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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Anything gonna interfer with you trying out 1.3 tomorrow?


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Im really excited for 1.3 I cant wait to start tanking pugs ( Never EVER thought I would say that) with my JK but unfortunatly tomorrow is also the release date of ASM and im gonna be up to my boots in web fluid as I swing all over NY. Anyone else having 1.3 scheduling conflicts?



P.S. This is all based on the fact that im pretty sure I say a dev note saying 1.3 im gonna go recheck but im lazy so im gonna post this first!

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I'll be back leveling alts again just like the day after transfers, and the day after 1.1, and the day after 1.2.


Not enough credits to bother with legacy, not enough time to bother with raiding the same old crap, not enough care to bother with ranked WZs.


*slaps on his LucasArts brand blinders*


Alting here we go.

Edited by Celebrus
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Other side of that coin. Been playing constantly since Feb. Can't get enough. Really looking forward to being able to run more HMs and Ops with the group finder. And... who knows what other undocumented goodies might be in store for us.
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Im really excited for 1.3 I cant wait to start tanking pugs ( Never EVER thought I would say that) with my JK but unfortunatly tomorrow is also the release date of ASM and im gonna be up to my boots in web fluid as I swing all over NY. Anyone else having 1.3 scheduling conflicts?



P.S. This is all based on the fact that im pretty sure I say a dev note saying 1.3 im gonna go recheck but im lazy so im gonna post this first!


My conflict is that my account is canceled....its too bad really. Wish I could play......not.


Have fun y'all!

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My sister's crappy internet which will also mean me most likely having to wait for the ME3 DLC until I get home sometime near the weekend (so it'll be bye-bye forums until then, no spoilers for me this time).


Also an afternoon out with the family to watch the Olympic Torch passing by.


Still, I've got the secret world closed beta to play in so it's not all bad :cool:

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I have tempered hopes for this patch. It's kind of make or break for me with this game.


I hope that Ranked Warzones gets all the raging premades out of the normal warzones so I can enjoy them again. But I bet they comeback to normals after the first few days when one team asserts its dominance over the others.


I'm sure the LFD tool will work great but the first time I get kicked from a group for watching the cut scenes or having inferior gear, it's going on the shelf and I am going back to soloing again.


I'm very disappointed with the new legacy perks, they're too expensive not that I would use them anyway. The only perk I was interested in was an exp reduction perk and they did not give us one of those.


Looking forward to the scavenger hunt event and reduced load times.

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I doubt I will even bother to log in, the legacy stuff is far too expensive and thus a total wasted effort by BW. I have found the HM FPs to be dull and uninspired, LFG tool is not going to change that. Level 50 content consists pretty much entirely of pushing everybody into group content and throwing the whole "story driven" concept right out the window as soon as you hit 50. 50 gets you the mind numbing boredom of a limited selection of dailies and the hamster wheel of endless group content and every group gravitates toward doing the easiest quickest runs that will get dailies group quests done and never sets foot in the harder, longer ones.
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Im really excited for 1.3 I cant wait to start tanking pugs ( Never EVER thought I would say that) with my JK but unfortunatly tomorrow is also the release date of ASM and im gonna be up to my boots in web fluid as I swing all over NY. Anyone else having 1.3 scheduling conflicts?



P.S. This is all based on the fact that im pretty sure I say a dev note saying 1.3 im gonna go recheck but im lazy so im gonna post this first!



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I'll be back leveling alts again just like the day after transfers, and the day after 1.1, and the day after 1.2.


Not enough credits to bother with legacy, not enough time to bother with raiding the same old crap, not enough care to bother with ranked WZs.


*slaps on his LucasArts brand blinders*


Alting here we go.


Pretty much this. Nothing new that I am "dieing" to try out in 1.3 or can "afford" in legacy.

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Tomorrow is also the release of the extended ME 3 ending, and dawnguard.



But i don't know if I will be playing TOR tomorrow simply because my friend reserved my name on the server we're transferring to because all of his were taken and his sub ran out.



Probably won't be logging in until I can get my name for my main.

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Don't take tomorrow off, don't expect to be able to play until late at night if at all.


This isn't a shot at BW, its just how these things tend to work in a lot of MMOs


Never play on patchday (used to say this back when we were playing Ultima Online...you could hear that a lot from WoW players too, though...)

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I heart 1.3 will NOT be content heavy, so for those of you who think it's gonna change the game drastically it pretty much wont, content-wise. The game is just supposed to add mostly new mechanics and improve on ones already added from what I read a while back.


Honestly, I'm not really excited tomorrow. I'll probably play but for not that long...

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