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Sorc/Sage heals need to be returned to pre 1.2, other heals need buffs


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Or a spell that disables the usage of defensive cooldowns


All we need is a melee version of the assasins force shroud given to sorcs:


Force Shroud




Cooldown: 60s



Removes all hostile removable effects and increases your chance to resist Kinetic and Energy attacks by 100% for 3 seconds.


Pop this before force speed and no more stupid situations where you just sprinted away just to get rooted again mid sprint


or pop it before melee get their vicious throw off and heal up over 30% again

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I dont know what you're talking about. A well geared Sorc that knows what they are doing does great healing. I love em. The healers that suck are the mercs. Mercs just suck in general though.


I'll agree with both parts(the merc and sorc)


But you have to admit that a geared operative has a much better time at healing on the run/while being pressured

than a sorc does

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I'll agree with both parts(the merc and sorc)


But you have to admit that a geared operative has a much better time at healing on the run/while being pressured

than a sorc does

Yup, number-wise isn't the problem (except for maybe the fact our numbers need to be bigger with current healing mechanics or lack thereof).


I can compete with any healer number-wiseminus OPs in RWZ just because Sorcerers fold under pressure. They need the ability to be able to cast whilst under pressure. A long CD spell isn't going to do it, so the only answer would be to give us faster spells and some defensive utility.

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it's only fair, i think i saw in the patch notes for 1.2 that the only people enjoying the game at all should be dps.


And in pretty much every dev response and media coverage. I don't know why they just don't come out and admit they like DPS most openly- it's like having a friend who walks around in a pink shirt with a purple feather boa and watches Sex in the City yet won't come out. C'mon BW, we know already, you don't need to hide any more.

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All we need is a melee version of the assasins force shroud given to sorcs:


Force Shroud




Cooldown: 60s



Removes all hostile removable effects and increases your chance to resist Kinetic and Energy attacks by 100% for 3 seconds.


Pop this before force speed and no more stupid situations where you just sprinted away just to get rooted again mid sprint


or pop it before melee get their vicious throw off and heal up over 30% again


I think you are playing the wrong class. If you are looking for this ability Scoundrels are that way --->

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And in pretty much every dev response and media coverage. I don't know why they just don't come out and admit they like DPS most openly- it's like having a friend who walks around in a pink shirt with a purple feather boa and watches Sex in the City yet won't come out. C'mon BW, we know already, you don't need to hide any more.


We are 18 DPS specs against 3 Tanking and 3 Healing. If you are that much into healing, may i suggest "Theme Hospital"? It's a nice old game from 90s made by Bullfrog. :cool:

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We are 18 DPS specs against 3 Tanking and 3 Healing. If you are that much into healing, may i suggest "Theme Hospital"? It's a nice old game from 90s made by Bullfrog. :cool:


And here I was going to suggest that DPS types should just move on to a pure DPS game like one of the hundreds (thousands?) of first person shooters out there. I mean that is all DPS is right? A twitch fest... go twitch on Far Cry , X-Com, Call of Duty, or Halo. Those are games that REAL DPSers play.

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HEALERS!!! Guess what?!?!



You're supposed to be squishy and people are supposed to kill you first!!!



I know.... shocker right? I mean who would think that everyone would target the guy that keeps everyone alive. It seems like a crazy strategy but it seems to be catching on. I think it started back when MMO's first existed. :rolleyes:


You know what else I discovered?



A good healer with guard is hard to kill....



I know... again the mechanics of team work and strategy coming together can be quite a lot to take in at once but it's true.


Healers do NOT need to be stronger or harder to kill. A GOOD healer is a pain as it is and they are the game makers and breakers of PvP. A team without healers will lose almost every time to a team with 2 or more healers, unless there is a huge gear/skill difference. This is working fine as is... if you want to survive longer and not get targeted.... roll a tank.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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HEALERS!!! Guess what?!?!



You're supposed to be squishy and people are supposed to kill you first!!!



I know.... shocker right? I mean who would think that everyone would target the guy that keeps everyone alive. It seems like a crazy strategy but it seems to be catching on. I think it started back when MMO's first existed. :rolleyes:


You know what else I discovered?



A good healer with guard is hard to kill....



I know... again the mechanics of team work and strategy coming together can be quite a lot to take in at once but it's true.


Healers do NOT need to be stronger or harder to kill. A GOOD healer is a pain as it is and they are the game makers and breakers of PvP. A team without healers will lose almost every time to a team with 2 or more healers, unless there is a huge gear/skill difference. This is working fine as is... if you want to survive longer and not get targeted.... roll a tank.


Gratz on reading fail. I was actually just pointing out that the balance comment threads posted in the class forums are being abused by people posting who do not (or at least claim not to) play other classes.


Oh also this thread is about sorc/sage heals NOT "OMG HELARZ ONONE!1".


+1 tho, great post.

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Gratz on reading fail. I was actually just pointing out that the balance comment threads posted in the class forums are being abused by people posting who do not (or at least claim not to) play other classes.


Oh also this thread is about sorc/sage heals NOT "OMG HELARZ ONONE!1".


+1 tho, great post.


To have a reading fail... I would have had to read your comment in the first place. That was in response to the OP.

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We arent suposed to be squishy and die first.


We are suposed to have every tool that every other dps spec out there has.


We are suposed to be killed / controled / outdpsed by good dpsers that outplay us and we are suposed to never be killed (even against the odds) when we are outplaying whoever is trying to kill us..... JUST LIKE ANY DPS SPEC.


We are (were) paying costumers just as any DPS class out there and we arent suposed to need a crutch (guard) to stay alive, do you need a crutch to kill people? No, you can do it solo right?


Is this so hard to understand?


"But you are too strong with guard"


NERF GUARD, transfer the survivability from the guard mechanics to the healers themselves.


"But what will tanks do?"


Restrict taunts to tank stances only.


GG Bioware hire me.

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GG Bioware hire me.


Please don't BW... you know what the funnest thing about any game is?


Killing people... make healers stronger and no one dies.


If you thought they lost a lot of subs already... hiring you would surely run them into the ground.


Open your eyes and look at things from a business perspective and not ONLY a healer perspective. I doubt anyone would enjoy a game where we all beat on each other with whiffle ball bats.


And seriously... is this your first MMO? I have yet to see an MMO that didn't have the tank/healer partnership. It's only been existent for about 10 years or so...

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Please don't BW... you know what the funnest thing about any game is?


Killing people... make healers stronger and no one dies.


If you thought they lost a lot of subs already... hiring you would surely run them into the ground.


Open your eyes and look at things from a business perspective and not ONLY a healer perspective. I doubt anyone would enjoy a game where we all beat on each other with whiffle ball bats.


And seriously... is this your first MMO? I have yet to see an MMO that didn't have the tank/healer partnership. It's only been existent for about 10 years or so...



5 years as a disc priest. 3 times gladiator.


Nope, never queued for arenas with tank people, just with mages and rogues.


You need to watch a movie called World of Roguecraft. Thats what marauders are in this game right now.


And no, MMO PvP is not just about killing people, its about outplaying people, controlling the fight and creating windows of opportunity to put pressure until the other team breaks.


You have to be skilled to kill people, i know it hurts but thats how serious games are kid, not every game is SWTOR where they give you kills in a silver platter.

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5 years as a disc priest. 3 times gladiator.


Nope, never queued for arenas with tank people, just with mages and rogues.


You need to watch a movie called World of Roguecraft. Thats what marauders are in this game right now.


And no, MMO PvP is not about killing people, its about outplaying people, controlling the fight and creating windows of opportunity.


You have to be skilled to kill people, i know it hurts but thats how serious games are kid, not every game is SWTOR where they give you kills in a silver platter.


Oh sorry... I didn't realize this was another marauder thread. Could of swore I read something about healers.


I also thought this game was about teamwork... kinda like DPS classes working together to take out healers.... or tanks and healers working together to help a team survive to capture objectives. The killing is just to keep it fun I thought... but maybe we play different games.


And I don't know.... but if this game lacks skill then how come I see marauders and PT's at the bottom of the list so often. How come I see PT's with ZERO protection. If it's ALL about classes and not skill... well then, why are you here?

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Oh sorry... I didn't realize this was another marauder thread. Could of swore I read something about healers.


I also thought this game was about teamwork... kinda like DPS classes working together to take out healers.... or tanks and healers working together to help a team survive to capture objectives. The killing is just to keep it fun I thought... but maybe we play different games.


Its not teamwork when healers and tanks have to hug and brace to barely survive the unending wave of DPS.


Healers + tanks = teamwork


DPS = zergwork?


Teamwork is about PLAYERS (regardless of what class/spec they pick) working together not CLASSES working together.


When you say "healers are suposed to X" , "dps are suposed to Y" and "tanks are suposed to Z" you already FAIL.


I cant count how many times i (as a healer) have killed people in arena. As a matter of fact one thing that used to DISTINGUISH goods from the riff raff disc priests was the fact that good discs played with extreme ofensive playstile and it has lead me to a very enjoyable experience and a ton of fun for me and for other people who were playing with / against me because IT ADDS DEPHT TO PvP.


Healers, dps and tanks arent suposed to do nothing, PLAYERS are SUPOSED to PLAY the game.

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Its not teamwork when healers and tanks have to hug and brace to barely survive the unending wave of DPS.


Healers + tanks = teamwork


DPS = zergwork?


Teamwork is about PLAYERS (regardless of what class/spec they pick) working together not CLASSES working together.


You DO realize that this game is designed to favor a balanced team set up right?


Bioware's intentions are for the CLASSES working together. Not JUST players. Do you read any of the information they release or just spam forums about how you should be able to beat everyone and BW needs to fix that.


It's funny but your comment is pretty redundant. You managed to mention all of the classes in 2 lines but somehow fail to recognize that all of these classes are necessary for success. The irony is amusing.

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Dont worry guys.


We have nothing to fear now the devs are getting feedback from REAL PLAYERS of the class. For example this average player of the class:




With reliable, unbiased feedback I'm sure balance will happen. Excuse me I have to leave now to

post in the marauder thread

wash my hair.


Now that is some funny crap. Walsh the known Sent pretending to be a healer and calling for more nerfs... wow. How bad can one person be? This is really sad...

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Wow just read that.


Truly pathetic isnt it. Honestly I'm tempted to go and post in every other classes thread saying "I pay an X, I feel OPd, skill cap is too low". Well, I would but tbh its so lame I just can't bring myself to.


So, so lame. Hopefully BW cross ref forum accounts with ingame to weed this out. If you dont have a 50 in the class, your opinion is ignored (as 1-49 is so diff from 50).

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You DO realize that this game is designed to favor a balanced team set up right?


Bioware's intentions are for the CLASSES working together. Not JUST players. Do you read any of the information they release or just spam forums about how you should be able to beat everyone and BW needs to fix that.


It's funny but your comment is pretty redundant. You managed to mention all of the classes in 2 lines but somehow fail to recognize that all of these classes are necessary for success. The irony is amusing.


Then bioware is failing at their goal because SKILLED DPS just throttle tru everything with minimal (if any) support from other classes/specs.


I spend half of my time in RWZs either running away from the melee pack or pulling my fellow dps sorc away from the marauder dogpile or off healing for my sawbones. They are always calling for help.


Now the 2 sentinels of my team never call for help, i rarely TALK to them AT ALL, all i hear of them is "hehe we **** that guy, haha see how that sorc got pwnt, hehehehe".


I help my team mates all game and im damn glad to do it, i am a healer and i love to play support. But the thing that bewilders me is that i have to support pretty much everyone on my team and i never have to support my sentinels, they are like gods, they charge in first, they solo ****, they dont need continuous healing besides a bubble every 30 seconds and an odd HoT and they are always the last to die.


Thats teamwork for you? Half of the team working their asses to not get ROFLSOMTPED by marauders and our sentinals giggling on the front?

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You DO realize that this game is designed to favor a balanced team set up right?


Bioware's intentions are for the CLASSES working together. Not JUST players. Do you read any of the information they release or just spam forums about how you should be able to beat everyone and BW needs to fix that.


It's funny but your comment is pretty redundant. You managed to mention all of the classes in 2 lines but somehow fail to recognize that all of these classes are necessary for success. The irony is amusing.


The inherent flaw in your argument is that it assumes you have the correct classes to even TRY to work together. It has been said MANY times, and clearly you miss the point repeatedly - A DPS can solo queue for a Warzone and still attempt to play effectively, a healer cannot because they rely on a class they have no garauntee will even be in the Warzone.


If Bioware intended for PVP to be balanced around classes working together, then they would implement some sort of matchmaking even for Solo, Non-Ranked WZs that ensures at least 1 healer and 1 tank, if not more. They don't do this. Their logic is flawed, and so is yours.

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If ever the world needs a few thousand selfish fixated clowns to defend it, we have a good list to select from.


Please stop the campaigns to destroy the game. If it is not fun to play a class, people who levelled that class will either quit or reroll, some will quit.


Please stop subscribing to games just so you can do your best to destroy the game.


Yes I realise forums are pretty much to be ignored, yes I realise most forum posts represent less than 1% of a games players, but boy, some posters are in dream land.

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Then bioware is failing at their goal because SKILLED DPS just throttle tru everything with minimal (if any) support from other classes/specs.


I spend half of my time in RWZs either running away from the melee pack or pulling my fellow dps sorc away from the marauder dogpile or off healing for my sawbones. They are always calling for help.


Now the 2 sentinels of my team never call for help, i rarely TALK to them AT ALL, all i hear of them is "hehe we **** that guy, haha see how that sorc got pwnt, hehehehe".


I help my team mates all game and im damn glad to do it, i am a healer and i love to play support. But the thing that bewilders me is that i have to support pretty much everyone on my team and i never have to support my sentinels, they are like gods, they charge in first, they solo ****, they dont need continuous healing besides a bubble every 30 seconds and an odd HoT and they are always the last to die.


Thats teamwork for you? Half of the team working their asses to not get ROFLSOMTPED by marauders and our sentinals giggling on the front?


1. DPS does not get targeted near as hard... so yes. They normally require less heals.

2. Yes, sorcs are squishy... but are capable of putting up top tier DPS and heals as is.

3. True... marauders/sentinels do have a lot of escape routes... again. Pretty sure this isn't another nerf marauder thread. But there are plenty of them if you'd like to complain there.

4. There are so many bad marauders out there right now that your claim of god mode DPS is pretty ridiculous. They're pretty easy to kill once you understand them. I am one and I target them after the healers are dead because I find them really easy to kill and I'm still wearing mostly BM.... Just because you don't understand the marauder and neither does your team does not make them god.

5. AGAIN... this thread is about healers. The OP thinks they need a buff... my argument is that they are fine. Why do you keep talking about marauders? Go complain on one of the many nerf marauder threads.


Anyways dude... you keep deflecting the original post into your own nerf thread. Yes marauders are strong. That's not the subject of this thread. Guess what? Over the course of another patch or 2 everyone will be complaining about another class. Few patches after that it will be a different class.... this is why they're called FOTM, flavor of the MONTH! Roll with the punches and eventually your time will come. Balance is a matter of perspective and will constantly change.


Welcome to MMO gaming.

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The inherent flaw in your argument is that it assumes you have the correct classes to even TRY to work together. It has been said MANY times, and clearly you miss the point repeatedly - A DPS can solo queue for a Warzone and still attempt to play effectively, a healer cannot because they rely on a class they have no garauntee will even be in the Warzone.


If Bioware intended for PVP to be balanced around classes working together, then they would implement some sort of matchmaking even for Solo, Non-Ranked WZs that ensures at least 1 healer and 1 tank, if not more. They don't do this. Their logic is flawed, and so is yours.


Have you ever played a WZ without healers against a team with a couple healers? 5 to 1 the team with healers wins. If not there is a serious L2P issue going on. Healers make or break this game and are the difference between wins in a WZ of competent players. THAT is my initial argument. Where is the flaw in that?


I love your idea about the solo matchmaking but that would delay queue's even longer and the masses would cry even harder. Personally I like the diversity of having a different team set up for each regular WZ. Makes things interesting and challenging. The only time I DON'T like it... is when I have no heals... ;)

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