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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

cross server play is only real fix


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There is no need for a cross server LFG.. Stand on the fleet and watch all the people using chat to find a group.. There is your problem.. Cross server isn't going to help that..


Exactly correct. People are forming their own groups, and to great success. This even surprised me that they would not flock to the LFG tool immediately, but chose rather to continue the social behavior of forming groups through chat. Says something about people's desire for community interaction and choice of group mates. Says even more about the lack of desire for a cross server LFG.

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Cross Server LFG has been out for years, and they JUST last patch came out with cross server or lfg end game.


The person you are replying to is mostly correct, until LAST patch you could NOT LFG end game content in WoW. Or any raid for that matter.


And it's nerfed to the ground, and all of the difficult (or moderately challenging) mechanics are taken out.


Oh and BTW if you were wondering... it is a TOTAL mess. Constant rage quitting, QQing, Whining, NINJA ALL OVER THE PLACE, and a total lack of common gamer knowledge. LFR in WoW is a traumatic experience I still receive counseling for.


LFR was implemented so that baddies could play the end game content too, but the gear drops there made it a necessary stepping stone for progression raiders as well.


Sounds like a personal hatred for the system. Blizzard apparently feels a lot different about it. And is expanding and improving it more the next expansion. They are doing that based on thier own internal tracking data and not hate threads on thier forums.

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TOR already has an easy-so-you-can-experience-the-content mode, it's called Story Mode. Prior to LFR in WoW, you needed a decent endgame guild to experience endgame raiding, as there was no easy way to PUG raids. We currently have an easy way to PUG story mode raids with the LFG tool.


Cross server is irrelevant to the point you are making.


True, but Blizzard saw that many players were not able to experence the end game content, thus they came out with the LFR and now the % who have has skyrocketed. And sure it was dumbed down, nerfed so more players could access it. But at the same time there are still normal and heroic modes for those more serous, hardcore raiders.

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You are speculating. The last two sub reports have shown WoW's sub base at 10.2 million. So it is not now declining but holding steady. And try not to inject your personal hatred for WoW with false info.


Valk, valk. valk....;p How many times have I told you, posted on this board that I loved Wow when I played. I did everything in that game, raided everything, lead raids, was in two of the best guilds I've ever had the pleasure of being part of. I just happen to like this game better so there is no "injecting" here.


Now if we want to talk about hatred for a game we can look back at your post history. ;p


As far as the information presented? Its valid for the time period I stated. ....and if they are currently holding steady, then good for them. It was, after all, a good game....but I'll let someone else look it up and present it. I've neither the time or patience to go another round with you, provide conclusive proof again only to have you refuse to believe it just because you don't want to. ;p

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So dps is crying that the queues are too long so they want cross server.... so let's add another 1000 dps( random number) to the queue. Yes more tanks and healers will be added to the queue but not 1000 of each, all that will end up happening is the queue will become longer than it is right now. There will always be more dps than there are healers and tanks, that is a fact.

When wow brought out cross server lfg they had to bribe tanks and healers to use it by adding an incentive/bonus for completing a lfg. Then the dps got a slightly less queue time and cried that "no fair, why do they get the shiny and I don't". If you play a dps class unfortunately you will have a queue time, that is just the way that ball bounces, and cross server will not magically make your queue time disappear.


Rift's queue times for dps dropped drastically after they went cross server. WoW's wait times for dps are damn near non existent.


Don't try to make stuff up. Drawing from a larger pool always gives advantages, and both of those games have proven this.

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Valk, valk. valk....;p How many times have I told you, posted on this board that I loved Wow when I played. I did everything in that game, raided everything, lead raids, was in two of the best guilds I've ever had the pleasure of being part of. I just happen to like this game better so there is no "injecting" here.


Now if we want to talk about hatred for a game we can look back at your post history. ;p


As far as the information presented? Its valid for the time period I stated. ....and if they are currently holding steady, then good for them. It was, after all, a good game....but I'll let someone else look it up and present it. I've neither the time or patience to go another round with you, provide conclusive proof again only to have you refuse to believe it just because you don't want to. ;p


It was you who posted WoW's player base is in a steady and strong decline. Which is wrong info and has been wrong the last 6 months. It is ok to express your opinion and we all are entitled to it. But when you clearly are posting wrong info to support your opinion, you are going to be subjected to rebuttals.

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but that can happen to anyone at anytime regardless of xserver... and that does happen. people are selfish.. but just because there are a few bad eggs why should that spoil it the the rest of us.. beside.. once someone did that once or twice you can just boot them fro the group like usual, with a party vote.


as for the number of people.. how about this.. say you play at an odd time due to work schedules when servers are usually empty.. wouldn't that help those people be helped out by the additional pool of players to group up with and my it easier for them. Or what about the opposite of that where you had 3 Tank, 1 healer and 2 DPS queued up on a regular non xserver system... well look like someone is gonna get left out and have to wait for a while or might not get to play at all until someone else hops online...


Bad example bro. There aren't that many tanks around. I know I am one and I almost insta queue every time I used the LFG. Now if its was Xserver now MY home server is down one of its tanks, cause I'm off tanking on another server. Same with my healer (I know weird but I hate DPS so its tank and heals for me). How is that good? My server now has to deal with one less tank and NONE of those DPS get to run anything on my server cause I'm running else where.

That is why I don't care for a xserver LFG. Tanks and healers are in short enough supply that they don't need to be running on other servers.

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It was you who posted WoW's player base is in a steady and strong decline. Which is wrong info and has been wrong the last 6 months. It is ok to express your opinion and we all are entitled to it. But when you clearly are posting wrong info to support your opinion, you are going to be subjected to rebuttals.


I'm not spreading lies, Valk, just countering some of the information that you are presenting. Took about two minutes to find it on the first web page I pulled up. Every outlet from digital trends to PC gamer has reported it.


Again, does not mean that its an awful game, or that I hate it (as you implied in your attempt to discredit me), but just as I stated, is in steady decline.


Down about 600,000 players in about seven months during the last report, Blizzard reported another loss in the second quarter. Subtracting another 300,000 players from the player base, the subscriber base for the World of Warcraft massive multiplayer online game has dropped by nearly one million users in about nine months. This decline may have been slowed by the recent move to convert the game to a free-to-play model Players can play for an unlimited amount of time for free until a character hits level 20. In order to continue leveling the character to the current cap of 85, the customer has to start paying the monthly fee for online access. Despite the 7.5 percent drop in customer subscriptions and potential loss of approximately $160 million in yearly subscription revenue, Blizzard is continuing to support the game with recent expansion packs like Cataclysm and future content like the Mists Of Pandaria. They are also continuing to expand in China with more support for content packs as well as tackle new markets like Brazil due to the new Portuguese localization. Blizzard belives that fourth quarter sales will peak again with the next content update. Blizzard is also working on finishing up Diablo III for release as well as part two of StarCraft II and an unnamed MMO that goes by the project name ‘Titan’

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Rift's queue times for dps dropped drastically after they went cross server. WoW's wait times for dps are damn near non existent.


Don't try to make stuff up. Drawing from a larger pool always gives advantages, and both of those games have proven this.



Perhaps you missed this little post here, I know the math is complicated but please try to understand.



Cross server LFG would actually make queue times WORSE for some people. Look at it this way:


Your server has 50 tanks LFG, 40 healers, and 125 dps, thats enough for 40 4man groups with the single server structure. You are competing with 124 other dps for one of those 80 slots, theres a 64.5% chance you will be one to get in.


Another server has 20 tanks, 200 dps, and 30 healers lfg. These dps have a 20% chance to get in.


Combine the two into the same cross server pool:

The new total is 70 tanks, 325 dps, 70 healers. You are now competing with 325 people for 1 of 140 slots. There is now a 43.07% chance you will be one of the dps to get into a group.


The DPS on servers with fewer tanks and healers will get into groups more often, but the people on the servers that have a healthy population balance will get in slower than with single server.


:rak_02: This is some quantum physics stuff but ask a 5th grader, they should know. :rak_02:

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I'm not spreading lies, Valk, just countering some of the information that you are presenting. Took about two minutes to find it on the first web page I pulled up. Every outlet from digital trends to PC gamer has reported it.


Again, does not mean that its an awful game, or that I hate it (as you implied in your attempt to discredit me), but just as I stated, is in steady decline.


Yes..that report was made back before the sub declines had leveled out. Sure they lost 1.8 million subs in less than 2 yrs. But the last " 2 sub reports " have shown the same numbers. 10.2 million. That is the turth. So at present, it is not in a strong decline. :cool: Atleast until we see the next sub report due next month I beleave. Anything until then is speculation. Same for TOR's sub numbers.

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Perhaps you missed this little post here, I know the math is complicated but please try to understand.





:rak_02: This is some quantum physics stuff but ask a 5th grader, they should know. :rak_02:


Except he is using numbers based to fit his opinion. Take those numbers and multiply them by all the players on every server and I think you willl see a big difference. Because not every dps is going to be running the same Op or FP., or even using the tool at all. :) If anything, sence TOR's groups is comprised of only 2 dps, a cross server tool would actually increase thier chances.The game does need dual specs to help with the tank and healer shortage however.

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Yes..that report was made back before the sub declines had leveled out. Sure they lost 1.8 million subs in less than 2 yrs. But the last " 2 sub reports " have shown the same numbers. 10.2 million. That is the turth. So at present, it is not in a strong decline. :cool: Atleast until we see the next sub report due next month I beleave. Anything until then is speculation. Same for TOR's sub numbers.


10 million Chinese and 200 thousand blind idiots [(or kids)or both!]


Anyhow how is this pertinent to the cross lfg thread :rak_02: ... if I wanted to discuss wow I would go to their site.

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10 million Chinese and 200 thousand blind idiots [(or kids)or both!]


Anyhow how is this pertinent to the cross lfg thread :rak_02: ... if I wanted to discuss wow I would go to their site.


It is on topic because it is a example of how a cross server tool can work well. And yeah..it is also others who have tried to use WoW's cross server tool as a example of it being bad. But that is ok huh?


It is not 10 million chinese. They only have 10.2 million subs. Take a look at the NA alone servers for WOW and you will see how silly your statement is. Your personal hatred for the game is clearly leaking out. lol.

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It is on topic because it is a example of how a cross server tool can work well. And yeah..it is also others who have tried to use WoW's cross server tool as a example of it being bad. But that is ok huh?


It is not 10 million chinese. They only have 10.2 million subs. Take a look at the NA alone servers for WOW and you will see how silly your statement is. Your personal hatred for the game is clearly leaking out. lol.



Since when has region stopped gold farmers from populating other region's servers.... Honestly if you think WOW's cross realm lfg is a work of art then did you use the same tool as everyone else? Anyways, like i posted just a minute ago, I will go to wow's thread if I want to talk anymore about wow, your opinion has been noted, and for myself, completely ignored. You are entitled to your opinion, however that doesn't mean I have to agree with it, or play nice and support it.

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Since when has region stopped gold farmers from populating other region's servers.... Honestly if you think WOW's cross realm lfg is a work of art then did you use the same tool as everyone else? Anyways, like i posted just a minute ago, I will go to wow's thread if I want to talk anymore about wow, your opinion has been noted, and for myself, completely ignored. You are entitled to your opinion, however that doesn't mean I have to agree with it, or play nice and support it.


That is fine. I donot mind anyone disgreeing with me. But I do play nice with those who do. And yes...I have used it a lot in WoW and have found it extremely useful for what it's intents are...which is to find a grp to do runs in a timely manner. And I am assuming that was your question? :cool:

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Cross Server LFG has been out for years, and they JUST last patch came out with cross server or lfg end game.


The person you are replying to is mostly correct, until LAST patch you could NOT LFG end game content in WoW. Or any raid for that matter.


And it's nerfed to the ground, and all of the difficult (or moderately challenging) mechanics are taken out.


Oh and BTW if you were wondering... it is a TOTAL mess. Constant rage quitting, QQing, Whining, NINJA ALL OVER THE PLACE, and a total lack of common gamer knowledge. LFR in WoW is a traumatic experience I still receive counseling for.


LFR was implemented so that baddies could play the end game content too, but the gear drops there made it a necessary stepping stone for progression raiders as well.


I have had great experiences running LFR. For example in my run the other night.Though there were people quitting in the middle of things and a little bit of whinning on the boss with the colored slimes the LFR ran smoothly.

The raging, qqing, and lack of common knowledge are always going to happen in raids especially when the raids are

first being run. So in general it reminded me of a normal raid runs in WoW. I think the 2 parts of the DS raid took under 1.5 hours to complete in LFR. Anyway the LFR run was a fun easy going thing to do for the night.

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You are creating a hyperbolic reality in order to support your argument. You would have to first prove conclusively that your claim exists to the extent you are promoting it. The likelihood of which would be rather low because of the server accountability that is present while containing individuals to their respective servers. People acting as you are suggesting would end up, very quickly, limiting their potential group-mates on a server, whereas a cross server LFG would promote the type of behavior without benefiting the player base with shorter queue times as was demonstrated in Wow.


Couldn't Bioware just implement a cross server blacklist system for the people players don't want to group with?

And change the loot system for FPs so it prevents ninjaing? Heck the anti ninja loot system sounds like it

should be implemented cross server or not.

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Yes..that report was made back before the sub declines had leveled out. Sure they lost 1.8 million subs in less than 2 yrs. But the last " 2 sub reports " have shown the same numbers. 10.2 million. That is the turth. So at present, it is not in a strong decline. :cool: Atleast until we see the next sub report due next month I beleave. Anything until then is speculation. Same for TOR's sub numbers.


your wrong


Blizzard lost 1.8 million subs over the course of 2011, as for the numbers in 2012, we have only had the Q1 numbers, which said they have stayed on 10.2 million subs. we are still waiting for Q2


you need to get your facts right before posting.


as for xserver lfg, hell no, i played wow for 5 years and i hated the game so much once xlfg was added, it helped kill the game for alot of players. now we have LFR, from what i have heared its just as made, but with mad loot lol

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your wrong


Blizzard lost 1.8 million subs over the course of 2011, as for the numbers in 2012, we have only had the Q1 numbers, which said they have stayed on 10.2 million subs. we are still waiting for Q2


you need to get your facts right before posting.


as for xserver lfg, hell no, i played wow for 5 years and i hated the game so much once xlfg was added, it helped kill the game for alot of players. now we have LFR, from what i have heared its just as made, but with mad loot lol


I'd be interested to hear how it killed the game for a lot of people. Don't give the usual BS about destroying community. There were a lot of people outside of guilds or who played odd hours who never got to experience content until the cross realm group finder tool. The tool didn't destroy WoW, in fact it enhanced many peoples enjoyment of the game.


The fact you might get the odd person who behaved badly in a group is no reason to deny the tool was successful. You might just as easily get an idiot from a same server tool or even from your own guild. This myth about destroying community has persisted far too long, In the whole time I used to use the tool outside of playing with guildies I can count the bad experiences on the fingers of one hand.

Edited by Cordelia
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I'd be interested to hear how it killed the game for a lot of people. Don't give the usual BS about destroying community. There were a lot of people outside of guilds or who played odd hours who never got to experience content until the cross realm group finder tool. The tool didn't destroy WoW, in fact it enhanced many peoples enjoyment of the game.


The fact you might get the odd person who behaved badly in a group is no reason to deny the tool was successful. You might just as easily get an idiot from a same server tool or even from your own guild. This myth about destroying community has persisted far too long, In the whole time I used to use the tool outside of playing with guildies I can count the bad experiences on the fingers of one hand.


WoW is a formal shell of itself. People have no idea why they are running dungeons except for shiny pixels. WoW used to have a good RPG to it, now most players don't even no where most of the zones are or where the dungeons are located. Blizzard turned the game into a console e-sport, plain and simple. And that's the type of players they got.

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WoW is a formal shell of itself. People have no idea why they are running dungeons except for shiny pixels. WoW used to have a good RPG to it, now most players don't even no where most of the zones are or where the dungeons are located. Blizzard turned the game into a console e-sport, plain and simple. And that's the type of players they got.


The game hasn't become like that because of the cross server tool it's just become mainstream. Your average WoW player from 2005 is very different from your average WoW player of today. They expect different things but that isn't the fault of cross server, that's the change in the MMO genre as a whole.

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Perhaps you missed this little post here, I know the math is complicated but please try to understand.





:rak_02: This is some quantum physics stuff but ask a 5th grader, they should know. :rak_02:


I didn't miss it, its a stupid post. It makes the assumption that every server provides the same number of tanks and heals and dps to the queue, which is a logical fallacy. And yes, a 5th grader could figure that out.

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The game hasn't become like that because of the cross server tool it's just become mainstream. Your average WoW player from 2005 is very different from your average WoW player of today. They expect different things but that isn't the fault of cross server, that's the change in the MMO genre as a whole.


The players they got didn't know how to group, had no idea of community. They just wanted to get in and get loot, they couldn't because they had zero communication skills. They then whined and moaned on the forums about grouping. WoW plays exaclty how CoD plays. That's the type of players they got.


Funny thing, Activision makes the CoD series. Activision also owns Blizzard.

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