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When is bioware going to fix tank assassins in dps gear?


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+10/10 . sickboy needs to learn how to play ,adapt and analyse . maybe then he will win ,maybe.. tired of these kids crying nerf just because they can't win over someone. ever thought about that specific guy is just plain simple better than you?!


I'm not calling for nerfs for anyone until Rated WZs come out, but you DO realize that Tanksins beat EVERY class/spec 1v1 right?


It takes a very good Tanksins to do it since they have a ton of skills to use, and properly timing and comboing them takes a lot of effort. However, once you learn how to counter each class you will find that you can beat ANYONE as a tanksin. They really do have no counters in a 1v1 environment.


The only way to "beat" a tanksin is hope he is under geared or hasn't learned how to counter your class yet.


But I could care less about 1v1 balance. I am far more interested how the classes are balanced in regards to 8 man premades for Rated WZs. While I do think that Tanksins bring way to much to a team(Fills the role of a Tank perfectly, Awesome burst damage, Most CC in the game, Arguably the best at EVERY objective, and does it all at once). I am willing to wait and see how it plays out before any serious balancing needs to occur.

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Please refrain from being rude and conduct yourself civilly and maturely, or don't bother posting at all. Calling someone's opinion "crap" because you either disagree and/or have a vested interest in the AC being discussed is neither of these.


Now to address your response.....


My opinion is as unbiased as you're going to find in this thread. I have no problem whatsoever with any AC who can beat me 1v1. The problem I have is when they can beat me and two other players by themselves because they do too much damage while still being too hard to kill. Regardless of whether you agree with my suggestions about how to fix that or not, you can't deny that there is a problem here with tank specs wearing DPS gear. You either need to be one, or the other. Having both results in fundamental imbalances to the PvP dynamics of this game.


That said, let me ask you a slightly rhetorical question. Have you actually tried wearing tank gear with a tank spec in PvP? I suspect the answer to that is no, because like most tanks who have been using DPS gear, they would have to repurchase their WH gear to do that or they would need to have two sets of PvP gear in order to compare one to the other. But until you've tried it, how can you comment on its effectiveness?


I have the benefit of knowing a player who wears tank gear while in his tank spec. He is remarkably effective at denying objectives, and considering all WZs in this game are objective based, he's more often the reason his team wins than any other single player. It takes at least 3 DPS of equal gear to bring him down, and that's assuming he doesn't have a healer anywhere near him, and even with 3 DPS focus firing him, he cannot be killed quickly. He's therefore more than capable of denying an objective while he waits for his teammates to reinforce his position. More experienced teams will avoid the objective he's guarding because he's often too difficult to bring down quickly enough to capture the objective before his help arrives. I'd say he'd disagree with you completely about tank stats not being useful in PvP. If you want to talk with him, his name is "Fluxs" on the Beregen Colony. I'm sure he'd be willing to share some of his experiences with you.


And that brings me back to my point. If you are playing a tank role in PvP, your role is to guard healers and to deny objectives. That's it. You shouldn't be able to DPS out of a wet paper bag, but you should be very hard to take down. Conversely, if you want to DPS, you should sacrifice the damage mitigation of a tank to do so. No one with any desire for game balance can argue otherwise.


Thats alot of text...

I'd say assassins 2v1 abilities are more of a cd thing then a class thing. I've gotten 2v1'd by a tankassin as a tankassin (am max'd full wh myself...). Its as simple as getting mezz'd twice while your healer gets stunned twice and unloaded on, and then them proceeding to get lucky in the 1v1. If youre already nearly spent and the assassin is fresh, they are going to lock you down really really well... Its how the class works... even assassin vs assassin.

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Um... am I missing something here? No other tanks perform like Tanksin? What? when did they nerf "Iron fist"?


I don't remember them buffing Darkness or Nerfing anything in the Iron fist build. As a person who plays both I can honestly say I have no Idea which is more effective. I love them both.


Though they both do great in all aspects of PvP I do have preference.


Vs Other classes.


I will take my Iron fist Vanguard over my Shadow any day against healers period. My shadow just cannot keep up the damage pressure and keep those heals interrupted reliably. My Vanguard can completely shut down a healer in a way my Shadow cannot dream of.


I like my shadow more for fighting DPS. the Vanguard has a little less DPS than the shadow and a little less in the way of active defense so while over all my vanguard takes less damage. the amount my Shadow can heal back makes his defenses more effective in solo situations. the nice part of fighting DPS with my shadow is once they get in that execute range they are pretty much finished. Where they can still get away from my Vanguard.


In Warzones


I prefer my vanguard in Huttball as a defender. I can stop targets easier with infinite slows and roots not to mention pinpoint accuracy on pulling them off the ramps and getting back up ramps with a charge.


I prefer my shadow in Huttball as offensive. Sprints and defensive cooldowns make for great running skills and a well timed knock back can be all that is needed to get into the endzone.


In Civil war / Novare coast I love them both as defenders. However I will venture to ninja a node with my shadow long before I will try with my Van simply because of stealth. But I am hard pressed to pick which one I feel is the better defender. While my Shadow can take 2 DPS at once if I play the encounter perfectly. A good healer will nitpick me to death with no problem. My Van can pretty much take anything 1v 1 but falls short on almost any 2v1 situation. However my Van shines with a partner especially a healing one in ways that my Shadow just cannot. So truly I cannot say which is the better.


In voidstar I am 100% attack mode on my Shadow, sprinting from door to door and supplying support for where ever it is needed. Mobile tank tossing guards on whomever needs them. On my Van I usually post up with a healer and 2 man cover a door weather its Offense or Defense I can hold a door hostage for much longer than my more bursty less utility having Shadow can. With a healer at my back my Van is near unstoppable in ways my shadow wishes he could be.


VS eachother.


I have a better win rate on my Van vs tanksins than on my shadow vs tank powertechs. Though I feel that has something more to do with the rarity of tank Powertechs than anything. I break about even on my fights with Tanksins on my Vanguard and I can honestly say that most of them that do beat me do by running away repeatedly and grabbing WZ buffs returning and taking me out. Most that stay and fight lose. (I typically attribute that to bad playing) so I would say IMHO Tanksin > Ironfist in the situations of 1v1. But since Warzones aren't 1v1 I don't really mind it. And I would hardly say that a Tanksin > Vanguards in PVP period.





As for tank gear in PVP I haven't tried it since well before 1.2. Back then I just didn't see a reason for it. Shield effects and defense just don't reliably work against many classes attacks in PVP So I and a lot of tanks don't see a reason to use them. Armor, HP, and damage reduction skills are just better tank stats than the others and you can get those easily while still using DPS gear. that is the reason so many tanks use DPS gear instead of tanking gear. Becase BW decided tanking gear needed to be less effective in PVP. The difference in survivability for my Vanguard (my only tank pre 1.2) in PVP with tank gear or DPS gear was so negligible It was sad. So I went DPS gear and never looked back. Perhaps if those shielding buffs ever get implemented in pvp I will try tank gear again. Since that is what I really wanted to do in PVP in the first place.

Edited by Emencie
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Juggs/Guardians have a similar issue where they are wearing DPS gear in tank specs and doing too much damage for the damage mitigation they get, although it's not as exacerbated as Sins/Shadows because they don't have all the tools that Sins/Shadows do. But dropping 5k Smashes in a tank spec isn't something that should be happening.


And it doesn't happen. They can do that in tank STANCE but not in tank spec. Their mitigation is relatively low as many attacks in this game bypass armour anyway so Soresu form doesn't do much for them, apart from being able to Guard healers which is useful I admit. But they will want to play in Shii-Cho from tomorrow because of the 6% damage boost it gives to Force attacks with Single Saber Mastery.


Defense spec in DPS gear is basically useless. Low survivability, low damage (I tried it once after forgetting to respec after an Operation, it was painful :D). It's notot like Assassin/Shadow tanks at all

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And it doesn't happen. They can do that in tank STANCE but not in tank spec. Their mitigation is relatively low as many attacks in this game bypass armour anyway so Soresu form doesn't do much for them, apart from being able to Guard healers which is useful I admit. But they will want to play in Shii-Cho from tomorrow because of the 6% damage boost it gives to Force attacks with Single Saber Mastery.


Defense spec in DPS gear is basically useless. Low survivability, low damage (I tried it once after forgetting to respec after an Operation, it was painful :D). It's notot like Assassin/Shadow tanks at all


That's a good point and clarification, and therefore a flawed comparison I made to Shadows/Assassins.

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They are the most overpowered class in the game and take zero skill. Why haven't they been nerfed yet? this isn't something new either, this has been going on for a long time. Something needs to be done.


Assassin tanks is dps gear are totally not a problem. According to bioware, the only issue with them is that tank specced/geared assassins are overperforming slightly in pve.

Edited by timidobserver
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Even after the class get's nerfed people are STILL complaining about Shadows/Sins. Everyone complains about the damage, but the damage isn't that high. Shadows still die as fast as other callings, PT's, Mara's, Jugg's have more survivability. I spec into the tanking tree for the UTILITY it offers me, not the survivability, I don't take kinetic ward and I don't use an offhand shield, yes I am in full DPS gear and I play 23/1/17. It is the utility that makes the class so useful, the pull, spinning kick is an extra interrupt, decent mobility, average to good DPS.


Those of you complaining and who will no doubt STILL complain after tomorrow are probably getting beaten by good players, not necessarily the class. Concealment Operatives are meant to be horrible in PvP, yet there are some that can kill me and make me look like an amateur, is the class OP nope, is that player better than me, yes.

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Assassin tanks is dps gear are totally not a problem. According to bioware, the only issue with them is that tank specced/geared assassins are overperforming slightly in pve.


If you want a REAL overpowered class that takes zero skill, take a look at Pyro Powertechs. Minimal skill/effort required for maximum return.

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Thats alot of text...

I'd say assassins 2v1 abilities are more of a cd thing then a class thing. I've gotten 2v1'd by a tankassin as a tankassin (am max'd full wh myself...). Its as simple as getting mezz'd twice while your healer gets stunned twice and unloaded on, and then them proceeding to get lucky in the 1v1. If youre already nearly spent and the assassin is fresh, they are going to lock you down really really well... Its how the class works... even assassin vs assassin.


I can't recall all the specifics, such as what CDs I had up or down, as it happened almost a month ago in a Civil War match. What I do recall is that the other two players were also DPS, but I don't remember what gear they had (I myself was in BM with some WH pieces). The Tanksin (who I might add was very well-played) was solo guarding the east turret, and when we went to take him out, he kept me and another DPS CC'd while he worked on killing the third. It seemed like everytime the three of us got on him, he'd either vanish or sprint out of melee range long enough to CC us again. He quickly killed the first guy, then moved on to the second. Eventually he kills the 2nd player and then it's just me and him. By then, he had help arrive, but I'm pretty sure he would have won anyway even if they hadn't shown up. Essentially, he was able to keep the fight at 1v1 odds most of the time, which he easily won. Very smart, but very imbalanced that any AC is capable of doing that.


And while I'm certain we made mistakes, like not coordinating our own CC to shut him down when we got him down to 20%-30% or so, it shouldn't take the coordinated efforts of three DPS to kill one AC that also has sufficient DPS to kill the three that's on him. That was my point. If it was a pure tank or a healer and we weren't getting them down due to lack of coordinated CC but they aren't capable of killing us in turn, that would make more sense to me.


I think it's probably fair to say that this was an exceptional example of what Tanksins are capable of doing, and definitely not something that happens often. Which is to concede that the average Tanksin player won't be nearly as effective, but it still highlights the underlying issue that they are simply too good at too many aspects of PvP.

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I can't recall all the specifics, such as what CDs I had up or down, as it happened almost a month ago in a Civil War match. What I do recall is that the other two players were also DPS, but I don't remember what gear they had (I myself was in BM with some WH pieces). The Tanksin (who I might add was very well-played) was solo guarding the east turret, and when we went to take him out, he kept me and another DPS CC'd while he worked on killing the third. It seemed like everytime the three of us got on him, he'd either vanish or sprint out of melee range long enough to CC us again. He quickly killed the first guy, then moved on to the second. Eventually he kills the 2nd player and then it's just me and him. By then, he had help arrive, but I'm pretty sure he would have won anyway even if they hadn't shown up. Essentially, he was able to keep the fight at 1v1 odds most of the time, which he easily won. Very smart, but very imbalanced that any AC is capable of doing that.


And while I'm certain we made mistakes, like not coordinating our own CC to shut him down when we got him down to 20%-30% or so, it shouldn't take the coordinated efforts of three DPS to kill one AC that also has sufficient DPS to kill the three that's on him. That was my point. If it was a pure tank or a healer and we weren't getting them down due to lack of coordinated CC but they aren't capable of killing us in turn, that would make more sense to me.


I think it's probably fair to say that this was an exceptional example of what Tanksins are capable of doing, and definitely not something that happens often. Which is to concede that the average Tanksin player won't be nearly as effective, but it still highlights the underlying issue that they are simply too good at too many aspects of PvP.


No AC can keep 2 characters CC'd long enough while killing the 3rd, the only one's the *might* be able to pull off such magic tricks is an Hybrid heal specced Operative with Flashbang or a Pyro with it's AoE CC. Either way, the other players with you MUST have been in recruit gear OR you guys are terrible, terrible players.


Either that or you are just plain lying.


There was a Sorc that used to call me OP via /say everytime I killed him, this was the same Sorc that made NO attempt to kite me or use his own CC of which is has plenty to counter me. He used to bubble himself and spam force lightning at me while face tanking my damage. It seems that there are so many players who for some reason have no idea how to counter Sins/Shadows.

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I can't recall all the specifics, such as what CDs I had up or down, as it happened almost a month ago in a Civil War match. What I do recall is that the other two players were also DPS, but I don't remember what gear they had (I myself was in BM with some WH pieces). The Tanksin (who I might add was very well-played) was solo guarding the east turret, and when we went to take him out, he kept me and another DPS CC'd while he worked on killing the third. It seemed like everytime the three of us got on him, he'd either vanish or sprint out of melee range long enough to CC us again. He quickly killed the first guy, then moved on to the second. Eventually he kills the 2nd player and then it's just me and him. By then, he had help arrive, but I'm pretty sure he would have won anyway even if they hadn't shown up. Essentially, he was able to keep the fight at 1v1 odds most of the time, which he easily won. Very smart, but very imbalanced that any AC is capable of doing that.


And while I'm certain we made mistakes, like not coordinating our own CC to shut him down when we got him down to 20%-30% or so, it shouldn't take the coordinated efforts of three DPS to kill one AC that also has sufficient DPS to kill the three that's on him. That was my point. If it was a pure tank or a healer and we weren't getting them down due to lack of coordinated CC but they aren't capable of killing us in turn, that would make more sense to me.


I think it's probably fair to say that this was an exceptional example of what Tanksins are capable of doing, and definitely not something that happens often. Which is to concede that the average Tanksin player won't be nearly as effective, but it still highlights the underlying issue that they are simply too good at too many aspects of PvP.


I'm sorry to say, but the only thing that was overpowered in that scenario was the player behind the keyboard. I have seen that happen with other AC's. Heck it happened to me and 2 others a couple of days ago multiple times against a Juggernaut. Forgot the guys name, but we kept getting queued against him. He was able to shut all three of us down and solo all three of us. And this was on my Tank Shadow. I've also had it happen to us against a Sniper and against an Operative. I've done it to people myself on my Focus Sentinel and on my Shadow. Bottom line? It wasn't the class that beat you or me. And it wasn't the class that allowed me to beat those 2v1 and 3v1. It was the player.


And from what you wrote, that player was on top of his game. And contrary to popular belief, a 2v1 or 3v1 isn't always a guaranteed win.

Edited by DarkSaberMaster
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If you want a REAL overpowered class that takes zero skill, take a look at Pyro Powertechs. Minimal skill/effort required for maximum return.


Ahahaha, your nick sounds very familiar to me. I might be one of those pt pyros that have been kicking your butt on freedon nadd:) Honestly i dont think that invisible classes deserve any buffs at all.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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I don't know why it seems popular to say Pyros are OP. Maybe they are but they're OP In a way that rarely impacts your gameplay. They could be doing twice their current DPS and it wouldn't impact most players because unlike Marauder/Tankasin, the Pyro's type of OP counters itself and I don't mean the 'reroll' kind. That is, since the class is offense strong/defense weak, it'd make the most sense for a Pyro to kill the enemy side's Pyro first. Even if their DPS got further boosted (which would be riduclous) you'd just have Pyros randomly one shot each other so from a non Pyro point of view it's still pretty balanced (your side's Pyro randomly gets one shotted which determines which sides randomly loses).


At any rate Tankasins are getting a signficant nerf to defense tomorrow and that's probably enough to bring them back in line with other classes.

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I don't know why it seems popular to say Pyros are OP. Maybe they are but they're OP In a way that rarely impacts your gameplay. They could be doing twice their current DPS and it wouldn't impact most players because unlike Marauder/Tankasin, the Pyro's type of OP counters itself and I don't mean the 'reroll' kind. That is, since the class is offense strong/defense weak, it'd make the most sense for a Pyro to kill the enemy side's Pyro first. Even if their DPS got further boosted (which would be riduclous) you'd just have Pyros randomly one shot each other so from a non Pyro point of view it's still pretty balanced (your side's Pyro randomly gets one shotted which determines which sides randomly loses).


At any rate Tankasins are getting a signficant nerf to defense tomorrow and that's probably enough to bring them back in line with other classes.


So if you want to stop the enemy pyros blowing you up... stack pyros yourself to blow them up first?

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Whats funny is this so called nerf won't change the fact that good players shine, and bad players stay bad. In my opinion shadow/assassin tanks are a utility spot to guard a healer, to carry a huttball, to cc a group, to help a team. Just because something in the tree is geting reduced in 1.3, don't mean 1.3. will change anything.


What do I mean?


In 1.3 all your armor, relics, implants, ear pieces, offhands can have a augment slot. What that means is a increase in endurance, power, or whatever you need to maximize your class.


How will this affect the current so called nerf to shadows/assassins tanks?


More stats, more hp, more more more. Just because biochem is geting nerfed outta pvp with no adrenals, does not mean shadows/assassin will be any less effective.


Your going to find shadow/assassin tanks useful for a long time, even when specced into dps, no nerf will change that fact.




As I said in this post, good players will shine, and bad players will stay bad.

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Please refrain from being rude and conduct yourself civilly and maturely, or don't bother posting at all. Calling someone's opinion "crap" because you either disagree and/or have a vested interest in the AC being discussed is neither of these.


No, it's not being rude, it's simply giving my opinion just as you gave yours. If you choose to take it as rude that's all on you. :rolleyes:


Now to address your response.....


Again, you want tanks to be forced into wearing gear that:

A) Gimps them compared to DPS stat'd gear, because tanks stats do not provide anywhere close to the same benefit to their role in PvP as DPS stats do. This has been proven time and time and time again. The best players, the best number crunchers and theorycrafters all provide the same conclusion. "Tank" stats (and most of the talents to buff said stats as well) are crap, ALL tanks should be in DPS gear. They're not even in the same universe when it comes to the benefits derived from them.


2) Reduces their ability to protect a healer. Right now the best way to protect a healer is by killing the person attacking him. Period. Guard is useful, though most of the time only for having a dead tank AND healer, but it is useful in prolonging a fight for a bit. Taunts however are a thousand times better because it's a flat damage reduction instead of a damage re-distribution. However your ability to kill ANYONE in "tank" gear is nill. Which means the best you're going to do is feebly tickle the dpser attacking the healer while soaking damage yourself. It is no contest, having the damage potential to actually KILL an attacking player on your healer is far far far more beneficial.


C) Potentially kills "tank" specs as a whole. Right now PvP based tank spec's are hybrids for pretty much every AC (except Sins, but that's because their tank spec actually has worthwhile abilities in it). VG's and Guards for the most part only go as high as the best UTILITY skill in the tank tree and then dump everything else into abilities that give them potential for damage. Of course BW is doing their best to nerf damage right out of tanks altogether, but that's a different matter. Even now it's completely iffy whether being a "tank" spec is worth it at all considering that you can go DPS spec, actually KILL people (which gets them off your healers) AND rake in 75k (sometimes more) protection via good use of taunts alone (which also protects your healers).


If you're looking for "balance" by forcing tanks into sub-par gear/stat distribution then every DPS class needs to have all of their defensive abilities gutted. After all they are DPS, they aren't supposed to be tough/durable. Just like your arguments that "tanks" aren't supposed to have damage capability.

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A lot of QQ here. Some people must be mad they died to a tank shadow. So many other classes can min max their gear how they want. It's not tied to a spec. That would be silly. If I couldn't wear the dps gear I spent hundreds of hours getting in any if my whopping 3 specs it would kill the game for me.


I run KC hybrids and dps builds. Who cares what gear I use. If tank stats were worthwhile more people may wear it. As of now it is completely worthless besides the HP and defense. All u guys crying about tanksins may be begging for them back once these out of control maras and powertechs are lighting u up.

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i love these people saying darkness damage is on par with deception. it is no where near comparable. thrash might hit as hard as voltaic strike, due to all the modifiers you can get in the darkness and madness trees. but shock hits no where as hard in tank spec then it does in deception. proc energize, hit your relic/adrenal/recklessness. still doesn't come close to doing that with deception (minus the energize proc) discharge? no way. maybe if you combine the total damage done on every target of wither or death field, and each hit crit, it might come close. but that's not going to help you kill that healer keeping his team alive.


i've stacked power on my sin, and in a tank spec, i can crit pretty hard. still not enough to solo a healer. much less a guarded one. as deception, i'll put a crit bomb on them and i can kill them in 6 hits. i've been deception all but 2 days since the server mergers, because i was tired of seeing all these tank sins doing no damage, and healers keeping their teams alive.


people need to stop looking at the stats at the end of a wz and complaining when they see sin tanks on top. its fluff damage. they're constantly using wither, or deathfield, or even discharge which will do aoe damage in tank spec (but not that much). if they totally wrecked another player in no time flat, its because that player was in horrible gear, and the sin wasn't. oh, and after the healers are dead, i go for the tank sins/shadows, just out of principle :p.

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i love these people saying darkness damage is on par with deception. it is no where near comparable. thrash might hit as hard as voltaic strike, due to all the modifiers you can get in the darkness and madness trees. but shock hits no where as hard in tank spec then it does in deception. proc energize, hit your relic/adrenal/recklessness. still doesn't come close to doing that with deception (minus the energize proc) discharge? no way. maybe if you combine the total damage done on every target of wither or death field, and each hit crit, it might come close. but that's not going to help you kill that healer keeping his team alive.


i've stacked power on my sin, and in a tank spec, i can crit pretty hard. still not enough to solo a healer. much less a guarded one. as deception, i'll put a crit bomb on them and i can kill them in 6 hits. i've been deception all but 2 days since the server mergers, because i was tired of seeing all these tank sins doing no damage, and healers keeping their teams alive.


people need to stop looking at the stats at the end of a wz and complaining when they see sin tanks on top. its fluff damage. they're constantly using wither, or deathfield, or even discharge which will do aoe damage in tank spec (but not that much). if they totally wrecked another player in no time flat, its because that player was in horrible gear, and the sin wasn't. oh, and after the healers are dead, i go for the tank sins/shadows, just out of principle :p.


Conversation like this reminds me of the scene in FF12 where Ashe is trying to give some 'priceless treasure' to pay off Balthier and Balthier says he prefers to be paid in treasure whose value can be measured.


If the value of your DPS cannot be measured, it's probably not actually there.


Not sure why we're comparing Surging Charge Discharge to Dark Charge Shock. If you throw in the 45% chance for chain shock it's comparable damage on soft targets (Sage/Deception Assassin). Discharge hits harder on hard targets because it's internal damage but it's supposed to Deception's burst attack while Shock is something you're supposed to use every 6 seconds in Darkness so of course it doesn't hit quite as hard. If it did there would be something seriously wrong with the balance.


It's funny Darkness actually suffers from the 'lack of big number' problem. It is pretty often you'd go through an entire WZ without hitting for more than 3K on the leaderboard especially if all your Assassinates converted to killing blows (killing blows don't count for highest hit). Apparently shocking someone for 2800 and then a second shock for 1000 is just not the same thing as hitting someone for 3800.

Edited by Astarica
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They are meant to be that way. After 1.3 they wont have the survivability of a juggernaut or guardian.


Actually according to Bioware we were tanking better than either of those two classes which is why we were nerfed on armor. It's more of a PvE nerf than anything else. At least that's the rationale behind the nerfs.


Tank speced+geared Jugg/PT will likely live longer too because they don't do meaningful DPS so nobody good will waste time attacking one of those guys. I guess you can be tanked speced+DPS gear but you'd just be a bad DPS for Jugg/PT so probably you won't see anyone doing that.

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