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Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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I hoped that with this patch the pvp issue would get fixed.. sadly it's nowhere near..

I can play the game on high, everything maxed without any problems but in pvp, or when more than 4 people team up everything slows down to around 10-14 fps


My system is composed of ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series, 4096MB RAM and intel core I5 processor, it's not the best but I expect that I would get DECENT fps in pvp warzones at least on the very lowest settings.. World of warcraft works flawless, in pvp, raids, you name it..


Also I would like to remind you people that the recommended system requirements are intel core 2, 4gb of ram and ati radeon 4850, not the minimum, the recomended ones that Allow us to play the game flawlessly on Medium settings, yet we get 12 fps in lowest settings, how is that possible?


I tried everything possible, even disabled visual themes and desktop composition from the launcher properties, should I try to run it in compatibility mode for windows 95 or what?! :))


I will play this game solo until level 50, but if that doesn't change even then I shall cancel my subscription and demand my money back, wow quests suck compared to swtor but at least we have flawless battlegrounds when we do reach max level


Crappy optimization + free engine = SWTOR.


Ive got a new pc just for this and BF3 and although BF3 looks beast in SWTOR on average i get around 25 fps in WZs lol.

i7-3930K (ocd to 4.1)

16gigs ddr3 ram

gtx 590

Edited by Hydrott
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My issue is whenever i open char sheet/map/inventory/skill tree ( and those ) the game freezes for 0.5secs .. soo annoying .. i also get this 0.5sec freeze whenever i enter a house/ cave .


Checking the fps meter it goes from 110 down to 50 then instant back up . ( 50fps is good but you realy notice the drop )


Tried -

Older drivers ( i have the newest ) GPU

Lower my settings

Disablel Hyperthreading

Setting high priority in the task maneger/ also giving it specific cores

Locking fps with Dxtory / using vsync

Not having any background programs running.

Disabling/removing my second card ( crossfireX ) *


If you have a fix/suggestion to fix this , please share !


(Have made a ticket & sended two emails about this issue to BW , haven't gotten a respond yet . ( was 18-19days ago atleast ) .


Specc -


i7 2600k

6950 2gb CF *

120gb corsair GT

asus p8z68-v pro gen3

8gb ddr 3

Good airflow ( doesn't go over 50C when playing )


I have the latest firmware/drivers . nothing wrong with the hardware itself


yeah .. thanks

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Same problem for me...I don't understand if they are working with ppl from warhammer where the pvp was much better then here and with so less lag issues, then why is this issue still exists? Or maybe I don't understand the whole mechanism that much :confused:
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hmm. Finally found where i had seen the recommended specs(on the back of the game box), and i think that the reason i may be lagging in warzones is possibly due to being below recommended on my cpu and RAM/OS: Recommended cpu is an AMD Phenom 2 X4 Quad-Core 2.5 GHz or better(there are others as well.), and I have an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 2.2 GHz


Recommended ram/os is windows 7 64-bit SP1 with 4 gb of ram or higher, I have Windows xp 32-bit sp3 with 3 gb of ram(from what others have told me windows xp 32-bit only supports 4 gb of ram-ram can only be purchased in 2s and anything above 4 would be useless-from waht im told anyways)

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Sigh, same goes for me. I get 40-60 outside warzones and 4-10 FPS while playing in one. I have everything turned off including AA and shadows are turned off.



8 GB Ram

Intel Q6600 2.4

Edited by nemesiscw
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The game need less polys, specially characters, all characters have too many polys, either implement a super good multi resolution character system where the far characters have very few polys, or simply put an option to have the characters in super low resolution.

I really dont give a damn if the characters look little less realistic because at 10 fps the whole game expirience is spoiled. So please put an option to have the characters with 2000 polys tops to solve the issue while you look for better solutions.


Another things is to remove completely the grass, i dont care if i see some grass on the floor or not.


TL,DR: Just add more graphics options to gain performance even if it makes the game looks much worse, specially in characters, reduce their number of polygons dramatically (in low settings i mean).

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i can run most settings on high, and be at a decent 30-40 FPS in warzones for a good deal of time.


Randomly however, I will dip into the SINGLE DIGITS, i can't pinpoint what is causing this, but once it happens, it stays that way for a while and only occasionally will revert to smooth gameplay.


could this be overheating on my laptop's part? if so, is there any way to check it?

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I'm having 30-60fps in all locations, except of warzones (where I have 5-15), that's really annoying, making pvp unplayable. I cleaned my computer (and system aswell), minimized details in SWtOR (even through appdata folder), defragmented my HDD, and still - nothing changed. Can anyone please do something with this? That's really, really annoying.


PS My pc (as U can see - more than minimal requirements):

Radeon X1950 Pro 512 ddr3

2gb ddr 3

Intel Core 2 Quad 4x 2.4

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Hi all I am Spanish and just wanted to make clear the lack of respect so much of Bioware because 20 or 30% of players suffer from the bug of the FPS (because of the game and not our computers and I play Battlefield 3 with graphics the maximum on my PC) and Nose ready if they are aware that the game with the FPS bug is a real crap multiplied PUEG x100 since only play solo missions in the game is hilarious Bioware that's the game you wanted to create you I congratulate why the disrespect? not for the money scam and I can only play the game all alone but because you are asking for every possible way that you arregleis and content do you get lvl 50 really congratulate you especially do not tell us when will be repaired and I just want to thank you for not fixing this bug pretty silly because between that and we do not understand the game because it is only in English, German and French you only fall like other mmo before wow and get instead of the throne only to move from the community, but what will you think? What I like to throw my money paying for a game that I play all alone, in English and jerky when I have a computer in terms? I finally everyone I have respect for him but my patience is exhausted to think that neither will read this message.




Well it's disgusting to see how things work today, but do not mind anything here's a very dissatisfied customer with a mediocre product and you do not want to fix as many people but I know that people will post is useless fridge or account when you run out of time left the gate until we pay any attention to these bugs by then did not play anyone.


My apologies for the language I have not the slightest idea of ​​English and used google translator because I thought that if by chance gave them to read the message does not bother to translate it to see what goes down. I do not want answers, only results.

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big issue for me aswell


16 man ops groups runs fine, 50-60+ fps


rig is fine


put me in a warzone and watch my computer start smoking more than i do, especially that alderaan place.. seriously ive seen it drop to 10fps or even below at times which is a joke




open world is fine, i used to run most on high settings while lvling pve wise and would never drop below 30 fps even in flashpoints or big groups, i enjoy pvp that much i even put everything on low to see if it would help and nothing, not one bit of change... its not even the eyecandy causing the slowdowns it seems? so what is going on (except alderaan were taking off high to performance based switched it from 7fps to 12-15 still dropping to 10)



and the ability lag just tops it all off, you look at ms and it says 30ms but it feels more like 1000, as an assassin who has to be "behind the target"..... it is safe to say it takes the pi*s a bit

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Dear bioware.

Some of us dont have supercomputers. We game on laptops etc. We need to be able to fight(effectively) in pvp. Please address the speeder problems such as getting logged out of a pvp before we click the speeder or make it to the line. We are not afk we simply need a little less lag to make it work. Please address this issue or make it so we can turn our graphics down more or something. Its a pain in the butt


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Same here. Doesn't matter if I'm playing on High or Lowest possible settings, my FPS is still crap in Warzones/Fleet and 60 everywhere else.


For melees the 'ability lag' seems to have a higher impact. I can spam my skill and by the time my toon pull his lightsaber over his head and tries to hit the target, the target already moved and I get a warning that I'm not in range or 'Not facing target'.

Edited by sac-
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People with supercomputers ($2-3k machines) have issues. I don't have a high end machine by any definition, but it should blow this game out of the water.


i5-2500K 3.30 GHz

8GB (2GBx4) DDR3/1600MHz

AMD Radeon HD 6770 1GB GDDR5

Windows 7 64 bit


I have a 700w PSU, and liquid cooling. Overheating and underpowered are not problems. All drivers are up to date. Ping is at 39ms. I have zero bloatware and keep my HDD's defragged and my registry clean. I've seen 10 FPS on Alderaan. That should never happen. Bioware, your graphics engine sucks.

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I called Bio,..they said ,."oh..it's your internet connection"..k...I have Fios....you have a better one? No problems with connection..."Oh...it's your Vid Card...." so I had it replaced...(even though it was tested and had no Issues). I've been playing WOW for over a year everyday with no problems...but put in a brand new Radyon 5450. STILL RUNNING AT ^%^%$#$% 3.6(4.5)-to-6.2(8.5) FPS if I;m lucky. ***? You know it's your problem! Stop blaming the rest of the world and fix this $H*&...PLEASE! Your giving me a F$%$#$ headache!! :mad:
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I run 80-100fps on everything maxed in pve, when I join a warzone I get 40-60 OH the horror :p. But i did end up buying some rediculous upgrades, and u use to have the same issues w/ fps, delay, lag etc. if you want a new card and have some money to spend go for the GeForce gtx 560 IMO it's a good deal for 250-275.
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