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What a waste of time


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So the only thing you are upset about is you now have to work for your social points?


Nothing to see here. Move along.


what? I don't know if you have done the social X grind. but if you are saying that it was easy-mode before it makes me think you haven't.


No one likes to do BT/ES runs for social points. We were made to. It was the only reliable way to get them because no other flashpoints had anywhere near the dialog options and story that those 2 did. You can either group up with a few friends or low levels and get 150-200 social points in a run of esseles or do the same in pretty much every other flashpoint and get 8-16.


It wasn't hard but it was long and annoying. Now (If the accusations are correct) They made it even longer and more annoying. Unless every at level boss is giving 30-50 social points It will take even longer with still none of the difficulty. do you realize how easy the level 50 flashpoints are for anyone with Campaign gear? It might as well be BT because its just as difficult...


I hope (still at work) that they didn't remove dialog social points. IMHO adding ways to get them is good taking any away makes little sense.

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how is it breaking the game?


other than running though content that is way below your level is pointless wouldnt you gain better socail exp from running fp's at your lvl?


AFAIK none of the other FPs give social points any where near what Esseles/Black Talon do. There's a reason that's the social run FP everyone uses.

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So if I understand you correctly, instead of BW forcing you to play with your own level.. you expect them to force you - and you're such a charmer.. - on other people who are below your level to ruin their dungeon experience?


Maybe you should have that ego tumor checked out, I don't know.


Speaking of Experience. The Experience goes down for the appropriate leveled characters if a higher level character is in their group. So I say Bio did a good job with the Group Finder Tool.

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If i want to do a social run on BT on my lvl 20 character i still have to do the usual thing of spamming general chat with "LFG" and hang around fleet.


Haven't seen it yet but this was exactly the remedy I was looking for. So many times I have been inadvertently teamed with an over-level character for an FP. It has made for an unchallenging and unpleasurable experience too many times to count. Glad they fixed this.

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So, just to get some clarification. What about people like me from low pop servers that weren't able to do Flashpoints as we leveled from lack of people to do them with? Even if I don't get social points, which doesn't bother me a great deal, I still need to do them. I'll need to do them HM, which all HM are lvl 50, right? So can I still use the LFG tool to go back and do all the flashpoints at HM for my Columi? If that's the case, then gearing up for my guild is my biggest concern, so that works for me.
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Haven't seen it yet but this was exactly the remedy I was looking for. So many times I have been inadvertently teamed with an over-level character for an FP. It has made for an unchallenging and unpleasurable experience too many times to count. Glad they fixed this.


How hard is it to not join social point runs or advertise level range in your LFM messages? There was no need to "fix" something people with a lick of sense can solve on their own.

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You get social points for killing bosses in groups now.


Also there's nothing stating that you will no longer get social points for conversations. So Black Talon/Esseles should still be viable for conversation social points. You just don't get social points when you kill the bosses if you are higher level.

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AFAIK none of the other FPs give social points any where near what Esseles/Black Talon do. There's a reason that's the social run FP everyone uses.


This is the real problem. There needs to be a lot more of this type of FP in the game which is what they pitched to us.

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This is the real problem. There needs to be a lot more of this type of FP in the game which is what they pitched to us.




I felt a bit ripped off my first play through when I realized the only FPs they ever showed us pre release BT/Ess turned out to be the only FPs that they seemed to spend that sort of time and effort on. The rest are jokes in comparison. Most of them have 1 conversation dialog that goes something like "there are some ______ in the ______ doing ______. We can kill them or disable them." And there is your dialog!


I did feel lied to.

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Um, can someone tell me where you no longer get social points for conversations? The only note I see about social points is defeating bosses more than 3 levels lower than you don't grant social points.


So you can still do BT runs for conversation social points.


Yeah, can someone whos been playing confirm this?

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Also there's nothing stating that you will no longer get social points for conversations. So Black Talon/Esseles should still be viable for conversation social points. You just don't get social points when you kill the bosses if you are higher level.


This is most likely true. In the patch notes it states:


"Players now earn social points for defeating Flashpoint and Operation bosses of appropriate challenge. No social points are gained for defeating bosses more than three levels below the player."


Nothing there about not getting the points from conversations. This may another one of those cases of people jumping the gun and not getting their facts straight before going ballistic about something.


Once I finally have a chance to go into the game (maybe by the weekend) I'll find out... unless something is posted in the forums verifying if you can/can't get the points from the conversations still.

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its forcing you into flashpoints that are within your level range, why does Bioware constantly FORCE you to play the way they want? why implement a tool that is completely pointless?


Compared with the recent heavy-handed "play it our way or else" changes in Diablo 3, the new SWTOR play-style changes don't seem all that bad. That said, I totally agree that it sucks not being able to run BT for a few hours to farm Social 10 anymore -- hopefully somebody will find a new way to farm social points...

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Just had a thought in addition to my previous post:


If the whole party is in at least full Columi, you should be able to farm social and alignment points in BT Hard Mode at about 10-15 minutes per run with no problem. Since the level cap is 50 and HM FPs are 50, you should be able to farm these -- until the cap increases.


Edit: Forgot to say that this method won't help if you're under 50, but otherwise you should be good to go.

Edited by ZeroOneNine
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That's a terrible attitude. Sadly, that door is swinging a LOT lately. Your reply doesn't help.


Yup that door is swinging and swinging fast. I am one of those people leaving... 2 days left. Bioware are doing a terrible job and they keep sending this game downhill. I keep checking the forums hoping things will get better but i am constantly disappointed by all of the megative comments from gamers. Seems bioware is unable to do anything right with swtor... So sad.

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You mean they fixed your exploit.


Plus you don't need to LFG for a flashpoint you can solo. LFG is for people who want to actually run a flashpoint, not be facerolled through it.


You however, do not get the social points if alone. I can understand why they would change this but it does kinda blow for players who do not do a lot of FP's. I did however just run a BT helping someone on a dead server on a level 20 and still got the points.

Edited by Luap
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Yup that door is swinging and swinging fast. I am one of those people leaving... 2 days left. Bioware are doing a terrible job and they keep sending this game downhill. I keep checking the forums hoping things will get better but i am constantly disappointed by all of the megative comments from gamers. Seems bioware is unable to do anything right with swtor... So sad.


Yeah! THey can't do anything right! They have limited down time, which is better then most other pay to play games on the market. They just released a LFG tool and several other nifty things in a content patch, within months of a previous HUGE content patch. They have a superb story telling questing system. They have recently offered free transfers to help people get on more populated servers. MAN! I wish they would do something to help this game! /sarcasim

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Yeah! THey can't do anything right! They have limited down time, which is better then most other pay to play games on the market.


Perception may be based on your time zone vs. your normal play time. I find that TOR downtime actually impinges on my play time more than other games particularly more than Rift. WoW was only a problem when they had extended maintenance after major patches.

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