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cross server play is only real fix


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Hello All,


Look I know a lot of people have strong opinions about this but after what I have seen recently I have to voice mine....


I firmly believe that the current fix for server population was disastrous. Trading medium to low servers for long que times, server lag to to high traffic, and things like that is not really ok. Along with people basically being forced to switch servers. My server, Mask of Nihilus, went from having a few hundred people playing to a ghost yard. Now I feel like I have to give up (possibly) my character names, recreate my guild, with possible a new name and things like that. And while I know that I am probably the minority here, that was never the right thing to do....


The Obvious fix for server population for pvp, warzones, operations and the like is cross server play. That would have obviously maintained server populations without people having to give up something like character names, legacy names, guilds. Also would have prevented the huge cluster **** of extremely high que times, 45+ minutes wait times... you would have given the community exactly what they wanted all a long... Which is something that has even asked about at the guild summit.


Cross server play would give us not limit pvp, warzones, or operations groups to the number of people on the server but would allow for groups to be formed across all player.. now how is that a bad idea.. I heard that that would give people anonymity... which is absurd, as you can always report players regardless of cross server... I mean for the most part most large MMOs all have cross server play of some sort. The solution given to us makes ZERO sense. because it still limits the number of people available and has only given rise to a number of other issues..


DEVS, care to explain this one???? Why the giant step backward?


I am curious as to what the rest of the community thinks.



Edited by Sireene
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I honestly don't like anything about Cross-realm LFG after being dealt that card in World of Warcraft but I can certainly understand the appeal of quicker queues and can deal with it, I'd prefer if they -do- add it to maybe have the option to join a LFG of people purely from your server.


There's just something about meeting people, talking with them and befriending them then realizing you'll never probably see them again that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Edited by MalakDawnfire
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SSLFG Only: NO CSLFG it will ruin the community!!!


CSLFG NoW!: Game is doomed with out CSLFG. RaWr!


1000 posts.


3 continuation threads.


Repeated refferenced to BW already stating there will be no CSLFG.


Repeated BW sucks.


50k responses by BW apologists.


No official responce in thread my Community managers.





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For pvp certainly.


PVE is a little different but I don't think you can argue that it would ruin the community since I the game has been out for a while now and they have been merging servers. If there was a thriving community to be protected at all costs I don't think you would see so many server mergers.


The game has lost a lot of players, I think it is in everyones best interest to attract as many players as possible. Anything that adds players to the game should be weighed and considered.


I tried out the group finder last night 2x. once at level 10 and once at level 15, the level 15 wait was longer but not too too bad. Rift was certainly quicker though.(rift crosses servers) One thing I would like to see added is the option for you to return the where you were before joining the instance.


Its all about convenience. You would think travel would be easier in a universe with warp speed than those with bows and arrows but the way this game is set up too much time is wasted just zoning.

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How is cross server a bad thing? Seriously.. single server limits the total number of people available for pvp, and warzones to the number of people on your server.. cross server allows for that number to be exponential. The benifit being easier to get a group or pvp game going which out having to rely on a heavy/high traffic server with load issues... I mean the idea that you can still try to select a group from your single server as well was a great idea. But again how is this s bad idea and how will it ruin the game, with or without
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No xserver! (really dont need yet another thread on this). The servers are huge now! Fatman got stuffed with tons of servers! Almost as if Bioware essentially divided the servers into battlegroups then merged them. The queues are practically as long as those in WoW anyway. People are expecting insta-queues in eveything they do ... that doesnt happen anywhere in any game other than for end game, and even then its mostly for healers and tanks, DPS still waits.


Youre basically asking them to fund and maintain near empty servers because you dont want to possibly change your name? Really? Are YOU prepared to pay the maintenance costs to keep your server running?

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Apparently the main cause the x-server haters had is that people would "ninja" and not be held accountable.


Sorry to burst your bubble but "ninjaing" was in FULL effect last night with complaint after complaint in /General.


Names were listed and it was meaningless.


X-Server NOW.

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Apparently the main cause the x-server haters had is that people would "ninja" and not be held accountable.


Sorry to burst your bubble but "ninjaing" was in FULL effect last night with complaint after complaint in /General.


Names were listed and it was meaningless.


X-Server NOW.


Well with the current LFG system you won't be put in groups with people who are on your ignore list so when someone is a ninja just throw em on your ignore list.

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Well with the current LFG system you won't be put in groups with people who are on your ignore list so when someone is a ninja just throw em on your ignore list.


Thats going to be a long ignore list. What is the limit again?

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How is cross server a bad thing? Seriously.. single server limits the total number of people available for pvp, and warzones to the number of people on your server.. cross server allows for that number to be exponential. The benifit being easier to get a group or pvp game going which out having to rely on a heavy/high traffic server with load issues... I mean the idea that you can still try to select a group from your single server as well was a great idea. But again how is this s bad idea and how will it ruin the game, with or without


I believe the current ranked warzones are cross server, but cross server destroys the sense of community and creates anonymity which makes trolling and griefing much more rampant in PVE at least, probably not as bad on the PVP side of things though.

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Hello All,


Look I know a lot of people have strong opinions about this but after what I have seen recently I have to voice mine....


I firmly believe that the current fix for server population was disastrous. Trading medium to low servers for long que times, server lag to to high traffic, and things like that is not really ok. Along with people basically being forced to switch servers. My server, Mask of Nihilus, went from having a few hundred people playing to a ghost yard. Now I feel like I have to give up (possibly) my character names, recreate my guild, with possible a new name and things like that. And while I know that I am probably the minority here, that was never the right thing to do....


The Obvious fix for server population for pvp, warzones, operations and the like is cross server play. That would have obviously maintained server populations without people having to give up something like character names, legacy names, guilds. Also would have prevented the huge cluster **** of extremely high que times, 45+ minutes wait times... you would have given the community exactly what they wanted all a long... Which is something that has even asked about at the guild summit.


Cross server play would give us not limit pvp, warzones, or operations groups to the number of people on the server but would allow for groups to be formed across all player.. now how is that a bad idea.. I heard that that would give people anonymity... which is absurd, as you can always report players regardless of cross server... I mean for the most part most large MMOs all have cross server play of some sort. The solution given to us makes ZERO sense. because it still limits the number of people available and has only given rise to a number of other issues..


DEVS, care to explain this one???? Why the giant step backward?


I am curious as to what the rest of the community thinks.




Bioware said NO to xserver LFG, so i guess its never going to happen


i'll say it again, BIOWARE said NO TOP XSERVER LFG.

Edited by Sireene
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First of this is of course meant to be a discussion on the subject with no bashing regardless of beliefs....


As for Ninjaing, solution.. everything is linked to your account so if you create a toon and start bashing and trolling report the toon and that account get the hit... kinda obvious there and like in other games if you added a tag of which server your from on the chat feature that you cant turn off while playing cross server there is no chance of that happening. Simple, easy.. but this is the internet.. its always bound to happen.. but its not like its not easy for that stuff to be tracked.


Second, I have not seen one reason why xservers are a bad thing. how can you realistically have ranked anything with out making it global... oohhhhhhh best on server.. wow.. but what about top ranked guilds, players, and what not for the game.. impossible to determine unless all those players then put onto the same server.


Third, what happens then if someone makes it to best on server or whatever and their server dies... and your forced to switch again. what happens to all that work.. all your hard work might be worthless as someone on that server might have done twice as much as you... and the devs say tuff.. your going to be crying and screaming about it all over the boards.


with xserver all of that would never happen as you have the potential to play against everyone in pvp games or warzones.. that makes sense.. limiting it does not.


As for PVE.. this has nothing to do with that.. this is just for zones.. ie, pvp games like huttball, or warzones, or operations where you are taken out of the normal area anyways. I would love to be able to que up for a group to do run the foundry with xserver people.... and frankly if the only reasons to deny that are ninjas and "xserver is bad"... how about someone actually state a reason WHY it is bad.. for me that doen't seem to make sense....


now granted your of course welcome to your opinion.. but so am I..

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How is cross server a bad thing? Seriously.. single server limits the total number of people available for pvp, and warzones to the number of people on your server.. cross server allows for that number to be exponential. The benifit being easier to get a group or pvp game going which out having to rely on a heavy/high traffic server with load issues... I mean the idea that you can still try to select a group from your single server as well was a great idea. But again how is this s bad idea and how will it ruin the game, with or without


Absolute crap. Look at it this way.. lets say on your server you have 1 Tank, 1 healer and 10 DPS queued up. Now, lets add in cross server with say...10 servers. Now you have 10 Tanks, 10 Healers and 100 DPS AND you have the opportunity to be a total DB to Need on everything.


So please explain to me how this is better? Please don't spew the crap about "if you don't like it, don't use it". I could give you the same reply about the character creator.

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Absolute crap. Look at it this way.. lets say on your server you have 1 Tank, 1 healer and 10 DPS queued up. Now, lets add in cross server with say...10 servers. Now you have 10 Tanks, 10 Healers and 100 DPS AND you have the opportunity to be a total DB to Need on everything.


So please explain to me how this is better? Please don't spew the crap about "if you don't like it, don't use it". I could give you the same reply about the character creator.


but that can happen to anyone at anytime regardless of xserver... and that does happen. people are selfish.. but just because there are a few bad eggs why should that spoil it the the rest of us.. beside.. once someone did that once or twice you can just boot them fro the group like usual, with a party vote.


as for the number of people.. how about this.. say you play at an odd time due to work schedules when servers are usually empty.. wouldn't that help those people be helped out by the additional pool of players to group up with and my it easier for them. Or what about the opposite of that where you had 3 Tank, 1 healer and 2 DPS queued up on a regular non xserver system... well look like someone is gonna get left out and have to wait for a while or might not get to play at all until someone else hops online...

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just get rid of servers. have only 1 sever. no set factions. have the choice to align yourself with reps/imps/neutral. global market with statistics. create player owned/capureable areas for pvp and have that unlock instances and/or buffs for owning faction.
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For pvp certainly.


PVE is a little different but I don't think you can argue that it would ruin the community since I the game has been out for a while now and they have been merging servers. If there was a thriving community to be protected at all costs I don't think you would see so many server mergers.


The game has lost a lot of players, I think it is in everyones best interest to attract as many players as possible. Anything that adds players to the game should be weighed and considered.


I tried out the group finder last night 2x. once at level 10 and once at level 15, the level 15 wait was longer but not too too bad. Rift was certainly quicker though.(rift crosses servers) One thing I would like to see added is the option for you to return the where you were before joining the instance.


Its all about convenience. You would think travel would be easier in a universe with warp speed than those with bows and arrows but the way this game is set up too much time is wasted just zoning.


cross server doesn't ruin the community. it just does nothing to help build it.


my reason to not back cross server queues is so that the players in the community(the server) can build a reputation for themselves on the server. i've played MMOs before where there was single server queues, and with cross server. With single server queues I can build myself up as an epic DPS or TANK or HEALER and actually get private invites into guild raids for consistent completions(or even do the harder content with them) if I'm good enough.

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The queues on my server are fine. No, you can't have our healers and tanks and make my queues longer. Good day sir.


This, plus if you pay at strange times of the day/night try playing on a different timezone server i.e. if your in Europe play on a US server, US then try an Asian server, Asia use an EU server.

Edited by mothear
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cross server is bad for comunity. There´s just no denying it. When it´s single server you have a chance to meet the same players when you do LFG and build a rep. Ofc. if your a bad player cross server probably is a plus.

When it comes to merging servers, yes it was not handled that well. in my opinion free transders should NOT have been allowed. it should have been forced transfers (still free ofc) and then server shutdowns. Also servers are a bit too crowded atm. i like big servers, but when i get login queues it´s too much.

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