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Not what I wanted from KOTOR or an MMO...


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I'm bored of this game already, it feels like all them other MMOs that have come out since 2005 that have tried to capitalise on WoWs success by copying it. I have to say I got bored of WoW back in 2005 and then TBC finally killed it off for me. I feel like if I wanted that game again I would go and play it. Everyone keeps saying SWTOR is nothing like WoW but it plays like it in every single way apart from the cutscenes which aren't very interesting for the most part.


The only quests I seem to get are;


"kill 10 of these"

"fetch this"

"deliver this"

"go speak to this person"


There are no fun quests in this game like a Single Player game would have. They aren't the quests I would expect from a KOTOR game and the only difference this time is they have a cutscene before and after. However I just feel like I'm doing the same thing I've done in every MMO since 2005 and that is the start of the linear quest grind.


The major problem with SWTOR for me is it doesn't feel like an MMO. The most people I've ever seen in one Planet is about 95 and there seems to be a few clones of each one. The worlds are so barren I don't see why we cannot just have one instance of each Planet to put some life into it. Then we have all this phased stuff which splits people up even more to make it feel more dead. You have this big space station hub which just makes me feel like guild wars or Diablo and these Planets are the questing hubs. It isn't that seamless MMO I wanted, infact I haven't ever seen more than 6 people in the same place, it's not massive at all.


The Planets are so dead though it's really depressing. The NPCs do not move around and look like mimes, what I mean by this is lots are constantly stuck in mid action. Would it have been so hard to animate the NPCs and get them to walk around and add more of them to populate the world? When I walked into Orgrimmar in WoW back in 2005 all the NPCs were packing that place out and made it feel so packed full of life. Coruscant is meant to be this packed city and yet it is more dead than EQ2s cities. Massive open spaces full of no NPCs and no people because they split people up over a few instances of Coruscant.......


Where is the sound design outside of the cutscenes? In other MMOs you click on an NPC and they say something or they say something on their own or grunt. The mobs in the game make noises and yet in this game they're silent as well. You cannot hear any sound effects on rivers or wind or anything. Like All I hear is music footsteps and in Cantinas the same clap sound effect used over and over.





I just find myself so bored and depressed while playing this game. It feels more like a coop online game rather than an MMO, it doesn't feel massive and isn't seamless. I constantly feel like I'm playing my own game and it is so lonely. The game is very linear in design so you cannot decide you hate a planet and go to another one to level up. In other MMOs there are a few zones to choose from and you'll always find one you like. In SWTOR you're forced down a linear path and I hit a planet I hate and want to quit. Everything about the level design is so sterile, it's just dead....


The worst thing is I played this game time and time again and this isn't even it done best. WoW has done this so much better many years ago and I'm bored of that game and have been looking for something new ever since.


SWTOR isn't the start of a new era for the genre, it is the end of the old one.

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Really the majority of the quests that I've run and I'm level 36 at this time, really isn't kill this or kill that... there are "some" but most of the "kill x amount" Are bonus associated with quests and aren't necessarily needed to complete it.


No MMO is attempting to redo another wow game.. what you refer to is the nature of MMO's even before wow.


Also this.

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he's dead right about the sterile part if nothing else.



The worlds need atmosphere, sound effects, npcs remarks, animation and movement of npc's, more wildlife. some background music as your going along.



I pretty much like everything else (well apart from the GTN ui that is) but the atmosphere is very sterile and lifeless.


And we are limited on choice of which planet to go to, there should be at least 3/4 planets to choose from for each level stage, so if you don't like one you can choose something else, also needs more starter zones, and an alternative choice for courascant, I'm bored with doing that 3 times already this last week.

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No story? What level are you? 5?

Dear god, there's a story behind every god damn quest in this game, including the sidequests.

Also, like someone else said, what KOTOR did you play where the quests weren't just fetch this, kill that, talk to him/her?

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he's dead right about the sterile part if nothing else.



The worlds need atmosphere, sound effects, npcs remarks, animation and movement of npc's, more wildlife. some background music as your going along.



I pretty much like everything else (well apart from the GTN ui that is) but the atmosphere is very sterile and lifeless.


And we are limited on choice of which planet to go to, there should be at least 3/4 planets to choose from for each level stage, so if you don't like one you can choose something else, also needs more starter zones, and an alternative choice for courascant, I'm bored with doing that 3 times already this last week.



Are we even playing the same game? I hear npc's holding entire conversations with eachother.


Or is this just sarcasm? lol

Edited by Shammus
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he's dead right about the sterile part if nothing else.



The worlds need atmosphere, sound effects, npcs remarks, animation and movement of npc's, more wildlife. some background music as your going along.



I pretty much like everything else (well apart from the GTN ui that is) but the atmosphere is very sterile and lifeless.


And we are limited on choice of which planet to go to, there should be at least 3/4 planets to choose from for each level stage, so if you don't like one you can choose something else, also needs more starter zones, and an alternative choice for courascant, I'm bored with doing that 3 times already this last week.


Coruscant is the worst.


Like they don't even feel like Planets as you're locked into this tiny space and Coruscant is the most enclosed and it has nothing in it! I cannot play Republic until they allow me to level up somewhere else and Dromund Kaas is hardly better.



I just don't understand why they made a linear MMO? It is like one big Tortage and will become so boring for the people who like it even.

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he's dead right about the sterile part if nothing else.



The worlds need atmosphere, sound effects, npcs remarks, animation and movement of npc's, more wildlife. some background music as your going along.



I pretty much like everything else (well apart from the GTN ui that is) but the atmosphere is very sterile and lifeless.


And we are limited on choice of which planet to go to, there should be at least 3/4 planets to choose from for each level stage, so if you don't like one you can choose something else, also needs more starter zones, and an alternative choice for courascant, I'm bored with doing that 3 times already this last week.


It seems that you are not very observant at all. I suppose you could just run through the quests like any other MMO. However if you stop for half a second and stop swinging that lightsaber you would notice the sound effects in the background. The lightening in Dromund Kaas is actually done quite well even if its not perfect.


Also I don't know if you have noticed but the planets are instanced, meaning there is several versions of the planet up at each time. This means more mobs and less people to compete with.


Really just leave if you aren't happy. It's not my problem. :D

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One question: What's the point in posting all of that without offering any suggestions of how the playing experience could be improved?


The scenario reads like this-

Disgruntled Player: So tired of killing stuff and finding things in a game made for adventure and defeating enemies, FIX NAO!

BW:...What would be better?

Disgruntled Player: NAO!


Posting complaints without offering suggestions for improvement is a waste of your time, a waste of my time for thinking it was going to be a constructive post and reading it, and a waste of BW's time for the same reason as mine.

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I've just started playing KOTOR2 again and I'm pretty such in the beginning all you do is kill a bunch of droids to get to the main communications station. Then you kill a bunch of droids to get into the mines, then some more to open an alternative route out. Oh I forgot, then you kill some assassins later on to escape. Lots of killing things, then a cut-scene, then back to killing things. So please how is this different from KOTOR again?
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he's dead right about the sterile part if nothing else.



The worlds need atmosphere, sound effects, npcs remarks, animation and movement of npc's, more wildlife. some background music as your going along.



I pretty much like everything else (well apart from the GTN ui that is) but the atmosphere is very sterile and lifeless.


And we are limited on choice of which planet to go to, there should be at least 3/4 planets to choose from for each level stage, so if you don't like one you can choose something else, also needs more starter zones, and an alternative choice for courascant, I'm bored with doing that 3 times already this last week.


Also this. Please get rid of the phasing and planet instances. Your servers are not going to explode.

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Not to sound rude, but this game is new. You have to give it time to grow and expand. The same way wow did. This game has a very solid foundation to build on, and I am excited to see where it goes.


That said, this game is NOT Wow. If you like Wow so much more, feel free to go back. I am sure I speak for the majority when I say "We left wow for a reason". I am sick of hearing about it.


Wow is ----------> that way.

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