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Picking 2 roles but no duel spec is foolishness


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So far I like the finder but one issue I keep having is people joined as a spec they are not.


Had a Sage today who was clearly not heal speced and of course it lead to many wipes.


Had a tank in as a DPS, had Ion Cell going the whole time


Had 2 heal sages join as DPS, took ages to kill anything.


We either need to have duel spec added at once or only allow people to join the finder as the spec they currently are.

Edited by Reevax
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Why would you spec specifically to duel people?


I have to admit, that was pretty funny.


BW should just let people pick one role, and if they specc'd some funky way that let's them do a little of both, they'll just have to pick one role or the other


I think duel specc'ing (ala Rift) and choosing the proper role in the group finder are 2 separate issues,both deserving attention

Edited by One-i
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So far I like the finder but one issue I keep having is people joined as a spec they are not.


Had a Sage today who was clearly not heal speced and of course it lead to many wipes.


Had a tank in as a DPS, had Ion Cell going the whole time


Had 2 heal sages join as DPS, took ages to kill anything.


We either need to have duel spec added at once or only allow people to join the finder as the spec they currently are.


Just vote kick them, in every game group finder works like this. People will find out soon enough.

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had the same thing happen today, 3 in the same guild Q'd together and all were dps and they asked me if that was ok lol.


sry but no im not healing 3 dps in a HM and having to work harder cause one of them doesnt want to Q solo.


so i left did some crafting and 10ish minutes later Q'd again.


they can fix the low populations and make it easier to form groups, but they cant fix stupid.

Edited by GooseGrims
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They don't really need dual spec since they already have the character perk 'Field Respec'.


What they need to do is lower the cost to respec, 30k to respec for 1 flashpoint, 1 operation, or 1 planet of dailies is too pricey especially when it costs 30k to spec back. If they cut it back to 1/10th of that price or just removed the cost completely, we wouldn't need dual spec.

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This is not much of a problem for the Esseles or Black Talon story-mde FPs, but for the Heroic/FP content after that it definitely becomes an issue.

Personally, I would like to see the Group Finder restrict you to only selecting your skill spec - you are a leveling Sage Healer, 17-0-0, what good can you do as a DPS in a level-appropriate flashpoint or Heroic? None, so the system should not allow you to select the DPS role. It becomes more of an issue though with hybrid specs - they may be able to fulfill either role adequately, so you would need to have the primary role pre-selected, and allow players to change it.


Until then, the solution would be for the group leader to kick the wrongly specced player after explaining it to them. That is the only way I can imagine some of those people learning.

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They don't really need dual spec since they already have the character perk 'Field Respec'.


What they need to do is lower the cost to respec, 30k to respec for 1 flashpoint, 1 operation, or 1 planet of dailies is too pricey especially when it costs 30k to spec back. If they cut it back to 1/10th of that price or just removed the cost completely, we wouldn't need dual spec.


With dual spec though, you wouldn't just be able to switch spec whenever, but it would remember 2 specs. After all, do you really want to have to wait on someone field respeccing and then having to remember to place talents in the right places?

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With dual spec though, you wouldn't just be able to switch spec whenever, but it would remember 2 specs. After all, do you really want to have to wait on someone field respeccing and then having to remember to place talents in the right places?


I would hope someone would be able to respec their build in under 2 minutes but I understand your point and you're probably right. :sul_tongue:

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unfortunately no one can... and that is where 99 percent of all the problems with this game.. and well the world, stem from


amen. i'm sick of people QQing about things that are their own faults. it seems like 99% of the "problems" with this game, are just features people can't understand

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Unfortunately, some peeps will sign up using the role that will get them into an instance quicker, even if their spec/gear isn't appropriate for that role. I am not sure limiting them to "one choice" will change that ... it is human nature after all. I only ever sign up as a healer, because that is how I am specced/gear ... and I wouldn't ever sign up under a different role, just to get into an instance quicker, but not everyone thinks like me ;)
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With dual spec though, you wouldn't just be able to switch spec whenever, but it would remember 2 specs. After all, do you really want to have to wait on someone field respeccing and then having to remember to place talents in the right places?


While I agree with dual specs (I would love having a PvP and PvE spec for my op), if someone can't remember where to put the talents in two builds they're constantly switching between, then maybe they should just stick to a single spec.

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This is not about me picking the wrong role. It is all the others picking 2 roles.


I was playing on my powertech in dps spec and was grouped with a healer friend. No matter how many times I unchecked tank, it still queued me up as tank. I wonder if that was what could have happened? Probably not since people are .. well people.


I think there is some bug where sometiems you can't uncheck a role unless you are the group leader.

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+1 joking reading comprehension points, -3 internetz for attempting sarcasm in textual medium.


"I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul"

Edited by Smarty
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I was playing on my powertech in dps spec and was grouped with a healer friend. No matter how many times I unchecked tank, it still queued me up as tank. I wonder if that was what could have happened?


I saw something like that when I first used it. I unchecked DPS, I then went in to select which flashpoints I wanted, when I'd done that, DPS was checked again. Once I'd queued once making sure only TANK was selected, it has always afterwards defaulted to only TANK selected.


Personally, as a Tank, I'm not too worried about dual spec, more that I'd have to carry another set of kit if I was going to play DPS, as I'd be wanting totally different stats.

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I would hope someone would be able to respec their build in under 2 minutes but I understand your point and you're probably right. :sul_tongue:


Yes, people ought to be able to quickly respec, but then they also ought to be able to check or uncheck one box and que up correctly.

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The respec system would be better if instead of dumping all of your points and making you start again it gave you a button to do that and allowed you to right click to remove a point, sometimes respeccing is simply a matter of tweaking a few skills instead of starting again.


They could then charge you per skill point spent as opposed to a straight price.

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