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Just Got Kicked


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D3 Blows Ima play mass effect 3 the new DLC looks interesting.


I really do need to try the ME series, its D3 or civ 5 for me atm, but with civ I'll still be playing when the servers come up...hmmm may just take tomorrow off. :)

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I really do need to try the ME series, its D3 or civ 5 for me atm, but with civ I'll still be playing when the servers come up...hmmm may just take tomorrow off. :)


meh I'm gonna play some Max Payne 3... nothing passes time quicker than diving in slow motion while pumping 20 rounds into someones face

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Another fail of communication for Bioware.


Very frustrating.


Its also frustrating knowing that it was the highest populated server at the time it happened.... why not pick a EAST COAST SERVER?! It was 4am in the east, while it was 1am in the west....

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Another fail of communication for Bioware.


Very frustrating.


Its also frustrating knowing that it was the highest populated server at the time it happened.... why not pick a EAST COAST SERVER?! It was 4am in the east, while it was 1am in the west....


so in your eyes making a post that the server is going down then taking down said server is a communication failure?



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