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cross server play is only real fix


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So....BioWare should just forget those on 100+ servers? May as well close those down huh? You would not have to use said cross server tool, but one would help those on the 100+ servers find groups. How many players you think are on those 100+ servers? And they have thier own good reasons for wanting to stay there. And with the mess which was created with the server transfers, donot blame them at all. Soon...most of those on the low ones will unsub and if you think that is no big deal....I think BioWare must care. If they donot...then they deserve what they are getting.


Its kind of obvious those servers are going away...eventually. They are building super servers (assumed) now.


Bioware isn't going to pay the maintenance and rental fee on a hundred servers they aren't really using. Everyone will be forced off or risk losing their character.


Adapt or get left out. That's the truth.

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What if I don't want to make any trasfers? :confused: And what about loging-in queues to high populated servers?


Then that is your choice. As the person said above on this page of the thread, if you decided not to transfer then you're putting yourself in that situation. You're ruining your own chance to group with other people, to find hidden gems for cheap on the GTN(or even make money on the GTN). You dont punish the entire community of 1+ million players in this game, to satisfy 100 that decided to stay on their origin servers.


That's like asking them to make the GTN cross server too. It just wont happen. . .nor should it.

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Its kind of obvious those servers are going away...eventually. They are building super servers (assumed) now.


Bioware isn't going to pay the maintenance and rental fee on a hundred servers they aren't really using. Everyone will be forced off or risk losing their character.


Adapt or get left out. That's the truth.


This is very true, if you think not transferring your character will make Bioware continue to pay for the server when only 5 people are using it, you're just being silly.


They will shut down the servers and either force you onto one of the bigger servers(which im sure there will be dozens of threads crying about this if it happens) or you will just straight up lose your character when it's deleted and removed from the server farm.

Edited by FourTwent
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what you said is true, there are many parameter, that only bioware have access to to make an accurate model.

i didn't pretend to make a model but take some extreme limit to understand global trend.


The limit i chose range from the "ideal" ratio to a more DPS heavy ratio (we know that in reality, role composition for a given server is almost always DPS heavy)


By population, i don't mean population global of the server, but population using the LFG at a given moment in time.

the idea i am trying to pass across is to show at which point the actual role balance is crucial for the group finder. Expecially when i read thread thinking that (and i quote) "cross server play is only real fix"

Cross server will not make miracle, it might help in the off hours, 2-9am server time, or help on very very low populated server, other than that, for the most part, i don't see cross server having an impact at all.


What will have an impact is rebalancing the role, blizzard did understand it.

They offer double spec, Call to arm system rewarding in demand role, those really have had an impact, cross server has had so little impact, i don't even remember at what point it has been implemented in wow.


With this I agree. i know there are some problems and you, guys, do make a point, but still I have my wishes too. At least to have possibility to find a group on server with low population.


How about adding options to x-server LGF? Like:

1. Allow for someone who don't want to play with ppl from other server to chose 'not to look for other server ppl' button?

2. What if system will have priority of finding ppl from the same server and only if none available search in the other?

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You were given a chance to transfer for no cost, you chose not to take it. You are now experiencing the problems associating with not transferring. This isn't BW's fault, they provided you with the tool, and the opportunity to make use of it.


On a related note, yeah, there will be massive disparities between servers based on population, and what cross server does is average them all out. What you are saying is, since you CHOSE not to transfer, you want everyone else's queue times bogged down by your servers abysmal queue times?


So I should change my char's name and legacy names ( which are very important to me from a role playing view ) because of BioWare's blunders? I donot think so. Thier solution is unacceptable to me. They have failed so far to come up with a solution which is acceptable to a wide range of thier player base. At this point however, it may be too late.

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Its kind of obvious those servers are going away...eventually. They are building super servers (assumed) now.


Bioware isn't going to pay the maintenance and rental fee on a hundred servers they aren't really using. Everyone will be forced off or risk losing their character.


Adapt or get left out. That's the truth.


I donot disagree with this. I think several will just unsub rather than adapt. And that is also the truth. :cool:

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You reap what you sow. If you choose not to transfer, you deal with the negatives (and positives) of being on an extremely low pop server, just as those that transferred deal with the negatives (login queue times) and positives.


So does BioWare. :rolleyes:

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Then that is your choice. As the person said above on this page of the thread, if you decided not to transfer then you're putting yourself in that situation. You're ruining your own chance to group with other people, to find hidden gems for cheap on the GTN(or even make money on the GTN). You dont punish the entire community of 1+ million players in this game, to satisfy 100 that decided to stay on their origin servers.


That's like asking them to make the GTN cross server too. It just wont happen. . .nor should it.


Yeah, I am very guilty. I am so sorry for paying money for playing on low pop server :D


Without kidding, why GTN cannot be cross server too? It also "ruins community"?


P.S. i do love the idea of super server though. It can be a solution!

Edited by Zaemiel
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Ok....I was on my server at prime time and was the only one in the Fleet and it showed 19 other players on the server using the /who. I was in que for like a hour and half and finally quit and logged off. There is no way a LFG is going to work on the low pop server. Your logic is flawed. The larger the pool from which to make up a group from will and does decrease a player's wait times. You are assuming all the same players /classes on each pop server will be using the tool at the same % and this is wrong. It will vary a lot from server to server.


If you play on a dead server you only have yourself to blame. Do you really expect to get a group on a server with 20 people playing? Your issue is with losing your name, not the LFG system. You have a choice - transfer so you can use the LFG or stay on your dead server and play a single player game. It's a pretty easy choice especially in a world with Ôƿŧīòńš.


You remind me a lot of my nephew. Last week he was throwing a tantrum at the dinner table screaming that he was still hungry while at the same refusing to eat his vegetables. My brother explained he didn't get dessert if he didn't eat his carrots. He has a pretty good excuse to act like a child -- he is 6.

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So does BioWare. :rolleyes:


How, exactly? I'm would wager the number of people who stayed on their origin servers (and will quit if it becomes mandatory) is less than or at least equal to the number of people who came back with transfers + lfg tool. Bioware has stated the game only needs to maintain 500k subs to remain profitable, and they likely aren't in danger f going under any time soon.

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This is very true, if you think not transferring your character will make Bioware continue to pay for the server when only 5 people are using it, you're just being silly.


They will shut down the servers and either force you onto one of the bigger servers(which im sure there will be dozens of threads crying about this if it happens) or you will just straight up lose your character when it's deleted and removed from the server farm.


It would be totally stupid for any gaming company running a MMO to delete the chars of those who have unsubbed. Think about that. How would they ever get those back? No modern MMO deletes the chars of those who have unsubbed. In hopes of they may return someday , which happens often.

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With this I agree. i know there are some problems and you, guys, do make a point, but still I have my wishes too. At least to have possibility to find a group on server with low population.


How about adding options to x-server LGF? Like:

1. Allow for someone who don't want to play with ppl from other server to chose 'not to look for other server ppl' button?

2. What if system will have priority of finding ppl from the same server and only if none available search in the other?


Someone did mention this in another thread(or who knows it could have been this one since there's so many of them going around), but they were talking about how this would segment the population and the queues even more(like what ranked warzones are doing on the low population servers now).


While it does help the low pop servers, it removes potential people who would have queued for single server, on the bigger server. Thus making queue times on the bigger server longer(at least for the same server option). So doing this would essentially be forcing everyone to use the cross server version unless they wanted to wait forever.


Another person used an example that if Server A has a healthy population of tanks, healers, and DPS, and Server B has 90% DPS. Why should Server A be punished because Server B has a crappy balance of dps/heals/tanks? Adding in all those DPS queues from Server B is only going to make the DPS on Server A wait much much longer.


It would be totally stupid for any gaming company running a MMO to delete the chars of those who have unsubbed. Think about that. How would they ever get those back? No modern MMO deletes the chars of those who have unsubbed. In hopes of they may return someday , which happens often.


Agreed, but you missed my point. The point is they aren't going to keep your low population server up. They'd just copy your character over and FORCE you to play on a high population server if you wanted to play that character.

Edited by FourTwent
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How, exactly? I'm would wager the number of people who stayed on their origin servers (and will quit if it becomes mandatory) is less than or at least equal to the number of people who came back with transfers + lfg tool. Bioware has stated the game only needs to maintain 500k subs to remain profitable, and they likely aren't in danger f going under any time soon.


You hope and the same logic you applied to the players."reap what you sow" also applies to them you know? At this point I would not put any money on them not dropping below 500k by the end of the year.

Edited by Valkirus
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If you play on a dead server you only have yourself to blame. Do you really expect to get a group on a server with 20 people playing? Your issue is with losing your name, not the LFG system. You have a choice - transfer so you can use the LFG or stay on your dead server and play a single player game. It's a pretty easy choice especially in a world with Ôƿŧīòńš.


You remind me a lot of my nephew. Last week he was throwing a tantrum at the dinner table screaming that he was still hungry while at the same refusing to eat his vegetables. My brother explained he didn't get dessert if he didn't eat his carrots. He has a pretty good excuse to act like a child -- he is 6.


I think we just have a bit different situation here. One one hand, ppl on servers with low population cannot find a group. On the other, there is a queue on servers with high population. Right? You just offer to shut up and transfer. Without even concidering my interests on this server like brother's account, friends... Thanks! But you not my mom. BW in worst case just lose the subscriber and that's it.


The solution was offered. Super server is also cool, so it is now for BW to decide. But still there is a problem.

Edited by Zaemiel
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It would be totally stupid for any gaming company running a MMO to delete the chars of those who have unsubbed. Think about that. How would they ever get those back? No modern MMO deletes the chars of those who have unsubbed. In hopes of they may return someday , which happens often.


They won't delete anyone. They will merge all the dead servers at some point and force anyone that comes back transfer and rename themselves when they first log in. Anyone can stay on dead servers for now but you are only delaying the inevitable.

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My Real Fix

  1. Upgrade Server Hardware, make 1 server per planet & wz & fp & ops that chars load into and out of.
  2. Make Fleet Larger
  3. Add two new starting areas, split up Inquisitor and Warrior, etc
  4. Dyeing and releasing in a Ops/FP should load you to the beginning of the instance.
  5. Triple the Current server population max
  6. Merge servers untill 10 or less remain


Research the areas where people have the most lag & the most people end up at the same time, rewire quests to have different outcomes to move people away from eachother or simply make areas larger to sustain the population, this is star wars, id like to see this game eventually have over 20 planets to visit & stay on and only one server per continent, it is a Massive Online Multiplayer, 1000/1+ million = not massive.

Quality of Life:

Dont Raise Guild Population Max, i don't want massive 1000 member guilds where noone does anything like in WoW, it obliterates the community.

Edited by Daethorz
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Another person used an example that if Server A has a healthy population of tanks, healers, and DPS, and Server B has 90% DPS. Why should Server A be punished because Server B has a crappy balance of dps/heals/tanks? Adding in all those DPS queues from Server B is only going to make the DPS on Server A wait much much longer.




Agreed, but you missed my point. The point is they aren't going to keep your low population server up. They'd just copy your character over and FORCE you to play on a high population server if you wanted to play that character.


Not really. Those same high pop servers would also benefit. By the same logic they also would be drawing from a larger pools to make up the groups from.


I didnot miss your point. I was refering to your statement, " they would delete your char and then remove them from the pools to be transfered." And I am sure there would be several who would not come back if they know thier char's names have been changed.

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Have you seen the hour+ long queues?!?! By far the worst thing they have done. They will be lucky the game survives this.


Isn't it funny how we now complain about having too many players on our servers, when before there were too few?


I think it is....


The personal solution is to make a priority list, f.x;

1 - My chars are too important for me to abandon = Stay on overpop server

2 - The queues are the most unbearable thing about this game - Reroll on a lower pop server


3 - Wait for BW to create Superservers.


There really are no other options if I want to play the game.


The only thing that will truly fix this game will be to close the official forum :)

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Not really. Those same high pop servers would also benefit. By the same logic they also would be drawing from a larger pools to make up the groups from.


Correct on one level, incorrect on another. Allow me to quote my previous example.


Cross server LFG would actually make queue times WORSE for some people. Look at it this way:


Your server has 50 tanks LFG, 40 healers, and 125 dps, thats enough for 40 4man groups with the single server structure. You are competing with 124 other dps for one of those 80 slots, theres a 64.5% chance you will be one to get in.


Another server has 20 tanks, 200 dps, and 30 healers lfg. These dps have a 20% chance to get in.


Combine the two into the same cross server pool:

The new total is 70 tanks, 325 dps, 70 healers. You are now competing with 325 people for 1 of 140 slots. There is now a 43.07% chance you will be one of the dps to get into a group.


The DPS on servers with fewer tanks and healers will get into groups more often, but the people on the servers that have a healthy population balance will get in slower than with single server.


So yeah, more groups will be formed, but DPS (the ones who are complaining about queue times) will potentially have longer queue times. This was on page 3 of the thread...

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Of course you don'nt. If you had to pay your bills however with subs, you would.


Its all cost of doing business.


Losing 5 people's sub who brought in $15 a month is a heck of a lot less than renting the server and space at probably hundreds if not thousands of dollars a month.


Its cheaper to lose those folks than it is to keep an empty server running.


Basic business. Its that simple.

Edited by Arkerus
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Good post OP and I agree 100% with your points. I was on my server last night..was the only one on the Fleet!..lol And there was only 19 listed using the /who for the whole server. Tell me how a LFG tool is going to work on those? And I am not transfering if I will lose my char's and legacy names. This is a mess BioWare created and if they want to keep from losing any more subs..they need to do something with the 100+ servers that are basically dead. A cross server LFG tool would allow them to stay on those low pop servers and have no need to close them down.


Yes, the unremittingly stubborn desires of a vast minority should be impetus for immediate Buioware action.

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Correct on one level, incorrect on another. Allow me to quote my previous example.




So yeah, more groups will be formed, but DPS (the ones who are complaining about queue times) will potentially have longer queue times. This was on page 3 of the thread...


It's a highly contrived scenario that you concocted to support something you already believed to be true. One could do the same thing and "prove" that same server LFG will be a complete failure.

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