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I absolutely HATE PVP at 50....


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I don't know what it is.



I also tried a ranked warzone today with a full 8 man pre-made. We fought the same same-faction group over and over again... all valor 100s with fully augmented warhero custom gear. Most of my team barely got 1 medal each - the luckiest of us got 6 or 7 medals. My team had recuit with some battlemaster mostly.



This is my biggest complaint about level 50 WZ. Apparently BW randomly matches teams with no regard for their strength. Depending on the composition of the player pool, this can result in one crushing result after another, which is not particularly entertaining for either side.


Currently the ranked WZ is "preseason". BW has stated that preseason is a test drive of the rating system. I assume they have not yet modified the match making algorithm to take into account team strength (rating).


I pray that when cross server queuing is available that we will see a match making algorithm that tries to set up matches which are NOT foregone conclusions.




By the way, has Bioware provided any explanation for how the rating system works? E.g. if I play 10 matches with one team of guys and then play the 11th rated match with a different bunch of guys, how does this work in the rating system?

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I have a life. I can't play 18 hours a day. I work a lot. And when I do have time to play the population is usually at it's lowest in the day cycle - so queue pop still takes longer. And it's not an excuse - it's reality.


Right. And none of us have jobs, families or extended responsibilities. lawl


18 hours a day. haha


I'm lucky to play 18 hours a week, but I still managed to get my main to full WH, and my second Main to almost full BM since 1.2. L2P and stop making excuses for being bad.

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I call shenanigans. If you're going to use "I can't play a lot" as an excuse to not be in full BM by now, you can't also say that you were in a queue for five hours.


Not sure if trolling, or just bad at math...


I'm not saying that I don't have time when I cant stay in a queue for five hours... like right now, i'm NOT in the game, I'm at work. I can't play now.


And to Tamby, I realized very quickly that I had no place in those ranked Queues, but my guild wanted to try them so I did. Won't be doing that again either. As for getting BM gear. It takes forever. I don't know how anyone get's that many WZ comms so quickly unless ALL you do is work toward that and you definitely have more time to play than I do.


In regular WZ's they still need to do soemthing about it.


I play PVP to have FUN. Fun is why I play these games. If I'm not having fun, (which doesn't necessarily mean winning, but at least enjoying a VERY close match...) then odds are good that I'm going to stop playing. I'm not asking for an instant I-win button. And anyone who knows me, knows I'm not one to exagerate or "troll" as you internet e-peeny types like to say.


My frustration largely comes from the fact that my gear should already be War Hero, but thanks to the crappy RNG champion bags giving me nothing, combined with ever de-populating servers, and no kind of trade in for the Champion gear I did have when they changed the system. Let's jsut say I feel Bioware doesn't understand much about PVP game design. Look at how Ilum was handled. That says a lot.

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I have a life. I can't play 18 hours a day. I work a lot. And when I do have time to play the population is usually at it's lowest in the day cycle - so queue pop still takes longer. And it's not an excuse - it's reality. What's your excuse?



Let's review,

1. You have champ gear.

2. Qued with recruit geared teammates in Ranked.

3. Don't have enough time to play/play at odd hours.




Sorry, but those seem like your issues, not game design.


Most of the people who actually play PvP have been in the 50 brackets for months and going against other heavily-geared players on a daily basis. You think gear has anything to do with that facestompping ya'll took? LMAO...If you play at odd times, go to a server in a different region (i.e. NA-->EU). If you were not on JC or FAT your were probably on a dead server, and TONs, including myself had no problem getting WH since 1.2 launched.


"Welcome to the NFL!" seems appropriate.

Lose by 40 or 400, it don't matter, but you can't just be Ms. Cleo and say ya'll would have won or even did better if the gear was "equal" and also complain like the bracket has something wrong with it since it didn't happen.

Edited by L-RANDLE
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You have to give PvP people something to work for, and PvP love getting the top of the line gear. The problem is, they should make non-ranked warzones have a a balanced entry point or something along those lines. Maybe in stead of bolster, there is a cap on stats when entering to where all level 50s can play at least somewhat competitively with limited gear disparity in order to work on getting gear. Once you go to ranked though; no holds barred and expect to get rocked.


Hey, if they put a limit on stats in non-ranked 50, maybe they could bolster up to that limit and have all levels in the 1-50 bracket again?


I'd happily participate in unranked, Expertise-stat-free Warzones where the Bolster function scales everyone up or down -- in a fair, consistent manner -- to equivalent gear.

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Seriously did no one read this?




It answers a lot of the questions I'm seeing here.


To all the people who keep saying "You have no clue what you'tr getting in PvP normal, hard or nightmare," this shold hopefully level it out. The full WH pre-mades will be in RWZ's and the more casual players will be in regular WZ's.

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I will say that gearing after hitting 50 is rough, as I have a lev 50 Sent (my first), that I wanted to experience the story line and planet quests with. Didn't hop into a pvp match at all with it while leving. Learned real fast the hard way after dinging 50 that was the wrong move. So I shelved her until 1.2 hit. Purchased the recruit gear. Did no damage and died all the time. Now she's in BM gear with a couple of WH pieces.


Was it fun? Yes and no. It was fun because I enjoy the pvp in this MMO. But at the same time, it took some of the enjoyment away I had playing that particular toon. This isn't a QQ post as this was totally preventable if I had pvp'd during leving, and was totally my fault for not thinking ahead. Now my next 3 50's where done to pvp perfection.


I guess what I'm saying is that from launch, some people had a plan from the start to get all the pvp experience they could. Which means the gear came with it. They EARNED IT with all the benefits it affords them.

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Sorry, but those seem like your issues, not game design.


Captain Obvious. Of course, those are my issues. I'm not gonna talk about your issues. I don't know what your issues are, but one of them seems obvious to me at the moment....


Most of the people who actually play PvP have been in the 50 brackets for months and going against other heavily-geared players on a daily basis. You think gear has anything to do with that facestompping ya'll took? LMAO...


Gear has the most to do with it. Perhaps you don't actually understand the mechanics of PVP in the games that use a specific stat for it. I played a gimped Shadowblade for years in DAOC before they realzied how nerfed they were and finally buffed them back up to competition level. And I was still a force to be reckoned with in that game - enemy factions would call for reinforcements if I was around. Also note: no PVP stats required to PVP in that game. PVP stats are evil.


If you play at odd times, go to a server in a different region (i.e. NA-->EU). If you were not on JC or FAT your were probably on a dead server, and TONs, including myself had no problem getting WH since 1.2 launched.


Well, bully for you. I play on PVE servers and I was hoping for a PVP planet when the game launched. Instead we got Ilum and Warzones. I like to keep my PVE and PVP separate and not get ganked while doing one or the other. I'm certainly not the best PVPer on the planet, but I know I'm better than my recent turnouts were showing. PVP gear does more than you realize obvisouly.


PVP expertise gear is everything. Skill comes next.


An average PVP player is going to - how is it you internet kiddies put it? - "wtfpwn" anyone just coming into the PVP world in recruit gear even if they are a better PVPer. I've seen it. I know it. I have a friend who does it. He's horrible at PVP but he does it all the time and has amazing gear. When I play his toon I destroy everything.


However a skilled player in War Hero Augmented is going to just annihilate all.


The forecast on this is easy: unless Bioware makes it so people enjoy it, win or lose, the people who don't enjoy it - will eventually not do it. Then the people who do "flex' all the time with being about winning and being "uber' will only have a limited group of other people to play against. It's like a club that you have to pass and suffer the worst hazing ever to be involved in.

Edited by Sendai_S
made a wording error
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Look its only natural for some gear imbalance with the merger. Ques from server to server varied wildly, so it is only natural that some are at a distinct advantage right now. It will even out pretty quickly.


Its not the end of the world. It's Pre-season and since you got more ques with the merge, stay in normals until you get BM. I would also not be surprised if they reset stats prior to the commencement of "real" ranked, so even getting spanked in RWZ is worth the comms alone to some...


BTW- BM is only slightly lower than WH in most cases, so you could "be way more competative" in ranked.

~8 WZ or less gets you a BM piece.


Oh and I play on a PvE server too, and since you didn't have que pops, you should have been doing dailies for CAMP/RAK Pieces, which are better than ANY PvP gear less than BM....

Edited by L-RANDLE
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Yeah, short of changing the system on your way up the non-ranked WZs to allow for getting BM before 50 or even at 50 with a bolstered/capped wz system, I have to agree that just taking your lashes isn't so bad while working on aquiring the stuff now. Just be ready to lose for a while and do what you can. Personally, when on my low level toons and I know I can't win, I just do what I can to waste the other guys time by LoSing or whatever I can think of. Edited by Technohic
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Captain Obvious. Of course, those are my issues. I'm not gonna talk about your issues. I don't know what your issues are, but one of them seems obvious to me at the moment....




Gear has the most to do with it. Perhaps you don't actually understand the mechanics of PVP in the games that use a specific stat for it. I played a gimped Shadowblade for years in DAOC before they realzied how nerfed they were and finally buffed them back up to competition level. And I was still a force to be reckoned with in that game - enemy factions would call for reinforcements if I was around. Also note: no PVP stats required to PVP in that game. PVP stats are evil.




Well, bully for you. I play on PVE servers and I was hoping for a PVP planet when the game launched. Instead we got Ilum and Warzones. I like to keep my PVE and PVP separate and not get ganked while doing one or the other. I'm certainly not the best PVPer on the planet, but I know I'm better than my recent turnouts were showing. PVP gear does more than you realize obvisouly.


PVP expertise gear is everything. Skill comes next.


An average PVP player is going to - how is it you internet kiddies put it? - "wtfpwn" anyone just coming into the PVP world in recruit gear even if they are a better PVPer. I've seen it. I know it. I have a friend who does it. He's horrible at PVP but he does it all the time and has amazing gear. When I play his toon I destroy everything.


However a skilled player in War Hero Augmented is going to just annihilate all.


The forecast on this is easy: unless Bioware makes it so people enjoy it, win or lose, the people who don't enjoy it - will eventually not do it. Then the people who do "flex' all the time with being about winning and being "uber' will only have a limited group of other people to play against. It's like a club that you have to pass and suffer the worst hazing ever to be involved in.


So please enlighten us on what you want to improve/change on this game so it can cater to your special needs special snowflake. Thank You.

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Captain Obvious. Of course, those are my issues. I'm not gonna talk about your issues. I don't know what your issues are, but one of them seems obvious to me at the moment....




Gear has the most to do with it. Perhaps you don't actually understand the mechanics of PVP in the games that use a specific stat for it. I played a gimped Shadowblade for years in DAOC before they realzied how nerfed they were and finally buffed them back up to competition level. And I was still a force to be reckoned with in that game - enemy factions would call for reinforcements if I was around. Also note: no PVP stats required to PVP in that game. PVP stats are evil.




Well, bully for you. I play on PVE servers and I was hoping for a PVP planet when the game launched. Instead we got Ilum and Warzones. I like to keep my PVE and PVP separate and not get ganked while doing one or the other. I'm certainly not the best PVPer on the planet, but I know I'm better than my recent turnouts were showing. PVP gear does more than you realize obvisouly.


PVP expertise gear is everything. Skill comes next.


An average PVP player is going to - how is it you internet kiddies put it? - "wtfpwn" anyone just coming into the PVP world in recruit gear even if they are a better PVPer. I've seen it. I know it. I have a friend who does it. He's horrible at PVP but he does it all the time and has amazing gear. When I play his toon I destroy everything.


However a skilled player in War Hero Augmented is going to just annihilate all.


The forecast on this is easy: unless Bioware makes it so people enjoy it, win or lose, the people who don't enjoy it - will eventually not do it. Then the people who do "flex' all the time with being about winning and being "uber' will only have a limited group of other people to play against. It's like a club that you have to pass and suffer the worst hazing ever to be involved in.

Here this might help explain why you were stomped. Someone else put it way better than I ever could....


I agree. I have yet to buy any recruit gear. Most of our games are huttball. I've maxed my medal count out more often than not using crafted pve 49 purples.


I would rather spend the cash on other things than throwaway gear. If you could buy the best gear in the game, I would consider it. But its so simple to get BM gear that its a waste of money.


Now I do think its funny when people come in with greens and blues that lvl 40 or lower. I kid you not, I saw a guy in lvl 50 pvp with a lvl 20 relic once.


I am editing this post to say a few more things.


Expertise will not help you do the following things:


o In huttball, when the ball carrier is a leaper, expertise will not prevent him from force leaping to you as you stand on the ledge.


o At any time, your cc/mezzzes/interrupts are not mitigated by expertise.


o Expertise does not help you jump the vents, or auto-pass for you..


o Expertise does not prevent you from being pushed into the fire, the pit or off the catwalk.


o Expertise does not enable you to detect stealth better. Likewise it does not make you more steatlhy.


o Expertise will not pop your cooldowns or relics. Nor will it tell you its time to get the buffs on the bg. It will not automagically cause you to use the ledges or catwalks.


o Expertise will not enable you to jump into a crowd of oppoents and stand in their aoe.


o Expertise will not change your keyboard turning into mouse turning.


o Expertise will not magically make you target the ball carrier or the healer with him. It will also not automatically cause you to seperate the tank using guard from his pal in some way.


I could go on and on.

Edited by L-RANDLE
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flat stats when you enter a warzone = no need to expertise. when you think of it this way, this means that the 50 bracket could be merged with the lowbies again and since gear wouldnt matter, all that would is the lack of skills a player has. i see nothing wrong with any that. if people still want the gear grind, than make the pvp gear viable in ranked warzones only(which could remain lvl 50 only), and give those elite players something to grind for. Edited by Regulaser
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Here this might help explain why you were stomped. Someone else put it way better t

than I ever could....

Expertise will not help you do the following things:


(separated into the response)



Let's go through the list since you seem to be constantly insinuating that I am a bad player.



Expertise will not help you do the following things:

  • In huttball, when the ball carrier is a leaper, expertise will not prevent him from force leaping to you as you stand on the ledge.

Duh. The number one thing I try to get across to the new guys in the 10-49 bracket. You'd be amazed how many people think the Mara's and Sent's are hacking too when they do their thing.


  • At any time, your cc/mezzzes/interrupts are not mitigated by expertise.

Also duh. That's resolve that does weird stuff. And sometimes I'm nto sure resolve is even working the way it's supposed to work.


  • Expertise does not help you jump the vents, or auto-pass for you.

Again with the captain obvious. Passing is the first rule of huttball. As long as you CAN pass, I tend to get stun locked a lot.


  • Expertise does not prevent you from being pushed into the fire, the pit or off the catwalk.

Sure and it also doesn't help you to do those things. Which I take great pleasure in doing to people in PVP matches.


  • Expertise does not enable you to detect stealth better. Likewise it does not make you more steatlhy.

Funny how all this stuff is just obvious. I feel like you think I don't already know all this.


  • Expertise will not pop your cooldowns or relics. Nor will it tell you its time to get the buffs on the bg. It will not automagically cause you to use the ledges or catwalks.

Wow. Rocket scientist at work here. I'm not even sure I need to go through it all.


  • Expertise will not enable you to jump into a crowd of oppoents and stand in their aoe.

Who the hell does this?


  • Expertise will not change your keyboard turning into mouse turning.

I've met ONE person in the game who uses the keyboard to turn. He was a PVEer and an older guy. He also mouse lcikced everything including targetting and his quickbar buttons. /shudder


  • Expertise will not magically make you target the ball carrier or the healer with him. It will also not automatically cause you to seperate the tank using guard from his pal in some way.

And we finished with a "duh".



No - expertise will simply make you outlast everyone, you take less damage and deal more. You get healed for more and you heal others for more. In it's current state, it's overpowered. The curve is too much for truly fun competitive play.

Edited by Sendai_S
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Full recruit gear gives you around 900 expertise. In terms of leveling the expertise field, this actually brings you close to expertise level of veteran which is around 1200 or so. Your damage may suffer a bit, because your primary stat/power/crit/surge is not so high, also you will have around 13k hp compared to 16k+.


But this changes very rapidly. Acquiring full BM is very very easy. I had 3 BM pieces before server transfers, I got all the rest of the pieces plus a warhero piece in 2 days (several hours of gameplay, I don't remember how much in total, but less than 10 hours in total) after the server transfers which brought my expertise to 1150+. So, gear grind is all easy to bring you on par with the most veterans. War Hero grind takes a lot longer, but the difference between BM and War Hero is not that huge.


Once you get your BM, if you constantly run into difficulties in WZ, it is time to stop and look at what is wrong. Is it your team that constantly sucks? Or do you need to revise your gameplay/rotation/spec tree

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I will admit it can be difficult to PVP as a fresh 50 but do what others have done and take your lumps and it will get better. BW has to draw some kind of line and should not be expected to cater to casual PVP'ers who are pissed off because they are getting face rolled when they are queing in ranked WZ's.

Your point has been made but your argument is not reasonable and now I am mad at you for being soooo freaking stubborn about it. :mad:

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Here are the prices for in WZ comm's for all the Battlemaster items:


Piece WZ Commendations

Chest 1400

Legs 975

Head 1050

Gloves 875

Boots 875

Belts 625

Bracers 525

Ear 625

Implant 625

Implant 625

Offhand 1100

Mainhand 1700

Relic 525

Relic 525

Total 12050


Now if you play 10 WZ's a day at let's say 15 minutes a pop, that's 150 minutes. I'll give you 5 minutes in between rounds. that makes it 195 minutes, just over 3 hours. If you lose all of those WZ but play from start to finish you should receive at least 60 WZ comms. That is 600 comms from matches plus 100 form the daily. So that's 700 a day. 12050 / 700 = 17.214 ~ 18 days of 3 hours a day / Maybe you can only play 3 days a week = 6 weeks.


1.2 dropped 14 weeks ago.



Edited by Capt_Beers
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Here are the prices for in WZ comm's for all the Battlemaster items:


Piece WZ Commendations

Chest 1400

Legs 975

Head 1050

Gloves 875

Boots 875

Belts 625

Bracers 525

Ear 625

Implant 625

Implant 625

Offhand 1100

Mainhand 1700

Relic 525

Relic 525

Total 12050


Now if you play 10 WZ's a day at let's say 15 minutes a pop, that's 150 minutes. I'll give you 5 minutes in between rounds. that makes it 195 minutes, just over 3 hours. If you lose all of those WZ but play from start to finish you should receive at least 60 WZ comms. That is 600 comms from matches plus 100 form the daily. So that's 700 a day. 12050 / 50 = 17.214 ~ 18 days of 3 hours a day / Maybe you can only play 3 days a week = 6 weeks.


1.2 dropped 14 weeks ago.




I love that you did this math :) And if said person won even 10% of those WZs that would cut nearly a week off.

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Here are the prices for in WZ comm's for all the Battlemaster items:


Piece WZ Commendations

Chest 1400

Legs 975

Head 1050

Gloves 875

Boots 875

Belts 625

Bracers 525

Ear 625

Implant 625

Implant 625

Offhand 1100

Mainhand 1700

Relic 525

Relic 525

Total 12050


Now if you play 10 WZ's a day at let's say 15 minutes a pop, that's 150 minutes. I'll give you 5 minutes in between rounds. that makes it 195 minutes, just over 3 hours. If you lose all of those WZ but play from start to finish you should receive at least 60 WZ comms. That is 600 comms from matches plus 100 form the daily. So that's 700 a day. 12050 / 700 = 17.214 ~ 18 days of 3 hours a day / Maybe you can only play 3 days a week = 6 weeks.


1.2 dropped 14 weeks ago.




You forgot to add the weekly in that equation. :cool:

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Here are the prices for in WZ comm's for all the Battlemaster items:


Piece WZ Commendations

Chest 1400

Legs 975

Head 1050

Gloves 875

Boots 875

Belts 625

Bracers 525

Ear 625

Implant 625

Implant 625

Offhand 1100

Mainhand 1700

Relic 525

Relic 525

Total 12050


Now if you play 10 WZ's a day at let's say 15 minutes a pop, that's 150 minutes. I'll give you 5 minutes in between rounds. that makes it 195 minutes, just over 3 hours. If you lose all of those WZ but play from start to finish you should receive at least 60 WZ comms. That is 600 comms from matches plus 100 form the daily. So that's 700 a day. 12050 / 700 = 17.214 ~ 18 days of 3 hours a day / Maybe you can only play 3 days a week = 6 weeks.


1.2 dropped 14 weeks ago.




In all fairness, the OP did say he/she was on a backwater server where the queues were insanely long and bordering on nonexistent. So while your above math is correct, it only applies for him/her in reality for the last week.


You forgot to add the weekly in that equation. :cool:


No, he did not forget. Read his post and you'll learn that he pre-assumes that every warzone was a loss. You have to win to get the weekly done.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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Here are the prices for in WZ comm's for all the Battlemaster items:


Piece WZ Commendations

Chest 1400

Legs 975

Head 1050

Gloves 875

Boots 875

Belts 625

Bracers 525

Ear 625

Implant 625

Implant 625

Offhand 1100

Mainhand 1700

Relic 525

Relic 525

Total 12050


Now if you play 10 WZ's a day at let's say 15 minutes a pop, that's 150 minutes. I'll give you 5 minutes in between rounds. that makes it 195 minutes, just over 3 hours. If you lose all of those WZ but play from start to finish you should receive at least 60 WZ comms. That is 600 comms from matches plus 100 form the daily. So that's 700 a day. 12050 / 700 = 17.214 ~ 18 days of 3 hours a day / Maybe you can only play 3 days a week = 6 weeks.


1.2 dropped 14 weeks ago.




I'm LUCKY if I get to queue for PVP once a week with my schedule at the present. Back in the winter when I did have time to play and was getting Champion bags all the time I got nothing then too - and in theory I shoulda had a full BM set shortly after, but I was one of the people that DIDN'T get a full set of armor out of his first 20 bags. 60 bags and all I got was an earpiece, a bracer and a pair of boots.


You're lucky you can play that much.

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I'm LUCKY if I get to queue for PVP once a week with my schedule at the present. Back in the winter when I did have time to play and was getting Champion bags all the time I got nothing then too - and in theory I shoulda had a full BM set shortly after, but I was one of the people that DIDN'T get a full set of armor out of his first 20 bags. 60 bags and all I got was an earpiece, a bracer and a pair of boots.


You're lucky you can play that much.


If you can only play once a week, why does it matter what gear you have, since you can't really use the gear anyway?

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I'm LUCKY if I get to queue for PVP once a week with my schedule at the present. Back in the winter when I did have time to play and was getting Champion bags all the time I got nothing then too - and in theory I shoulda had a full BM set shortly after, but I was one of the people that DIDN'T get a full set of armor out of his first 20 bags. 60 bags and all I got was an earpiece, a bracer and a pair of boots.


You're lucky you can play that much.


So this whole post is about your one match a week... if you're lucky?



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I'm LUCKY if I get to queue for PVP once a week with my schedule at the present. Back in the winter when I did have time to play and was getting Champion bags all the time I got nothing then too - and in theory I shoulda had a full BM set shortly after, but I was one of the people that DIDN'T get a full set of armor out of his first 20 bags. 60 bags and all I got was an earpiece, a bracer and a pair of boots.


You're lucky you can play that much.


You bring everything back to how things were before. This isn't 1.1, i'ts 1.3. I didn't get a single piece of gear in any PVP bag I opened before 1.2. There is a reason it was changed, move on...

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You bring everything back to how things were before. This isn't 1.1, i'ts 1.3. I didn't get a single piece of gear in any PVP bag I opened before 1.2. There is a reason it was changed, move on...


Actually, I'm merely lamenting on the point of my luck in this game... I got screwed on gear when I had time. And when I got the comms to spend on gear, it became wasted comms when they changed to recruit gear. Meanwhile the people who did have the luck, got to advance much faster in the gear tree than I did. So I got shunted all the way back to square one when they introduced recruit gear. Champ gear. Recruit gear. Seriously.


You move on. No one is actually hearing what I'm saying. PVP is not FUN at 50 - even when i occasionally get into that match where my team stomps the other team; that's NOT fun. That's sad. Fun is a good even match. If they continue to let hugely mismatched matches occur more nad more people will NOT want to queue up for PVP. The current state is not healthy.


I'm trying to look at the state of PVP as a whole here. Not jsut from my little tiny slice of it. I'm not the only one who feels this way about PVP, just I'm the only one willing to be vocal about it and put up with the beratement and ridicule of the PVP community to try and see some justice done.


P.S. pre1.2 bags when they were 3 comms each? or when they were 15 comms each? You weren't specific enough imho.... cause i'm talking about the 3 comms each bags....

Edited by Sendai_S
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