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Are there any plans to make consular gear more "Manly"?


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Does anybody know if Bioware have said anything about changing up coming Consular gear to be not so girly. I'm sure the female players of this class have no problems but no one takes me serious as a larger body type male in a white frilly dress with a peacock fan on my head when tanking.:( or if anybody knows of any custom gear thats remotely manly please let me know. Brb washing my hair.
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As a male consular, I faced this problem, too. However, as light armor wearers, we get all the benefits of social gear. There are a couple of masculine sets. If your social level isn't high enough, do The Esseles seventy times a day with four people. If that doesn't work, then I'd say look in the Alderaan commendations vendor and you'll find two pairs of modifiable light armor pants. Any top, really, could join with that to look masculine. Good luck.
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Wait until you see the war hero force mystic robe. It has a really wide top that almost exposes your shoulders and looks really feminine. It looks good with the hat but... as the race with no eyes, I chose the red hat head gear. So I look like a cross dressing healing. Good thing they reduced the price for ripping mods....
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The only set of armor that I really didn't care for on a guy character are the Tradition Lashaa Silk vestments that you get from doing the various heroics on Nar Shaddaa I believe.




Other than that, the other robes don't look to bad, I can't say for the end game PvE or PvP, but other than that I really don't have a problem with it. I just got the Annointed vine-silk vestments last night on Belsavis, but I can't find a good picture of them for the Republic side, but they look similar to the Noble Jedi Sage vestments you get on Taris.



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On coruscant I got a nice orange hooded robe from one of the heroics and have been modding that untill I find something better. It has been working out for me so far.


I don't care all that much for the hooded robes because it makes your hair disappear all together.

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I went with the ultratech stalker robe&gloves, traditional demicot pants(sp?) and rakata boots all unified to chest, headpiece hidden. The robe looks more like a trenchcoat with the pants and rakata boots. Looks really cool on the quest speeders, particularly on the black one, since the outfit is mostly white.
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One of the big advantages to Campaign gear, you can get your own look. I no longer look like every other Jedi Consular out there, with 13. augments I can still wear my raiding gear and look good. :)
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'Could be worse. We could look like swamp people. I wonder if the inquisitors laugh as hard at our skirts, fans, and bare shoulders as we do at their bog camouflage. Edited by Zakaan
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Does anybody know if Bioware have said anything about changing up coming Consular gear to be not so girly. I'm sure the female players of this class have no problems but no one takes me serious as a larger body type male in a white frilly dress with a peacock fan on my head when tanking.:( or if anybody knows of any custom gear thats remotely manly please let me know. Brb washing my hair.


I think maybe you shouldn't make the assumption that we women want to look frilly and "girly." You're very very wrong about it and honestly I've heard more women complaining about it than the guys.


So my advice, as someone equally annoyed by the Consular gear, is to check out the Balmorran Resistance social set and the options you get from fleet commendations. I'm wearing the Balmorran Resistance chest and the civilian pilot's pants (fleet comms), which color sync to a nice dark/warm grey. The muse set boots color sync to black, which works well with the other two. I look a _little_ bit like a bounty hunter.




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I play a large framed male because I wanted to be a fat, lazy Jedi. I'm a little disappointed I can't put my character in the slave girl outfit. : / I really want to dress my bear in skimpy, very unflattering clothes. Anyone know what pieces of gear would work for this? : D
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On my female Consular, I've been wearing the Muse outfit for so long because it's the least horrid option.


On my male, I grabbed something off the AH that was tolerable and fortunately, some kind soul had the entire outfit for sale at a reasonable price.


1 - neither my female nor my male (dear god, especially my male!) Consular wants to wear a fraggin DRESS while slogging through a bloody warzone. Or a prison. Or a planet that, by all rights, should have been LEFT to the god forsaken rakghouls! (sweet baby jawas, I'd give anything to blow up Taris... personally)


2 - none of my characters wants to look like a Vegas showgirl, but especially not my Jedi. And no, Mr. Schubert, we are not freakin WIZARDS (as stated in The Art and Making of Star Wars: the Old Republic)! Nor do some of us want to dress like them. PANTS (or trousers, if you prefer) please. Jedi do actually wear them, you know. Watch a movie or five (I refuse to acknowledge TPM except for Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor) if you need inspiration.

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I do want to keep the lower robe though. But more manly chest and heads.


^ This, for the love of god. I'd settle for some better legs that don't look skin tight on every model but I agree the robes are nicely done. The hats... Lord have mercy. Bioware stole the hats right out of the Pope's wardrobe. :( I'd like it if they implemented more social gear for Consulars to mod out or let us wear the orange moddable Medium/Heavy armour but Adapt it to Light. I can understand why that wouldn't be too popular though :D My Sage wears the Omenbringers Robe with the Rakghoul Outbreak Social rewards for legs and boots. They're essentially white armour pieces that colour mods nicely but as I understand it, they're no longer attainable :(

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The Battlemaster set is ok, but the War Hero is just disaterous for both male and female. What on earth are you meant to look like?! I'm running the Voss social gear on my chick.


And you can always hide the helm...

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Not only more manly but less brown too. Our color choices right now are brown, dark brown and brown. Anakin wore black, Luke wore black. Revan wore black and had a mask as a Jedi. Our only mask looks like Casper the brownie ghost.
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