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Any other female players out there who like to play male toons?


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It seems quite common to come across males who play female toons but so far I haven't met any females who regularly play male toons. Once there was this conversation in general chat between a girl with a female toon and a guy with a female toon. Others started joining and were wondering why so many guys play female toons these days. I decided to jump in and say I'm the "opposite" by being a girl with a male toon. I thought I was going to see a couple more people say "Hey! Me too!" but instead I got responses like "ewww" and "that's perv lol". I'm pretty sure they were all said jokingly, but yeah, I felt confused.


I'm a 19 y.o. female who got into MMO's about a year ago and I've never played a female character in basically any game during my life. I remember playing the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 when I was 8 or 9 and even back then I didn't wanna play as the female skater -- it just wasn't cool. The only game where I've ever thought about playing a female character is LOTRO and by that I only mean the female hobbits. I once created a female Sith in SWTOR and I had to stop at lvl 2 because I hated the feminine running style so much.


To be clear, I don't have anything against women in general. I consider myself a feminist. I'm just curious to find out if there are any others who feel the same way and have similar experiences. :D

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The only female gamers I know play males toons do so because they hate the "special treatment" they end up getting when they say they are actually girls. So they either have to lie when asked or if they play male chars they never get asked if they're really guys...
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I'm female with male toons, but I generally only play them when I want to be anonymous and I'm sick of people asking for pictures of my breasts or making the 'lulz get in the kitchen' jokes (what about that is supposed to be funny?). My main's are all female.


I grew up on video games where you couldn't choose the gender of your main character- it was always males you had to play. So whenever I have an option for a female character, I don't like to take it for granted. It's still rarer then I would like. So... I play gals. And hope that people just assume I'm a guy playing a female toon so they don't harass me.

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I split 50/50 in this game. I haven't had harassment problems as a female character since I quit playing FPS's, but in RPGs sometimes I just enjoy dropping into a masculine headspace.


In my Other MMORPG career my mains happened to end up female because that's how my favorite class playstyles lined up, but here in SWTOR it's almost a perfectly even split, and I like both sides of the fence.

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How much problems with harassment have you girls had so far? I know lots of idiots that troll "girls" because they firmly believe they're guys wanting attention (and they're normally right). I only once seen the whole "send me a pic of your breasts" comment and the guy felt like crap that he was actually talking to a girl when he was sure it was a guy and he apologized. As for me, I can't seem to get comfortable playing with characters opposite to my gender (unless the game has a female protagonist, of course) but when there's a choice, especially in MMO's I always play male (exception being Perfect World when I wanted to try a Venomancer which is a female only class...but never felt comfortable with it) Edited by KorvusKaar
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I have one male character and that is mostly because I just wanted to see what differences there would be in the story line and... I can't fake this. I wanted to stare at his butt. I have and still am. He's actually now my most played character, my most (ish?) geared and he definitely has the biggest wardrobe. I've had no one question why I rolled my Agent male or why all my other characters are female.


Actually, and this is going to sounds REALLY weird now, I've had no problems with people remarking on my being female. None. I regularly lead Operations which require voice chat and, because our Vent server owner is a nice chap, we let PUG guys into out voice chat if they have Vent or want to use it. I regularly use smilies when chatting in Guild, General or Party and refer to my aforementioned Agent as 'fabulous' (of course people probably then assume I'm a gay man, which also has never been remarked upon).


I don't know if it's because I'm playing on an RP server or not, but I have yet to come across any misogynistic 'lol make me a sammich' jokes or other inanity. I guess I'm just absurdly lucky.


Now I feel privileged. Eww.

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I have one male character and that is mostly because I just wanted to see what differences there would be in the story line and... I can't fake this. I wanted to stare at his butt. I have and still am. He's actually now my most played character, my most (ish?) geared and he definitely has the biggest wardrobe. I've had no one question why I rolled my Agent male or why all my other characters are female.


Actually, and this is going to sounds REALLY weird now, I've had no problems with people remarking on my being female. None. I regularly lead Operations which require voice chat and, because our Vent server owner is a nice chap, we let PUG guys into out voice chat if they have Vent or want to use it. I regularly use smilies when chatting in Guild, General or Party and refer to my aforementioned Agent as 'fabulous' (of course people probably then assume I'm a gay man, which also has never been remarked upon).


I don't know if it's because I'm playing on an RP server or not, but I have yet to come across any misogynistic 'lol make me a sammich' jokes or other inanity. I guess I'm just absurdly lucky.


Now I feel privileged. Eww.


After the hundreds of guys we "hear" (read) saying that they make female chars because if they're going to be looking at a character's butt all day might as well be female I don't think anybody can flame a girl for doing the same with male chars. Although I have to admit even when playing with female chars in single-player games I've yet to look at their butt....I'm normally more concerned with what's trying to kill me, but to each their own.

As for the stupid trolls and girls I have to say some guys are stupid but I've met my share of girls that "sell" themselves as candy (and private sweet chats on vent) so that they can get gold and items...I think that really undermines the value (and skills) of female gamers and hurts the ones that actually know what they're doing...

All in all (and as a male I don't have first person experience with this) but from what I read there's a lot less commotion about female gamers than say 5 years ago...there will always be the idiot males making kitchen jokes (maybe they need a girl to fix them a sandwich because they don't possess the intelligence to do it themselves) and there will always going to be the "Hello. female gamer here" threads for the purpose of having people treating you like you're special...

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I have a few male toons in SWTOR, but my main is a female. When I played WoW, my main was a male and I preferred it that way. There is something fun about playing a male and speaking in vent with a female voice.



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I've played MMOs for a decade and have almost never played anything but male characters. No, female aren't taken seriously. Male avatars get gear. Females get belly shirts and garters. Male avatars walk like human beings. Females get ****ty catwalk sashays. Edited by Flaminica
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I have one male character and that is mostly because I just wanted to see what differences there would be in the story line and... I can't fake this. I wanted to stare at his butt. I have and still am.


I'm not a big visual person, but I could listen to the male Agent talk all day long. Sorry, femAgent Jo Wyatt, you may sound sexy but it isn't in my favorite ways.


I also chose the male Jedi Knight because Solid Snake.

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I'm not a big visual person, but I could listen to the male Agent talk all day long. Sorry, femAgent Jo Wyatt, you may sound sexy but it isn't in my favorite ways.


I also chose the male Jedi Knight because Solid Snake.


Actually the male Agent's voice was the first thing that drawn me to playing it :p

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I'm 50/50 in this game. The voice actors are a huge draw! I haven't had anyone ask about gender in years. I think last time was in City of Villains. But then I'm not very social either...


Half the people doesn't care what your gender is and the other half assumes you're male :p

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I'm another lady who plays exclusively male toons. No particular reason, I couldn't care less about harassment (true fax, I've had more unwanted solicitings on my male toons than I have had on my rare female ones); I just enjoy RPing male characters more ;) And hey, ladies want eye candy too.


I also get a little tired of the female skimpy armor look. It'd drive me nuts.


...Also, Male Inquisitor voice = yes.

Edited by Jazshen
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I've so far been pleasantly surprised by the non-skimpiness of much of the female gear in this game. Apart from "armour" that is specifically designed to show the flesh (the dancer and the slave), there's nothing I've come across that shows the upper thigh and there are only a few models that show the midriff. My only gripe thus far has been the Sorcerer tier gear (the rest of the crop-top, ****-tube armour I've been able to avoid), but that is hideous in its own right, exposed belly or not.


I have to say, the armour situation here is vastly superiour to that of Tera. I would not like to play a female character or declare my female-ness in that game.


I only wish we could get skimpy, flesh exposing armour for our male characters :3 *coughhireIxumcough*

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I've so far been pleasantly surprised by the non-skimpiness of much of the female gear in this game. Apart from "armour" that is specifically designed to show the flesh (the dancer and the slave), there's nothing I've come across that shows the upper thigh and there are only a few models that show the midriff. My only gripe thus far has been the Sorcerer tier gear (the rest of the crop-top, ****-tube armour I've been able to avoid), but that is hideous in its own right, exposed belly or not.


I have to say, the armour situation here is vastly superiour to that of Tera. I would not like to play a female character or declare my female-ness in that game.


I only wish we could get skimpy, flesh exposing armour for our male characters :3 *coughhireIxumcough*


It's funny that you mentioned that since I came across this thread today about wanting skimpy clothing for males (nice Photoshop work by the way)



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I'm a female, playing mostly female toons in this game, because of the romance aspect, its just more fun for me that way, lol. I have 2 male toons, one of which I'm on quite heavily...I mostly like that there isn't any singling out, or special treatment, or anyone hitting on you, while you're trying to play. In other games I've played, I've played male toons, and have to chuckle, that most were quite shocked when they learned I was a married female housewife, running the toon. Some wouldn't even believe me, until they heard me on vent, lol.


I have to chuckle, I made a toon on a different server than I normally play, just to try it out, a couple of weeks back, and my female SW wasn't half way thru her k'lor'slugs before she was getting hit on...being called cute, being offered help...I was smirking the whole time, because that was like my 5th SW, and I probably could have told him how to play it, lol. Still I thanked him, and moved on, and soon noticed he was like the server Lothario, thru general chat, lol.

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I have to chuckle, I made a toon on a different server than I normally play, just to try it out, a couple of weeks back, and my female SW wasn't half way thru her k'lor'slugs before she was getting hit on...being called cute, being offered help...I was smirking the whole time, because that was like my 5th SW, and I probably could have told him how to play it, lol. Still I thanked him, and moved on, and soon noticed he was like the server Lothario, thru general chat, lol.


I congratulate you for your healthy attitude towards those kind of situations, particularly considering the average age of people who would flirt with you because your char is "attractive" :)

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I like to play both genders. :) I have not played many MMO's, and at first I could not wrap my brain around the idea of playing as a male character. But when I saw the limited number of customization options that appealed to me in this game, I decided to expand my choices by making a couple of male characters. They really grew on me.


While I tend to see my female characters as an in-game me, the males I see as their own characters with unique personalities, which is a different sort of fun. Though I can only take the "maleness" so far before I just can't identify with the character anymore, so my guys tend to be rather androgynous looking.


Sometimes I am afraid I will be mocked for playing a male character, especially one that doesn't look really masculine. But the heck with it, I say. I will probably parade one of my male characters around in a slave outfit when they finally release one, just to annoy all the people that are "uncomfortable" with anything remotely sexualized or non-manly about male characters, yet run around in a slave girl outfit on their female character. :p

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For a while I too only played male toons. I liked the anonymity of it - people don't look twice at you and are less likely to second-guess what you have to say. Well, that was my experience six years ago at least, back then people usually assumed you were the gender of your toon. I also guess I'm kind of a female version of the 'guys staring at their toons' butts.'


I admit that the only reason I started leaning more toward female characters is because of vent. I got tired of every new person in there who wasn't familiar with me making some kind of comment on gender, and even the occasional jokes from guildmates. I don't know what it is but there is something vaguely intimidating to a lot of men about women playing male toons, that playing female ones just ended up being easier for me.


My main now is a female Sage, and I have found a lot of enjoyment playing as my own gender. In ToR at least no one has come on to me (so far), and the armor options here are very decent as well as animations. And while I enjoy the romances much more on my female characters, my male BH and my male SW are still my favorites! Thanks Bioware for the attractive models!

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I haven't had anyone come onto me in SWTOR because of my toon's gender. It does bother me when people assume I'm male when I'm on a female toon. The idea that most people playing female toons are men is completely BS. Some are, but no where near "most".


I've been considering rolling males for certain romance paths. Romancing mission-reincarnate? Hell yeah! Older mission incarnate, obviously, because i'm not a sicko.

Edited by PinkiePiePower
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I've only recently started to test the waters with playing a male character. Up until now, I just couldn't relate to a male...it felt foreign being in a male body and frankly just not as fun.


It's the voice acting that won me over.


Male agent? Mmm...give me one of those! Oooh, lets see how sexy I can make him...hey this is fun! :D


I suppose if I wanted to get philosophical, I would say that the voice acting in this game allowed the character to take on a reality that I couldn't have given him on my own. It brought the character to life for me and allowed me to step outside my comfort zone. I don't think I could ever play a male as a "main" though.


I'm curious to see if my male character gets treated any differently. So far, I haven't noticed anything, but he's only level 14. I haven't really encountered any trouble playing a female character in a long time either. I like how game companies are finally "getting it" that we don't all want to see our females running around in chain mail bikinis all the time. I can play a female and still look respectable. :) And if they are going to include skimpy outfits in game as an option that's fine, just make sure the males get their share too. ;) Equal opportunity skimpiness!

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