted comments or flirting in any game apart from in The Sims Online, which was a whole other ball game :rolleyes:

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When I started playing Swtor I decided to base my characters after some of my favorite animes. So far I have Sailordoom and Bulbasauriss. Now I don't normally play male characters but I am a really big fan of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" So I had to make a male jedi based off of Aang. He is now my favorite character to play :D
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  • 3 weeks later...

On console games I always played male characters for the who's butt do I want to look at reason. In RPGs there's plenty of talk and running around time and I'd rather spend those hours with a male character. I play him straight as bromance is not one of my fantasies not that I'm offended by the idea.


This is my first MMO and I started with female characters because the person who introduced me to MMO's said girls are treated better. I've never been spammed for being a girl but if given the chance I won't turn a guy down who wants to strip for me - has happened not a lot. It's too bad our toons can't "hook-up" in the game.


I recently started my first male character a BH Chiss and I LOVE it! I love everything from his look, voice and especially hilarious attitude (I'm playing him light-side - first cross faction) he's my blueberry superman. Being on the Imp side and male I say a lot of things in chat I wouldn't dream of in real life but it's all in good humor. I have noticed with he gets a lot of female toon attention. One started club dancing at conversation points tho I think that might have been a male player as the person wished for a slave girl outfit. I wish for a slave boy outfit - too bad Han never wore anything like that to inspire Bioware. Hmm...tasty

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I'm playing both male and female characters. In my mind they have their own life and I'm just the manager for the time they are bound to my will.

In one of the other MMOs I have played before I have selected female warrior just because it was funny to watch how so called "weaker sex" runs around with big sword and defeats enemies with ease:)


I do not see anything wrong with woman playing male character.


P.S. I'm neither denying or confirming my RL toon sex. If You want to guess go ahead. You have 50% chances of being correct, providing I'm human;)

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I'm female and generally play male characters. It has nothing to do with wanting to keep my privacy regarding my gender or some crap like that, I couldn't careless really. Admittedly, things can get weird in some cases once they know, especially with guys who, for some reason, can't wrap their head around the fact that *gasp* a girl is playing video games, and decide to stink to you like glue as though they have found their soulmate or something... It's sad. Nothing a good ol' ignore can't fix. Most guys are not this degenerated, thankfully.


Ah but, why then do I play male toons? It's purely a preference. Generally speaking, male characters get better looking gear (well, armor that actually covers the body as opposed to chain mail bikinis...), more satisfying character creation, and overall look more ******... Also, some of the male voice actors have some pretty smexy voice, rawr! :3 *winkbountyhunterwink* One thing that bothers me with female characters are the hair. The gosh darn frozen-in-time-and-space hair! When they'll have live flowing hair, I might finally get a satisfying female toon. Guys on the other end don't have that problem seeing as they most often than not have short haircuts that aren't too susceptible to wind and gravity. But long hair? Urgh, yeah....


It's odd that you should ask that question because I was discussing a similar topic with friends a while ago. For guys, it's widely accepted they play female characters, you know, so they can look at that *** all day. But for girls to play male, it's considered weird (by guys anyway), as though we should be confined to playing only our own gender, you know to be cute and girly. And A LOT of girls do just that and I don't know WHY. Well ok, maybe they ARE pretty girly IRL and that crosses over to the game but I dunno... I usually play video games not to be myself. It doesn't mean I never play female characters, I do, but I always try all kinds of things and strive to be different. When I played WoW years ago, I also had mostly male characters then, but when I did play female I would try my best to be unique. One was a female Orc, quite an oddity in the game... Nobody played female orcs, nobody liked them. They were considered the most unattractive female of the bunch (along side Tauren I'd say, but people like cows apparently). I don't know if I was trying to make a statement, but gosh darn, I stuck to her to the end, raided my *** off to get her geared, and hell, I ended up looking pretty flippin' ******. Everyone KNEW me from that. To hell with girls playing run-of-the-mill female characters, ROAR! But anyway, I can't help but think that guys feel uneasy versus gals that don't play the way they expect us to behave. Kinda like the myth of girls never farting, burping, swearing or pooping. You know, why would we roleplay a dirty, rough man instead of a soft and delicate flower, they can't fanthom it. Maybe a guy can explain!

Edited by carthaholic
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On Ebon Hawk I have the toons split 50/50 between female and male. (I'm a female gamer, weee.) But on The Fatman I currently have more female toons than male, and my legacy makes absolutely no sense, (which bugs the snot out of me because my home server is an RP server and head canons FTW.) The only thing I've run in to on my Juggernaut (lvl 50 human female) is when she RPs. She gets drunkenly hit on. A lot. Probably because I dance on a bar, but still. :rolleyes:;) Edited by MilaniGrey
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I made all my gender decisions on voice actor. I love Jennifer Hales voice acting so I made a female vangaurd.


Nothing wrong with playing a character that you like, if you want to make a male toon go for it. I'd atleast hope you're not on this game to get into some type of relationship with some random guy that lives in a basement. Play the game until you stop having fun then quit.



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Because of all the games in the past where there wasn't a choice of playing as a female, I tend to roll females to identify with what I play.


That said, Chiss body 2 men are so hot I'm considering making one once I have my second server's Legacy and credits high enough to spoil him rotten as an alt.


As for armor, it's really good for female characters in this game, aside from the slave girl outfit... Heavy Armor especially, looks like it could actually be for defense and coverage! Bioware keeps saying the slave boy outfit is in the works, don't want to wait!

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